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3 minutes ago, Køkø said:

When did I question whether Deirdre would believe them or not? Her memories come back anyway, so where did that come from? None of what you said refutes the fact that Arvis not doing anything about the LC was stupid. He wasn't powerless until Julius got the book.

Again, Arvis would need to destroy the ENTIRE Loptyr Sect, not just Manfroy. But there are very likely those that are still hidden that Arvis has no knowledge of, and he's likely wary of it. Even if he tries to betray Manfroy, he would need to make sure that every last one of them are killed. 

4 minutes ago, Køkø said:

I'm just as clueless as you are. I'm assuming Manfroy told him about the Spirit Forest. 

The fact that Arvis knows about his lineage must mean that there was some evidence to back it up. Even if Manfroy told him, here would be where Arvis can simply deny such claims. So Manfroy must have presented evidence. If that's the case, it would tie in with the above and Arvis would still keep Arvis at bay.

32 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Where did I say I didn't understand that? I won't deny that there may be people who jumped to that conclusion but in no way does the in game dialogue suggest that's it's a majority. In fact, it's never shown at all. My point is that Arvis was not irredeemable.  

I didn't say you didn't understand, I said THEY didn't understand. Oifey himself didn't believe it, but when the masses see Arvis turn from a benevolent ruler to suddenly trying to revive the Loptyr Empire, and then subjugating the people for several years now, it's natural that people's views begin to be warped. 

You are correct that it's stupid that so many people are against Arvis at that point, but the issue was that there were far too many that despised Arvis, and there truly was no way of redeeming Arvis. Arvis even knew that and he likely also felt responsible for this. Also, one thing we never addressed was even if we can say that Arvis could redeem himself, the question is, WOULD he? 

Arvis is a very prideful man. Do you think that he would accept any form of redemption after how his ideals were crushed, the woman he loved killed, and his own son becoming a monster? Arvis could have resisted, but after letting so many people suffer for so long, I think Arvis simply no longer had it in him to actually try to redeem himself, and instead just accepted that he will die the villain and never be accepted back. 

56 minutes ago, Køkø said:

That entire incident is nebulous. We don't know when Lewyn died or when Forseti took over. It doesn't change the fact that Forseti doesn't know more than anyone else regarding Arvis. He was wrong about him. 

Julius only 15 during FE4, so it couldn't have been that long ago. 

Lewyn died in the Battle of Belhalla against Manfroy. Forseti actually took over him after the event passed. Even shows it in this video:

And as for how long he's been possessed, there are these quotes spoken:


“I found her in Barhara when she was real little. She was hurt pretty bad. So I took her to a remote area of Silesia and have been taking care of her all this time. But things there got a little too hairy for my taste, so we made our way here. But now I have to go to Lenster and… well, she’s slowing me down a bit. Celice… I hate to burden you, but can you take her off my hands for a little while? I think she’s been through quite a bit. She hasn’t a single memory of what happened to her before I picked her up.”


“No… I’ve been such a fool. Manfroy’s been using me all along. But by the time I realised what was going on, it was too late. Yurius is the reincarnation of the Dark Lord Loputousu. He murdered my beloved Diadora and had the same fate in store for you…”

“Yes. Mother used her last drop of energy to warp me away from Yurius. I must have lost my memories over the shock of it all. I’m glad Levin found me. But I still just break down and cry when I think about what Yurius did to mother…”


“… Just who are you? Everything changed the day Archbishop Manfroy brought that eerie black book in. That day also marks the last I saw of my dear brother… All that remained in his place was this powerful, yet demonic child. You… whoever you are… have deprived me of my mother and my brother, as well! Who are you!? Why must you put me through this agony!?”

This implies that she was young when she was warped away, and for years, Forseti has been caring for her. Forseti possessed Lewyn the moment that he revived him, after all. 

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On 2/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, omegaxis1 said:

Again, Arvis would need to destroy the ENTIRE Loptyr Sect, not just Manfroy. But there are very likely those that are still hidden that Arvis has no knowledge of, and he's likely wary of it. Even if he tries to betray Manfroy, he would need to make sure that every last one of them are killed. 

Where is stated the entire sect knows of Manfroy's plans? Arvis was the emperor in the most powerful kingdom on the continent, you will not convince me that there was nothing Arvis could have done. Just drop it. 

On 2/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, omegaxis1 said:


The fact that Arvis knows about his lineage must mean that there was some evidence to back it up. Even if Manfroy told him, here would be where Arvis can simply deny such claims. So Manfroy must have presented evidence. If that's the case, it would tie in with the above and Arvis would still keep Arvis at bay.


No, it doesn't. That begs the question as to why Arvis believed Manfroy in the first place. He eventually travels to the Spirit Forest and finds out himself later anyway.The LC had no proof in FE4. Perhaps in a remake, but not FE4. Drop it.  

On 2/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, omegaxis1 said:


I didn't say you didn't understand, I said THEY didn't understand. Oifey himself didn't believe it, but when the masses see Arvis turn from a benevolent ruler to suddenly trying to revive the Loptyr Empire, and then subjugating the people for several years now, it's natural that people's views begin to be warped. 

You are correct that it's stupid that so many people are against Arvis at that point, but the issue was that there were far too many that despised Arvis, and there truly was no way of redeeming Arvis. Arvis even knew that and he likely also felt responsible for this. Also, one thing we never addressed was even if we can say that Arvis could redeem himself, the question is, WOULD he? 

I'm convinced you have issues with reading comprehension. This might be tough but here we go. I didn't say you said I didn't understand, I said I said I understand. I said you didn't need to repeat it.  

I also never said that many people were against Arvis, I said the exact opposite. As far him wanting to redeem himself or not, I'm not sure. Sometimes he's depicted as cold and cunning, but his actions suggest only the cold part.  


On 2/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, omegaxis1 said:


Lewyn died in the Battle of Belhalla against Manfroy. Forseti actually took over him after the event passed. Even shows it in this video:

And as for how long he's been possessed, there are these quotes spoken:

This implies that she was young when she was warped away, and for years, Forseti has been caring for her.

Lewyn survived Belhalla. He was killed afterwards. We don't know when he died or when Forseti took over. You do know many of the things in the opening are impossible right? The most relevant ones being Forseti having a human body separate from Levin and using the Valkyrie staff. Some things depicted there don't even happen in game. 

I already said that it couldn't have been that long ago considering Julius is only 15 during FE4. What are you trying to do here?  

By the way, none of what quoted suggests anything about how long Forseti's been around.

On 2/9/2018 at 1:48 PM, omegaxis1 said:


Forseti possessed Lewyn the moment that he revived him, after all. 

You don't know that.

Edited by Køkø
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5 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Where is stated the entire sect knows of Manfroy's plans? Arvis was the emperor of the most powerful kingdom on the continent, you will not convince me that there was nothing Arvis could have done. Just drop it. 

When did it say that the entire sect didn't? All Manfroy needs is for someone to know about it, and that's it. The information simply must exist for Manfroy to have subordinates, and given that he's the Archbishop of the cult, he must have enough connections to ensure that there are failsafes to keep Arvis at bay. To assume he doesn't would be even more stupid on his part. 

8 minutes ago, Køkø said:

No, it doesn't. That begs the question as to why Arvis believed Manfroy in the first place. He eventually travels to the Spirit Forest and finds out himself later anyway.The LC had no proof in FE4. Perhaps in a remake, but not FE4. Drop it.  

I literally JUST said that. If Manfroy simply tells Arvis that he's got Loptyr blood in him, Arvis can easily deny it. Arvis would need proof that he had Loptyr Blood. I mean, not like they had blood tests at that time. So the very fact that Arvis would believe it, know his heritage, must mean that there must mean that there exists proof of the lineage. 

Of course, there's literally no point in arguing about it, because we will never know. 

19 minutes ago, Køkø said:

I also never said that many people were against Arvis, I said the exact opposite. As far him wanting to redeem himself or not, I'm not sure. Sometimes he's depicted as cold and cunning, but his actions suggest only the cold part.  

I am saying that many people were against Arvis, though. Arvis ultimately did let the people of Jugdral down and allowed the Loptyr Empire to revive. Do you honestly think people would still want him around? Even if people believe that he isn't Loptyr, the fact remains that Arvis did fail as their emperor. No one would support him any longer. They know that he was once good, but his actions, or even inactions, are a crime in the end. 

That's just it, Arvis WOULDN'T want to redeem himself. By the point that he let his people down, lost the woman he loved, etc. there was no longer any intention of Arvis wanting to join them. You mentioned suicide, but like we've said before, Arvis likely wanted Seliph to get that one personal grudge out of the way that he at least must have believed Seliph to have, and that was letting Seliph avenge his father. 

And though Seliph held no ill will towards Arvis at the end of the war, there were dialogue indicating that he had some anger towards Arvis:


“Y, yes, mother! Hey, I slew Emperor Alvis! I’ve finally avenged father’s death!”


“Emperor Alvis! Why did you kill my father…”

“Celice… So you made it. I commend your bravery. But you will, nonetheless, be incinerated by my fire. You’re just as pathetic as your father was…”


33 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Lewyn survived Belhalla. He was killed afterwards. We don't know when he died or when Forseti took over. You do know many of the things in the opening are impossible right? The most relevant ones being Forseti having a human body separate from Levin and using the Valkyrie staff. Some things depicted there don't even happen in game. 

I already said that it couldn't have been that long ago considering Julius is only 15 during FE4. What are you trying to do here?  

By the way, none of what quoted suggests anything about how long Forseti's been around.

Where did it exactly state that Lewyn actually died after the Battle of Belhalla? Also, uh... exactly how would it be possible for Forseti to not have a human body? Kaga literally stated that the moment that Lewyn took the Forseti tome, Forseti's will was already inside Lewyn. Forseti's tome is actually like Loptyr and Naga's tome, due to how these three tomes contained the will of the dragon itself, and can possess the user of the tomes. This is because Forseti was much more passionate and caring towards humans and wanted to protect them. So his tome carries his will. That's why these three Weapons have the same name as the dragon that created it. 

As for why Forseti has the Valkyrie staff, jury's out on that one. I don't get it myself. However, these events in Genealogy that unlocks only when you played the game several times means that this opening contains very likely canonical information on what happened. 


I found her in Barhara when she was real little. She was hurt pretty bad. So I took her to a remote area of Silesia and have been taking care of her all this time. But things there got a little too hairy for my taste, so we made our way here. But now I have to go to Lenster and… well, she’s slowing me down a bit. Celice… I hate to burden you, but can you take her off my hands for a little while? I think she’s been through quite a bit. She hasn’t a single memory of what happened to her before I picked her up.”

What does this sentence right at the beginning imply? Real little? Does that imply only 1-2 years? No, it implies several years in fact. And Julia also says that her brother became a demonic child, implying that they were kids when they were possessed. Combine these two aspects, and the narration of when Arvis suddenly changed, and it becomes clear that Forseti has been caring for Julia for a long time. 

40 minutes ago, Køkø said:

You don't know that.

And you do know that he died after the Battle of Belhalla and only recently got possessed by Forseti?

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7 hours ago, Køkø said:

I don't understand why Arvis needed to be a boss. Gwenchaos is the main antagonist of Tearring Saga and you never fight him once. 

Well maybe you should have. I don't know, I haven't played Tearring Saga, so I don't know how apropriate thatis or isn't. But I do know that if Alvis had went and slit his own throat during the time skip, then to me it would have felt very underwhelming. Likewise, if he suddenly started Valflaming Julius in the final chapter, I reckon it would come across as tacky. It's not impossible to make either option work, but what they went with was the most suitable for both gameplay and narrative. Now would Seliph had accepted Alvis into his ranks with open arms? That's not a clear cut answer (he said he would have been willing to ally with Trabant, but on the other hand, he brags to Deirdre's ghost about killing Alvis after the fight), and for the purpose of this, it's rather irrelvant. Alvis has absolutely no reason to believe he'd be welcomed into the army. He didn't just kill Sigurd, he actively betrayed his trust and the entire liberation army knows. Alvis' actions are perfectly in keeping with his characterisation and the context of the situation.

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1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

When did it say that the entire sect didn't? All Manfroy needs is for someone to know about it, and that's it. The information simply must exist for Manfroy to have subordinates, and given that he's the Archbishop of the cult, he must have enough connections to ensure that there are failsafes to keep Arvis at bay. To assume he doesn't would be even more stupid on his part. 

You see, that's the problem I have with you. Everyone else has succinctly expressed their points and concluded but you just go on and on and on. Every time, this whole thing ends with us talking about things that are unconfirmed. "You don't know this", "well you don't know that". It's exhausting. 

You were the one who suggested that that entire LC were privy to highly classified information. I asked you to show proof, you ask me to show proof of your non-proof.  When you do this, the conversation goes in circles. The onus is on you to provide bases for your claims. 

Common sense and real world examples would lead one to conclude that low ranking members are not privy to the plans of their superiors. This along with the fact that the majority of the LC have been exiled to Yied at the time challenges your claim. You speak of fail safes in regards to Manfroy, who we've extensively gone over? You just destroyed your own argument with the following sentence. 

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


I literally JUST said that. If Manfroy simply tells Arvis that he's got Loptyr blood in him, Arvis can easily deny it. Arvis would need proof that he had Loptyr Blood. I mean, not like they had blood tests at that time. So the very fact that Arvis would believe it, know his heritage, must mean that there must mean that there exists proof of the lineage. 

We reached a conclusion yet you still keep going on. They only way Arvis confirmed it was by going to the Spirit Forest himself. 

There was no proof that could be presented to the masses. Stop talking about this.  

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


I am saying that many people were against Arvis, though. Arvis ultimately did let the people of Jugdral down and allowed the Loptyr Empire to revive. Do you honestly think people would still want him around? Even if people believe that he isn't Loptyr, the fact remains that Arvis did fail as their emperor. No one would support him any longer. They know that he was once good, but his actions, or even inactions, are a crime in the end. 

And though Seliph held no ill will towards Arvis at the end of the war, there were dialogue indicating that he had some anger towards Arvis:



And your claim is ill founded. Arvis was not beyond redemption, Grandbell was a utopia under his reign until Julius took the reign. You disagree, okay. There's no point in going on about it.

And what dialogue is that? He's not even angry when he's killing the man ffs. 

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


Where did it exactly state that Lewyn actually died after the Battle of Belhalla? Also, uh... exactly how would it be possible for Forseti to not have a human body? Kaga literally stated that the moment that Lewyn took the Forseti tome, Forseti's will was already inside Lewyn. Forseti's tome is actually like Loptyr and Naga's tome, due to how these three tomes contained the will of the dragon itself, and can possess the user of the tomes. This is because Forseti was much more passionate and caring towards humans and wanted to protect them. So his tome carries his will. That's why these three Weapons have the same name as the dragon that created it. 

As for why Forseti has the Valkyrie staff, jury's out on that one. I don't get it myself. However, these events in Genealogy that unlocks only when you played the game several times means that this opening contains very likely canonical information on what happened. 

What does this sentence right at the beginning imply? Real little? Does that imply only 1-2 years? No, it implies several years in fact. And Julia also says that her brother became a demonic child, implying that they were kids when they were possessed. Combine these two aspects, and the narration of when Arvis suddenly changed, and it becomes clear that Forseti has been caring for Julia for a long time. 

And you do know that he died after the Battle of Belhalla and only recently got possessed by Forseti?

His fate after Belhalla is explicitly mentioned to be unknown, unlike the ones who were confirmed dead. I'll admit that I'm biased towards the theory of him dying afterwards that's been around for years. Manfroy was not even present during the incident. Perhaps they can explain better than me, not a lot to work with since most of what we're talking about is ambiguous. 

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


Also, uh... exactly how would it be possible for Forseti to not have a human body? Kaga literally stated that the moment that Lewyn took the Forseti tome, Forseti's will was already inside Lewyn. Forseti's tome is actually like Loptyr and Naga's tome, due to how these three tomes contained the will of the dragon itself, and can possess the user of the tomes. This is because Forseti was much more passionate and caring towards humans and wanted to protect them. So his tome carries his will. That's why these three Weapons have the same name as the dragon that created it. 

That's the second problem I have with you. Sometimes you don't read very well. I said other than Lewyn. You posted things from the interviews, how are you confused? Forseti exists within the tome.  

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


What does this sentence right at the beginning imply? Real little? Does that imply only 1-2 years? No, it implies several years in fact. And Julia also says that her brother became a demonic child, implying that they were kids when they were possessed. Combine these two aspects, and the narration of when Arvis suddenly changed, and it becomes clear that Forseti has been caring for Julia for a long time. 

What part of what I'm saying don't you understand? We don't know exactly when Julia met Levin/Forseti or which one he was at the time. It couldn't have been that long ago because Julia is only 15 as well. Stop talking about this.  

1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


And you do know that he died after the Battle of Belhalla and only recently got possessed by Forseti?

I said recent in the context of Gen 2. Meaning he was not around in Gen 1.  


35 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Well maybe you should have. I don't know, I haven't played Tearring Saga, so I don't know how apropriate thatis or isn't. But I do know that if Alvis had went and slit his own throat during the time skip, then to me it would have felt very underwhelming. Likewise, if he suddenly started Valflaming Julius in the final chapter, I reckon it would come across as tacky. It's not impossible to make either option work, but what they went with was the most suitable for both gameplay and narrative. Now would Seliph had accepted Alvis into his ranks with open arms? That's not a clear cut answer (he said he would have been willing to ally with Trabant, but on the other hand, he brags to Deirdre's ghost about killing Alvis after the fight), and for the purpose of this, it's rather irrelvant. Alvis has absolutely no reason to believe he'd be welcomed into the army. He didn't just kill Sigurd, he actively betrayed his trust and the entire liberation army knows. Alvis' actions are perfectly in keeping with his characterisation and the context of the situation.

Play Tearring Saga now, you heathen.

I just feel like Arvis was wasted potential, a lot of people who died did not have to.

Edited by Køkø
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5 minutes ago, Køkø said:

You see, that's the problem I have with you. Everyone else has succinctly expressed their points and concluded but you just go on and on and on. Every time, this whole thing ends with us talking about things that are unconfirmed. "You don't know this", "well you don't know that". It's exhausting. 

You were the one who suggested that that entire LC were privy to highly classified information. I asked you to show proof, you ask me to show proof of your non-proof.  When you do this, the conversation goes in circles. The onus is on you to provide bases for your claims. 

Common sense and real world examples would lead one to conclude that low ranking members are not privy to the plans of their superiors. This along with the fact that the majority of the LC have been exiled to Yied at the time challenges your claim. You speak of fail safes in regards to Manfroy, who we've extensively gone over? You just destroyed your own argument with the following sentence. 

Probably pointless in that regards then to go with the reversing manner then. Okay, here's the case. The entire Loptyr cult was all aiming to revive Loptyr. Manfroy even talked to one member and told him on why Deirdre is important to their plans. Manfroy would have no reason to actually hold any kind of secret back regarding information about key pieces on other members. Everyone naturally wants the same thing, for Loptyr to be revived, due to how they were all persecuted. Also, let's say that not everyone was informed, how does Arvis knows for sure that not everyone knows?

When you're a man of power, would you kill someone that knows your secret and not for one second consider the possibility that he might have others knowing it or holding onto it that would end up being released if something were to happen to the someone that originally knew? 

Unless Arvis knew that Manfroy was the ONLY one that knew of the lineage, which Manfroy really couldn't be, would Arvis take any kind of risks? 

10 minutes ago, Køkø said:

We reached a conclusion yet you still keep going on. They only way Arvis confirmed it was by going to the Spirit Forest himself. 

There was no proof that could be presented to the masses. Stop talking about this.  

Honestly, if Arvis actually did just take Manfroy's word on it, this would actually make Arvis look stupid. 

Actually, a bunch of the things you've pointed out could necessarily be considered goofs and plotholes for FE4. 

11 minutes ago, Køkø said:

And your claim is ill founded. Arvis was not beyond redemption, Grandbell was a utopia under his reign until Julius took the reign. You disagree, okay. There's no point in going on about it.

And what dialogue is that? He's not even angry when he's killing the man ffs. 

But that's just it, very much likely, he was beyond redemption in the eyes of the people. Would they have accepted him back? Really, despite how Seliph at the end of the series said that he understands that Arvis was just a man manipulated by fate, history still judged Arvis as the villain, if we go by Awakening's DLC talk with Chrom, where he explained that he wonders how Arvis could seem pleasant when all he's heard is that Arvis was a villain in every story. 

Also, we have to also consider something else. Even if Arvis helped them out in the end, what was awaiting Arvis after? You think he could actually be pardoned? Inaction can actually be seen as a crime still. Being the emperor, the man that was supposed to be in charge, not do anything to help the suffering people, already destroys his image those same people. 

I'm not saying that Arvis was beyond redemption as a person. But to the people, and to himself, he likely believed that he was beyond redemption. 

Seliph was literally bragging to the spirit of his mother that he killed Arvis, avenging Sigurd. Meaning that Seliph did have a hint of vengeance against Arvis for Sigurd's death. 

16 minutes ago, Køkø said:

His fate after Belhalla is explicitly mentioned to be unknown, unlike the ones who were confirmed dead. I'll admit that I'm biased towards the theory of him dying afterwards that's been around for years. Manfroy was not even present during the incident. Perhaps they can explain better than me, not a lot to work with since most of what we're talking about is ambiguous. 

Well, the case on the Battle of Belhalla is that we only see them being struck by meteors. So we don't know explicitly what happened there, since the game doesn't show us, except that opening. IN there, it shows that Sigurd did fight Arvis and didn't simply just die immediately to him, and Deirdre healed Arvis. In that battle, it seems to show that Manfroy found and killed Lewyn. 

Now, I will admit perhaps the possession of Lewyn did not happen immediately. In fact, Kaga explains that Lewyn's fate is unknown in Gen 2. It could mean Lewyn is still in there, or perhaps its just Forseti and Lewyn's spirit is gone. Or perhaps its a mixture of the two. Perhaps we can say that when Lewyn was revived, he did return as normal, but slowly, little by little, Forseti's will grew stronger in him till that will overpowered Lewyn's own and he was forced to abandon his family and try to save the people that were suffering. 

27 minutes ago, Køkø said:

That's the second problem I have with you. Sometimes you don't read very well. I said other than Lewyn. You posted things from the interviews, how are you confused? Forseti exists within the tome.  

No, I did read it, and I'm saying that its not impossible at all for Forseti to have his own body. Forseti puts his will and power into the tome, but that doesn't mean that his body has to die with it. It's unknown what happened to Loptyr's body, but both Forseti and Naga were in the Miracle of Darna, where they placed their power and will into the tome, and they were still alive when they went back to Archanea.

Kaga never stated that creating the tome and placing your will only means that the dragon that made it dies. It simply means that now their will can live on. Also, Loptyr even explained that the actual dragon exists in the blood. You pulled the dialogue here, where Loptyr tells Manfroy that very thing. 

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24 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Probably pointless in that regards then to go with the reversing manner then. Okay, here's the case. The entire Loptyr cult was all aiming to revive Loptyr. Manfroy even talked to one member and told him on why Deirdre is important to their plans. Manfroy would have no reason to actually hold any kind of secret back regarding information about key pieces on other members. Everyone naturally wants the same thing, for Loptyr to be revived, due to how they were all persecuted. Also, let's say that not everyone was informed, how does Arvis knows for sure that not everyone knows?

When you're a man of power, would you kill someone that knows your secret and not for one second consider the possibility that he might have others knowing it or holding onto it that would end up being released if something were to happen to the someone that originally knew? 

Unless Arvis knew that Manfroy was the ONLY one that knew of the lineage, which Manfroy really couldn't be, would Arvis take any kind of risks? 

Sure, just ignore the fact that they were broken and disfranchised.  

26 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


Seliph was literally bragging to the spirit of his mother that he killed Arvis, avenging Sigurd. Meaning that Seliph did have a hint of vengeance against Arvis for Sigurd's death. 

No anger is present in that conversation. And that was after Arvis' snide comment about him and his father.  

28 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


In that battle, it seems to show that Manfroy found and killed Lewyn. 

Another thing to note is that their battle is shown to take place indoors, the Belhalla massacre was outside. This supports the Lewyn surviving chapter 5 theory.   

34 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


No, I did read it, and I'm saying that its not impossible at all for Forseti to have his own body. Forseti puts his will and power into the tome, but that doesn't mean that his body has to die with it. It's unknown what happened to Loptyr's body, but both Forseti and Naga were in the Miracle of Darna, where they placed their power and will into the tome, and they were still alive when they went back to Archanea.

Kaga never stated that creating the tome and placing your will only means that the dragon that made it dies. It simply means that now their will can live on. Also, Loptyr even explained that the actual dragon exists in the blood. You pulled the dialogue here, where Loptyr tells Manfroy that very thing. 

Where would the body come from? Why and does Forseti have a human body in the first place? Loptyr does not have a physical form anymore, he lives in the tome. He never states that the "actual dragon" is in the blood, he states that the blood of a holy warrior is shared by their respective dragons. Only someone with major blood can wield a holy weapon, meaning that someone with major Naga wielding the BON is essentially Naga herself. 

Apologies for my erroneous statement regarding when Julia was exiled. I had been using the grand timeline.  

“Greetings, Yuria. Do you remember who I am?”


“Ha! Your memory is still intact… And to think it’s been 7 years.”

“Yes, I remember it all now… …as if it were yesterday.”

Meaning the twins were 8 when that happened. I had pegged them to be around 8-9 but I didn't want to make ungrounded assumptions. She spent 7 years with Lewyn/Forseti. Still a minority of years in Arvis' rule so I wasn't wrong there.








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3 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Sure, just ignore the fact that they were broken and disfranchised.  

The fact that they managed to gather enough power to manipulate so many events, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that they could still have ways of keeping low profile in other places. 

5 minutes ago, Køkø said:

No anger is present in that conversation. And that was after Arvis' snide comment about him and his father.  

My mistake. It wasn't necessarily anger, but Seliph did have a desire to want to avenge his father's death. And even if he didn't have any vengeance in his heart, Arvis likely didn't think that, and believed that Seliph would naturally want revenge. It's not impossible to assume that. 

7 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Another thing to note is that their battle is shown to take place indoors, the Belhalla massacre was outside. This supports the Lewyn surviving chapter 5 theory.   

The background does imply that. But I believe that Lewyn's death did still happen during the Battle of Belhalla. They were near a castle, so there could have been a chance. Who knows. 

9 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Where would the body come from? Why and does Forseti have a human body in the first place? Loptyr does not have a physical form anymore, he lives in the tome. He never states that the "actual dragon" is in the blood, he states that the blood of a holy warrior is shared by their respective dragons. Only someone with major blood can wield a holy weapon, meaning that someone with major Naga wielding the BON is essentially Naga herself. 

Manakete? I mean, it was stated that the dragons appeared to the humans in human form, with Naga taking the form of a maiden, and Salamander the form of an elderly man. Since they're manaketes, it isn't surprising at all that Forseti could appear in human form. Loptyr doesn't have one, and we have no idea whatever happened to him. However, we can assume that his physical body might have died. Naga was still alive and died about 48 years after the Miracle of Darna. And if Forseti was still alive and present to go to Jugdral to revive Lewyn, it must mean he's still alive as well.

Loptyr said that Naga's incarnate exists through Heim's blood, meaning that the spirit of Naga does exist through the bloodline. But its only through taking the Holy Weapon while having Major Blood that seems to have the will from the tome respond to the spirit within the blood.

17 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Apologies for my erroneous statement regarding when Julia was exiled. I had been using the grand timeline.  

“Greetings, Yuria. Do you remember who I am?”


“Ha! Your memory is still intact… And to think it’s been 7 years.”

“Yes, I remember it all now… …as if it were yesterday.”

Meaning the twins were 8 when that happened. I had pegged them to be around 8-9 but I didn't want to make ungrounded assumptions. She spent 7 years with Lewyn/Forseti. Still a minority of years in Arvis' rule so I wasn't wrong there.

Mhm, though that's still around 7 years when Arvis was believed to have gone full blown tyrant, since the moment Loptyr took over Julius, Arvis became his puppet ruler. 

Also, so can we at least agree that Lewyn's possession might not have happened immediately, but rather had a steady progress after his revival.  

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On 2/7/2018 at 8:46 AM, omegaxis1 said:

You know, Saias' very existence makes me question two things. One, why did Manfroy try to kill Saias in the past, just cause he had the Holy Mark for Fala? I mean, just cause he can use Valflame doesn't mean that he would be a threat. Arvis still owned Valflame, and even then, that shouldn't have warranted a threat against Loptyr. However, I think this would actually be because Saias was a scandal, in how he was the illegitimate offspring of Arvis the Emperor. So he likely wanted to eliminate him for political reasons. 

Two, does Saias have Loptyr blood in him? If so, it actually is possible to have a sequel in Loptyr reviving. It's one of the things that my friend and I theorized was possible, so we wanted to play on that in how Loptyr existed in the time of the First Exalt.


16 hours ago, Køkø said:

You know, I wouldn't have a problem if the villains in this game were more subtle and at least tried to hide their motives. They make it very clear who they are and what they want to do. They're so blatantly evil you'd have to be an idiot to trust them. You ask what Arvis would have against them? Maybe the fact that their reign was the darkest era in Jugdral's history? The fact that they blatantly state they wish to revive the empire, thereby directly going against Arvis' wishes? The requirement for this would be toppling Arvis' regime. That's grounds for execution right there.  You will not convince me that letting them sit right under him and doing nothing wasn't stupid. If you were the leader of country and received backing from a terrorist group, would you not expunge said terrorist group if it were in your power to do so? Especially if said terrorist group is directly against your way of running things? Why would they help you if they didn't have something to gain from it? 

That's what makes Manfroy look even dumber. 

Cyas has no ties to the Grandbell throne, so it wasn't because of political reasons.   

See my above comments in regards to the people's view of Arvis. Acceptence? They need all the help they can get, another holy weapon on their side would be invaluable. And he wouldn't have to take orders from Seliph, he could do what he did in the prologue. (It'd be a nice throwback to have him help you in the final chapter) Areone can assist Seliph without taking orders, why not Arvis? 

Ok, you both mentioned Saias/Cyas/whatever, so I'll just explain one possible reason why Manfroy wanted to kill him off. Correct me if I'm wrong about a certain fact.

In-game it is said that Saias was targeted because of his Major Fala blood, which means he could wield Valflame. However, this shouldn't be a problem if Arvis is known to have the tome and Saias is all the way over in Thracia. Sure, there's warping shenanigans, but Saias didn't have the means to do that. So whatever "threat" Manfroy saw was kind of weird. Then again, it makes it seem like Manfroy is going senile in Gen. 2 (seriously why did he spare Julia?)

However, another potential reason Saias would be a threat is if he was OLDER than Julius, meaning he would technically be the rightful heir to Arvis' throne, not Julius. The public didn't know this, but if word ever got out, it could place serious mistrust in the homeland of Grandbell, and then Saias could start his own rebellion, and they were already trying to take care of Seliph's. At the very least, Julius would be mocked for being a second son and not the eldest. But then again, I'm not sure how you can mock the reincarnation of a dragon of darkness and despair.

Ehh I'll just write this mystery off as a questionable choice by Manfroy's senile ass.

Now back to Arvis' acceptance. I don't know about you Koko, but I wouldn't want to team up with my father's murderer. Plus Seliph wanted the throne, and Arvis would just be an obstacle in the future.

Even though Arvis was essentially betrayed by his own son, who could ask a father to kill his own child. Unless Kaga wanted to make some sort of Abraham/Isaac parallel, which I can totally see.


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6 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:


Ok, you both mentioned Saias/Cyas/whatever, so I'll just explain one possible reason why Manfroy wanted to kill him off. Correct me if I'm wrong about a certain fact.

In-game it is said that Saias was targeted because of his Major Fala blood, which means he could wield Valflame. However, this shouldn't be a problem if Arvis is known to have the tome and Saias is all the way over in Thracia. Sure, there's warping shenanigans, but Saias didn't have the means to do that. So whatever "threat" Manfroy saw was kind of weird. Then again, it makes it seem like Manfroy is going senile in Gen. 2 (seriously why did he spare Julia?)

However, another potential reason Saias would be a threat is if he was OLDER than Julius, meaning he would technically be the rightful heir to Arvis' throne, not Julius. The public didn't know this, but if word ever got out, it could place serious mistrust in the homeland of Grandbell, and then Saias could start his own rebellion, and they were already trying to take care of Seliph's. At the very least, Julius would be mocked for being a second son and not the eldest. But then again, I'm not sure how you can mock the reincarnation of a dragon of darkness and despair.

Ehh I'll just write this mystery off as a questionable choice by Manfroy's senile ass.

Now back to Arvis' acceptance. I don't know about you Koko, but I wouldn't want to team up with my father's murderer. Plus Seliph wanted the throne, and Arvis would just be an obstacle in the future.

Even though Arvis was essentially betrayed by his own son, who could ask a father to kill his own child. Unless Kaga wanted to make some sort of Abraham/Isaac parallel, which I can totally see.


Cyas being older than Julius is irrelvant. 1, he's a bastard and bastards don't get inheritance, but more importantly 2, Julius' royal lineage comes directly from Deirdre, not Alvis. Alvis could have had a bunch of kids before Julius, legitmate or otherwise, but it would be irrelvant since he's only a Dowager Emperor (or whatever the male equivalent of that title is).

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10 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

The fact that they managed to gather enough power to manipulate so many events, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that they could still have ways of keeping low profile in other places

They weren't powerful until they reunified well into Grandbell's birth as an empire. This happened independently of the LC, they just latched on because a certain idiot allowed them to. Remember, most of the Grandbell army doesn't even care about Loptyr, they're acting in their own self interest. Meaning if everyone got their shit together, the LC could easily be expunged even after their revival. The manipulation came from happenstance and other character's stupidity.  

10 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:


Manakete? I mean, it was stated that the dragons appeared to the humans in human form, with Naga taking the form of a maiden, and Salamander the form of an elderly man. Since they're manaketes, it isn't surprising at all that Forseti could appear in human form. Loptyr doesn't have one, and we have no idea whatever happened to him. However, we can assume that his physical body might have died. Naga was still alive and died about 48 years after the Miracle of Darna. And if Forseti was still alive and present to go to Jugdral to revive Lewyn, it must mean he's still alive as well.


Where did the body come from if Forseti is in Archanea and his spirit is inside the book? Naga is more powerful than all of them, so it's possible she used less essence when creating hers. Her death 69 years later might be related to that. 

7 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:


Now back to Arvis' acceptance. I don't know about you Koko, but I wouldn't want to team up with my father's murderer. Plus Seliph wanted the throne, and Arvis would just be an obstacle in the future.

Even though Arvis was essentially betrayed by his own son, who could ask a father to kill his own child. Unless Kaga wanted to make some sort of Abraham/Isaac parallel, which I can totally see.

You and I aren't generic anime protagonists. That aside, Seliph was an infant when he last saw his father. They were not close, and Seliph likely has no memory of him other than the fact that he existed. Seliph didn't want the throne, he was the rightful heir of it. Arvis would have to move anyway, and there's no reason punishment couldn't have been meted after the giant evil dragon incarnate of death and destruction was out of the way. They had mutual interests. 

Julius was no longer Arvis' son at that point, there's no indication that they were close either.  

1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Cyas being older than Julius is irrelvant. 1, he's a bastard and bastards don't get inheritance, but more importantly 2, Julius' royal lineage comes directly from Deirdre, not Alvis. Alvis could have had a bunch of kids before Julius, legitmate or otherwise, but it would be irrelvant since he's only a Dowager Emperor (or whatever the male equivalent of that title is).

Beat me to it. Arvis was the placeholder ruler until Julius was ready.  And that it's through Deirdre that Julius inherits the throne. Seliph being first born makes him the rightful heir. Cyas is no political threat because he's a bastard on top of not being a member to the Grandbell royal family. I know you said it already but I wanted to say it anyway.  Make sure you play Tearring Saga, heathen. I will not stop asking until you do.

Edited by Køkø
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4 hours ago, Køkø said:

They weren't powerful until they reunified well into Grandbell's birth as an empire. This happened independently of the LC, they just latched on because a certain idiot allowed them to. Remember, most of the Grandbell army doesn't even care about Loptyr, they're acting in their own self interest. Meaning if everyone got their shit together, the LC could easily be expunged even after their revival. The manipulation came from happenstance and other character's stupidity.  

Yes, but remember that they were in hiding for many years before even reemerging from underground and latching onto others, meaning they've escaped the gaze of the empire for a long time. Even if they tried to hunt them down together, there's still no guarantee that they'd expunge them all.

4 hours ago, Køkø said:

Where did the body come from if Forseti is in Archanea and his spirit is inside the book? Naga is more powerful than all of them, so it's possible she used less essence when creating hers. Her death 69 years later might be related to that. 

Okay, that's not how Holy Blood pacts work. Forseti, Naga, and Loptyr made the pacts. The blood is already in the veins of the human, and thus, their spirit or essence is already in the blood of the human. The tome that were made is just a weapon that has their will and power inside it that reacts to the major bloodline. Nothing actually happens to the original being from this. So Forseti could still be alive after the Miracle of Darna, and still come over. We don't know if his Dragonstone was actually lost, so he could still transform into a dragon and return to Jugdral because he might have sensed something amiss. The fact that the opening vid shows that Forseti actually appearing means that Forseti was still alive and had his own body, he somehow got his hands on the Valkyrie staff (seriously, how? I don't get that), and then somehow vamoosed after reviving his current heir, knowing that his will will start to take over Lewyn. 

We're just missing information on this one. 

As for why Naga died, well... I'm not saying that the Holy Blood thing played no part, but she did actually come out of a gruesome war against the entire Earth Dragon race, and other dragons that degenerated as well. It's not hard to believe that Naga might have actually received damage that crippled her body and drained her life force.

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27 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Yes, but remember that they were in hiding for many years before even reemerging from underground and latching onto others, meaning they've escaped the gaze of the empire for a long time. Even if they tried to hunt them down together, there's still no guarantee that they'd expunge them all.

Underground in Yied, far away from Grandbell, with no land,resources,militia, or jurisdiction. At the height of Grandbell's strength, it would have been a simple task to keep them from coming back in the first place. When they did take over, they were extremely outnumbered even then. 

How could they had been escaping the gaze of the empire when it didn't even exist? 

27 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


Okay, that's not how Holy Blood pacts work. Forseti, Naga, and Loptyr made the pacts. The blood is already in the veins of the human, and thus, their spirit or essence is already in the blood of the human. The tome that were made is just a weapon that has their will and power inside it that reacts to the major bloodline. Nothing actually happens to the original being from this. So Forseti could still be alive after the Miracle of Darna, and still come over. We don't know if his Dragonstone was actually lost, so he could still transform into a dragon and return to Jugdral because he might have sensed something amiss. The fact that the opening vid shows that Forseti actually appearing means that Forseti was still alive and had his own body, he somehow got his hands on the Valkyrie staff (seriously, how? I don't get that), and then somehow vamoosed after reviving his current heir, knowing that his will will start to take over Lewyn. 

We're just missing information on this one. 

What part of what I said indicated I didn't understand this? You have a bad habit of doing that. 

 None of this explains anything. 

You're expecting me to believe Forseti instantly warped to Jugdral in that exact place at that exact time in the middle of a conflict with Loptyr's forces in a weak human body rather than his dragon form to bring back Levin with a staff he can't even use? And then back to Archanea afterwards? No.



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2 minutes ago, Køkø said:

Underground in Yied, far away from Grandbell, with no land,resources,militia, or jurisdiction. At the height of Grandbell's strength, it would have been a simple task to keep them from coming back in the first place. When they did take over, they were extremely outnumbered even then. 

How could they had been escaping the gaze of the empire when it didn't even exist? 

That's just it. The entire kingdom was created after the war was over. And there were people that even went on active witch hunts. If the Loptyr Cult has been able to hide under the Yeid Desert for so many long years without said resources as you said, they can do it again. Also, here's a thing, what's to stop the cult from possibly telling some other power hungry leader that Arvis has Loptyr Blood in him? They don't even need proof here, but if they can stroke the person's ego and manipulate him, then Arvis has an enemy in almost all places. Even though he is the ruler, he has no way of knowing how the cult would react if he tries anything. 

Perhaps we can assume that Arvis had been planning on getting rid of the cult sooner or later, but before he could try anything, Manfroy already got what he needed, and got Julius to become Loptyr's vessel. 

7 minutes ago, Køkø said:

What part of what I said indicated I didn't understand this? You have a bad habit of doing that. 

 None of this explains anything. 

You're expecting me to believe Forseti instantly warped to Jugdral in that exact place at that exact time in the middle of conflict with Loptyr's forces in a weak human body rather than his dragon form to bring back Levin with a staff he can't even use? And then back to Archanea afterwards? No.

Because you're implying that Forseti's soul is in the tome, and should have no body. But Holy Blood and making the Holy Weapon does not mean that the dragon that did that dies or anything. 

As for what you can or can't believe, I can't tell you what else. We're clearly seeing what's happening here. Forseti was alive and he only brought Lewyn back. Why he did that, we can only assume. 

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If I may pitch in my two cents, the Loptyr Cult, while still mostly holed up in the Yied Desert, they weren't entirely isolated or alone.

It should be pointed out Manfroy conspired with Reptor and Lombard to kill King Mananan so the Grannvale-Issach conflict would escalate. So their survival is a combination of their isolation... and that there are people whose ambitions makes them see use in the Cult. So better to manipulate them than to kill. Of course, this allows the Cult in turn to manipulate them back. There's also the fact most people aren't really aware that there is a chance to bring Loptyr back, so they think the Cult is more bark than bite, so those that don't kill them outright  expect they will just die out in due time, unaware they've been planning their comeback for quite some times. Or, like Reptor, Lombard, and Arvis, see use in them so might as well keep them around (and well, Arvis was willing to let them be, also not quite expecting they were actually close in bringing Loptyr back). The fact they were also capable of knowing the Loptyr bloodline was still alive through Cygun shows they still capable of operating just fine.


Regarding the Forseti thing... I think this is a case where you need to not take the scene literally. The Opening Demo does show stuff we're only told off, but since it relies on doing it through te in-game build, then it's more metaphorical and literal the scene of "Forseti" using the "Valkyrie Staff". For all we know, the will on the tome simply began to possess the lifeless corpse, rather than Forseti himself coming back and possessing the body. Which is true? Who knows...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Regarding the Forseti thing... I think this is a case where you need to not take the scene literally. The Opening Demo does show stuff we're only told off, but since it relies on doing it through te in-game build, then it's more metaphorical and literal the scene of "Forseti" using the "Valkyrie Staff". For all we know, the will on the tome simply began to possess the lifeless corpse, rather than Forseti himself coming back and possessing the body. Which is true? Who knows...

Yet another plothole of FE4. As great as the game's story is regarded for, it has some serious plotholes that weren't properly addressed.

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3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Yet another plothole of FE4. As great as the game's story is regarded for, it has some serious plotholes that weren't properly addressed.

I think there are some developer's notes regarding this. They also mention it also happened to Briggid, not just Lewyn. But well, it's not really full-canon, I think.

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57 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

That's just it. The entire kingdom was created after the war was over. And there were people that even went on active witch hunts. If the Loptyr Cult has been able to hide under the Yeid Desert for so many long years without said resources as you said, they can do it again. Also, here's a thing, what's to stop the cult from possibly telling some other power hungry leader that Arvis has Loptyr Blood in him? They don't even need proof here, but if they can stroke the person's ego and manipulate him, then Arvis has an enemy in almost all places. Even though he is the ruler, he has no way of knowing how the cult would react if he tries anything. 

Perhaps we can assume that Arvis had been planning on getting rid of the cult sooner or later, but before he could try anything, Manfroy already got what he needed, and got Julius to become Loptyr's vessel. 

Someone doesn't know the difference between a kingdom and an empire. 

57 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


Because you're implying that Forseti's soul is in the tome, and should have no body. But Holy Blood and making the Holy Weapon does not mean that the dragon that did that dies or anything. 

I literally said 

6 hours ago, Køkø said:


Where did the body come from if Forseti is in Archanea and his spirit is inside the book?

I'm sorry, but if this happens ever again, I will not be conversing with you anymore on anything. I am looking forward to the rest of your Awakening revision, so I might make an exception for that. And if Kaga ever responds I'll link you, but you gotta stop doing that. 

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Regarding the Forseti thing... I think this is a case where you need to not take the scene literally. The Opening Demo does show stuff we're only told off, but since it relies on doing it through te in-game build, then it's more metaphorical and literal the scene of "Forseti" using the "Valkyrie Staff". For all we know, the will on the tome simply began to possess the lifeless corpse, rather than Forseti himself coming back and possessing the body. Which is true? Who knows...

That what I took it as all these years. The only reason Levin was brought back was because of the nature of his holy weapon.  


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think there are some developer's notes regarding this. They also mention it also happened to Briggid, not just Lewyn. But well, it's not really full-canon, I think.

There are interviews and notes, but some of the stuff mentioned actually has Kaga's story remove the ability to choose pairings, and just make his own, where he had that Tailtiu was with Azrl, Claud revived her and died in the process, and the staff never worked again afterwards. 

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11 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

There are interviews and notes, but some of the stuff mentioned actually has Kaga's story remove the ability to choose pairings, and just make his own, where he had that Tailtiu was with Azrl, Claud revived her and died in the process, and the staff never worked again afterwards. 

I don't think it was that they were set, but rather, it was several scenarios, and that was just one example.

But well, hard to say at this point. Some stuff is really long changed. Like how Lachesis was meant to be taken to a prison in Agustria, but Thraccia now goes to imply she (and some other survivors of the Berhara Massacre) was turned to stone and is being housed in the Yied Shrine.

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10 minutes ago, Køkø said:

I'm sorry, but if this happens ever again, I will not be conversing with you anymore on anything. I am looking forward to the rest of your Awakening revision, so I might make an exception for that. And if Kaga ever responds I'll link you, but you gotta stop doing that. 

Are you referring to the fic I'm writing? 

Anyways, I apologize for not realizing what you wrote in there. Tend to misread some of the things. 

11 minutes ago, Køkø said:

That what I took it as all these years. The only reason Levin was brought back was because of the nature of his holy weapon.  

In the end, the case is simply that we just don't know for sure. A lot of information are just missing, so we are just left to fill in the blanks ourselves. So to all the questions that have been answered, or attempted to, we're just going by what seems to be the most logical assumption from the canon information we have been given.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't think it was that they were set, but rather, it was several scenarios, and that was just one example.

But well, hard to say at this point. Some stuff is really long changed. Like how Lachesis was meant to be taken to a prison in Agustria, but Thraccia now goes to imply she (and some other survivors of the Berhara Massacre) was turned to stone and is being housed in the Yied Shrine.

Pretty much. Thracia though basically confirmed some pairings. Like for one thing that Nanna and Leif are canon, along with Beowulf and Lachesis, at least for their son, and Finn might be the father of Nanna. 

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3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

Are you referring to the fic I'm writing? 


4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:


Anyways, I apologize for not realizing what you wrote in there. Tend to misread some of the things. 

It's not that serious, so I hope I didn't come off that way. It's just that when it happens over and over again it gets annoying and makes me not want to talk to you. Please work on this. There's no time limit for a response.

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1 minute ago, Køkø said:


It's not that serious, so I hope I didn't come off that way. It's just that when it happens over and over again it gets annoying and makes me not want to talk to you. Please work on this. There's no time limit for a response.

This might be the reason. I tend to hurry at times on my replies.

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

Cyas being older than Julius is irrelvant. 1, he's a bastard and bastards don't get inheritance, but more importantly 2, Julius' royal lineage comes directly from Deirdre, not Alvis. Alvis could have had a bunch of kids before Julius, legitmate or otherwise, but it would be irrelvant since he's only a Dowager Emperor (or whatever the male equivalent of that title is).


6 hours ago, Køkø said:

Beat me to it. Arvis was the placeholder ruler until Julius was ready.  And that it's through Deirdre that Julius inherits the throne. Seliph being first born makes him the rightful heir. Cyas is no political threat because he's a bastard on top of not being a member to the Grandbell royal family. I know you said it already but I wanted to say it anyway.  Make sure you play Tearring Saga, heathen. I will not stop asking until you do.

Oh ok. This makes sense. 

God I need to play TRS.

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