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Would you rather play a bad port of a game or not play the game at all?


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Well, I got a bad port of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition. Although it has some problems, I still enjoy it. Then again, I'm not a big techie, nor have I ever been a strickler for that kind of stuff.

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Depends on how much I want to play the game and how bad the port is.  If the port is inferior but perfectly serviceable, then I'm fine with playing it either way.  If I really want to play the game, then as long as the port isn't too bad, I'll play it.

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My first time playing FF6 was on the PS1.

Yeah, I'm willing to if better alternatives aren't available. Though that depends on if the game interests me in the first place.

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It depends on how much I'm interested in said game, and what alternatives I have. If the game is playable (and it doesn't mean enjoyable) AND I really-really want to play it, I will. If it's playable, but I don't really want to play it/watching a walktrough gives the same experience I won't bother playing it. If it's enjoyable and I'd like to play it, I'll probably play it. Though I prefer to not play bad ports, and just wait for the opportunity to play the original (basically that's why I don't like playing game on emulators - there are exceptions), and in some cases it means I will not really play the game ever (or in the near future at least).


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Really, it depends on the game and how bad the port is. If the port isn't too bad I'll play the port. I mean, I'm constantly told how much better Conker's Bad Fur Day was on the N64, but I was perfectly happy to shell out $5 for the Xbox "remake" as opposed to $200 for the original. I had someone telling me that the remake was unplayable. I never worked out why. Sure some of the design choices were off (the Van Helsing stuff tacked onto the spooky chapter), and they cut out that section with the eel and tweaked the difficulty here and there. But the control was good. The graphics mostly did the job, even if facial expressions were lost in places. The censorship of the cursing meant very little to me. On the other hand, if I found a port that was really, really bad, I'm the type who'd get a laugh from how bad it is. So basically, for a bad port to not be worth it, it'd have to be bad in a way I can't enjoy it at all. Something like that Sonic the Hedgehog GBA port or the Pac-man World port for the same system. Definitely bad. Some of the worst. But not actually funny.

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I'd say not play it at all.

Unless yoyu are counting "bad ports" as anything that's not absolutely the best.

Like, off the top of my head, playing Crazy Taxi, Soul Reaver, Sonic Adventure, MDK1-2, THPS, and Rayman 2, would be a completely alien (and awful) experience on pC. 

At the same time, PS2 MDK2 works decently despite the inferior lighting, Rayman 2 is fine on all of 3DS, n64 , and Dreamcast. Crazy Taki, well maybe that  is acthually only good on Dreamcast.

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I guess it would depend on the game, were it one I really wanted to play, then sure, but then I don't know if I would be able to play it to the end, I would probably give up if the gameplay was poorly made.

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 I can understand a lot of the points that y'all are making. And some ports are perfectly serviceable, and some ports have issues that I can look past (I did play FFVI on ps1, but I honestly wish the game got the FFIV PSP treatment because I don't really think any of the versions of VI that exists do it justice). And some ports are absolute shit, Sonic Genesis on GBA for example.

I feel like I can make exceptions for some things, but for the most part I want to get the best experience from a game therefore I want to play the best version of it.

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It really depends. One one hand I stuck with the steam version of FF9 despite it chrashing repeatedly, the sound  disappearing often and keyboard controles not being suited for it because I really wanted to play that game.

on the other hand I don't go for FF6 because I refuse to watch those ugly mobile sprites.

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