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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom


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Lawlz, Metal Rabbit is touching Fireman's butt. Ooh look, Fireman is putting Peshkatz by Metal Rabbit's neck. Oops, Metal Rabbit's head popped off.

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tsk tsk, thats what he gets...

MR was just trying to get in Ilyana's pants in my episode

that makes all three!

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The new guys...

Coolguyvaters: ok everyone, welcome to SF! I am your leader, coolguyvaters. While the others are on a top secret mission (that will probably be revealed in a soon-to-come episode) I'll just introduce myself to you and get to know you a bit. *looks at raven* Raven? what are you doing here? aren't you in the sitcom?

Raven: I don't think so...

Coolguyvaters: Oh.... uh, well I thought you were. Well at least i know what class you are. *looks at next person* So what's your name?

Black Knight: Black Kight, sir!

Coolguyvaters: (This guy sounds familiar for some reason...) uh, black knight, huh? alright, welcome to SF! what's your class

Black Knight: take a wild geuss...

Coolguyvaters: hmmm... good point. Ok, wat's your name?

Nightmare: *in a very LOW voice* It's nightmare... because I like nightmares...

Coolguyvaters: ok... well, welcome to SF! just remember that first impressions are always good to keep in mind

Nightmare: nightmares are in the mind...

Coolguyvaters: uh huh.... anyway... (weird)... what's your name?

Feaw: I'm feaw! how's it going?

Coolguyvaters: well, good, thanks for asking. And what class might you be?

Feaw: Well, since I'm a fna of Kieran, I'm an Axe Paladin

Coolguyvaters: Sweet, another mounted unit, we could use more of those. Alrght, welcome to SF. And who might you be?

Creeping Shadow: I'm creeping shadow! I'm a Dark Sage!

Coolguyvaters: alright! someone with dark magic! very nice. Are you uh, *quietly* weird like that other guy?

Creeping Shadow: no...

Coolguyvaters: ok good, one fireman is enough. Izuka? haven't you been here a while?

Izuka: yes, but i took a much needed break, but i'm back for time being

Coolguyvaters: that's good to know. Well, you all seem like a good addition to the team. When the rest of the team gets back, you'll get to know them too! Now... I must go to my room, please do not disturb me. If you have any questions, ask Raven because he has been here a while. *goes to room* What the... where are my magazines?

Metal Rabbit: very nice... wow I like that... oooooh, gotta have THAT

Coolguyvaters: Metal Rabbit!!!! what the hell are you doing with my magazines!!!

Metal Rabbit: these aren't yours. This is a list of cool weapons you can have forged. What magazines are you looking for?

Coolguyvaters: uhhh, they're very... private. They contain information on the new guys...

Metal Rabbit: oh, no I haven't seen them

Coolguyvaters: damn, ok let me know if you find them *leaves*

Metal Rabbit: i'll let you know! *takes out the REAL magazines* Sweet..........

new guys, if you dont like your class, i can change it, just tell me

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What if they don't wanna be killed over and over again due to everyone who writes these things being a douche?

i take it you are talking about me, but i dont exactly know what you're getting at... i'm just trying to put the newbies in the sitcom

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What if they never even stumble across this page?

Fireman: Hey, Izuka. You had an awesome role in the last sitcom episode.

Izuka: Holy shit...........take mushrooms!!! I was in a sitcom?!

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well i thought i'd give tham a chance... I needed ideas for and episode, plus it generates a good idea for an episode on what everyone else was doing (HINT FUCKING HINT)

plus, i dont think raven's been in an episode

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well i thought i'd give tham a chance... I needed ideas for and episode, plus it generates a good idea for an episode on what everyone else was doing (HINT FUCKING HINT)

plus, i dont think raven's been in an episode

Give the reason Hika was Bianchi's servant but is now a mercenary.

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Alright, I'm following up on a really stupid plotline that stuck in my head today. Consider it a side-story or something. It's very stupid and not worth reading. Enjoy anyway though.

Vincent: Ah... Finally some peace and quiet. Distracting those morons was a cinch...

-1 hour earlier-

Vincent: Hey guys...

Coolguyvaters: Hey Vincent! How are you!

Vincent: *Twitch* Fine... Hey, listen. I heard there was a Mudkip stuck in a tree on the other side--

Coolguyvaters: A MUDKIP!? STUCK IN A TREE!? WE MUST HELP IT!!! Everyone! Pack your bags, we're gonna save a small defenseless creature!

Everyone: OH NOES! *Everyone runs off to find the Mudkip.*

Vincent: Well... That was easy. I should do this more often.

-Present Time-

Vincent: Ah... This is the life... *Sips lemonade*

???: Who's there?

Vincent: You gotta be... Dammit guys, don't you have a Mudkip to save!?

???: What in blazes is a Mudkip?

Vincent: My god, that's the most intelligent thing I've heard anyone say in this forest. Who are you? Come on out.

A mysterious, yet familiar figure emerges from the bushes.

Reyson: My name is Reyson, prince of the Serenes Forest. Might I ask what you are doing here...

Vincent: ...Oh, crap.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest.

Hikarusa: It's no use... Kiryn and I have been searching the sky for days and we've seen no Mudkip!

Zephrion: But... We've only been out here for an hour.

Metal Rabbit: Well keep searching man, we cannot abandon a Mudkip in need!

Fox: How did a Mudkip find it's way into the forest anyway?

Coolguyvaters: Dunno, but Vincent would never lie to us, right?

Kiryn: ...

Hikarusa: ...

Zephrion: ...

Metal Rabbit: ...

Fox: ...

Fireman: ...

Kiryn: Woah, Fireman! Where did you come from!?

Fireman: Nowhere. I found your Mudkip by the way. *Tosses Metal Rabbit a Pokemon*

Metal Rabbit: This isn't a Mudkip, it's a Shiny Darkrai.

Fireman: My mistake. These "Pokemon" all look the same to me. *Lethalities*

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Hikarusa: Wow. And here I though Vincent was just being a jackass and sending us off on a wild goose chase to get rid of us for a few hours...

Fireman: He was. I got this...thing from the zoo in Begnion. Do you know they charge 1000 Gold for admission? It's extortion, even by my standards!

Coolguyvaters: That dastard! He shall know the true meaning of pain! Nobody pretends that a Mudkip is in danger...

Kiryn: Careful now... This is Vincent we're talking about! Who knows what kind of crazy divine powers he has!

Vincent suddenly runs past, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Vincent: Help! A crazed Heron's trying to kill me!!!

Zephrion: ...Is that one of them?

Fox: The Heron Screech of Death?

Everyone: Wow...

Reyson shows up from the bushes.

Reyson: What!? There are more of you!? Out of my forest! You think I will just stand by and let you heretics ravage Serenes!?

Hikarusa: ...Yes?

Reyson: No. Now leave this place, else I must resort to violence.

Coolguyvaters: ...Bwahahahaahaha!!! Oh, that's hilarious! I'll humor you though, come on. One free hit, for the hell of it!

Reyson: If that is what you wish... *Equips Urvan*

Coolguyvaters: ...What the fu--

Reyson: -Sol- -Luna- -Astra-

Coolguyvaters: Okay, seriously, what the crap is with that!? *Dies*

Reyson: Well, this is going to leave a mess... I'm never going to get these Kool-Aid stains off the carpet.

Zephrion: ...Can someone kindly explain to me what the hell just happened?

Fox: Coolguyvaters got axed in the head by a Heron with a legendary weapon and skills that a Heron couldn't possibly learn.

Zephrion: Ah. That's what I thought had happened, until I realized that it doesn't make ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!

Kiryn: Calm down... I'm sure we'll revive him...somehow.

Reyson: Does anyone have any Mr. Clean?

Metal Rabbit: Wait, can't Fireman just Lethality this guy and be done with it?

Fireman: Can't. He has Nihil.

Fox: How do you know?

Reyson: How about some paper towels.

Fireman: Anyone with badass skills like those HAS to have Nihil.

Hikarusa: Aha! While you were talking, I somehow stole Urvan!

Zephrion: You don't have the Steal skill...

Hikarusa: I stole it from Fireman.

Zephrion: ...And that makes perfect sense.

Reyson: Great, now it's molded into the carpet. Thanks a lot, jackasses.

Hikarusa; As I was saying... With the power of this holy weapon, nothing shall stand in my way! Not even you, Metal Rabbit!!!

Metal Rabbit: I like pie...

Hikarusa: Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Kiryn: Hey Hikarusa. Hate to interrupt your whole, taking over the world speech, but there's a sword sticking out of your chest.

Hikarusa: So there is... *Dies*

Zephrion: What a dick.

Reyson: Wow, I thought he'd never shut up. *Retrieves sword.*

Fox: Is that...Ragnell?

Reyson: Why yes. I have Alondite as well. Would you like to see?

Zephrion: This...makes...absolutely...no...sense... Ghk! *Dies.*

Metal Rabbit: Holy crap! He just killed Zephrion with his MIND!

Fireman: Uh... I'll be going now... *Disappears*

Fox: Well, we're royally screwed.

Kiryn: Does anyone have the hacking device he's using? >_>

Meanwhile. on some ethereal plain.

Coolguyvaters: Well... This sucks.

Zephrion: I blame the writers.

Hikarusa: I was so close too!

Zephrion: Oh, shut up Hikarusa. Always trying to betray us... You used to be cool!

Coolguyvaters: It must be the drugs...

Hikarusa: Quiet down, I'm plotting!

Zephrion: ...So... Wanna go peek in the Girl's Locker Room at the university?

Coolguyvaters: Thought you'd never ask.


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Here's a filler episode cuz the creator was bored.

-while tv surfing-

Coolguyvaters: What's on?

Zephrion: Dunno.

This is Fox Network! Your home for entertainment.

Fourth Fox: Hey, they named a channel after me!

Kiryn: Let's see what's on the news.

-on tv news reoprt-

*Metal Rabbit's principal is seen in a low-speed car chase*

Reporter in helicopter: Today, we have some breaking news. Metal Rabbit's principal is in a car chase. He's driving a golf cart at an incredible speed of 15 miles per hour! He's being pursued by 15 police cars going at 50 miles per hour and by 5 helicopters going at 60 miles per hour! Who knows when we may catch him!?

-on the highway-

MR's principal: You'll never catch me! Hey! Where'd everyone go?

*all the police cars are ahead of MR's principal*

cop1: Whoops! Went a little too fast.

*the 15 police cars slowly back up next to the principal in his golf cart*

MR's principal: You'll never take me alive!!!

cop1: Who said anything about alive?

*cop2 readies a grenade*

*MR's principal uses Metal Rabbit as a shield*

principal: Step back or the deformed rabbit gets whacked!

*MR's principal takes out a shiny mini-golf trophy*

Metal Rabbit: I like eggs.

*MR waves*

cop3: Careful! We must protect that trophy at all costs!

cops: Agreed.

*Fireman jumps out of nowhere, knocking the principal and MR off the highway*

cop4: Holy shit!!! Is the trophy okay?!

Fireman: Got it right here.

*Fireman hands them the shiny trophy*

cop5: Good job, Fireman. On the behalf of the police force, I thank you.

Fireman: Ahem.

cop5: And your money is in the bank, under the account name, Obama.

Fireman: That's all I wanted to hear.

*at Metal Rabbit's funeral the next day*

Coolguyvaters: Although, we never bothered to recover MR's body, we shall assume that he died a heroic death.

Kiryn: Which he didn't, according to the 5:00 news.

Fourth Fox: We knew him well...

Fireman: He was an odd man. He accomplished near nothing in life. And he died much, much later than we had intended him to.

Coolugyvaters: I never did return those magazines...

Hikarusa: I wanted to be the one to kill him...

Zephrion: I could've sworn a fortune teller said he'd be killed by a tornado.

*Metal Rabbit shows up with many cuts*

Zephrion: Hey, MR! We were just talking about you...

Coolguyvaters: How did you survive?

Metal Rabbit: They don't call me Metal Rabbit for nothing.

Hikarusa: I thought they called you that because you were always hard "downstairs".

Metal Rabbit: True that....

Kiryn: So where were you all last night?

Metal Rabbit: I got a blow-job from some adoring fans.

Coolguyvaters: Oooohhh....How was it?

Metal Rabbit: Painful. They were set to high so the blades cut me everytime I got close and then I got blown away.

Coolguyvaters: Oh... That explained the lack of air conditioning in the base last night...

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