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Unlocking Zephiel

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I've unlocked Zephiel; it's pretty fun to use him. I was on track to recruiting Guinevere (halfway through my 8th out of 9th playthrough), but my cartridge died on me.

I cheated to unlocked all the secret characters on the ROM if that counts probably not lol

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I would of probably unlocked him by now if the game didn't delete itself. (the Gameboy Advance was dying at the time)

I managed to get up to I think Breyuna or Murdock, though. I also unlocked Guinevere.

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Do you unlock anyone after beating it once? No?

Then nope, never will, I'm not playing that game again, I'll go to sleep.

You unlock 1 trial map character for each time you beat it... excluding the 8th time and it ends with the 9th. Trial maps are unlocked by getting the real endings and doing the same on hard mode.

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Has anyone beat the game 7 times to unlock Zephiel on the trial map stage?

I'm one gameplay close to unlocking him.

The game doesn't engage me enough to play the game several times...

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I've unlocked Zephiel, yes ^_^

Although I didn't do it without cheating. I had beaten it five times, and then my game got corrupted, including the save file (I was using a ROM). And since I didn't want to have to play another seven times instead of two, I cheated to get him :D

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I've unlocked Zephiel; it's pretty fun to use him. I was on track to recruiting Guinevere (halfway through my 8th out of 9th playthrough), but my cartridge died on me.

I cheated to unlocked all the secret characters on the ROM if that counts probably not lol

That's what I did. :mellow:

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I've unlocked Zephiel; it's pretty fun to use him. I was on track to recruiting Guinevere (halfway through my 8th out of 9th playthrough), but my cartridge died on me.

Exact same thing in my case.

I have beaten the games enough to get her, but not on the single cart.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've only cleared the game once, so I'm still far away from unlocking Zephiel. I don't plan on playing the game seven times. Trial maps bore me, so I doubt I'd ever use him anyway.

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I did a few cheating runs and a few ranked runs, one or two legit non-ranked runs. I just got Guinny a few weeks ago, she's not that great. Zephiel is a beast though.

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  • 2 years later...

Because I am a freak of the 7-6 timeline I likely will unlock him in due time. I'm on my 4th playthrough right now, so I unlock Brunya next. Still, Zephiel is another 3 away..and Guienevere....5 playthroughs.....agh. This RNG does not make it any easier I mean come on, My Roy missed with a 97%. >_< I will remain ever vigilant though.

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There's a save state somewhere (GameFaqs?) with all the special characters unlocked. I've played them all that way, but have only been the game as is a few times. I've hacked it and replayed the game plenty of times, but always made a copy of the game so I don't have any particular copy of the game that has me legitimately beating the game more than 2 times.

I'm in the middle of a HM Draft Tournament, it's been really fun but incredibly hard. I'd recommend it.

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