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FE7 story sign up


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If any of you not mentioned wish to be in the story, by all means sign up here. If you do decide to join, make sure you surrender to me a good description of your character.

Default lineup, only the peeps who dont think I am an a**hole:

Rad, Django, Kyuubi, Sean, Luxord, Yuri, Yggdrassil, Bizz, Ozzy, Zero the Hero, Cynthia, Adam, Tino, Princess Kilvas, Chiki, and Cymbeline.

The story is set in the world of FE7, though several map regions could appear that you have never heard about. I would say a bit about the plot, but I dont wanna spoil it. If you wanna read about it, you know where to go.

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Why not?

Name: Uh, Ninji. What else?

Class: Soldier:

Personality: A pathological liar and a complete coward who was forced into service of _____'s army. He'd rather run than fight, basically.

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Why not?

Name: Uh, Ninji. What else?

Class: Soldier:

Personality: A pathological liar and a complete coward who was forced into service of _____'s army. He'd rather run than fight, basically.

Lol, ok. I'm grateful that at least I got someone in here.

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Extreme Void is pleased to have you folks onboard...I will give you all as much action in teh story as I possibly can. ^^ You wont be disappointed, that is for sure.

Yaaay I'm in


Course you in^^

Name: Knife

Class: Lazy Bum

Personality: He is assholish, though doesn't hold grudges.

WIll make debut on Sean's Pirate ship.


Class:Mage Knight

Personality:Protective of his friends. Perverted and easy going

He runs a clique of riders from Pherae. This squad actually comes to the rescue of the Hilltop Orphanage...

Name: flarp

Class: Brigand

Personality: Always bored; insane half the time. Dislikes the letters C, N, and K.

A good brigand. He finds his ass surrounded by skeletons, but Rad and Kyuubi come to the rescue...

Also, folks...if you could be a little more descriptive with your characters, that would be great. What I mean is that if you aded hair color, skin color, etc, that would help me alot when describing these characters. Rad by teh way looks like me, the avy. ^^

Edited by Extreme Void
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