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Things you've learnt from Fire Emblem

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I feel like I've actually learned real life lessons from Fire Emblem. Like stuff I can actually use and apply professionally. i.e.

3.  It is often wiser to hold back and position yourself favorably for enemy phase than to aggressively push forward on your own time.  

Edited by Shoblongoo
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4. Opinions aren't allowed

5. The final boss will almost always be a dragon, or something influenced by one.

6. On a more serious note, there's always more than one strategy. This is something that you can apply to pretty much anything in real life. Don't let anyone tell you that there's only one way to solve problems (math teachers, i'm looking at you)

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7. Cavaliers, despite their weaknesses can, will, and do dominate the battlefield if you let them (although Mount & Blade does a better job in this regard; a group of horsemen can do a lot of damage before they inevitably fall; a regime of well trained, experienced, and well-equipped knights can, and will, turn an outnumbered fight into a bloodbath (of your enemies blood)).

8. There are advantages and disadvantages of being a jack-of-stats and being a specialized character in both bases and growths.

9. More from the fanbase than the games, but don't let peoples views and opinions stop you from liking what you love. Similarly, be respect to people you both agree and disagree with. Harshness won't get you anywhere; kindness will.

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10. It doesn't actually matter what unit you use in the end. I mean, i use Sophia for fucks sake. So remember folks, don't be discouraged just because a unit you like is bad. It doesn't matter if they are bad, what matters is if you want to use them or not. 

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Guest Dreamyboi

15. You can foolishly endanger the lives of everyone you know and love in multiple moments of thoughtlessness and they'll still love you can kiss the ground you walk on.

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2 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

12. Incest isn't just immoral, it can actually cause the birth of Satan himself 

17. Incest, while possibly leading to the Anti-Christ, can also lead to the Anti-Anti-Christ. 

18. Dancing is more refreshing than magic that can heal fatal wounds. 

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7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

7. Cavaliers, despite their weaknesses can, will, and do dominate the battlefield if you let them

In most pre-firearm conflicts it was common for the Cavalry to be the deciding factor in the outcome of a battle so it always felt thematically accurate to me for Cavaliers to be strong units. A good example I can think of is The Battle of Zama from the Second Punic War so I recommend looking it up sometime. Oh God I'm such a history nerd!

21. Every decision matters, consider all actions very carefully before you commit to them.

22. Challenges always become more difficult as you make progress.

23. Always check your mutton for poison before eating it.

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7 hours ago, Slumber said:


So basically lady Jesus?


7 hours ago, CyberController said:

16: Unless they're not actually related to you. Then, it's perfectly fine.

25. Or if you're just half siblings.

26. Apparently a Key at a random shop can open any door of any kind. 


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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

On a more serious note, there's always more than one strategy. This is something that you can apply to pretty much anything in real life. Don't let anyone tell you that there's only one way to solve problems (math teachers, i'm looking at you)

My math teacher rejects my trial-and-error methods, although sometimes it's the only plausible way of getting the variables. Algebra sucks.

27. Any named person is either a potential ally, or a boss.

28. People in fantasy works can have generic names, such as "Bandit" or "Vallite" or "Rebel".

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48 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

30. You CAN save everyone. 


Shadow Dragon begs to differ :)


31. It's not the land that makes a country, it's the people.

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9 hours ago, Dreamyboi said:

Sand makes you travel much slower, unless you have wings or know magic.

32. Unless you live in Valentia which means that sand makes you travel slower unless you have wings. In addition, in other continents, if you know magic but ride a horse, it's even worse for you.

9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

24. Your favourite characters will always suck because someone on the internet said so.

33. And then there are characters that you think suck but the Internet tells you that you're wrong because the character is actually good and you just aren't "using them properly".

6 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Algebra sucks.

Every part of math sucks tbh. It's all the same to me. Just a bunch of made-up concepts. I have a theory that math is subjective to the civilization that created it. Which means that on an alien civilization located 1,000,000 light years from Earth, the Pythagorean Theorem doesn't even exist there, it's something completely different.

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