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Name: Haruhi

Class: Bardette----->Lyricist!!!!! (yeah, i invented a new class!!!)

Race: Branded

Background Info: Haruhi comes from an alternate dimension, and is essentially Bianchi in our forest dimension. Due to an error in the space-time continuum, she was transported to the forest, where she met her doppelganger. Apparently she is the protector of all the dimensions, and has a mission to protect the different dimensions and avoid a catastrophe labeled as the "Cosmic Smash", in which all of the dimensions spontaneously converge and implode, causing the instant and painful death of all the organisms of all the dimensions.

Starting Level: 5

Base Stats

HP: 25

Strength: 8

Magic: 23

Skill: 21

Speed : 18

Luck: 27

Defense: 6

Resistance: 21

Constitution: 5

Weight: 2

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Light Magic (S), Staves ( B )

Skills: Galdar, Imbue, Corona (Master Skill)

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UPDATE! Thought of some new stuff!

Name: Nightmare (OMG)

Class: Lord > Wind Lord (new class lol)

Background Info: Born into plains far away from society and civilization, he was raised by a mysterious sword master, until he was fifteen when the sword master died. He then fended for himself, until one day, after he turned 18, he felt something powerful from beyond the plains, where it connected to the rest of the continent. He sets off to find out what this strong force is. He is apparently blind, as he always has a blindfold on his eyes, but is extremely skilled with the sword, and has inhumane speed. He also has a sense of intuition.

Starting Level: 1

Base Stats

HP: 25

Strength: 13

Magic: 9

Skill: 15

Speed: 18

Luck: 10

Defense: 12

Resistance: 8

Constitution: 13

Weight: 15

Movement: 6, when promoted: 10

Weapons and Levels: Sword: C Bow: D (Only when promoted)

Skills: Wind (Only when promoted): Will evade enemy attack no matter what, and then land a critical hit.

Because blind people using bows is badass. And I thought the skill needed a bit more...awesomeity...

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Here's mine:

Name: Princess Kilvas

Class: (include progression) Raven Mage --> Raven Sage

Background Info: I don't have one yet..

Starting Level: 21

Base Stats

HP: 47

Strength: 14

Magic: 26

Skill: 21

Speed : 29

Luck: 17

Defense: 15

Resistance: 25

Constitution: 11

Weight: 10

Movement: 9

Weapons and Levels: Wind:A Strike: B

Skills: Vantage, Miracle, Adept

and then a picture/sprite if you want. I have my personal photo...

Did I do it right?

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Class:Self Trained Mage---->Branded Sage

Starting Level:6









Skills:Adept,Counter,Awaken(story related) Kendama(allows Masu to wield a kendama to fight)

.....I think i failed.

Oh yeah weapon levels:

Thunder:A Wind:C Fire:E

Const:12 Movement:6

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Class:Self Trained Mage---->Branded Sage

Starting Level:6









Skills:Adept,Counter,Awaken(story related)

.....I think i failed.

And that is why you fail. <_<

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Name: Knife

Class: Knife----->Knife Mage

Race: Steel

Background Info: Knife kills people.

Starting Level: 1 (unpromoted)

Base Stats

HP: 24

Strength: 8

Magic: 5

Skill: 9

Speed : 7

Luck: 1

Defense: 8

Resistance: 3

Constitution: 11

Weight: 15

Movement: 6

Weapons and Levels: Knife ( D ), Light Magic ( E, after promotion )

Skills: Vantage, Sleep Ward (has high resistance against sleep inducing spells), Luna (Mastery Skill), Double Lethality (Can only be done if adjacent to Fireman)

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Might as well post here. ._.

Name: ChaosNinji

Race: Beroc

Class: Theif ---> Mercenary ---> Swordmaster

Starting level: 7 (Unpromoted)

Base Stats -

HP: 16

Atk: 14

Def: 9

Skill: 7

Res: 3

Speed: 12

Luck: 3

Constitution: 7

Weight: 10

Movement: 6

Skills: Paragon, Steal

Edited by ChaosNinji
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Blue knight


class General--> Fire marshall

starting lv 1 (unpremoted)

Hp 30

Atk 15

Def 20

Mag 10

skill 7

luck 20

spd 10

res 5

skills: Burn(can use fire magic( gains upon premotion))

background info a general who has learned how to use fire.

Weapon lvs Sword S Lance C Fire D

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Okay, I've got some changes to this

Name: Kesaim

Class: Lord - idk

Background Info: Kesaim is prince of Meraen. He was born and raised in the capital, Pralor (of course) but never always lived in the castle. His father, King Jetrel wanted his family to live in a peaceful home, so when he was 14, he and the rest of his family, Queen Lefelle and Princess Kentraya, moved to a home nearby. They still see each other. A friend whom he trains with a lot is Sirev. They were, so far, known to be equally matched and are pretty well trained. Kesaim is presently 17 in the story and has shoulder length hair that is a golden yellow and is wavy. He has brown eyes. He is a swordsman. His country was attacked and his parents, for sure, have been killed, and he has no idea what happened to his sister or friend. He leaves on a journey to seek revenge on Ferandar, the country that attacked.

Starting Level: 4

Base Stats

HP: 27

Strength: 14

Magic: 2

Skill: 15

Speed: 12

Luck: 11

Defense: 8

Resistance: 7

Constitution: 9

Weight: 11

Movement: 6 - (at next level) 7

Weapons and Levels: Levarna ( in language used for magic in my story, means Majestic) level C

Skills: Adept

I have a pic, but my computer is being stupid, but I might get it later...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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