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So I been "playing" some Melee


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God damn is it boring playing this thing without anybody else to play, trying to stop sucking with Marth and Sheik and Jigglypuff and Falco and people in this game. Fuck short hopping. Fuck applying wavedashing to real life. Fuck my amazingly bad reaction time. But most of all, fffffffffuuuuuuck trying to control Fox, that nonsense is still impossible after 7 years of trying half heartedly. Crouch canceling, dash canceling whatever the hell is amazing unfortunately.

I wish I had people to play this stupid, great game with.

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I play melee with my crew, the Originals (Boss, Korn, Chaos Knight), H2YL (Chu Dat, Azen, Chillindude829) and pretty much most of MD/VA ^_^. I used to be part of team Arlington which was gigantic and amazing back in the day.

Edited by Rei
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I can never really become grand at Melee since the only person I usually can go against is my brother. However, it usually winds up me whooping him big time and he gets all "RAAAGGGE". There's folks that at school that I've played against, but I usually whoop them too. I can't find any real competition, though. I still need to learn how to Wave Dash.....

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Play Brawl.

I play both. I enjoy both.

I grew up on Melee, though I've never been so good as decent at it, and (excuses etc) have only recently gotten into a truly competitive frame of mind about it, or any game. I've put more time and enjoyment into Melee than any other game I've played, I'll bet, and it seems silly to just forget about it when the real possibilities have only just opened themselves up to me and the real fun is just starting (if only I could frikkin play somebody).

So far it seems like wavelanding+dash dancing>>>>>wavedashing for spacing purposes and all, but I'm not one to offer empirical judgment or nothing, and I've gotten a chance to test this stuff on approximately no one.

Adam dun like Melee. >:{

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Mac, what area do you live in?

And really for Wavedashing or dash dancing. You don't spam wavedash. You only use it when you want to try to trick your opponents Dash dance can do the same thing, but it's good for spacing grabs as well. Everything is situational.

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No experience of technical application above ignorant level (used against actual people)=no useful knowledge/experience concerning practical application=bad assessments of how to use stuff.


but it's good for spacing grabs as well.

Exactly, I like that since Marth is the best character in this game.

It's easier to practice knowing how to pull off stuff than not being dumb with stuff when playing alone. Learning to actually put stuff into practice after years of not doing stuff where it counts is more difficult than just going "would you look at that I aerodoged diagonally into the ground with marth."

I live in Maryland, so I know it's really really not like the games don't exist where I am. I just don't know people into them. Is high school age too young or old or something to get into Melee "seriously?"

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Why not play Melee?

I play all the time, that is on weekends of course, don't just give Melee because Brawl came out, and Melee has other characters that Brawl doesn't have(I'm not complaining though).

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No experience of technical application above ignorant level (used against actual people)=no useful knowledge/experience concerning practical application=bad assessments of how to use stuff.


Exactly, I like that since Marth is the best character in this game.

It's easier to practice knowing how to pull off stuff than not being dumb with stuff when playing alone. Learning to actually put stuff into practice after years of not doing stuff where it counts is more difficult than just going "would you look at that I aerodoged diagonally into the ground with marth."

I live in Maryland, so I know it's really really not like the games don't exist where I am. I just don't know people into them. Is high school age too young or old or something to get into Melee "seriously?"

...I was going to Melee tourneys when I was in 10th grade. I know some people who started earlier as well. I'm in MD. MD/VA IS THE STRONGEST AREA IN THE US...

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