What. They couldn't do better than Ylgr or Mercedes? There's a Nifl mom? Don't recall anything for Ronan or Ewan either. So many children have established relationships with known mothers in the series so why choose those characters?
Did Larcei even know her mother?
If they add any system for the online service, I hope it'll be anything other than Nintendo 64. I don't think there's anything left on that system that I want to play.
That system and it's early 3D graphics aged the most out of all of them. Even basic Gameboy wouldn't look as bad.
GBA is what I would wish for.
I’m not sure why Palla and Est are being suggested. What even are the differences between their Archanean and Valentian versions anyway?
(Actually, having them on wyverns, which they can have on promotion in the first game, would be pretty awesome)
If it's an alt and Echoes, I hope they lay off the Pegasus sisters. Tired of them. Give Mae one. I don't even understand why she isn't the most popular Echoes female after Celica.
Still prefer no alt, even if it means they go Hestia or Nuibaba if they really need a second female.
Skirmishes in dungeon are all played in small maps so he can probably shine there if you put him in a spot close to the enemies.
Maybe have him bait many of them on Enemy Phase so that the rest of your units can smack them on your turn. Sounds like something a knight would do.
I really hope they will stop releasing mid-polling results starting next year.
People stop voting for their true favourites at that point and just bandwagon/counterbandwagon.