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So basically, here's a place to include stats, background, or pictures for your personal character. We can use this for the sitcom, for RPs, and general stuff. Here's the template:


Class: (include progression)

Background Info: (invented backstory, should you choose to write one)

Starting Level:

Base Stats












Weapons and Levels


and then a picture/sprite if you want.

So I'll start:

Name: Kiryn

Class: Falcon Ranger --> Seraph Ranger

Background info: Kiryn has no memories from before she was about eleven, when she found herself alone in the dead Serenes Forest. She scraped out a meager existence mostly by luck and by stealing food and clothing from hunting parties sent into the forest to look for herons. Somehow, she lived there for a while without meeting anyone else. During the Mad King's War, she happened across a young pegasus that had been left behind during the fight between Duke Oliver's troops and the Greil Mercenaries. She claimed the pegasus for her own and soon left the now-living forest. After the Mad King's War, she wandered Tellius, with no real destination. Back among people she learned the importance of hiding the brand on her right wrist. When Ashera's judgment turned everyone to stone, Kiryn was unaffected, and wandered still, chasing off Disciples of Order when she found them. She still wanders.

Starting Level: 20/07/--

HP: 37/37 (note: If Kiryn's HP falls to 10% or below, something strange might happen... but it hasn't yet.)

Strength: 18

Magic: 10

Skill: 18

Speed: 22

Luck: 10

Defense: 14

Resistance: 17

Constitution: 8

Weight (includes mount): 24

Movement: 9

Skills: Canto (locked); Mercy (locked); Logic (can convince an enemy to flee based off of how low enemy's HP is)

I'll have a pic eventually.

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Name: Metal Rabbit

Class: Sniper -> Marksman

Background Info: I'm an illbred inbred idiot in Ilia its inky. lol, i suck at those. naw, but I'm an idiot who pretends im stupid.

Starting Level: 20 (Can't promote)

HP: 44

Strength: 24

Magic: 0

Skill: 30

Speed: 25

Luck: 17

Defense: 25

Resistance: 21

Constitution: 9

Weight: 11

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Bow (S)

Skills: Imbue, Wrath


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When I ate my potato, I changed class.

Name: Metal Rabbit

Class: Marksman

Background Info: I'm an illbred inbred idiot in Ilia its inky. lol, i suck at those. naw, but I'm an idiot who pretends im stupid.

Starting Level: 1

HP: 49

Strength: 27

Magic: 2

Skill: 32

Speed: 27

Luck: 17

Defense: 27

Resistance: 23

Constitution: 10

Weight: 12

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Bow (SS)

Skills: Imbue, Wrath, Deadeye

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Name: Kyrra

Class: Sniper -> Marksman -> Wolf Ranger

Background Info: Born in the land of Hatari, he was trained to heavily rely on speed and agility, and as the result, his speed and evasion is breathtaking. Born of wolves, he couldn't transfrom from birth so beorc archers taught him in the way of the bow. Upon finding a satori sign, he developed the ability to transform into a laguz, halving his speed but doubling his strength.

Starting Level: 12

Base Stats

HP: 24

Strength: 19

Magic: 12

Skill: 42

Speed: 45 (MAX)

Luck: 45 (MAX)

Defense: 6

Resistance: 8

Constitution: 7

Weight: 8

Movement: 8 (10 transformed)

Weapons and Levels: Bow (SS) Strike (E)

Skills: Shove (Locked) Adept



Edited by Kyrra
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Name: Bianchi

Class: Bardette----->Lyricist!!!!! (yeah, i invented a new class!!!)

Race: Branded

Background Info: Descended from the Heron clan, and an incarnation of the Goddess of the forest, she has at her disposal powerful galdar. Currently she is a dutchess at Begnion (according to Metal Rabbit). Being an incarnation of the goddess, she can pronounce judgement on any living thing.

Starting Level: 5

Base Stats

HP: 25

Strength: 8

Magic: 23

Skill: 21

Speed : 18

Luck: 27

Defense: 6

Resistance: 21

Constitution: 5

Weight: 2

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Light Magic (S), Staves ( B )

Skills: Galdar, Imbue, Corona (Master Skill)

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Name: Zephrion

Class: Wind Sage > Archsage

Background Info: A Wind Sage living in Serenes Forest. He has a knack for accidentally killing his all his teammates...

Starting Level: 20/05/--

Base Stats

HP: 29

STR: 8

MAG: 26

SKL: 21

SPD: 20

LCK: 14

DEF: 10

RES: 22

CON: 6

WT: 7

MOV: 6

Weapon Levels: Wind (S), Thunder (B), Fire (B)

Weapons: Tornado, Elwind, Elfire.

Skills: Shove (Locked), Vantage, Adept.

Picture: (I hope sprites are okay.)


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Name: Fireman

Class: Assassin

Background Info: Fireman is an assassin of "various talents". Often over-charges people in need of his service, although he does an amazingly thorough job when payed well. Feels a faint attachment to a few people. His nature and past remains a complete mystery...

Starting Level: 11

Base Stats

HP: 50


Magic: 2

Skill: 35

Speed: 33

Luck: 19

Defense: 22

Resistance: 21

Constitution: 12

Weight : 10

Movement: 7

Weapons and Levels: Knife (SS)

Skills: Lethality, Shade

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Name: Fox

Class: Valkyrie > Valkyria

Background Info: Queen of the forest. Fox is branded, descended from a fox laguz (now extinct) and an unknown beorc. Her power, valor, courage, inventory space, and foxiness helped her earn her title. Fox isn't her real name, but she can't remember it so she goes by Fox.

Starting Level: 20/10/-

Base Stats

HP - 45

Strength - 20

Magic - 26

Skill - 28

Speed - 25

Luck - 35

Defense - 15

Resistance - 28

Constitution - 12

Weight - 25

Movement - 9

Weapons - Fortify, Mend, Physic, Silver Sword, Storm sword, Tyrafire(PRF fire magic), Elthunder, Elwind, Meteor

Weapon Levels - Staff (S), Sword (A), Fire (S), Thunder(A), Wind(A)

Skills - Savior, Nihil, Canto (locked)

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Name: Coolguyvaters

Class: Lord then promoted to Vanguard

Background Info: Doesn't have much of life, so I joined this army to kill people

Starting Level: 10

Base Stats:

HP 45

Strength 24

Magic 9

Skill 27

Speed 24

Luck 12

Defense 23

Resistance 12

Constitution 12

Weight 13

Movement 7

Weapons and Levels- Kleever (special weapon good against Knights and Armor), Steel Sword, Wind Edge

Skills- Imbue and Resolve, Shove (Locked)/ Aether when promoted

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Name: emeraldfox_09

Class: Wyvern Lord (Wyvern Rider-->Wyvern Lord)

Background Info: He got his Wyvern from his dad's Wyvern farm, so he became a Wyvern Rider, then a Wyvern Lord.

Starting Level: 20/2

Base Stats

HP: 47

Strength: 19

Magic: 2

Skill: 20

Speed: 16

Luck: 9

Defense: 18

Resistance: 6

Constitution: 10

Weight: 16

Movement: 8

Weapons and Levels: Lance: B Sword: D

Skills: Wrath

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Name: Nightmare (OMG)

Class: Lord > Wind Lord (new class lol)

Background Info: Born into plains far away from society and civilization, he was raised by a mysterious sword master, until he was fifteen when the sword master died. He then fended for himself, until one day, after he turned 18, he felt something powerful from beyond the plains, where it connected to the rest of the continent. He sets off to find out what this strong force is.

He is apparently blind, as he always has a blindfold on his eyes, but is extremely skilled with the sword, and has inhumane speed. He also has a sense of intuition.

Starting Level: 1

Base Stats

HP: 25

Strength: 13

Magic: 9

Skill: 15

Speed: 18

Luck: 10

Defense: 12

Resistance: 8

Constitution: 13

Weight: 15

Movement: 6, when promoted: 10

Weapons and Levels: Sword: C

Skills: Wind (only when promoted): Will evade enemy attack no matter what.

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Name: TCoZ

Class: Shadow --> Rumour

Background Info: In a land currently undiscovered in the Fire Emblem games, TCoZ was born. He was raised in Nethses, and although his parents wanted him to be an advisor to the king, he always had his eyes set on working on The Great Wall. So, as soon as he finished school, he left his family and travelled there. He met Kryde, the Lord of the Great Wall, who recruited him to help protect the human world from the monsters. He wields the knife L'kak'y, crafted out of the tooth of a Magi Cani. Even though TCoZ can't use them, the knife can draw power from magic tomes and cause devastating attacks. One day, he decided to adventure out behind the wall to see what was behind there... and after travelling through miles of wasteland, he fell into Tellius, with no way of escape. He currently resides in Begnion, making a living from doing favours for people.

Starting Level: 13

Base Stats

HP 41

Strength 16

Magic 16

Skill 21

Speed 21

Luck 17

Defense 12

Resistance 12

Constitution 8

Weight 8

Movement 7

Weapons and Levels: L'kak'y, Knife: S

Skills: Shove, Shade, Pass

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Name: Raven

Class: Mercenary > Hero > Vanguard

Background Info: Hails from the destroyed House of Cornwell. After some time of separation, he is reunited with his sister Priscilla, and they both travel around the continent as mercenaries, working for people in need. They are known far and wide for their mercenary work, as well as the huge part they both played when the world was once again threatened by dragons from the Scouring.

Starting Level: 20 > 10 > --

Base Stats

HP: 54

Strength: 24

Magic: 5

Skill: 26

Speed: 27

Luck: 11

Defense: 15

Resistance: 8

Constitution: 8

Weight: 9

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Sword - S rank, Axe - S rank

Skills: shove.png Shove, provoke.png Provoke, vantage.png Vantage.

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Name: Raven

Class: Mercenary > Hero > Vanguard

Background Info: Hails from the destroyed House of Cornwell. After some time of separation, he is reunited with his sister Priscilla, and they both travel around the continent as mercenaries, working for people in need. They are known far and wide for their mercenary work, as well as the huge part they both played when the world was once again threatened by dragons from the Scouring.

Starting Level: 20 > 10 > --

Base Stats

HP: 54

Strength: 24

Magic: 5

Skill: 26

Speed: 27

Luck: 11

Defense: 15

Resistance: 8

Constitution: 8

Weight: 9

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Sword - S rank, Axe - S rank

Skills: shove.png Shove, provoke.png Provoke, vantage.png Vantage.

can there be two lords? I am already one

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Name: Hanz J. Weasel III

Class: Dark Knight -> Paladin (Think Cecil) -> Omega

Background Info: (Note: Too be expanded later)

I was born in the year 1577 in the nation of Latveria (near the modern day Czech Republic). I spent much time in the libraries of my manor, studying all sorts of legend and lore until one day I inadvertently released the soul of an ancient vampiric entity which bonded itself to me in a twisted form of symbiosis. I no longer required any sort of food to stay alive, and instead psychically leeched off the life force of those around me. I no longer aged at any reasonable rate, which attracted the attention of the locals who formed an angry mob with cries of witchcraft. I fled and began traveling the world. I spent time in many countries, expanding my knowledge and skill.

In the 1960's I was captured by the Canadian Government and subjected to experimentation. This process unlocked a new talent I had been unaware of, the ability to transform into a metallic creature when provoked (perhaps similar to the true form of the entity which corrupted me?). I was labeled "Project Omega" and quarantined until they made me angry. They didn't like me when I was angry...

I fled the facility in a Time Machine, jumping throughout history. On one such stop I met my associate Robo. Eventually we were able to jump the dimensional tracks and finally elude the Government pursuers by escaping into an alternate universe.

Starting Level: 15/-/-

Base Stats

(These probably suck, will edit these later)

HP: 34

Strength: 15

Magic: 12

Skill: 17

Speed: 17

Luck: 30

Defense: 10

Resistance: 12

Constitution: 7

Weight: 7

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Sword - B, Dark - B, Staves - C (Upon Promotion to Paladin)

Skills: Sacrifice, Wrath, Formshift (Omega Only)


Dark Knight, Paladin

(Both were drawn by an associate of mine)

Omega (Transformed of course)

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can there be two lords? I am already one

I don't really consider my character a Lord, just a Hero.

And Hanz, your stats are very good for a level 15 first class unit, especially Luck, but on that note your speed shouldn't be over 20 yet, unless caps are different for first class units in RD?

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