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Greatest sin you've committed on these forums


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you're not mad anymore, right?

cause i think you are an awesome! i kinda regret saying those stuffs about you now....

?_? Didn't I already call it truce to this?

...Was that directed at me?

Was your name Tashi at that time? No, because judging the the date of when you joined the group.

@ Luxord: No kidding...

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?_? Didn't I already call it truce to this?

Was your name Tashi at that time? No, because judging the the date of when you joined the group.

@ Luxord: No kidding...

lol! true that!

just wanting to make sure! XD

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This topic was lulz. Till Lyle brought in the emo train then i face 360 controlled AND DIED AGAINST NAN AND TYSON THANKS ALOT LYLE.

Sin???? Eh.............stripping for fox?????

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