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Valentia Accordion Translation Project Thread

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Hello everyone! It's me again here with yet another translation project!

If you have some Japanese ability and are interested in helping translate some profiles, let me know!

Project Info:



This time it's the official art/design book for

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It's called the Valentia Accordion, and released just a few days ago (and will arrive at my home soon).

Like last time, the objective is to scan artworks in high quality by de-spining a second copy of the book and scanning with as high quality as my scanner can provide. It is a time consuming process but does great things for the FE fanbase and for the wiki!

I plan to upload all the raw character art ASAP for the sake of fans and wiki workers. Concept arts and others will only come after translation. This is mainly to avoid issues with just uploading raw scans of what may seem like the entire book.

However, unlike last time, I am not aiming to translate every single character profile, as there are so many things going on in my life right now. But I do plan to get all these done one way or another...eventually. (And who knows, I may end up doing that anyway). I do intend to still get concept arts and other things translated for you all though! And perhaps a few character profiles that may offer exciting new information not found in the game (however, in past experiences, most profiles remain the game's copy-pasted text, or summary of such).

I meant to start a thread earlier to collect donations, but I've just been so busy... so I actually bought a second copy to get started on already and hope the donations can just make up for the costs afterward. Please read the bottom of the post if interested.

VincentASM may join me once again in translating parts of the book. Other translators are welcome to help on pages they may be interested in too! I will personally be looking at concept arts mostly, but if anyone wants to handle character profiles, let me know. I may still do some by request of course!

A skeleton of the contents are as follows:

1 Visual Gallery - Character art gallery by Hidari. I plan to scan all of these for sure as it will likely contain the unseen official artworks too!

2 World & Story - Story Summary. Likely will go untranslated, though some things such as timelines and other lore building things will probably be looked at by VincentASM.

3 Character Archive - Ingame portraits & intros to characters. This will likely not provide any new information to the characters, so will be low priority.

4 Concept Art - 150+ concept art from Hidari & IS staff. This is the main section I am interested in translating of course!

5 Extra - Animation gallery, support archive, etc. There are sometimes fun things to be found in here so will also be of priority for me.

Once the book arrives, this thread will be updated. The ETA for scans to begin is Monday evening (UTC - 7). Translations as they come!


Please keep in mind this is all done on our free time though, and that we are making no money for it...so if there are some delays or if some posts take time, we are probably busy with some thing or another. The donations are mainly to make up costs of the book. I will still scan it best I can regardless, and translate what I can with the help of some others!

If you still wish to donate, then find out how to here.

Post any questions you may have, as I kind of wrote this as a jumbled mess!

See you soon!

Ch 1: Visual Gallery

All official artworks by Hidari. Seen on this post.

Chapter I: Visual Gallery

All official artworks by Hidari. Seen on this post. (Imgur link available on post)

Chapter II: World & Story

Full Valentia Revelations (Ch 1 - 40) Translated by VincentASM

Chapter III: Character Archive

All full body portraits in the game. Includes enemies, monsters, civilians, etc. Seen on this post. (Imgur link available on post)

090 Alm
091 Celica
092 Gray and Tobin
093 Kliff and Faye
094 Lukas and Mathilda
095 Clive and Clair
096 Python and Forsyth +
097 Silque and Mycen
098 Delthea and Luthier
099 Zeke and Tatiana
100 Boey and Mae
101 Genny and Saber +
102 Valbar and Kamui
103 Leon and Atlas
104 Palla and Catria
105 Est and Jesse +
106 Sonya and Deen +
107 Nomah and Conrad
110 Desaix, Barth, and Garth
112 Blake, Zakson, Lawson, and Gazelle
115 Dolth and Nuibaba +
116 Jedah, Hestia, and Marla
117 Massena and Rudolf
118 Berkut
119 Rinea
120 Mila
121 Duma
124 Emma and Randal
125 Yuzu and Shade

Enemy Units 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 |
NPCs: 134 | 135 |
Terrors 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 |
143 The Creation

(+ Denotes new info/backstory)

People in this thread, please feel free to request which character profiles you want to see translated first (anyone in the above post)!

Chapter IV Concept Art:

146-147 Alm and Celica
148-149 Celica, Mycen, and Gray
150-151 Tobin, Kliff, Silque, Faye, and Clive
152-153 Clair, Python, Forsyth, Mae, Zeke, Tatiana
154-155 Mathilda, Boey, Genny, Jesse, Leon, Luthier, Delthea, and Atlas
156-157 Saber, Nomah, Kamui, Deen, Palla, Catria, Est, Sonya
158-159 Conrad, Berkut, and Rinea
160-161 Fernand, Jedah, Rudolf, and Mila
162 NPCs/Antagonists (Desaix, Slayde, Nuibaba, etc)
163 NPCs/Antagonists (Lima IV, Duma, etc)
174-175 Duma and Mila Dragon Forms, Other Monsters

Chapter V: Extra

Valentia Timeline (Translated by VincentASM)

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight

All eight in one (see below)


Thabes Labyrinth Lore (Translated by VincentASM)

| One | Two |

(Or see transcript below)

Sealed with a Secret



Here are accounts left behind by various people.
These writings were carved on stone tablets retrieved from the depths of the Thabes Labyrinth;
they recounted a madness incomprehensible to common folk.
An abominable darkness within the Archanean continent where man and dragon co-existed.
Perhaps the inevitable outcome is--it is not safe to divulge.
If you are unfortunate to uncover these pages, I would recommend that you keep everything to yourselves.

--At the very least, it no longer has anything to do with me--


"Unexpected Things"



(From a historian's transcripts)

In the dark night, I witnessed fireflies, then thousands upon thousands of death.
In the darkness, there may be the light of dawn.
Darkness has a will of its own, and it mockingly laughs at each life.


That fishing village was "unusual".
Everyone seemed to give me a deadly stare.
The shadows from the western sea that I saw, they were "unusual".

I heard the following old stories from those who lived in Furia for a long time.
It is said that a great calamity shall come here from the western seas.
An ancient fell god driven yonder by the divine dragons' ruler,
holding a grudge against the land of Archanea, shall return---
Therefore, they train in combat. To prepare to face the unknown horror.
So that's why the air in Furia Harbour feels so thick and tense.

When the Furians reach adulthood, it is said they test their bravery
by visiting the ancient city ruins in the north of the eastern desert.
The ruins are home to ruffians, and sometimes Terrors appear.
They are taught to travel the desert, where the horizons are naught but sand,
until they suddenly see the abandoned tower.
That tower is the tower of Thabes, the ruins' landmark.


That day, it was not the calamity that came from the western seas.
A hero that seemed to be cloaked in azure flames, and a maiden with shining wings.
They were... gods, or dragonkin with dragonstones;
a mysterious group that livened the place with their majestic presence.
But, in other words, they were "unusual"---
My curiosity gave me no choice but to follow them.


"It", suddenly was "there";
emotions beyond my knowledge awakened inside of me.
Fear, awe and despair---


A Mage's Account



While at Forneus's workshop, I watched him study a moving corpse.
It was too much for me; I fled in fear.
The man was insane.

I ponder if his research trespassed the grace of the gods.
If he were left unattended, would he bring calamity to this city?

Oftentimes, one can hear a terrifying voice from behind the sealed door.
Like a baby, but like a monster...

Although Forneus committed a great sin, he must have
been trying to create a god.
I think his insanity started ever since he lost his
beloved wife.


The Senate's Account



In Thabes, lived an alchemist named Forneus, proclaimed for his genius.
At the beginning, he was marveled. In time, he would be feared by all.
In the deepest part of Thabes, Forneus's workshop can be found.

Two matters consumed Forneus, and he spent his life in their pursuit.
The first was how to mobilise the dead and control them as his army.
The second was the creation of a singular, perfect being.

At one time or another, there were rumours of people mysteriously
disappearing near the vicinity of Forneus's workshop.
We senators urged Forneus to come forth for discussion,
and we repeatedly sent missives, but he refused to respond.

Eventually, soldiers were dispatched to Forneus.
They were strong soldiers who ranked among the best in Thabes.
Not one of them returned.

Finally, the Thabes Council chose to seal Forneus’s workshop
with him inside it, deep within the underground; the path
to the workshop was permanently sealed with the Sage's Shield.

The seal they used was made to last until the city crumbled to sand.
That way, none shall disturb the demon alchemist Forneus.


The Creation



At last, blood from a divine dragon!
Although it took some time to cross that dangerous bridge,
at least it wasn't a folly. Now I have the real thing.
Even just looking at it, the blood, its power is terrifying.

After mixing the divine dragon blood with human fluids, certain herbs and nectar,
I sealed the concoction in a vial and observed it for 40 days.
New life had been born. At first, it was a tiny thing, the size of a thumbnail.
Looking at it, it looked no different than a human fetus,
but without a doubt, it was a new life form that had the blood of the gods.
I carefully decided to watch over the growth of this new life form.

I kept it at the temperature of a horse's womb and, each day, I gave it my blood.
On the 80th day, its humanoid shape gradually started to disappear.
Eyes appeared, its neck grew and I could see a tail growing from its behind.

Slowly and slowly, it began to take the shape of a dragon.
However, it was an unusually-shaped dragon, not at all like a divine dragon.
Its six eyes seemed to be smiling at me from inside the vial.
Does it possess consciousness? Is it I that it's smiling at?

I think I have created something truly tremendous.
Even though it is now as big as a puppy,
it shows glimpses of a terrifying power.
I have yet to find a solution to control its rampage when it becomes an adult.

Its voice echoes in my head; I feel like I can see inside of it.
Within it, I can see dark thoughts, Violent thoughts.
It makes me tremble from my heart.
At the same time, I feel like it can look inside me.
As it stares at the trembling me, it smiles re-assuredly.

"That thing has become a dangerous existence that nobody can control.
It pains me, but I have decided to destroy it with my own hands."

(The account comes to an abrupt end.)


The Death Masks



The critical component in the death mask is a particular shelled insect,
born accidentally during an experiment to create artificial life.
It is as big as a thumb and resembles a shellfish.
I have come to call these marvels of nature thanatophages.

Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots
and assert control by means of internal parasitism,
and are capable of moving the body.

By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of
the mask, the death mask is born.

When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep
like a stone.

When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus,
they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights.

Some kind of preservation fluid is ejected from the thanatophages' roots,
which suppresses the host's decay; it appears that they can be preserved
for a long time. It also seems like the body muscles are toughened
compared to before death.

Thanatophages feast on the flesh of the host, but it seems they like to
move the host to hunt for prey and take in nutrition that way.

The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine,
to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the
face of my deceased wife.

Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were
placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about.
Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal.
I can create an army of masks.

They are faithful and only listen to my orders.
Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.


Song Lyrics

Japanese lyrics for the various songs in the game are found in the Extras section. Ree (mystletainn on tumblr) has granted permission to reproduce said lyrics:

Pride and Arrogance



Proud noble
The blood of kings
A noble heart
to lead the people

His military prowess is well-known

Soar through a sky of diluted black
A jet black eagle

The legitimate
Successor of the crown

Heed him!
Praise him!

Rigel’s black prince


Prince of Darkness




Pride     (Proud)
Noble     (Lineage)
Nobility     (Spirit)
Ambition     (Embraced)
Jet black eagle

The legitimate
King of lions

That shakes Rigel
Be envious,
Those who look upon him


Lord of a Dead Empire



Great Duma
Our god of war!
Glory has become a thing of bygone days
That pride will be buried

Great Duma
Powerful god!
How you have degenerated
Do you wish for the capability to fear death?

My son, Albein!
People of Rigel!
People of Valentia!

My son, Albein!
People of Rigel!
People of Valentia!

Grief and sadness both
Will now
Come to an end
I will become your demon

The age of gods is over
The people must walk from the water
And walk away from the end of the promise that was made

I gladly turn myself over to the flames
I do not regret the foundation of this new world


The Price of Power / Blind Reward



Desire! (Power that won’t abandon)

Desire! (Power that is absolute)

More power (Power that surrenders the life of another)

It is for the day that he may return to his other

If he is to conquer with me


Children of Fate



Carving a place for themselves, this is the mutual wish
of the children of fate, but their paths diverge

They are the faces of Arcadia, the sea of stars is far away
Broken vows, an illusion of distant days

Many seasons come to pass
Tears fill the sky, sadness of the earth

Growing ever more apart, the two kingdoms
Chased those distant lands, to the dreams of gods

To seize the end of this long battle,
Love for the boy, strength for the girl

The boy and girl set off, set off for trials
Await the end of their journey, believe in a reunion



Various artworks of Celica

One | Two | Three | Four


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Thanks for your amazing work as usual Kirokan! I'm excited to see what the artbook holds, I sadly couldn't get a copy myself. Just don't overwork yourself.

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I found a Japanese blog (http://halberdxclaymore.blog.jp/archives/8211402.html) with some profiles the book has typed out, and some of them look like they have new info but I just used google translate.

Like, Nuibaba's mentions her having a lover and her face getting scarred or something and Genny being the kid of a noble affair, and Kliff's mom possibly being from the same village as Delthea and Luthier. Unless google translate was just making it sound like something else hehe (or if the blog is lying idk).



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11 hours ago, L95 said:

found a Japanese blog (http://halberdxclaymore.blog.jp/archives/8211402.html) with some profiles the book has typed out, and some of them look like they have new info but I just used google translate.

I looked through that too, and despite the warped translation that google provides, it seems that the character backstory's are about things hinted at but not found in the game, and they're pretty interesting to boot.

I'll echo (heh) the previous statements that we're looking forward to this, but don't rush or overwork yourself.

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Interesting... I see some of that additional info comes from the concept pages, but indeed if those summaries are true perhaps I ought to focus on the profiles that offer additional information.

I wonder if I can get some translation help from some of the others then. Either way, I'll focus on getting the quality scans first and then work out who does what. These pages have fancier backgrounds then Tellius Recollection as well, so wonder if I'll have to make ugly boxes to fill in or not... xD

Well let's see. As you all said I'll try not to overwork myself! I'm going through some important things in my life too, but I'm going to try to consistently upload!

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As you get to it whenever you can, thank you Kirokan!

But why is this called Valentia Accordion? I'm guessing they mean "Accord-ion", as in settlement, diplomatic protocol, an pact of unity and agreement.

But the name is weird and that "accord" meaning sounds very forced. As is, the title sounds like Alm should have an according strapped to his chest as he plays the Song of Storms ad infinitum flooding Dead Man's Mire and the Swamps of Duma with clean rainwater and flushing out the poison or something.


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40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As you get to it whenever you can, thank you Kirokan!

But why is this called Valentia Accordion? I'm guessing they mean "Accord-ion", as in settlement, diplomatic protocol, an pact of unity and agreement.

But the name is weird and that "accord" meaning sounds very forced. As is, the title sounds like Alm should have an according strapped to his chest as he plays the Song of Storms ad infinitum flooding Dead Man's Mire and the Swamps of Duma with clean rainwater and flushing out the poison or something.


If you think of it from the Japanese perspective, it sounds pretty English and exotic. Sometimes that's all a title needs!

It's only to English speakers it probably sounds strange. xD If it ever does officially come over, I assume that name would change.

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On 4/1/2018 at 3:42 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

As you get to it whenever you can, thank you Kirokan!

But why is this called Valentia Accordion? I'm guessing they mean "Accord-ion", as in settlement, diplomatic protocol, an pact of unity and agreement.

But the name is weird and that "accord" meaning sounds very forced. As is, the title sounds like Alm should have an according strapped to his chest as he plays the Song of Storms ad infinitum flooding Dead Man's Mire and the Swamps of Duma with clean rainwater and flushing out the poison or something.


I thought of an accordion folder. So like, it's a collection of the art and what not. And of course like the other person said, English sounds "cool: to the Japanese, similar to how Japanese words sound "cool" to us.

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Having these by themselves is neat. Can someone put them in the SF Gallery?


Random streamish of consciousness thoughts on the new stuff:

Why is Clair sitting on an invisible bench/pegasus?

And I like Python's foot rock, adding props/non-character things to official artwork can make it distinctive.

Delthea's legs are a little quirky with that bend.

Tatiana I'm convinced is Mila's half sister for some reason.

Mathilda looks confident.

Est is leaning on an invisible wall.

Atlas looks a little sad or angry or frustrated with his life. I do find the sitting on a rock pose different.

Jesse looks adequately heroic and manly for the image he projects.

Sonya looks friendlier than I'd think she would, and her slight lean forward, is that supposed to emphasize her female form?

Deen is a D-. His head leaning in looks much too big for his body! And too much needless cape with too boring a body pose.

Nomah looks sufficient papal.

Conrad- why is he holding his cape open with the hand on the other hip? He must be motioning something.

Jedah's near-birds eye perspective seems perfect for him to burst in evil laughter with the camera zooming away to another scene. "With Celica's soul I will rule the world! Mwahahaha!" *Camera pans and moves onto what Alm is doing at the moment*

Santa Rigel takes an opposite perspective of Jedah's going in rather low with that big shield. Symbolic of them being opposite enemies to the heroes? 

Emma looks like I could get a panty shot from a more eye-level perspective.

Randal looks so thin and tall with his body arranged as it is.

Shade looks like she might be stepping forward with some seductive goal in mind, what I can't say.


Why does Mila have artwork, which makes her look utterly lost, but none for Duma humanoid or degenerate eyeball dragon? Really, the game is Mila-biased after all.

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Yeah I was a bit surprised that Duma, Grima, Nuibaba, Slayde or the other early game big villain didn't get full pages here.

Looking the japanese link above, it seems they're probably in the profiles section. how odd. Oh but man, the monster design page, very glad even these guys got their artwork showcased.

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1 hour ago, r_n said:

Yeah I was a bit surprised that Duma, Grima, Nuibaba, Slayde or the other early game big villain didn't get full pages here.

Looking the japanese link above, it seems they're probably in the profiles section. how odd. Oh but man, the monster design page, very glad even these guys got their artwork showcased.

Yes, Duma has one in the profile section, as do the other villains. The profile artworks are from the in-game art, so this gallery was only out-of-game artworks..of which Duma seems to have none. xD But I think those I should save for when they're translated rather than posting then translating separately...

Though if people are in a rush to have the in-game artworks I can see about getting the raw scans up too.

Ah, maybe I'll just edit out all the text and provide the images, and then present the translations later on.

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3 minutes ago, Kirokan said:

Yes, Duma has one in the profile section, as do the other villains. The profile artworks are from the in-game art, so this gallery was only out-of-game artworks..of which Duma seems to have none. xD But I think those I should save for when they're translated rather than posting then translating separately...

Though if people are in a rush to have the in-game artworks I can see about getting the raw scans up too.

Ah, maybe I'll just edit out all the text and provide the images, and then present the translations later on.

You don't have to do that. I was just musing it seems odd one would only make fancy artwork for half of a god duo.

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

The sheer number of girls who stand with their toes pointed in is irritating.  Glad Sonya bucks that trend!

  1. Faye
  2. Delthea
  3. Mathilda
  4. Mae
  5. Possibly Genny?
  6. Catria
  7. Est

That is a lot. Maybe they slurped too much Cold Soup and can't find the nearest Sacred Spring?

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42 minutes ago, Kirokan said:

Yes, Duma has one in the profile section, as do the other villains. The profile artworks are from the in-game art, so this gallery was only out-of-game artworks..of which Duma seems to have none. xD But I think those I should save for when they're translated rather than posting then translating separately...

Though if people are in a rush to have the in-game artworks I can see about getting the raw scans up too.

Ah, maybe I'll just edit out all the text and provide the images, and then present the translations later on.

Well technically the other artwork is in game too. It's used for all the bottom screen images & crit cutins, just cropped.

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25 minutes ago, r_n said:

Well technically the other artwork is in game too. It's used for all the bottom screen images & crit cutins, just cropped.

You know, all this time I never realized that. xD Either way I hope to get the rest of those up sooner than later. So many pages to scan!

Also updated with some artworks of Celica found across the book!

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6 hours ago, eclipse said:

The sheer number of girls who stand with their toes pointed in is irritating.  Glad Sonya bucks that trend!

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  1. Faye
  2. Delthea
  3. Mathilda
  4. Mae
  5. Possibly Genny?
  6. Catria
  7. Est

That is a lot. Maybe they slurped too much Cold Soup and can't find the nearest Sacred Spring?

I think it's to accentuate "femininity". In some cases, it's just the angle they're at. This is the case for Catria, she's actually not on her toes the way I see it. Faye is a maybe, and is more of a "ready to go" pose. For Clair it invokes "elegance" which is fitting considering she's a noble. Mae is stretching, so that also conveys "ready to go". Est is on her heels, so it shows she's got that "youthful energy". Same could be said for Delthea, albeit conveyed with a different pose.

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15 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Also, I am starting to work on translating the timeline and lore information. Although I had to stop when I got to this XD


Oh. Does this mean Duma was a frat boy? And Mila got into wet t-shirt contests? No wonder Naga exiled them, them young ones can't stop getting drunk 'till they're blacked out.

But that makes me wonder- was the entire Archanean Dragon Civil War a drunken brawl that got out of hand?

And this does explain why libations restore Turnwheel uses, even from beyond the pale of death/being sealed in the Falchion, Mila will do anything even a half drunk bottle of cheap Ale.


Still, nice to see them say what dragonkind bestow on humanity. But if the Valentians couldn't even make booze on their own, and some say beer predates bread historically IRL, and both came not too far long after humans learned the art of agriculture, then maybe the Valentians were just hunter-gatherers before the gods taught them to farm? Although they could just have been in the early phases of learning how to farm on their own, and then the Super Mila Siblings arrived and helped things along.

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EDIT: Website version

Book of Valentian Revelations

To those who seek the truth of the Valentian gods, we impart this Book of Revelations to you.

Chapter 1
We are the Servants, borne from our master's will, watching over this continent alongside our master.

Chapter 2
Brother Duma and sister Mila: both Old Folk, and known as divine dragons in the land beyond.

Chapter 3
Long ago, the Old Folk created a kingdom in the land beyond.

Chapter 4
The Old Folk, led by the ruler of the divine dragons, ushered in an age of prosperity.

Chapter 5
Duma protected the dragons' ruler with his military might, gaining her favour; he was called the Kingshield.

Chapter 6
Mila blessed the land with her magic, paving prosperity for the Old Folk; she was called the Kingsgrail.

Chapter 7
The Old Folk bestowed many gifts to the New Folk who were young of the world.

Chapter 8
These gifts included knowledge of fire, iron, alcohol and sorcery.

Chapter 9
The New Folk rapidly advanced thanks to the Old Folk's wisdom. Eventually, they constructed an extravagant city known as Thabes.

Chapter 10
Fearing that the New Folk had amassed too much power, Duma sent soldiers into Thabes.

Chapter 11
After 3 long days of battle, the city of Thabes was obliterated and the survivors fled the ruined land.

Chapter 12
The ruler of the divine dragons, in her great anger, exacted harsh judgement on Duma.

Chapter 13
Duma clashed violently with the ruler of the divine dragons.

Chapter 14
Mila joined Duma's side and the two stood valiantly against the ruler's army.

Chapter 15
The earth split, the seas parted, and the heavens themselves threatened to come tumbling down. The battle transcended any that history had yet know.

Chapter 16
Duma and Mila were no match for the ruler's forces and surrendered after 9 terrible days of battle.

Chapter 17
During the colossal battle, some of the ruler's fangs splintered and scattered across the realm.

Chapter 18
By the ruler's decree, Mila and Duma were banished from the land beyond.

Chapter 19
The ruler of the divine dragons was merciful, so before Duma departed, she gave him one of her own fangs, the Kingsfang.

Chapter 20
Falchion was the name given to the blade carved from the Kingsfang. It was a sword of beginnings, an incarnation of the ruler herself.

Chapter 21
Those who carry the divine dragon's blood and bear her mark can draw out the Kingsfang's true strength and manifest their royal power.

Chapter 22
After being exiled, Duma and Mila traveled across the ocean for 7 days before finally alighting here on this continent.
(There is an official version, but this version is slightly different.)

Chapter 23
Duma and Mila chased their ideals on this continent that they now called home.

Chapter 24
Despite being scarred by battle, Duma's rage had not subsided and he desired revenge against the dragons' ruler.

Chapter 25
Duma ordered his people to erect an oppressive tower atop a mountain facing the land beyond, to which Mila approved.

Chapter 26
Here in our land, Duma sought power to surpass all others, whilst Mila sought peace and love. Their paths diverged, never to meet again.

Chapter 27
Though Duma's ideals were originally driven by revenge, he also put his people into consideration.

Chapter 28
Duma with his unquenchable lust for battle clashed with Mila who stood in opposition.

Chapter 29
A war broke out that sundered land and sky; no living thing was safe. The peals of thunder rang like an elegy sung by Mila herself.

Chapter 30
But despite clash after heated clash, not once did Duma turn the Kingsfang upon his sister.

Chapter 31
Countless seasons passed and the war showed no signs of end.

Chapter 32
At the end of an arduous battle, Duma and Mila had exhausted their strength.

Chapter 33
Together, Duma and Mila formed a Divine Accord. Thereafter, they vowed never to cross into each other's domain.

Chapter 34
One day, interlopers from the ocean threatened the people of this continent.

Chapter 35
Duma and Mila became the peoples' pillar, while they resisted against the foreign threat.

Chapter 36
The fighter Rigel from Duma's domain and the hero Zofia from Mila's domain were chosen for their brilliant exploits.

Chapter 37
Duma and Mila bequeathed their divine blood to the two champions, and brought prosperity to their respective nations.

Chapter 38
And so, this continent embraced a long-lasting era of peace.

Chapter 39
One day, Duma and Mila are fated to descend into madness. When that day comes, an era shrouded by darkness shall befall this continent.

Chapter 40
From the moment we were borne, we witnesses of history shall guide the lost, so you may bathe in a thousand years of prosperity.

Edited by VincentASM
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My annotations, interpretations, and comments to the Book of Valentian Revelations:


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 1
We are the Servants, borne from our master's will, watching over this continent alongside our master.


So this must be who speaks to you at Mila Shrines. Being made from their masters, but not part of them, perhaps this gives them immunity to degeneration? They are described as "ephemeral forms" in their class descriptions- spirit without much if any body? Given Loptyr seems to have escaped degeneration via possessing Jugdralians instead of living in his own flesh, this seems plausible.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 2
Brother Duma and sister Mila: both Old Folk, and known as divine dragons in the land beyond.

They admit to being dragons right away? I don't think the humans of Jugdral knew the same of their gods. But then again, a dragon is certainly worthy of worship regardless. And the Valentians might not have known about degeneration, or Mila or Duma even about that, they might have left before the degeneration began. And how many people had access to the Book of Valentian revelations anyhow?


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 5
Duma protected the dragons' ruler with his military might, gaining her favour; he was called the Kingshield.

Chapter 6
Mila blessed the land with her magic, paving prosperity for the Old Folk; she was called the Kingsgrail.


"protected the dragons' ruler?" Must be Naga, or maybe other Dragon Tribe leaders. So they seem to have been prominent Divine Dragons and not just nobodies. Good to know.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 8
These gifts included knowledge of fire, iron, alcohol and sorcery.

So all the basics of civilized existence? IRL, humans invented fire even before Sapiens came into being, 1.7 to .2 million years ago. Long before agriculture, so they must have been really primitive in Valentia.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 9
The New Folk rapidly advanced thanks to the Old Folk's wisdom. Eventually, they constructed an extravagant city known as Thabes.

Chapter 10
Fearing that the New Folk had amassed too much power, Duma sent soldiers into Thabes.

Chapter 11
After 3 long days of battle, the city of Thabes was obliterated and the survivors fled the ruined land.

Chapter 12
The ruler of the divine dragons, in her great anger, exacted harsh judgement on Duma.


Wait, are the New Folk here Valentians or Archaneans? Thabes is in Archanea! Did Naga actually approve of giving humanity stuff without going as far Mila and Duma would?

Verse (or Chapter, but Chapter seems too long in connotation for me here) 10 suggests to me that Duma wasn't originally big on humanity at all, closer to Medeus and Loptyr. His human loving came later. Naga here seems to be the human lover going by Verse 13.

I could have sworn Thabes was dragon-built, but a check of FE3 and SD says it was only advanced- not who built it.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 17
During the colossal battle, some of the ruler's fangs splintered and scattered across the realm.

Mila and Duma hurt Naga? Obviously she couldn't have died and was clearly capable of overpowering them. Naga did live presumably long beyond these events, up until her death, in Thabes of all places, much later. No mention of the Dragon Civil War is made here, and those 9 days can't be the Dragon Civil War, that lasted from -740 to -500 Archanean Count, two hundred and forty years! 

It does possibly suggest how Naga could make two Falchions and a Fire Emblem from her fangs, she might be able to regrow them, because losing "fangs" plural, unless she was able to craft the broken fangs, would if she only had 4 great ones, would mean she lost at least 2 and needs at least 3 to make her legendary artifacts I assume.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 18
By the ruler's decree, Mila and Duma were banished from the land beyond.

To me, this would suggest that the New Folk are Archanean humans and not at all Valentians. Otherwise, wouldn't the Dragon Tribes be living in Valentia as well and have to banish Mila and Duma somewhere else outside of their control?


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 21
Those who carry the divine dragon's blood and bear her mark can draw out the Kingsfang's true strength and manifest their royal power.

Does this mean Naga's Brand is on Alm? But wouldn't he only have Duma Blood? How did Duma get Naga Blood? It doesn't say anything about this or Mila and Duma somehow being Naga's bastard children. Unless "her mark" is just meant to mean Major Divine Dragon Blood in general. So Alm as a Major Duma can use Falchion, but Berkut, as the nephew of Rudolf who should also have dragon blood, is a Minor Duma? But then why can't Celica use Falchion outside of that one Sacred Stones super-hard hack?


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 22
After being exiled, Duma and Mila traveled across the ocean for 7 days before finally alighting here on this continent.
(There is an official version, but this version is slightly different.)

So it takes 7 days to cross the Long Sea/Archanean Seaway? Although this is just two super dragons we're talking about with probably little idea of where to go. Not wooden ships filled with humans, it'd possibly take much longer for them. It gives us an idea of the distance between Archanea and Valentia, but not a perfect one. Anyone know how long it takes to cross the Atlantic from North America to Africa/Europe in a large sailing vessel?


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 24
Despite being scarred by battle, Duma's rage had not subsided and he desired revenge against the dragons' ruler.

Chapter 25
Duma ordered his people to erect an oppressive tower atop a mountain facing the land beyond, to which Mila approved.

So Duma Tower's reason for existing is "screw you!" to Naga. Maybe he dreamed of attacking her one day? Duma seems more like an Earth Dragon than a Divine. But hey, I like dissent within a Dragon Tribe as opposed to monolithic Heaven vs. Earth. Medeus did betray his kind originally after all.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 27
Though Duma's ideals were originally driven by revenge, he also put his people into consideration.

Chapter 28
Duma with his unquenchable lust for battle clashed with Mila who stood in opposition.

So Duma was too ornery about not being able to fight Naga and get revenge, so he fought his own sister and her people? Taking out revenge on people who have little to do with your original target of ire- sounds like Loptyr with his abuse of Jugdralian humans when Naga and Archanean humans were his original enemy.



1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 27
Though Duma's ideals were originally driven by revenge, he also put his people into consideration.

Chapter 30
But despite clash after heated clash, not once did Duma turn the Kingsfang upon his sister.

So Duma had some compassion and kindness, just not really that much given all of the above. Sounds like it would have been a good path for Alm to follow at first as human Duma incarnate.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 34
One day, interlopers from the ocean threatened the people of this continent.

Chapter 35
Duma and Mila became the peoples' pillar, while they resisted against the foreign threat.

Chapter 36
The fighter Rigel from Duma's domain and the hero Zofia from Mila's domain were chosen for their brilliant exploits.

Chapter 37
Duma and Mila bequeathed their divine blood to the two champions, and brought prosperity to their respective nations.

Who are these "interlopers"? Archaneans? Thabesians in particular? Jugdralians?

What about "the hero Zofia", was Zofia a man? Japanese is rather gender-neutral right? Is it gender-neutral here? Because Lord Rion says in the game:

Lord Rion: I am the eldest son of the Rion family, one of Zofia’s oldest houses. But that dog Desaix demanded we give him our greatest heirloom—a shield. The Rion Shield was a gift from Queen Zofia I, passed down ever since.

Unless Queen Zofia I is a separate person for some reason. I'd think Mila would possibly choose a heroine being herself female.


1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

Chapter 38
And so, this continent embraced a long-lasting era of peace.

Chapter 39
One day, Duma and Mila are fated to descend into madness. When that day comes, an era shrouded by darkness shall befall this continent.

Chapter 40
From the moment we were borne, we witnesses of history shall guide the lost, so you may bathe in a thousand years of prosperity.

When was this written? And why didn't these Servants tell Mila and Duma about the degeneration if the Servants knew it would happen? Aren't the Servants in communication with their masters?

Unless their masters were much too stubborn sane to heed all the pleas. And by the time they started to degenerate, which you might not notice until symptoms are well underway, you couldn't convince insane dragons with earth-splitting, sea-parting, and heavens-tumbling powers to calm their dragon power use and seal it away. No straightjacket could be slapped around them and then shipped off to a mental health institution.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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So what I could gather from the book of Revelations...

  • Old Folk = Dragons, New Folk = Humans
  • Dragons led by Naga, with Duma as the military leader and Mila aiding with agriculture
  • Dragons help humans develop, humans build Thabes
  • Duma fears humans have grown too powerful, destroys Thabes
  • Naga is angry and fights Duma, Mila supports Duma and Naga wins after nine days (Falchions created during this time?)
  • Duma and Mila are banished, Naga gives them a Falchion for when they degenerate (can be used by humans with divine dragon blood)
  • Duma and Mila end up on Valentia, Duma initially wants revenge on Naga (though he still cares for his people). Duma has humans build Duma Tower, facing Archanea
  • Duma and Mila clash over ideals and fight for a long time, eventually stop and form Divine Accord
  • At some point Duma and Mila unite to fight off foreign invaders
  • Rigel and Zofia gain the dragons' favor during this time, they receive blood from Duma and Mila respectively (and form their kingdoms?)
  • Time of peace until dragons eventually degenerate and game begins

The main things I'm wondering are if the Naga/Duma conflict took place before or after the Earth Dragons were sealed and when exactly Grima was created by Forneus, but its nice to get more information on the Archanean dragons.

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For reference, there's a 8 page timeline that I'm currently working through.

I have a feeling it won't answer all of your questions, but I can say the Earth Dragon war occurs long after Mila and Duma have left Archanea.


The timeline confirms that Marth is NOT Ylisse's First Exalt. In case anybody was wondering. (We already "knew" this because the timeline didn't match etc.)

Edited by VincentASM
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