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Future Starter Packs


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I thought it was kind of nice that we had the Orb/Black Knight pack for $4, and was surprised they haven't done something like this sooner.  I wonder if we'll be seeing anything like this again soon.  It could be a slippery slope if they start releasing new units exclusively in this fashion, but getting an old 5* for $4 in addition to some Orbs is a better deal than any of the other Orbs packs.  It would also be nice to get some of the old GHB or TT units for merging.

An idea would be they could release three versions of Hugh from FE6.  For $5, you'd get him at 148 BST, $10 would get a 153 BST, and $20 would get him at 158 BST.

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I've always been of the opinion that orb prices are exorbitant. Especially now since you earn 180-200 orbs a month just for being diligent enough to clear quests using F2P strategies on Youtube, and maybe spend some stamina pots auto battling all of TT's rewards with just the 20% free unit. Makes sense that they'd try to sweeten the deal with merges for a popular unit. I think I'll indulge next time I'm on the last day of a banner with a unit I really really want.

ooh, how about a pack that provides blessings? 

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43 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

An idea would be they could release three versions of Hugh from FE6.  For $5, you'd get him at 148 BST, $10 would get a 153 BST, and $20 would get him at 158 BST.

no lie i would be way too amused to be upset if they actually did this.

it's like when I joked to a friend that Volke would be a TT reward that demanded an orb payment before you were allowed to recruit him.

maybe we could get folks like Camus and Zelgius again through starter packs. Making them available to new players is a good way to let them obtain TT units while also not feeling obligated to repeat the same TT rewards/GHB fights over and over and over and over just to make sure newbies can get them.

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4 minutes ago, Mallow said:

no lie i would be way too amused to be upset if they actually did this.

it's like when I joked to a friend that Volke would be a TT reward that demanded an orb payment before you were allowed to recruit him.

maybe we could get folks like Camus and Zelgius again through starter packs. Making them available to new players is a good way to let them obtain TT units while also not feeling obligated to repeat the same TT rewards/GHB fights over and over and over and over just to make sure newbies can get them.

It would be nice if they picked up the pace on the GHBs and repeats, but even then, it's usually a several month wait in between runs.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

It would be nice if they picked up the pace on the GHBs and repeats, but even then, it's usually a several month wait in between runs.

This is true, I just know they haven't repeated some of the earlier-game GHB units, like Xander and Camus. Not sure if that's intentional or if they're just holding off on them for whatever internal reason.

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Getting a guaranteed 5* hero that’s difficult to obtain otherwise with some useful light blessings and orbs to boot? Yes please! 

I do hope, however, that this won’t be the only way to obtain TT units or the like. It’d be nice for them to be rolled out every once in a while.

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I'd buy 10 Berkut packs!

I really liked this Support Pack, it was one of the few times I felt happy to spend money on this game. Black Knight is too good to pass up on. And 12 orbs, stamina potions, and Light's Blessings are a great bonus!

I don't think this should be a way to introduce new units, but it is a great way for newer players to get TT or GHB units they missed without waiting 8-10 months for a rerun. (Looking at you Xander and Camus). 

And it adds another way for players to get more merges for those units. 

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1 hour ago, Mallow said:

This is true, I just know they haven't repeated some of the earlier-game GHB units, like Xander and Camus. Not sure if that's intentional or if they're just holding off on them for whatever internal reason.

They're rerunning all of the Grand Hero Battles that didn't have Infernal difficulty in their original release in order of release with the Grand Hero Battles that had Infernal difficulty also in order interlaced in between.

The current rerun schedule looks something like this (Grand Hero Battles that had Infernal on initial release in bold):

  • Lloyd (first Grand Hero Battle to be rerun with added Infernal difficulty)
  • Legion
  • Narcian
  • Robin
  • Clarisse
  • Ursula
  • Michalis
  • Berkut
  • Navarre (most recently rerun)
    ← We are here
  • Valter (next scheduled)
  • Zephiel
  • Xander
  • Arvis
  • Lloyd (maybe, depends on if they want to repeat him again)
  • Camus
  • maybe something if Lloyd isn't repeated
  • Oliver
  • maybe something here
  • Lyon
  • start over again without interlacing?
Edited by Ice Dragon
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Ayra Starter Pack? I still wouldn't buy it. I now use the Lyn.

I think Hector or BIke would be solid choices. Good units on their own and useful SI options if you prefer.

1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

useful light blessings

I don't think these words belong in the same sentence.

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3 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Ayra Starter Pack? I still wouldn't buy it. I now use the Lyn.

I think Hector or BIke would be solid choices. Good units on their own and useful SI options if you prefer.

I don't think these words belong in the same sentence.

The only sad thing would be that you could only get one, if it's like the BK.

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It would be nice to get copies for merges of units like Joshua. So far, Masked Marth has been the only TT reward to be rerun, and it would be nice to see a few others come back or be available in other ways. Honestly, the BK Starter pack was a great deal. It's pretty good fodder or a merge for people who already have him and a strong character for those who don't as well as a ton of useful resources. For a decent price too! I'd be fine seeing these starter packs rerun a few times a year during special updates/events.

I just don't want to set the precedent of buying characters however. It's a nice treat, but I'd like to see these characters available again through TT and other in-game events. And I certainly don't want to see characters you HAVE to buy to obtain. I have no problem throwing money at the game, for a good deal, but not everyone wants to or can.

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I'd be in for something like this as what would effectively amount to a monthly subscription. If you think about it, it's around a third of the price of the typical MMO subscription and that's probably what FEH is worth.

However what it would also do it probably stop my from ever buying a regular orb pack again, and I'd wager the same would apply for many small fish. For that reason, I suspect this wouldn't really be on the table.

That said, aside from the BK pack, I've only bought orbs once since early August, so it might turn out to be slightly more overall revenue from me with a small monthly purchase.

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12 minutes ago, Refa said:

Buying characters is 50x better for the consumer than a shitty gacha model.

Maybe in conjunction with Gaccha, but I'd rather not pay $5 or whatever for every single character I want. Gaccha let's me play for free.

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1 minute ago, NekoKnight said:

Maybe in conjunction with Gaccha, but I'd rather not pay $5 or whatever for every single character I want. Gaccha let's me play for free.

Yeah, what you said.  If they sold one copy of every character at 5* and let you pick their nature for $5 in addition to the gacha, this game would be perfect for me.  I might even buy a few of those characters!

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

Yeah, what you said.  If they sold one copy of every character at 5* and let you pick their nature for $5 in addition to the gacha, this game would be perfect for me.  I might even buy a few of those characters!

No way they'd do that. I spent 250$ pulling for B!Lucina on the CYL banner and she never showed up.  If that system existed, I could have had +10 version of all four CYL units with the money I spent failing to get B!Lucina. Then again, that horrible luck is what convinced to stop whaling. 

Don't get me wrong, what you're suggesting would be great and would probably still net IS profits (since 5$ for a copy of a character in a mobile game is still absolutely really expensive), but way less than what they currently get from whales spending half a grand pulling 10+ copies of the newest unit they desire. 

Edit : just re-read your post and realized I got the wrong idea. Selling 1 a single copy for 5$ + an additional 5$ to choose your nature does sound like it could work with the current gacha model without cutting into their profit too much. Though my unfortunate story with regards to B!Lucina is a situation where they would have lost money with this system in place.

Edited by LuxSpes
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3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I don't think these words belong in the same sentence.

Eh, they can be kind of useful if you're starting out, and heck, I used one to clear the level 35+ Saizo quest because I had 33 and screw replaying a training tower level because people died.

I'd be fine with the support thing if they do like one special character a month as someone suggested. It'd probably increase their revenue quite a bit if they only ran limited release free characters, like GHBs and TTs. Whales would spend for fodder and another merge, and I thin a lot of F2P-type people (if we can really be called that anymore) would be willing to pay $5 for a guaranteed character we like as opposed to spending $100 with no guarantee.

Maybe just replace light's blessings with feathers or something to sweeten the pot.

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I think it's a great idea, as you spend a fair amount of money, and you know what you are paying for. I believe it's a system the devs should consider implementing, with twicks and restrictions, but it can make the problem of gambling more bearable (more of this in a future thread)

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