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Positive FE Fandom Experiences


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It's easy to focus on negative experiences with toxic and elitist members of the Fire Emblem fandom, but I'd like to take a moment to call attention to some of the more positive elements of the fandom.

One of my favorite recent memories is when Dancer Inigo was announced for Heroes. Everyone was so exited and happy for him. For a little while, it seemed like all the flame wars fell into the background while we all united in our love and support of the character and his dream.

Anyone else have any fond memories of something nice that happened in the fandom or a fun experience with a Fire Emblem fan or group of fans? I'd love to hear all about it.


P.S. I'm new here, so I'm really sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum.

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I love all the jokes, memes and fanart that the community produces, especially because of the explosive popularity of FE Heroes.

As someone who enjoys stories, I also enjoy all the threads to discuss what we like and what we thought could have been better.

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The months leading up to Fates were amazing. So much excitement and speculation...I'm just afraid people got burned and that negativity will plague the pre-FE Switch Hype, but oh well. 

Also, I'll second all the great memes, jokes and fan art that have spread mostly thanks to Heroes. It's great seeing older characters getting a bigger slice of the pie in the fandom.

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Not an experience with what I would call the fandom, but I loved the week Awakening released. I was a senior in high school, and lots of classmates and underclassmen I didn't know particularly well gravitated to me for tips for being "the fire emblem guy" since I'd been playing since GBA era. I even remember chatting with one of my teachers about the game, and she was really weirded out when her Avatar suddenly married Chrom without her consent. 

Really, all of my offline experiences sharing interest in this series with others have been incredibly positive. A reminder of how good these games are at the end of the day.

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Middle School. I had just gotten Awakening. See, the thing about me in Middle School was that Iw as kind of an edgelord asshole, but I still wanted friends. Awakening helped me connect with more people, and it was actually the first fandom I was really in. I accept its many flaws now but will always have a special place in my heart.

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One of the nicer things about the fandom, it’s that when a new fan wants advice when playing the older, tons of people offer advice. They might go overboard at times, but it’s usually well meaning.

And I while I loved Performing Inigo, I can’t say the entire fandom was happy. I can think of at least one person here who absolutely despised the banner as whole. But well, can’t please everyone. Performing Inigo was amazing in my opinion.

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Probably the open-mindedness of most fans here. I started with FEA and I now I have played every FE main series title. I don't think if the people here who were open to helping a newbie like myself so I could go back and play the older games, I honestly don't believe I would be as engrossed in the series as I now am.

Also as other have said, we have some A-tier memes.

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The top quality memes are basically a given.  I actually remember that my first actual introduction to this site was one of TheMoniker's LP's that someone from GameFAQs linked in the FE Conquest board (I think it was the one where he played MarkyJoe's hacks), and I found it very entertaining.  And of course, every game since Fates has gotten a "Jokes and Memes" thread on this site, and those are always a treat.

Most of my positive experiences in this fandom have been here.  One thing I'll say that I liked is being on this forum helped me realize that you can have differing opinions but still get along.  I mean, some of the most opinionated members of the community can be quite vocal about liking or hating certain things in the series, and debates can get heated, but I don't often see people slinging insults or outright attacking people on this forum.  I know that's also in part due to the moderators doing their work to cultivate a better environment, so I'll thank them for helping to make this one of the better FE fandom communities.

I've also been doing an LP myself, and interacting with folks while doing that has been such a fantastic thing.  I don't often do stuff like that, and I was half-expecting someone to come in and criticize me (I'm sort of a nervous person), yet it's been nothing but fun doing it.  Even when issues in my personal life came up and I had to announce delays, the readers were totally cool with it.  I've even subverted the game with the readers to the point where it's almost a fan re-imagining.  Speaking of which, I need to get working on that LP; I've been putting it off because I've had to do a lot of work to prepare for winter, and as a result it's been delayed for more than a week.

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Definitely the memes. Especially since Heroes' release, Fire Emblem has exploded in meme potential. 

But you know, i'd say a good amount of my experiences come from this forum. For starters, it made me release that not everyone in the FE community was toxic (though you'll still find those guys hanging around YouTube comments) and it made me that both veteran fans and newer fans can get along and respect each other. Most of the time. I've seen a couple of bad apples but they're either trolls or not on here most of the time.

Also, the artwork this community has produced is amazing. Keep up the good work.

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Artwork, memes...heck even fanfiction if you look hard enough. Also Pheonixmaster1 and his Heroes summons. I always find myself hoping that he gets who he wants, bless him.

In terms of interacting with fans...probably the early days of the Warriors speculation d'yall remember our lord and saviour Xane?, and the early months of Fates speculation. And then when Echoes was announced. I shed many tears that day because Gaiden was actually going to be relevant in my lifetime like holy jeez.

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There are some fabulous fan artists out there and a couple in particular pay a lot of attention to the packages they create for their clients.

Likewise the fan translators who've dedicated a lot of their free time to translating works that haven't been translated into English (or who translate the original conversations for comparison).

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One time I went shopping at a Retro Game Store, where I was talking to the owner about the game I was going to buy, Berwick Saga. We talked about the tragedy of Shouzou Kaga with the Tear Ring Saga and the lawsuit. He was really excited that someone knew about Genealogy Of The Holy War, and he said to me "The closest thing Nintendo has to Game Of Thrones."


When I got home and opened the case, I found a piece of paper with notes on it. My sister who knows a bit of Japanese, told me it was tips and a guide for Tear Ring Saga. So I went to buy that game too.

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in my opinion the fanbase is a blast to be around when we aren't fighting, typically, so long as the topic isn't on anything like which game is the best, or anything to do with warriors

seriously, I have watched the fights that go on over there and while I find the arguments fun to watch, they start to get rather tiresome after we have gone back and forth for two pages with nothing substantial happening and then it always devolving into "you don't know anything about game development" and "seriously guys, I can fix the roster to make literally everyone happy"

hmm, maybe they are more fun than I remembered

still though, I don't think the fanbase is as bad as everyone says it is, the problem is that the series as a whole is so different from entry to entry that some of us may as well not even be considered the same group let alone one amorphous fanbase.

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