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Your take on the Alfonse quests

Prince Endriu

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I agree that the quests are fairly underwhelming. I won't complain either, especially since I've just recently promoted Alfonse and can definitely profit off the tasks being easy.
Not sure how I would've handled the quest creation though – maybe moving them to after the release of Book Two might have been an option? Then again, maybe the schedule wouldn't have allowed for that? 

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Underwhelming rewards for underwhelming quests.

I (baselessly) hoped that these character-specific quests would be something exciting and segue into some sort of quasi-merges or upgrade for the Askrans.

But nope, 300 feathers, two orbs, and ten coins (which are all useful, don’t get me wrong), aren’t you grateful?

Edited by Vaximillian
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I wanted 5 orbs at least but whatever. My Alfonse even has a Brave Sword+ and he was still dying to Axes! 

These quests made me wish that Fjorm was a sword user to bench Alfonse even harder than now.

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My guess was the quests would include four orbs but otherwise be the same tasks as what we've got. We're basically in the biggest collection of incredible banners this game has ever seen and it's not over yet. I would think they'd take the opportunity to pass out a few more orbs now that we're down to one log in bonus for a few days. Now, if the event was "Special Maps with Alfonse" then my imagination would run wild with possibilities. 

I do think this game needs to come up with more nuanced quests, and the Askran units, the only three units every player has access to, could be the key. But in general, I've been making fun of "Quests with Alfonse" since it showed up on our little timeline. Making a big deal out of something just because it's the rare acknowledgement that Alfonse is still in the game and still (?) a main character.

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Little too easy.

Little bit empty.

Disappointing but quick. And of course Anna and Sharena might get more of these as well.

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I found them to be pretty easy, but I don't think that's really a bad thing, given we're currently in the middle of a Tempest Trial and I'd rather be spending my stamina on that than wasting trying over and over again on a quest that was too difficult for me.

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Easy though that's mainly because my Alfonse is 5*, is built, and was backed up by 3 dancers. Alfonse scoring 20 lv. 40+ kills can clear out a lot of quests at once, especially if he were scoring all the kills in the 10th stratum of Training Tower (reshuffle until there are mainly green, grays, maybe a couple reds at most).

Brave Sword+

Reciprocal Aid

Draconic Aura

Drag Back

The rewards are a little bit underwhelming considering that the quests are just IS's way of telling players to get Alfonse off the memetic bench. 2 Orbs and 10 Sacred Coins, while nice, feels a bit lacking for an attempt at undoing a meme.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I don't care if it's short because free stuff is free stuff. Although I'm kind of disappointed since it was advertised on the schedule so it seemed like it was going to be something bigger than what we got. They also kind of came out of nowhere. "Hey, you know that main story guy who no one seems to care about. Apparently he still exists. Take some pity quests for him." I was hoping there would be a little more depth to them story-wise. That said, I'd be interested in seeing more quests like this in the future, or quests focusing on the Askran trio plus Fjorm and whoever else we're getting would be interesting as side stuff, maybe even story-related.

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My worry is that there is just too little challenging stuff coming out - free orbs for easy quests are always welcome but they shouldnt be standard and expected. Maybe that easy stuff is aimed towards new players idk, but it should be balanced so that experienced players can get a challenge. Whats the point of introducing increasingly overpowered units when there isnt even a challenge for the older units.

Between tempests I started to grind the 10th stratum with 4* grand heroes just to have some sort of a challenge... 

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I was anticipating something moderately difficult with these quests, or at least clearing Story chapters on Lunatic with Alfonse or something.
The only challenge I had was making Alfonse contribute in the 10th Stratum (I could've just had Reinhardt & Lyn kill everything 5 times while Alfonse sat in a corner, but I thought Alfonse actually needed to do things for some reason... still, it made the "kill LV40+ enemies w/ Alfonse" quest shorter, once I saw that was a thing). I didn't even need everyone to survive the 10th Stratum fights like with the usual 10th Stratum quests!
Still, it made me glad I trained up my 4-Star Alfonse beforehand. Made dealing with the 10th Stratum easier. These are probably harder to do with 2-Star Alfonse.

Now my only questions are,
"Will there be Sharena and Anna quests in the future?"
"And Fjorm quests?"

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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The "too easy" people forget that for some people, Alfonse is literally 2 star and level 1.

I mean sure, those guys tend to be pretty toxic on the replies to the FE Heroes Twitter... but hey, these quests seem like a balance.

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Free stuff yay!

I had actually forgotten about the Alfonse quests and coincidentally upgraded both him and Anna to 5* last night to train them up to take advantage of the Double SP Weekend. Now I have guaranteed Arena units FOREVER! :D 40K feathers, but a good long-term investment.

Anyway, back to Alfonse and his quests. He's... not a spectacular unit, but he's not the worst at all. Good defense and rather high attack, he's good against low defense ranged units who can't hit back, and generally green units. Keep him away from mages, defense-tanky dudes, brave weapon users and swordbreakers... and yeah, that's a lot. Still! He was not my least favorite unit to raise to 5* level 40, which is probably one of the healers. Some skill inheritance and he's good to go.

The quests were easy enough. If I was given the job and told to make them harder, perhaps I would take advantage of the Tempest Trial and have one of the quests be: "Clear one of the final maps in Tempest Trials with Alfonse on your (winning) team." This could be cheesed by getting to the end with a super powerful team, forfeiting and putting Alfonse in I suppose, but hey, it's something! It requires effort at the very least.

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The quests are okay filler.  They aren't a replacement for actual content, but I wouldn't mind these kinds of quests being on rotation for the F2P characters.  Not just the Askr trio, but the HB and GHB units, too.  It gives you a reason to level units you might otherwise not use.  The reward just needs to justify it.

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Good intention, kinda bland execution.

i'm bitter i used my 20k feather promotion on  Alfonse though...

He's an Arena Bonus a third of the time, so he's not a complete waste.

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