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Y'know what i think is VERY retarded?


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I know. It was like that at my middle school and it was annoying to hear UR GAY because I didn't wanna go out with this really annoying girl that I hated. DX

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I hear ya MaSu...

Also, if a guy sleeps with a bunch of girls, he's considered "cool"

But if a girl sleeps with a bunch of guys, she's considered a "whore" or a "slut"

It's a neverending list...

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Although it may appear that way, it may not be the actual case.

As a guy, we'll never understand what it is like socially to be a girl. Well, unless you have some surgery or something.

But the point is, that there are social pressures that are different on either side of the gender line, that the other may never know about.

So it all evens out in the end.

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With me, it doesnt matter what gender you are: if you're not in a relationship you're considered homosexual sometimes, and if you are that plus you happened to have a really close friend who's the same sex it makes matters worse. >_> I've been called a lesbian on multiple occasions and have had rumors spread around

It's annoying

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With me, it doesnt matter what gender you are: if you're not in a relationship you're considered homosexual sometimes, and if you are that plus you happened to have a really close friend who's the same sex it makes matters worse. >_> I've been called a lesbian on multiple occasions and have had rumors spread around

It's annoying

thats so stupid. ANOTHER THING:

Gay men FTL!!!!!


ANOTHER retarded thing.

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thats so stupid. ANOTHER THING:

Gay men FTL!!!!!


ANOTHER retarded thing.

The world works in funny ways.

Men and women are just differet. If men bleed for 7days and don't die, there's a problem. If a woman has an adam's apple, there might be something lodged in her throat.

Men and Women are just different. So people see them in different lights.

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The world works in funny ways.

Men and women are just differet. If men bleed for 7days and don't die, there's a problem. If a woman has an adam's apple, there might be something lodged in her throat.

Men and Women are just different. So people see them in different lights.

Maybe. But, it's still wrong...
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If men bleed for 7 days then they desperately need to be checked out by a doctor...

If a woman has an adam's apple then be cautious of what you may be getting into.

Despite all the crap people say about online dating, there's always the plus that you can talk to people from the sanctity of your room, and you can be yourself more. Of course, it's not for everyone.

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thats so stupid. ANOTHER THING:

Gay men FTL!!!!!


ANOTHER retarded thing.


My penis disagrees with you but my brain agrees with you.

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If a guy isnt interested in a relationship, hes considered gay

If a girl isnt interesed in a relationship, its A-OK.

Seriously What the hell?

It's not like this where I live, but hey. Different neighborhoods, go figure.

Just ignore these people. It's not like you need their opinion anyway.

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