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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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Dark-haired Swordmasters:


From left to right,


that looks to be Mareeta, Karla, Shannan, Ayra, and Karel.


Not sure how he failed to realize that Lakche's hair is short, whereas Ayra's hair is long. This is an anime game. People don't change their hairstyles. Ever. (Or at least within one game.)

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

People don't change their hairstyles. Ever. (Or at least within one game.)

Or at least without a timeskip or dramatic moment in which one cuts his/her hair (though that's exclusively long to short.)


As for the comic itself, ah, poor guy. XD It looks like his mom's in the lineup, but then she was behind them, so he actually doesn't have a chance at guessing right. XD; Ahh, he's being so earnest, too! Love the encouragement from Ayra, too. She believes in you! Don't give up! (Just turn around!)

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Oh no, those poor guys. XD Ah, and Faye's thought bubble just being a bunch of Alm's face really visually depicts her obsession well!

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Here's this week's:


The translation of the third panel is odd. Assuming I'm understanding the Japanese correctly (I'm not 100% sure about Yuri's lines), both Leon and Yuri only talk about how make-up affects them mentally (Leon says it's fun and lifts his mood, and I think Yuri says that it helps him focus) and make no mention of their appearance.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Huh. Interesting how the translations are so different there. Must be a localization attempt. Hmm so maybe what they mean by "that's not makeup" is that she's intimidating regardless, or maybe those black parts aren't actually makeup?

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Maybe the grey part is the makeup? Like, she's actually 100% jelly, but she slapped some foundation on some of it.


But yeah, the panel before is somewhat of a non-sequitur. Well, at least for Leon it is, Yuri at least vaguely implies it's performance enhancing. All Kiran would be able to infer from Leon is that Hel also finds it fun.

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Awwww! Okay, that one was so sweet!! (Even thought Brigand Boss seems to have just been in a daze since the misunderstanding. XD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's last week's:


The middle bubble in the second panel in Japanese translates as "Former enemies telling stories."

Nifl and Muspell are cute. Triandra and Mirabilis are also cute. We don't get enough of Triandra. I also like Duma and Mila trying their best to ignore Askr's existence.

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What Alfonse doesn't know is that we were transported with a mystical artifact, one that can only exist in the World of Reality, one that has the power to put any man or woman to their knees. An artifact so powerful that no mere gun that shoots orbs can hope to compare.

A debit card.

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Pfff Kiran bounding after Mirabilis like a doofus is just so cute. XD And Askr, trying to get Duma and Mila to be friends and probably just making the situation more awkward. XD And of course, Muspell and Nifl are going at it, but it's so normal now... XD But OH MY GOSH Lif and Gustav hanging out, working alongside one another was just so sweet!

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XD Oh man that's hilarious! Ahhh poor Yarne and his paranoia... But in all seriousness, Askr, don't give a blank check to Embla. She'll kill you and all with your blood. She's made it pretty clear that that's what she wants the most.

But man, I'm so happy for you Elm! Your mom finally showed affection for you! 😄 ... That's...simultaneously happy and sad...

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  • 2 weeks later...

XD Okay, Cordelia's being cute, Xane's being insightful, and it's neat to know a little more about his power's limitations (which always makes me respect a power system more.) This was a nice one!

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Dang, Cordelia said to Xane that she wanted to see Chrom wearing the same matching armor as hers? I do wonder what would happen Chrom seeing this in his own eyes if it were to happen on an Alt Chrom wearing one. (Something similar to like Eirika wearing Ephriam's armor in CYL, but more Male version of Cordelia's armor)

Edited by King Marth 64
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