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Things you've learnt from Fire Emblem

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37.Praying to a statue or getting hit by lightning from a jewel-like thingy will suddenly make you a competent fighter.

37.5. You also get a brand new set of clothes.

38. If you're not royalty or have some kind of legendary heritage in Jugdral or Fateslandia, GTFO.

39. If you're not a main character or pander to a specific focus group, you'll never become a popular character., no matter how well written you are.

40. Valentia is the only continent where they managed to use bows in a way that doesn't make Archers dead weight.

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41. If you're the main protagonist, your parents are either dead or about to die.

  • 41.1. It's always the mother that dies first. Usually before the game actually begins.
  • 41.2. If your name is Roy or Lucina, your father actually gets to live.

42. Beware Empires, they are usually the bad guys.

43. The world is forever stuck in medieval times.

44. A small group of people lead by a teenager can take down entire armies.

45. The Fire Emblem isn't actually an emblem, nor is it made of fire.

46. Valentia doesn't even have a Fire Emblem.

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