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Things you're no longer allowed to do in Corrin's army


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212: No one give the role of guarding the prison to Niles EVER. If he happens to be randomly chosen by the goddess Anna, don't EVER EVER ask him to convince a prisonner. The guy is still traumatized...

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214. Whenever we do a theater production, please don't make Peri responsible for the props. We don't want this to end up like Olivia! again.

215. Don't make Niles responsible for choreography. Nor allow him to choose the play/musical we do.

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216. 199 shall not apply to Odin, Selena or Laslow, as past violation resulted in Princess Lucina declaring a number of past Hoshidan ambassadors as persona non grata.

Edited by henrymidfields
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217. No more eating contests between Effie and a horse.  Our food stock still haven't recovered from that.
218. The Fire Orb is a weapon, not a place to make s'mores.
219. The Fujin Yumi and Raijinto are not clean energy sources.
220. "Coffee or tea" is a preference, not a debate topic, and definitely NOT worth protesting over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/17/2018 at 1:57 AM, Nym said:

212: No one give the role of guarding the prison to Niles EVER. If he happens to be randomly chosen by the goddess Anna, don't EVER EVER ask him to convince a prisonner. The guy is still traumatized...

224. Due to recent cases of POW's torture, Niles has been charged with violation of the Geneva Convention by the ICPO, and has been suspended from military service. As for the Nohrian POW camp, it is to be monitored by UN and NATO Officials, 24-7. All of these are in effect, immediately.

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7 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

224. Due to recent cases of POW's torture, Niles has been charged with violation of the Geneva Convention by the ICPO, and has been suspended from military service. As for the Nohrian POW camp, it is to be monitored by UN and NATO Officials, 24-7. All of these are in effect, immediately.

227: As wonderful an idea that rule 224 is, we simply don't have the men to get ride of Niles (We are losing men every single day!). So, with much hesitation, we have to repeal rule 224.

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On 4/11/2018 at 6:13 AM, IfIHadToPickADude said:

227: As wonderful an idea that rule 224 is, we simply don't have the men to get ride of Niles (We are losing men every single day!). So, with much hesitation, we have to repeal rule 224.

Rule 230 or 224a (amendment): Okay, so Niles can stay, but he (and for the matter, Peri and a couple of others) must be monitored by an appointed third party (anyone outside of Fateslandia, or UN officials) outside of combat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

229: Nyx being asked about her age is grounds to be assigned to community service.

230: Laslow is to be assigned to janitorial duties in the prison if he asks.

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14 hours ago, Dayni said:

229: Nyx being asked about her age is grounds to be assigned to community service.

230: Laslow is to be assigned to janitorial duties in the prison if he asks.

231: Niles is to be assigned to Loot Box Shop duty with Anna if he asks.

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235: We hereby declare that every instance of boot-licking and / or overly praising the Royal families must be reported to the local authorities and will be investigated as cases for abusive work relationships.

236: Every time Takumi says that he isn't given enough attention has to be punished by beating him over the head with his own legendary bow.

236a: Anyone pitying Takumi must be sent to the psychiatric ward and is henceforth forbidden from making contact with pineapples.

236b: Any violations of the above two rules will be punished with house arrest with Niles and Peri for two weeks.

237: Any mentions to Leo that tomatoes do in fact not grow on trees is forbidden. Poor guy suffered from an identity crisis the last time someone did that.

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238: Stop saying Corrin has a feet fetish, even if it's true.

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239: If anyone asks if Corrin or Azura have foot fetishes, we have to respond using the phrase we have been taught: "I can neither confirm nor deny that milady/milord Corrin and/or Milady Azura have a foot fetish."

240: For the love of everything that is holy, PLEASE don't let anyone make any major changes to whatever plays/musicals we perform. Especially Niles, Peri, and Nina.

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