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Reason for my Absence, and Possible Future Absence


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Well, as you know, I try not to post things about my personal life, but I believe this could cause me to go inactive again, possibly longer even. Plus a lot of people were asking this, so I figured I'd just set the record straight for the sake of eliminating rumors.

As you know I went inactive for about 4 days or so, and gave no kind of warning, which apparently got people a little suspicious about what I was doing. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, as I don't see myself as all important, or significant on this site, as I know it functions well without me.

What I did not tell you is the reason why, only some of you know about that part.

Well you see about four days ago something happened that really wasn't expected. One of my closest friends kissed me, and well, unlike other times when I kiss someone as a friendly greeting or farewell, she kissed ME, and not the other way around. It was at that time when I saw I didn't feel the same about it as I did with others.

The next day I was in the middle of talking to her while I was in the hall, and she did the same thing, so it was obvious that she had stronger feelings for me than first thought. I realized however that I had the same feelings for her, and with that, this sort of "forbidden," relationship was formed.

However we had to keep things a secret for a while, as her boyfriend is well... He's just not all there so to speak. He treats her terribly, and she wants to get rid of him, but didn't have the courage.

After days of encouraging her to do what makes her happy, she decided to end it with him, however she only got halfway through telling him before he started crying and made an excuse so he didn't have the hear the rest.

She plans on telling him the rest today, as she hasn't been happy with him for a long time now, and he doesn't talk to her very often, and when he does, they always argue. He actually told her that she is not allowed to hug anyone besides him, friends included. I personally have had enough of the guy myself, he just wasn't brought up right, as he acts a LOT like his relatives, so I won't say it's all his fault, just the wrong place at the wrong time.

Anyway, all that being said, I spent all of my time with her, and I'm aware I'm a cheat for being involved with a girl who was taken, but I believe sometimes we must do some wrong to work for a greater good.

I will say this, that I love her, and no matter what the outcome, it won't change.

Anyway, that's my explanation.

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I can't say that it's right for her to be cheating on that guy, but sometimes our feelings block out the part of our brain that makes us choose the moral path.

That being said, there's no way for us to be 100% moral all the time. It's an impossibilty simply becaue we're human and have those feelings that tell us to do something that we probably shouldn't. Anyone who can ignore those feelings simply isn't human. We all make mistakes and wrong choices. So my opinion of you hasn't decreased at all.

Plus, if the guy treats her as badly as you said, then you shouldn't feel bad at all. Though there's probably going to be a rough road ahead. We'll all be here if you need to vent or need advice though.

Well, I can't speak for EVERYONE here, but at the very least, I'm here if you need something. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

And that goes for anyone on the forest that needs help. I'm allways willing to help out anyone if I can. I consider you all somewhat like a seperate family, even if I yell at you guys and get into arguments with you. If nothing else, I can be an ear that will listen. Even if my advice is shit and hypocritical to what I would do myself.

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Like Lyle said,nobody should think less of you for this,and if there are any problems,you can talk to us,and I know that I will do all I can to help you,and I'm sure several others will as well.

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Well, really I wasn't looking for advice, as I am going to do what I feel is right, no matter what, unless of course I ask for advice. I do appreciate the offer though.

The point was really just to explain where I was, and where I might go. I doubt this will affect my personality and actions here, as I am keen on keeping personal and online separate.

I do agree it wasn't a smart choice on either of our parts, but if any of you were ever in love at one time, you'll know that you don't think about that kind of thing when you're in love. I have known this girl for a long time, and when everyone else decided that I wasn't worth the time to be around, and I decided that they weren't worth my time to pursue, she was still there. I am fairly glad she is as nosy as she is at times, otherwise no one would ask.

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Good luck to you, do not get yourself hurt.

Thank you Shuuda, and despite what anyone else thinks about you, I for one hold your opinion to be logical at most times, and value your input.

That being said, I of course acknowledge that your words are part of what I live by. I remind myself of a line I once heard.

"They only make a bet they are sure they can win."

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I'm not saying that it was either right or wrong really, (Though it may have sounded that way, though I didn't mean it like that.) but regardless I wish the best for everyone in this situation, and though unlikely, I think it's possible for everyone to be happy.

Though I can't make an accurate judgment of the situation from where I am. But I wish the best to all involved.

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