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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

But many many maaaany comics ago, keeping a complete Herodex didn't take up 85% of your barracks.

Why do you think we haven't seen certain heroes in a while?

The Coma Ward! Also more officially known as the Reserve Barracks.

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Why do you think we haven't seen certain heroes in a while?

The Coma Ward! Also more officially known as the Reserve Barracks.

That's where you're supposed to put your duplicates. This Kiran is clearly not summoning enough if he has enough space in the regular barracks for 7 copies of Gunter.

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A few translation notes here, too, I guess.


Black Knight's line in the third panel is "女性に話しかけられることは… / ある" (josei ni hanashi-kakerareru koto wa... / aru). An extremely literal translation would be "Girls initiating conversation with me... / [is a thing that] exists," with the break into two speech bubble indicating a pause for thought.

I think it could probably be a bit more accurately translated (meaning it gets the meaning, tone, etc. across even if the words are entirely different) would be something like "Girls talking to me...? / Indeed. They do."


Black Knight's "Yes" in the fourth panel in Japanese is "…と" (...to), which indicates the end of a quotation, or in this case, the end of the telling of a story (which grammatically counts as a quotation in Japanese). The event depicted inside the speech bubble with Azura and Black Knight is being recounted to Sylvain as words, followed by an "and that's what happened".

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Heh! Well, Flame Emperor giving up on subverting the summoner's contracts makes things easier at least. But oh my gosh Odin in that first panel. XD

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Heheh. Looks like this Kiran likes making fallen units go through tap battle. I like this one's style! (And it's kind of funny, since according to the FB's, the fallen units have this one forest they like hanging out in to get away from everyone else.)

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  • 1 month later...

Ahh, poor Kiran in that shapeshifting one. Thanks, Alfonse -- I would've appreciated the save, too! Also, interestingly enough, during Vanessa's FB, I was actually thinking "she could get a tome seasonal." And the other two are just sweet and fun. ^_^

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  • 1 year later...

This is cute for several reasons.

Veronica and Sharena playing with dolls together is cute, it now being established as a regular thing they do shows how close the girls have gotten, Sharena roleplaying as Embla is cute, and Askr and Embla hanging out in the afterlife is cute

r/FireEmblemHeroes - A Day in the Life - So Happy Together!

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Sharena is spot on. I think that's actually a Bride Embla line. XD And man, Askr and Embla are so cute here!

Man, I've been waiting for this thread to update. But, hm... I know there have been more comics since the last update here.

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