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Axe-venture Time with hatchets! Elibian Axes Playthrough


So, what am I to do about Chapter 19xx?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. So, what am I to do about Chapter 19xx?

    • Just deal with not being able to get the map if I can't.
    • Rig the RNG to ensure it, but have every unit I can't use in it instead.
    • Rig the RNG and just use who I would be usually using.

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11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Sierra's pretty broken from what I've seen, personal Rewarp is brutal if she's able to tank the enemy.

I did use her, actually. Pretty good unit.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

(Of course, I assume you used Maruj)

This made me laugh more than it should have, because you fuckin' nailed it. Yep, I used the guy. And he turned out pretty damn well, too!

Although my favourite magical unit was Lee, without a doubt. Never underestimate the power of having staves and tomes in a game where nobody else can have both. And, of course, I had to pick between him and Narron, and why would I pick Narron? Pffft!

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

More so actually:


Marcus will get there.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Not to ignore a unit because it's "too powerful"?

Hahahahahahahahahahahah... oh, well. Let God be my judge.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Who, Wil?

Actually, I was thinking of a certain other Mage whose name starts with a P and is horrible. But yeah, Will ticks all the boxes too.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Considering how you're doing with BB, you're right there.

A deathless run would be a bit boring eh?

I doubt you'll do as bad as me with BB, really. I lost half the damned cast.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, it is one scene that's alright from that game.

It's still Luke though, I am still entirely unconvinced of his abilities personally.

What do you mean, all right? It's the best thing ever! It has Wrys in it! Wryyyyyyyyyyyys!

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

He's utterly paranoid she'd show up while he's ruling and ruin the whole thing. Better to save face and just get her killed first.

What I was trying to say is that he's fine with sending out armies upon armies of bumbling idiots to kill the girl. Not the most subtle thing ever. Yet, he apparently can't stab his brother and tell the people "oh, no, my brother died because of his illness!" and instead has to wait for the poison to work. What, people can't see the hundreds of soldiers he's sending out, but they can see him slitting Hausen's throat in his private quarters?

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


This is Araphen we're talking about right? That place that's 2 houses and a fort in BB?

Sain, you're either too dumb for the world or being deliberate. It's not that impressive, you were all in Bulgar not long ago.

Whoa, another thing some fanfiction got wrong. What's this, the 1353869437th time?

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Minerva? What does Minerva have to do with anything? Lyn's name is Lyndis, period!

That's one thing some fanfiction did get right. Not name anybody Milady. Urk...

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

This is actually a pretty good looking scene, not going to lie.

Yes... except they used the portrait of an entirely unrelated boss that's, at this point in time, alive. Seriously, they didn't even bother recolouring Puzon for this scene. Guess that's why his map is a defense FoW gaiden map. They figured "hey, what's the chance of anyone actually bothering to fight him and finding out he's the same guy who died all those chapters ago?".

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


You'll both die in less than 20 years if Rath/Lyn ends up being true. That's... a really depressing thought, actually.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Should.... Should I respond to the use of a thousand like that? Is that touristural appropriation?

Ah, probably shouldn't get into that, I'm too white to make that claim.

That's right. Settle down, you cis white male!

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Hahahahahahahahah... ah, the hypocrisy. Okay, make that two things some fanfiction got right. This is so... real.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Dammit, I try to play Sain's advocate and then this happens.

You do not know how happy I am to see this. Go, Kent! Prove your mettle to that Sain fanboy!

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So that's a way to introduce yourself. I actually find this weird from him, seems a little out of place with later on.

He's supposed to infiltrate the party because...


...I hope you visited that one house later on with Matthew.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Bool (Seriously, a truncated name? Of a mathematical professor behind the logic that would innovate computing?) is a generic servant. In green armour. Now I'm pissed Wallace doesn't have that colour instead of this idiot.

I, too, really like the guy's palette. Although Wallace's is also badass, so I can forgive the game for that one.

What I can't forgive is the fact that Canas is just "generic grey Druid", my least favourite Shaman/Druid palette, even counting generic bosses (the guy from the double x gaiden? Has a better palette than Canas. The guy from the boat chapter and the guy from the spider chapter in FE8? Better palettes than Canas, and green ones at that, which is always a plus for me. Heintz? Better palette than Canas. Raigh, Knoll, both females from FE6, Ewan? All have better palettes than Canas). Such a shame, since the character's absolutely amazing, as we keep on reminding each other of.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


.... Seriously, I need to stage an intervention for Dorcas's non-strength growths.

Just get him a support with Bartre and try to give my own axe siblings a run for their money.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Okay, let me explain why that's a load of bullshit.

So we know that he was accosted. These men seemed quite willing to spill the beans about being from the canton that he's on about if Bool's any indication and everyone can bring it up to him who did it. Lyn already has and he indicated he knew. The person who he's deciding not to intervene against has attacked him directly. And yet he is willing to let that slide for some reason, despite it making more sense from a security perspective to oppose this idiot of a marquess-in-waiting and ensure that this won't happen again. What, does he think that Lundgren will win with an attempt this poor.

Unless...... He's compromised.



11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Also based on this, I think my comparison might have been more apt than I expected. Well, more evidence on top of what we already saw from the Sacae-hating racist. Also seems to suggest he's not working with Lundgren, which would have explained a lot. If you seriously wanted to test her or try to make yourself feel superior, the way he handled it suggests this would have happened regardless. Point being Araphen sucks here and in BB.

FE7 has the best story in Fire Emblem.

I'm sorry, most of my hate for this game is just exaggerated for comedic purposes, but whenever I hear that statement, I just can't help it. Not saying this game is bad, I don't like it that much, but that doesn't make it bad. At the same time, however, the fact that it's most people's first game (heck, it was mine as well) doesn't make it the best thing ever. There are better stories in FE. Like New Mystery.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_peer_enemy.gif "WAIT YOU MONGREL! WE HAVE A CONTRACT!"

Sorry, dude, you'll die in 20 years as well.

Come to think about it, a ton of people will die 20 years from now...

17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Bors

Nooooo... don't!

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Yes Rath, money is import- Might as well not say what I was about to and risk the meme. I do need it for axes.





12 hours ago, Dayni said:

Next time: I swear, magical girl group is not the genre for this game.

Also next time: we meet Trap, a guy whose palette is better than Canas', and a man who might or might not be related to James Woods. One of these is not like the others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to double post, but:

Next time: Really, why wouldn't you have some fun and just destroy the intruders?

Also, it appears my post didn't load correctly. FUCK, be right back. AGAIN. I've lost this update twice now.

Edited by Dayni
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There's a limit to how much you can do in a post. If necessary, split the LP part in two.  Or respond to everyone in one post, then put the play log in another post.

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Ah, what a shame...

9 hours ago, eclipse said:

There's a limit to how much you can do in a post. If necessary, split the LP part in two.  Or respond to everyone in one post, then put the play log in another post.

You could also use Imgur like me. It's a little wonky at times if you've a ton of pictures to upload (I usually just leave it uploading in the background while I do some other things), but aside from that, it's never failed me, it's free and there's no limit of how many pictures you can post. Just make sure you don't screw up and write outside the spoiler like some idiot I know, and it should work fine.

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On 4/5/2018 at 1:28 AM, eclipse said:

There's a limit to how much you can do in a post. If necessary, split the LP part in two.  Or respond to everyone in one post, then put the play log in another post.

I have a question actually: what is the limit? I've tried to find it in the past but I have no idea what it is.

Thank you very much for the edit by the way.

On 4/5/2018 at 11:12 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, what a shame...

You could also use Imgur like me. It's a little wonky at times if you've a ton of pictures to upload (I usually just leave it uploading in the background while I do some other things), but aside from that, it's never failed me, it's free and there's no limit of how many pictures you can post. Just make sure you don't screw up and write outside the spoiler like some idiot I know, and it should work fine.

The issue was not the image host. What happened was I attempted to put the post in, then the reply failed. I decided to load the reply again and then send, but it loaded the last version of the post which was not a complete version. At all. Still on me though to have made sure it updated right, though I do wish you could save posts on the forums.

Sorry it's been a while. Apparently I had enough to worry about, and after taking ages to make the post it doesn't load correctly. Well that was fun.

Chapter 7: Kin Touring


Well, we were leaving a racist marquess last time right?


This is Araphen's theme forever.


So, we'll not be seeing any more distractions right? No more detours from the-


Of course.


In a random inn, we see a small child being accosted by by an older man. If only he had more than a flute.


Nils must be used to being insulted like this.


Once Nils leaves, it seems like he's actually a bit down about the fact he did it. Guy might have depths after all.

Meanwhile a (wo?)man looks on at the scene for some reason..


See what I meant by Caelin being far more south than southwest? I know it's a nitpick, but still.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "If we left some of those who aren't fighting behind, do you think we could get there faster? As is-"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "We'll apparently get more requests for help."


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "He could be carrying a knife-"

Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "It's a flute!"


Well, it's time for our obligatory segment: New unit needs help.

He mentioned a sister though, so....


There he goes. Lyn must be pissed that Sain once again did this.


Considering how short Nils is, I assume not be able to get into any pub is what he'll do. That's really why he got tossed out.


Kent is clearly unimpressed.


Just a second, I think this is missing something.


You know I had to do it to him.


Well, I think it says something about Lyn.

Namely that she's easily distracted.


Kent, are you alright? Are you expecting Lyn to punch you in the face?


Sir Kent the Kissass of Caelin distilled into one scene.


Sain, did you get into the whiskey? Wait, would there even be whiskey in Elibe? Clearly it'd be from the western Isles if it were.... 

I should shut up now.


Considering what they are, it's a little disappointing. Nils, you are not the hypeman of Ganelon, stop it.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Considering how we've done so far, I'd say this is no trouble."


Wait, is that a mention of Nergal this early on? Wow, it's like they're trying not to be subtle. Succeeding at their lack of trying too.

This might be a highly dumb moment in this game, might have to bring it up in future.


Isn't he only supposed to be going for Nils here?

Wouldn't it be fine to just stab everyone else?


Of course, Mr. Discount Terrorist couldn't even get to taking the child before Lyn intervenes.


You know what's concerning me? That he says don't instead of doesn't.

This has to mean he's likely from some small ton and likely joined the Black Fang to earn a living. So he's working under the psycho evil villain for this and will die before all this is relevant.

See game? This is why bringing Nergal up this early was bad. This'll come up again, trust me.


So is that it-


Oh wait, tutorial text. Also an ambush.


So the blonde person from earlier admits he's not a priest. It's for the best, the last rites are a bit soon here.


Wow, they didn't make a joke about Lucius's gender ambiguity.

It appears I am the worse person after all.


Of course, the innkeeper has to be given another dig.


Nils lets us know that he definitely takes this abuse often.

I kind of wish we got a bit more out of that than we will.


And so another unit has recruited themselves. We don't even get a further justification with Lucius, so he'll be gone for the rest of this map game.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "You can go ahead and help the others, it's unlikely you will need to fight directly. Go and help the young man over there."


Ma_gba_monk_playable.gif "I would like to discuss the tenets of Elimine with yourself today. Would that be alright?"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "I swear, I am going to get my back on the robed twit."


Dorcas takes out the Discount Terrorist.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "So what are you doing exactly?"

Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "I can reinvigorate people with music I play out of the flute."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nils? I would love to know what your sister can do."


Meanwhile Kent kills an archer hiding behind some HUD.


Lucius sells some weapons, because magic is forbidden.


As you can barely see, I've got everyone moving west.

I'm still not sure why Rath's here. Must be carrying something.


Lyn takes on this bandit, leaving a kill for someone.


Naturally, Dorcas takes this guy out.


Moving along. Chop chop, there's a time limit nobody ever worries about.


That merc on the top right takes on Kent. He doesn't do well.


I know, I'm being stupid.


Dorcas don't care.


While Dorcas does that, Kent visits a relative of Moneyman, who's teaching us that magic is powerful.


Though apparently not unstoppable.

I could bring up plenty of examples of those units who couldn't tank magic for a second.


With that, we get some Pure Water.


Clearly he knows it's better than giving away his money. It is important.


More moving, though one of the brigands thinks he can take Dorcas. He did hit though.


Dorcas? He's fine.


See? Just fine.

(I actually messed up his level up here. Good thing I took it down.)

+1 to HP, Str, Skl- You know, while he's clearly going to make that axe hurt and hie accuracy might be decent, I'm not sure he'll be endgame front lines like we all want him to be.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Wait, I didn't tell him to go that way. What's he up to?"


So the enemy starts marching, with more white screens to get at them.

Why do they keep doing this to Dorcas?


Meanwhile, a mage flips off Sain so hard it magically hurts him.


Dorcas gets exp, more people move, Nils flutes about.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Such rudeness is not chivalrous at all. Allow me to show you how to fight with CHIVALRY!"


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Sain, when this is all over we are going to have to review how chivalry applies to combat."


Lyn dodges a mercenary and then finishes in player phase.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nils, let's get everyone over the hills! We'll get everyone over this way!"


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif Should see if he's here.


So, our Lord and Saviour happens to be in this house in the middle of nowhere.

I wish Lyn got a separate conversation too.


Seems a little out of the way for both of them to be going to for a spar.

Maybe they pick a canton in the middle of nowhere to cover their tracks each time.


Hector's life tips no. 25: Maintaining your weapons.


So here we are, Matthew's been the spy all along. Not malevolent or anything, just keeping an eye out.

Considering his character, it's obvious Hector's used to at least pretending to asleep with politics.


Eh, considering it's Lundgren, I doubt that would work out.

He can't even threaten an ally adequately.


Matthew you sly dog. Really cutting it close there mate.


Yes Hector, you are now your brother's dog.


I completely understand wanting him dead Hector.

Just don't do it while I need him as a thief.


Unfortunately I forgot Kent was in range of the shaman.


He doesn't even finish the job.


Sain does it, Nils gets Lyn over the mountain.


Dorcas takes on and finishes the other one, which then allows Kent to sit in front of the boss.


Considering it's Kent, you realise he ain't playing right?


Course, both hit each other.


Serra heals Kent by pointing at him, Nils does his thing and gets a level (that long already?).


I kind of wish he got luck too, it helps him dodge.


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Would you please stand down?"

Ma_gba_shaman_enemy.gif "Uhhhh, no?"

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "That was not a request."


For someone with a better palette than Canas, his character is clearly lacking. Is that the price?


Well, it's not got strength, but that's not too bad for her defences at least. Though she's a long way from anything beyond dodgetanking.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "SHE'S NOT UP HERE, I ALREADY TOOK A LOOK!"


So not even out of our way? Mightily convenient that.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nils, we can't just give up now! If we just-"


Somebody offscreen shouts for the group.

Imagine if it was someone else entirely.


Or it could be exactly who we're looking for.

Ignore the fact that I had to get this off the site, managed to miss it myself)


Ma_gba_lord_eliwood_playable.gif "She fainted after I asked if she was alright. I assume the stress got to her."


Well now, this chapter has quite a few nobles for seeming to be in the middle of nowhere.

You know, some groups would see this as an opportunity. It's all been wasted now though.


See Kent? This is how you make yourself look smooth.

Then again, these guys sucked so hard they lost to Eliwood. They really are that bad, huh?


So Lyn goes to explain what's up.


Ma_gba_lord_eliwood_playable.gif "I mean, swords choosing their owners are quite common throughout Elibe."


Really? Eliwood remembered that of all things?

Was he in Caelin recently then? Does he know what's up?


Does anyone think he's trying to go for the smoulder here? I think that's not where you make the move. Also, a dumb edit:


This edit is only possible because this... thing exists.

(I have a 5* one.)


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "To be fair, the last noble she had dealt with was Marquess Assh-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Ahem."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif  "Araphen and that ended badly."


I don't think he'd be all that helpful. Though getting him some early experience would be beneficial.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Looks like the girl's awake, might as well see how she's doing."


Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "I had to go to them when the innkeeper chased me out."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I am Hammet Chester Bewsley, pleased to make your acquaintance."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Do you play tambourine?"


No, I'm not going to make those jokes.

It's a pity she's also so different from Shantae, I can't make the jokes I want to there.


The fact he even shows restraint at all is surprising. Lyn's realised that a cage might be needed. It could slow him down at least.


I wonder if Lyn is asking because she doesn't know much about dances as a ritual because she was raised with the Elimine faith the whole time.

Or if she's confused because they seem to be implying something.


With that, we now are justified in not having two dancers. Dangit. It's also the second damaged leg plot device in Lyn mode. 


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Is it alright if I ask about how you can reinvig-"


Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "We wouldn't take much ro-


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "The group's also grown quite big as is, I'd be concerned that we'll be too slowed down by you at this rate."


No Lyn, she said talents.

This implies they learned it, not that they are innately able to do them.


Note they can't see the future, merely feel a threat coming.

We'll have to see how this holds up later on in this game.


Nils in that last panel is pretty smug about it too.


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Even if I'm still concerned the boy has a knife."


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "What? You think I'm just some lecherous dog all the time? I could be concerned about their wellbeing too, you know that!"


With that we now have some red eyes blue dragons in the party.

Though none of them know it right now.


We got the easy arbitrary condition for a gaiden.

It's because a ring is missing. It could be literally behind everyone.


Again, really disappointing group of thugs. Can't even kidnap one person correctly.


Is Ninis mentioned anywhere else in the series? What does it reference? I'm curious now.


Wow Nils, way to be utterly fatalistic.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I doubt they're much of a threat, though it is out of our way..."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "It is still in the right direction though, so if you think it's worthwhile we should start moving. Might as well get the cavalry ready quickly."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I don't think you'd have had it any other way, Lady Lyn."


I'm surprised Kent said nothing.


AND SO WE FINALLY FINISH THIS UPDATE. Sorry, I had to write everything three times (Losing two versions), you can understand it drained on me. Especially having to write Accidental Racist into youtube three times, then decide it was a bad joke to begin with and pick a better joke song.

Next time: You'd think that she'd have fun wrecking some inferior people and just strike them down.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I have a question actually: what is the limit? I've tried to find it in the past but I have no idea what it is.

I don't know the exact amount, either.  I'm pretty sure 50 is safe, in terms of pictures.  Perhaps try adding a bit more after that, and see how it goes?

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

This is Araphen's theme forever.

Truly fitting. I bet that's what was playing in Zephiel's mind when he was destroying everything.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:


Once Nils leaves, it seems like he's actually a bit down about the fact he did it. Guy might have depths after all.

Not really, he must be thinking about the mess the assasins caused when they took Ninian away. "That front yard ain't gonna clean itself up, and it's gonna be me who's goin' to have to do it! Gosh darn it all!"

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

 "He could be carrying a knife-"

Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "It's a flute!"

That's no excuse, Nils, you could be carrying a knife as well as a flute. He's a spy! Kill him!

7 hours ago, Dayni said:

You know what's concerning me? That he says don't instead of doesn't.

This has to mean he's likely from some small ton and likely joined the Black Fang to earn a living. So he's working under the psycho evil villain for this and will die before all this is relevant.

See game? This is why bringing Nergal up this early was bad. This'll come up again, trust me.

I understand...


Kind of hard to establish that the black fang doesn't know about Nergal and is just following Bertram's (it's not the right guy, is it? I can't remember the BF leader's name...) orders when it's been previously established that, as a matter of fact, they do know about Nergal.


6 hours ago, Dayni said:

He just wants to get her to Hausen safely, but she keeps on throwing herself into trouble!

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Wow, they didn't make a joke about Lucius's gender ambiguity.

It appears I am the worse person after all.

Actually, that's because they're saving the obvious jokes for all his non-Raven or Renault supports.

Now that I have the chance, I'll say that Renault is my favourite character in FE7. I look forward to seeing you bench him... woohoo...

6 hours ago, Dayni said:


Ma_gba_monk_playable.gif "I would like to discuss the tenets of Elimine with yourself today. Would that be alright?"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "I swear, I am going to get my back on the robed twit."

Poor Erk.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:


I know, I'm being stupid.


Dorcas don't care.

What happened to Dorkass?

He defied the odds.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:



Meanwhile Kent kills an archer hiding behind some HUD.

I can see him! Or, well, I can see his arrow!

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

+1 to HP, Str, Skl- You know, while he's clearly going to make that axe hurt and hie accuracy might be decent, I'm not sure he'll be endgame front lines like we all want him to be.

That's Dorkass for you. Although, to be honest, I'd rather see Wallace in the endgame frontlines before Dorkass. Dorkass is too obvious.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Such rudeness is not chivalrous at all. Allow me to show you how to fight with CHIVALRY!"


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Sain, when this is all over we are going to have to review how chivalry applies to combat."

A.K.A. Kent's going to kick his ass in a "friendly" spar.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, our Lord and Saviour happens to be in this house in the middle of nowhere.

I wish Lyn got a separate conversation too.

Why? It's not like she knows Slowpoke Who Will Promote Almost As Late As Roy, Rendering Him Unusable yet.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:


For someone with a better palette than Canas, his character is clearly lacking. Is that the price?

I never said anything about personalities. Canas obviously takes the cake there.

Ergh, after Knoll. And Raigh.

Honestly, when it comes to Shaman, I prefer not to choose. Dark mages are always such great characters, it's too hard to pick one. Canas, Knoll, the FE6 trio, Etzel,  Tear Ring Saga's Sierra... I like them all! Even the one in the pre-support era, Salem!

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Imagine if it was someone else entirely.

Ah, here we go.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Then again, these guys sucked so hard they lost to Eliwood. They really are that bad, huh?

And here we go, as well... sigh... why must I be cursed to prefer Eliwood over the other two?

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

This edit is only possible because this... thing exists.

(I have a 5* one.)

What sort of shoes are those? Seriously! That can't be confortable to take into the battlefield!

Not to mention, that looks nothing like Eliwood. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't. Is it the same artist who drew Athena as a Fir-lookalike?

6 hours ago, Dayni said:


No, I'm not going to make those jokes.

It's a pity she's also so different from Shantae, I can't make the jokes I want to there.

Shantae is so blatant, it's a wonder it hasn't been sued by the SWJ army yet. It hasn't, right? Not that I know of, at least...

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

With that, we now are justified in not having two dancers. Dangit. It's also the second damaged leg plot device in Lyn mode. 

I like Fire Emblem: Requiem's better, that one stayed there for the entire game.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Is Ninis mentioned anywhere else in the series? What does it reference? I'm curious now.

Well, I mean, who's Metis and why does his Tome give people the ability to get more stats? Why does Delphin have a shield named after him that protects fliers against arrows? All questions that cannot be answered.

7 hours ago, Dayni said:

Sorry, dude. I can't say I feel you, even in the worst times I never lost one update so many times over.

Well, then. Tomorrow, we finally get to meet the Wallman...

...no, wait, not yet. We've filler to go through before we get there.

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21 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "He could be carrying a knife-"

Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "It's a flute!"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "It's a very sharp flute!"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Ah, yes, of course. A flute, that's what it is. I didn't for a moment think otherwise."


21 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, I think it says something about Lyn.

Namely that she's easily distracted.

It makes sense, she's a teenager.


21 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, our Lord and Saviour happens to be in this house in the middle of nowhere.

Your lord and savior*

21 hours ago, Dayni said:

I wish Lyn got a separate conversation too.




21 hours ago, Dayni said:

Is Ninis mentioned anywhere else in the series? What does it reference? I'm curious now.

My headcanon is that it's the name of some pagan god that was worshipped before the Scouring. That might be why Elimine created the church, to prevent the spreading of this cult's potentially Pro-Dragon ideas.


15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and is just following Bertram's (it's not the right guy, is it? I can't remember the BF leader's name...)

Brendan. Bertram is a minor boss from POR.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/7/2018 at 7:51 AM, eclipse said:

I don't know the exact amount, either.  I'm pretty sure 50 is safe, in terms of pictures.  Perhaps try adding a bit more after that, and see how it goes?

I think Chapter 1 might have been fine. Maybe, I'm not sure.

On 4/7/2018 at 12:12 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Truly fitting. I bet that's what was playing in Zephiel's mind when he was destroying everything.

Nah, Zephiel probably has something dragon themed playing in his head. Like Dragonforce (You know the one)

Not really, he must be thinking about the mess the assasins caused when they took Ninian away. "That front yard ain't gonna clean itself up, and it's gonna be me who's goin' to have to do it! Gosh darn it all!"

Sometimes people aren't entirely self obsessed, but he clearly didn't want to be involved.

That's no excuse, Nils, you could be carrying a knife as well as a flute. He's a spy! Kill him!

If everyone acts like there's spies in every nook and cranny of Lycia they'll just get most of them killed off before long.

To be fair, it might get Darin killed and prevent the rest of this game......

I understand...


Kind of hard to establish that the black fang doesn't know about Nergal and is just following Bertram's (it's not the right guy, is it? I can't remember the BF leader's name...) orders when it's been previously established that, as a matter of fact, they do know about Nergal.

Yeah, we'll see how bad it gets. Eventually.

He just wants to get her to Hausen safely, but she keeps on throwing herself into trouble!

Her reckless nature is begging for a reality check.

Actually, that's because they're saving the obvious jokes for all his non-Raven or Renault supports.

I should use Lucius more, I forgot it happens with Serra.

Now that I have the chance, I'll say that Renault is my favourite character in FE7. I look forward to seeing you bench him... woohoo...

Bench a healer with bases in this playthrough? Are you mad?

Poor Erk.

He is a burdened soul.

What happened to Dorkass?

He defied the odds.

Can he defy the odds further and get blessed then?

I can see him! Or, well, I can see his arrow!

He's barely trying to be subtle.

Like the rest of the Black Fang's Thug Life division.

That's Dorkass for you. Although, to be honest, I'd rather see Wallace in the endgame frontlines before Dorkass. Dorkass is too obvious.

True, but that's as much because Wallace causes a terribly chapter to arise.

A.K.A. Kent's going to kick his ass in a "friendly" spar.

Telling you, he'll bring a sword to an axe fight.

Why? It's not like she knows Slowpoke Who Will Promote Almost As Late As Roy, Rendering Him Unusable yet.

I was saying that a possible interaction here could have been interest (maybe a remake?). Besides, he has axes, he's totally useable.

I never said anything about personalities. Canas obviously takes the cake there.

Ergh, after Knoll. And Raigh.

Honestly, when it comes to Shaman, I prefer not to choose. Dark mages are always such great characters, it's too hard to pick one. Canas, Knoll, the FE6 trio, Etzel,  Tear Ring Saga's Sierra... I like them all! Even the one in the pre-support era, Salem!

Yeah, that wasn't really serious. 

Ah, here we go.

And here we go, as well... sigh... why must I be cursed to prefer Eliwood over the other two?

It's not your fault that his growths leave him in an awkward place that render him hard to use if he's unlucky. Lyn and Hector at least have some stats they're likely to proc consistently that aren't Skill.

What sort of shoes are those? Seriously! That can't be confortable to take into the battlefield!

Not to mention, that looks nothing like Eliwood. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't. Is it the same artist who drew Athena as a Fir-lookalike?

The very same artist, yes. For some reason I though they also did Rebecca, but no somebody else did those bug eyes.

Shantae is so blatant, it's a wonder it hasn't been sued by the SWJ army yet. It hasn't, right? Not that I know of, at least...

I'm pretty sure Shantae's had controversy. Thing is most cases don't generate enough controversy for that (SJW army? Really?) and Shantae would fly under most radars (That one dungeon though....).

Interestingly, the creator's wife sang the song that was released with Half-Genie Hero. I should probably get round to the rest of the series, Pirate's Curse is great (Yes, I heard the argument it's all downhill from there).

I like Fire Emblem: Requiem's better, that one stayed there for the entire game.

I really should finish it off, I hadn't gone past Chapter 8 yet. I suspect part of it is because it's one of the older era of hacks that's more limited to the structure of the base game. One of the best, but still. I'm forgetting what you're getting at.

Well, I mean, who's Metis and why does his Tome give people the ability to get more stats? Why does Delphin have a shield named after him that protects fliers against arrows? All questions that cannot be answered.

Bloody hell, if Archanea can do it, so can the others.

Sorry, dude. I can't say I feel you, even in the worst times I never lost one update so many times over.

Urgh, that's my fault in the end. This time should be different.

Well, then. Tomorrow, we finally get to meet the Wallman...

...no, wait, not yet. We've filler to go through before we get there.

I thought that was the guy who steals the pic-a-nic baskets?

On 4/8/2018 at 3:19 AM, Franp3 said:

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "It's a very sharp flute!"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Ah, yes, of course. A flute, that's what it is. I didn't for a moment think otherwise."

Sorry, I'm not getting it.

It makes sense, she's a teenager.

Sure, that's not incorrect.

Your lord and savior*

You're not wrong, certainly this LP. It's interesting to note how big a deal he was in the past. Honestly he's likely not in my top 5 lords.


Even just Hector pretending to not be a major political figure could have been interesting.

My headcanon is that it's the name of some pagan god that was worshipped before the Scouring. That might be why Elimine created the church, to prevent the spreading of this cult's potentially Pro-Dragon ideas.

It would fit the idea, considering the other rings (Filla's Might, Thor's Ire and Set's Litany). I just wonder what Ninis is referring to IRL. Seemingly nothing, though even Filla's might has some tenuous mythological connection.

Brendan. Bertram is a minor boss from POR.

I have no idea who that is.

No, this LP is not dead, though I think I might be a bit with how long it took. Sorry, should have been on this sooner.


Chapter 7x: A Dark Shade



This game has issues with being consistent on directions, the last direction related to this was south. Come on BS.


Marquess Khalatet seems to be quite willing to leave forts abandoned.

I know where to get my cheap castles now.


Inside Empty Fort #5:


Worse, the sister was saved by one guy. If she knew that would she have killed this guy right here?


The woman on the left has decided failure doesn't need explanation.



So wait, how do they know this?

Is somebody able to scout really well? Do they have elf eyes? Or......


If his men are about as strong as the last guys, that plan is already doomed.


It's quite clear that she isn't willing to just get someone killed on their first failure, but this is still the last chance.


With that, the totally mysterious woman leaves, leaving this unknown unit to take on a group who defeated the rest of his men.


No pressure.


Outside Empty Fort #5, everyone's shown up.


Nils, please stop. Kent's clearly a bad influence.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nonsense! This won't be too difficult a task! They didn't even shut the gate."

Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "But what if it's a-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Hush, we'll be fine."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I considered it based on how strong what we already faced were. As you can see, we're here."


Some men are about to die over a ring.

Sadly this is far from the first time this has happened.


Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "........"



Dammit Kent, are you just going to put everyone up to it now?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "The one in the middle, right?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "You would be correct."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I would also be concerned about giving them time to prepare. Charging in would take them by surprise."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I'm going to say charge. "


Not being able to move lords is always a pain.


Dorcas does his thing.


After Nils dances, he get to breaking the wall, breakin' the wall.


Enemy phase sees this brigand deciding a cav is an easy target. You'd think assassins would be better than using brigands, but I've already said these guys are idiots.


Sain gets one brigand out.


An archer makes the mistake of blinding Dorcas.

He does not survive.


Thieves start on their robbery, Sain breaks a wall with his lance.


Nils does his dance to get Matthew up towards the chest.


So Matthew is moved, but not on the chest.


What gave you the idea they might be dead? How many men did you send to make you think that?


The enemy starts moving again, with the thief opening the door. Perfect.


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "Well, I don't think you'll be needing this anymore."

Ma_gba_thief_enemy.gif "Oi, that's my lockpick!"


Matthew needs exp somehow and stealing's his only avenue.


Of course, the thief probably shouldn't steal anything off us, much as the experience would be nice.

Sain takes care of that.


Dorcas slays the soldier behind him.


Meanwhile, other enemies move and these mages show up.


Kent, you're not half bad.


Kent deals with this silly cavalier with the scythe arm.


Serra heals, because I'm totally optimal.


More enemies move in, though only one does something.




Kent takes out the shaman while  he's open.


Lyn goes for the barbarian, much as she couldn't do it without the Mani Katti.


Dorcas does not whiff it this time.


Serra gets to healing and gets a level.

Good job Serra, that'll help with dodging and healing.


Lyn gets flipped off.


Kent starts with the enemies who don't bother moving.

Well Kent, you could have done worse, but your luck is looking really low right now.


Sometimes, you realise just how dumb your plans are.


So Lyn takes out the mage, because dancing allows you to cover for all your screwups.

I'm liking the mage frame in the second panel, don't think I see it all that often.


Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "We seem to be leaving ourselves vulnerable from behind. I'll take it."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Sure, go on ahead. I think you'll be fine."


Generic soldiers do their usual business of dying.


Kent takes out one of the non-mobile mercs and the other one comes and fails to dent him.


Sain comes along to finish and gets to the next level.

Sain's level is a decent one: that Speed edges out Kent's earlier level, though his low accuracy is getting to me and that Res is just atrocious.


Dorcas continues choking the point.


Ma_gba_cleric_serra_playable.gif "Ugh, why does this small boy come along to get me to move again? Why won't someone carry me to whoever needs healing?"


Meanwhile, Lyn goes for the boss.


I may have made a mistake.


Run, Serra run-


Or just get Sain to make it easier for Lyn to kill him.


Lyn finishes with a roll of the dice, getting another level (She'll need them in HHM)

Lyn/Lyn level, though that defence could help. Bit doubtful of that.


Meanwile, Dorcas was done choking the point.

The cavs followed because they weren't sure if he'd betray them for another more lucrative contract.


Dorcas takes on a mage and levels up.

Dorcas getting Res could be worse, but he's gotten no speed or luck, though his strength is looking beastly.


Dorcas was probably fine without the vulnerary though, but with this the Thug Life division are dead.


Oh, except for Beyard apparent-


But no, he's decided death before defeat.

Never take your suicide capsules folks.


Did nobody attempt to stop him?

It's not like suicide cupsules exist in Elibe. What would he have used to administer the poison?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Considering their defences, I'm not sure sure they're well organised."


Ma_gba_bard_playable.gif "What if the enemy is tougher than they were?"


Lyn proceeds to apply Hakuna Matata to the war effort.

Well, with a dash of the power of friendship.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Uh, alright. I mean, nothing we've seen so far has me all that worried. I doubt this will be much more trouble."


This is also the point where that one ring finally gets handed back to its owner. With this, the entire reason for the chapter is wrapped up. Wasn't the first gaiden fulfilling?


And with this the chapter ends.

No, Nils won't be using the ring.


Next time, we enter a powerful storm that actually knows strategy and we'll have to survive.. No wait, it's the chapter with a ballista, it's not that interesting. What is with the name?


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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Bench a healer with bases in this playthrough? Are you mad?

He can't use axes, though. However, you could always say...


...that, back in the day, he was a Hero who mained axes, therefore he sorta counts.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

The very same artist, yes. For some reason I though they also did Rebecca, but no somebody else did those bug eyes.

I mean, no offense to the good artist, but...

Heroes art is so inconsistent. We got crap like Wendy, Athefir and Eliwho?, and then there's the likes of Cecilia, Hardin, Gunter, Lyon... and, ironically enough, lovely!Eliwood, who looks absolutely amazing, in my humble opinion.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I really should finish it off, I hadn't gone past Chapter 8 yet. I suspect part of it is because it's one of the older era of hacks that's more limited to the structure of the base game. One of the best, but still. I'm forgetting what you're getting at.

It may be more limited to the structure of the base game, but all the fancy skill systems and QoL features can't beat Requiem's story, which rivals even the official FE series (I can tell you, it beats FE12 right out of the park, to say the least), and the gameplay may be simple, but it works, even if I recall the difficulty curve to be... strange, shall we say. Add to that the fact that it's actually a finished hack (partly because it didn't try to be unnecessarily fancy, and instead settled for quality over quantity, which helped the creator not burn out before finishing it like pretty much everyone else), one of the four that are, one being only in japanese, and the other being the Last Promise (I don't think I need to say anything about that one)...

I definitely recommend you to finish it, because it's pretty good. Heck, my first post here in Serenes was a (pretty sucky, I'd say) review of Requiem that I wrote way back in the day.

As for my comment... you're forgetting pretty hard, because what I speak of happens at the end of chapter 1.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

So wait, how do they know this?

Is somebody able to scout really well? Do they have elf eyes? Or......

Annoying Dayni... he's


the great Eliwood!

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I considered it based on how strong what we already faced were. As you can see, we're here."


"I am only here thanks to Hatchet, Hatchet is awesome, we can win with Hatchet". This is starting to remind me of Pretzel, and I really don't want to hate Hatchet. I need to see him fail soon, or else...

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Some men are about to die over a ring.

Sadly this is far from the first time this has happened.

Ah, yes... I got to experience that first-hand a couple days ago.

sNKm8cO.png <-- pictured, not one of the guys who died over a ring. He handled that whole 17x ordeal pretty damn well, all things considered.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Not being able to move lords is always a pain.

I'll never understand why that is a thing, honestly.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "Well, I don't think you'll be needing this anymore."

Ma_gba_thief_enemy.gif "Oi, that's my lockpick!"

That's a fireemblem.png situation, right there. Also, I like how the enemy Thief gif is moving faster than Matthew's, as if the guy's getting all upset and nervous.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Serra gets to healing and gets a level.

Good job Serra, that'll help with dodging and healing.

And fightin-- oh, wait.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Lyn gets flipped off.

Keep your cool, girl, there's no need to get all burned up for that.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Why won't someone carry me to whoever needs healing?"

Because I'd feel the urge to throw you off a cliff instead? I dunno about anybody else, that's my reason.

Nah, just joking. As I've said in the past, I don't hate Serra like I hate Clarine.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Hwahahah... good ol' Lyn. Unreliable, as always.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Lyn finishes with a roll of the dice, getting another level (She'll need them in HHM)

Lyn/Lyn level, though that defence could help. Bit doubtful of that.

She's still got what would be considered rather below-average defenses. For a Mage.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

The cavs followed because they weren't sure if he'd betray them for another more lucrative contract.

I can see Kent being so paranoid, despite the fact that it's clear that, while he'll do anything to earn money to save his wife (even kill his wife), he's much more confortable with more honorable contracts.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Dorcas takes on a mage and levels up.

Dorcas getting Res could be worse, but he's gotten no speed or luck, though his strength is looking beastly.

He still has what would be considered rather below-average resistance. For a General.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Did nobody attempt to stop him?

It's not like suicide cupsules exist in Elibe. What would he have used to administer the poison?

I think he just grabbed a poison sword and stabbed himself in the neck, nearly slashing his own head off. Lyn is just... slow.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Considering their defences, I'm not sure sure they're well organised."

A well-organized group that kills off all survivors of failed skirmishes. Well-organized, perhaps, but efficient? Not in the slightest.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Lyn proceeds to apply Hakuna Matata to the war effort.

Well, with a dash of the power of friendship.

Stuff like this makes me appreciate the FE11 prologue more.

"But Irrelevant Old Guy, we're all friends! Power of friendshit and all! I can't send someone to their deaths just like that, this is Fire Emblem! There's got to be another--"

"Fuck you, Mars. You'll send someone to die, and they'll comply so hard, even the Aum will fail to bring them back. Unless, of course, you want to stab Gaggles in the gut and watch him bleed. That should suffice."


2 hours ago, Dayni said:

This is also the point where that one ring finally gets handed back to its owner. With this, the entire reason for the chapter is wrapped up. Wasn't the first gaiden fulfilling?

Man, if I were to name my replies, this one'd be called "shadow dragon appreciation post".

FE11 did it better. Ninian had much to lose for that lousy ring. Etzel had nothing but that lousy ring to lose. And he still handled it better than everyone's favourite waifu of Eli's.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


Next time, we enter a powerful storm that actually knows strategy and we'll have to survive.. No wait, it's the chapter with a ballista, it's not that interesting. What is with the name?

I never got it, either. It sounds cool? Who cares about making sense, if it sounds KEWL?

2 hours ago, Dayni said:


And Yogi bear.

Good update. I can't wait for Lyn's mode to be over so some real blood can finally start flowing on the ground.

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