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Because that makes them better. Take Lysithea, for example.

Why does my cat lie down on his back and ask for belly rubs?

Edited by Emmy
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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Why do witches have to be so OP?

Because nobody in Valentia knows what Res is.

2 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Why do i keep bringing up Dorte?

Because you all have been influenced by my silliness and the Dorte meme I made up.
Not gonna lie, I'm happy about it.

Just now, Emmy said:

Why does my cat lie down on his back and ask for belly rubs?

Because your cat trusts you.

Why are animals so wholesome?

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1 minute ago, Emmy said:

Why does my cat lie down on his back and ask for belly rubs?

Because they're polite and don't demand them of you.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Why are Armor Knights so bad in Echoes and Three Houses?

Because they're destined for mediocrity in every FE game.

Why do I prefer physical attackers to magic attackers in FE?

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Because it's fun to watch sword and axe, and ESPECIALLY BRAWL animations on wyvern riders. Especially on Hilda.


Why does my cat ask politely for belly rubs but he demands for food?

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2 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Why does my cat ask politely for belly rubs but he demands for food?

Because cats need food to survive.

6 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Why has dorte affected me so much?

Because Dorte is wonderful!
Also, thank you for putting my silly joke into your signature! ^^

Why can you, when you have the DLC, feed the dogs and cats around the monastery, but not Dorte?

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Because feeding Dorte leads to him gaining the power of Sothis and taking over the world, which would be very bad indeed. Dorte just gets bigger and bigger with each meal, and Marrianne is aware of the fact and wants to rule the world with Dorte.


Why is it that Dorte just kinda sits and stares whenever i visit him on sundays?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, thank you for putting my silly joke into your signature! ^^

Tbh, I had thought about putting the unlimited Rune Factory works your wrote in my sig, but I didn't know if you'd mind or not.

Because nobody needs to feed Dorte when Marianne is always around.

Why did IS not take the opportunity to make the sauna into a fanservice hot spring bit like in some animes?

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That did Really confuse me but some Sauna outfits don't have sleeves and they often feature short pants/shorts so you can see some characters (Claude and Dorothea's heheheh) legs.


on a scale from 1 - 10, how satisfied was Dorte on his flight on an airplane?

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5. She didn't appreciate how cramped it was.
Also, her best friend, Claude's wyvern, wasn't there.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Tbh, I had thought about putting the unlimited Rune Factory works your wrote in my sig, but I didn't know if you'd mind or not.

I wouldn't mind it at all. In fact, I'd be honored!

Why can Sothis just appear in Byleth's room?

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Because Sothis is merely an illusion and she is messing with Byleth's mind. She isn't really there, similar to how nobody by Byleth can hear her speak.


Why is Sothis so cranky? And why do i have the sudden urge to write Dorte fanfiction?


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Because Claudorte is not a fusion, but rather, a ship. Although I’m more of a Claude’s wyvern x Dorte guy myself

Why is Constance’s sunshine-thing never explained?

37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Because nobody in Valentia knows what Res is.

The most accurate thing I’ve read all day

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Because it's mysterrrrrrrious.


Why did you assume i don't follow the ship of Claude's wyvern x Dorte.

(I mean, i'm more of a Claude's Wyvern x Hilda's Wyvern, but still)

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Because maybe Sooks though Claude x Dorte would be funny.

1 minute ago, Sooks1016 said:

Because Claudorte is not a fusion, but rather, a ship. Although I’m more of a Claude’s wyvern x Dorte guy myself

No, it's very much intended to be a fusion. I'd be all for that ship, though!

2 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

The most accurate thing I’ve read all day


Why am I suddenly hyped for reading that fanfic about Dorte?

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Because i'm writing it, so it'll be short, but sweet... i think.


Why am i leaving to eat more bread?



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