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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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Dang, the girls are coming to see Saint Elimine as a goddess. It makes me wondered if Saul had told them a misunderstanding about Saint Elimine as why they are coming to see her. Also, it makes me wondered what Camilla is going to ask Saint Elimine for? (Maybe have spend more time with Corrin?)

Also, since the first Engage characters had started to been added recently. It makes me wondered when the artists are going to add the Engage characters in the Heroes Manga Stories?

Edited by King Marth 64
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38 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

It makes me wondered if Saul had told them a misunderstanding about Saint Elimine as why they are coming to see her.

The punchline is in the title.


Saul is using this as an excuse to get to do the heart hand pose with girls because he'll never be able to do so normally (and Dorothy isn't here to stop him yet).


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Heheheh! Okay, I don't like deception, but Saul was very cute about it. Also, I do like the ending -- the man needs to learn.

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XD I love Dwyer's responses in here! And, ah, one of the classic arguments... This feels like it could be an ongoing thing. Just wait until they start taking sides on subs vs dubs.

Edited by Mercakete
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XD Oh my gooooosh that's hilarious on several levels! The crate and pottery smashing, Bernie thinking Anna's always watching, Bernie hiding under Byleth's cape and wrapping it around her like a security blanket, Frederick helping with organizing, and Mirabel being a compulsive organizer. Even all the gesture and stuff in here was accurate. Kudos to whomever scripted this! X3

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Though still funny, they already made this joke in Ascended Celica’s Forging Bonds. They also used FEH Anna to say it there too.

And this is probably just me, but that third panel is just begging to get a CYL7 related edit.

Edited by Tybrosion
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  • 4 weeks later...

Mochi comic - Kind of neat. Drew a smile.

Cooking comic - Actually a good tip. Also, Oscar thinking about Nino in relation to Lethe was unexpected and cute! I was expecting them to just go for "cute cat girl" so the twist was nice.

Castle comic - Pfff- Kiran has the right of it this time! XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

XD Oh my gosh that Kagero comic was perfect! I wish FEH recognized her unique contributions as an artist more.

Pff. Okay, Seidr's reaction to Kiran's encouragement is good. Though... Her mentioning future generations... Given the story, I can't help but feel a bit guarded...

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Pff. Kiran's lying; it is completely within his control. And Jakob's right; sending them home is entirely an option. (Or they can be manual'd.)

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't understand how this Kiran has the luxury of letting Gunter use up 7 slots in their barracks.

The same reason they were able to have an entire Wrys army many many maaaany comics ago, back when this still had to be fan translated.

It's Manga Kiran.

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9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

The same reason they were able to have an entire Wrys army many many maaaany comics ago, back when this still had to be fan translated.

It's Manga Kiran.

But many many maaaany comics ago, keeping a complete Herodex didn't take up 85% of your barracks.

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