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Why Don't Pegasi Like Men?

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56 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Hoshido is clearly a culture which gave that prejudice the finger. It's possible its pegasi are a little stronger, too.

Isn't Subaki Hoshido's sole exception though?

Aren't all enemy pegasus riders females?

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I headcanon that they used to be hunted by primitive tribal people and most hunting parties were full of men, women stayed at camp looking after kids and they'd cook the meat the men brought back. So by the time pegasi were domesticated, they'd developed a fear of men. They won't bolt or attack men like they used to, but they still won't bond with them enough to accept them as riders.

Edited by Dragoncat
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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Then came Fates and said fuck that and gave us a new breed of pegasi that don't hate men.

I thought I heard, don't know how accurate it is, Pegasus in Fates are actual called "Tenma", an obscure flying horse of East Asian mythology. Hence the change to Sky Knight, because they aren't technically Pegasi even if they look like them.

On unicorns, I saw the sorta famed Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters in NYC (well on the northern perimeter of the city- go in the late Spring when the gardens are in full bloom), the tour guide said the unicorn can mean unicorn, Christ, or finding and keeping a husband- depending on how you want to interpret it. She didn't actually explain the last interpretation, but I think the premise is you use a fair maiden to attract a male, then you throw them in a fenced in area to make sure they don't escape, not sure what the kill them part meant in this allegory.


3 hours ago, Vince777 said:

Aren't all enemy pegasus riders females?

I think so, but that might just be because its easier to do, and only Charlotte and Forrest care about enemy gender. Ryoma has Sky Knight as his Heart class as a side note, probably to make a mirror with Xander's Wyvern Rider (a mirror shared with the little sisters, but not the little bros or big sisters).

Also, you're forgetting about Shigure. But he's a 2nd Gen so he doesn't really fit in quite the same.


Subaki is pretty bad though, I like the idea of making a physically tanky Pegasus Knight, but Subaki didn't have quite the stats to do this while being decent else, or they just made Hinoka too good, that's very reasonable too. One of Subaki's issues is Speed, perhaps he has a burdensomely high Con stat in the groin region.


In my headcanon, I would like to assume Pegasi like birds have less dense bones than mammals do, making them weigh less and making flight easier. Of course the issue here is how could they support a rider's weight and equipment then? Its better just to assume they can magically kick up wind with their feet or something.


5 hours ago, Slumber said:

Given that Pegasus Riders typically come from the "cold north", and their status as being almost entirely female, I'd wager Valkyries were more of an inspiration than unicorns.

Macedon the originator is south not north though. And Begnion is southeast too. Only Silesse and Ilia are northern. And Pegasus in Valentia are never explained I think- the enemy never gets to use them either- they're player only.


5 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

The advantage that females would have as pegasus riders would probably eventually become ingrained in a weird cultural sentiment like "only women should ride pegasi". In other words, the in-universe explanation that pegasi prefer women is most likely total crap, but rather it's a cultural expectation humans have created with some basis in reality.

Sounds reasonable, and Pegasi don't mind ferrying men if their female overlords demand it.

And what about male Pegasi? Why don't the males like men riding on them? And if Pegasi are like horses, does that mean no human male could ever compete? In the wild, do they ever enter the Mile High Club? (Fun fact- the guy who invented the first autopilot for planes used it to have sex with a married woman in the sky before he even finished patenting the device. Said sexual activity got out of hand, one kicked the autopilot off and they crashed, into a lake unharmed fortunately. But the guy who found them was a little surprised to see they were completely naked. Made a bit of a story in its day.)


7 hours ago, Ϲharlie said:

They don't like having a set of hairy balls on their back

So do the women shave? I'm pretty sure they do the legs at least judging from all FE artwork.


6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

At least there's an explanation. Not unlike the Troubadours or Fighters who were not unisex because... because.

Because the roughed up appearances of Berserkers and Warriors would inherently lend themselves to fanservice, which believe it or not was once forbidden in FE, or so it is said. As for Troubadours, well the men had Bard for a time, which is closer to what an actual Troubadour was. And they were well represented in the Priest department at least, plus exclusive access to unpromoted Light magic in FE7 and 8.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Because the roughed up appearances of Berserkers and Warriors would inherently lend themselves to fanservice, which believe it or not was once forbidden in FE, or so it is said. As for Troubadours, well the men had Bard for a time, which is closer to what an actual Troubadour was. And they were well represented in the Priest department at least, plus exclusive access to unpromoted Light magic in FE7 and 8.

Hey, been here and knew of FE long before Awakening. I'd know, heh. Anyway... that could be for perhaps the Berserker, but for Warriors there wouldn't be anything fanservicey about it anyway. And there has been characters like Machua and Echidna before. So female axe infantry wouldn't have been a problem. Now true, Machua and Echidna were more of the Hero class (which otherwise, was also pretty much male only as well), but it still showed that it was possible.

Terms aside, the Troubadour was basically a mounted healer. And in their debut game, the Jugdral ones, it was essentially a female Cavalier, since they all promoted to Paladin. The Bard in Jugdral was simply a Sage with another name, only from the GBA games on it became it's own thing. But they still had the all-female Dancer to balance that out. Meanwhile, men still went without mounted healers until the Mage Knight in Sacred Stones.

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