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Im sorry, everyone...

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Nobody hates you Gatrie.I don't know you very well,but from what I have seen you are a easy to get along with and funny.No one has any reason to hate you,so unless they can provide a reason,which I myself are unable to find,then they are not worth listening to.If you choose to leave the forest...that is your decision...but do know that you will be missed dearly by your friends,like Matt,and people who wanted to know you better,like me.If you leave,the only wish you are fulfilling is the one of the person who is hating on you.I hope i'm helping by saying this,and I hope you listen to what I have to say...

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im staying.

but please dont give me any crap about changing my mind.

i take the slightest thing as an insult and im sorry for that...its a curse.

im sorry for everyone i wronged...

im not leaving


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If you wipe your ass or not, that's entirely up to ya. And if the topic solved nothing, why post it in the first place? Like I said, you just wanted some attention. If you have a problem with Shuuda and Knight, fine, I understand how people feel about certain members. But there is nothing you can do. You dont have the power to ban people, you cant say you hate them or flame them or something like that cause you will get banned in return.

So yeah, calm down. As to your problem with depression, as I said, you need to solve that out. If you dont, its gonna consume you to the very point of madness, and that is a sad thing to get to. Luckily for me, I was able to throw those negative feelings away and move on with my life. I hope you do the same, Gat. ;)

*slaps Luxord* Wtf is wrong with you? I'm trying to help the guy. Look at the very first post I posted in this mf topic.

Lemme Tell ya a story:

If you left, it wouldn't be because of me or any other members here. Anyone who is not happy in a place can leave at anytime, because nobody is forced to be in such a place. And most of the members wont even care, except the people who call themselves your friends. Then again, you'll be forgotten in a month, perhaps two, but your name will linger in the halls of SF.

Just like mine did at FEE. I supposedly had many friends there. Then, the good Jarlaxle got tangled in a flame fight with some punk ass dude who called me a "wetback" and was banned instead of that guy. My name still resonates in that place, but its beginning to fade, and I didnt leave of my own accord, I was pushed out.

Where is the justice? Because the system there at FEE was composed of mainly white people and others from Europe, a minority such like myself was banned because YQ was white. YQ is the name of the bitch who started crap with me. He was the one who should of had been banned, forever. But instead, the mighty Blitz fixed everything with banning me, the minority, and left a racist among the forum.

Anyway, that is why I hate the fucking place. Because there was no justice done.

Here, there is law, I can tell, for Joysua gave Knife and I a good week's banning for going at it with each other. I learned my mistake right away and so did Knife, I believe. We are both back here and chilling, but I knew there was law since Jyosua laid it down upon both of us, not just me.

So yeah, I am happy here, very....and I dont intend to leave, even if people here are stupid, hate me, or if I hate another, which I dont. ^^

To be perfectly honest, I had nothing against you from the beginning. I didn't plan on getting banned, but it actually turned out well for me since I caught up with everything.

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