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Three heads, because how is me being indecisive already going to get any worse? It too would permit much more interesting dialogues with myself. And if I could switch off on them with sleep, then I could be at least 1/3 alert all the time.

How many of my posts turn into TL;DR?

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18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

1. Pigeon-guided missiles?

Wouldn't having a missile that always returns home be counterproductive?

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

2. Nuclear landmines warmed by chickens?

Wait wait wait, NUCLEAR LANDMINES?!?!?!?!?! Forget the chickens! Isn't that the definition of overkill?!?!?!

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

3. Cats with listening devices installed for spying?

For better or worse, this probably has actually been researched in real life.

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

4. Cat-guided aerial bombs?

...What? ...How? ...Why?


18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

5. Anti-tank dog bombs?

Sadly, these actually exist in real life. Russia used them in World War 2. The dogs never came out alive.

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

6. Or bats covered in napalm as living firebombs?

So, let me get this straight. You're using one of the least endangered species (for the most part. Some bats are actually endangered) in the world, covering them in a extremely hazardous substance, and hope that they can fly covered in that stuff? All while they're still alive?

...I can't tell whether that's morbidly creative or just plain disturbing.

1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

Who came up with fried green tomatoes?

Apparently the South, because a movie made them that way.


If the star fox crew can do barrel rolls all day without puking or being any worse for wear, what do the Lylat Systems roller-coasters look like?

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why does TL;DR have a semicolon in it?


2 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

If the star fox crew can do barrel rolls all day without puking or being any worse for wear, what do the Lylat Systems roller-coasters look like?

Some of the most metal things to exist.

How the heck is my list for games that I want for my (future) Nintendo Switch getting bigger?

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Because of all that window shopping (because you're presumably doing it on a machine running Windows, get it? Groan).

Was that corny or what?

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On 4/17/2018 at 9:18 AM, Dragoncat said:

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

On 4/17/2018 at 9:25 AM, Hawkwing said:

Santa Clause, as payback for not putting them out during the allotted time.

13 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

I think I'll change up my answer and say the Cookie Monster did it this time around.


Did Kongregate remove some of their games? I tried searching for "Sweatshop" and another obscure game I forgot the name of, and I couldn't find anything.

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15 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

I think I'll change up my answer and say the Cookie Monster did it this time around.


Did Kongregate remove some of their games? I tried searching for "Sweatshop" and another obscure game I forgot the name of, and I couldn't find anything.

DAMMIT FOILED AGAIN. How do you keep track of which questions have been asked and which ones havent?

Current question: I'd assume so, either that or they want you to buy the games now.

17 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:

Would an RPG showing Gerik’s and Marisa’s lives from Sacred Stones after their paired ending go well?

I'd be game for it! They'd raise their kids to be badasses for sure. Although Tethys with Gerik would also be cool because Uncle Ewan.

How does the Cookie Monster stay healthy and not get diabetes if all he eats is cookies?

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1 minute ago, Dragoncat said:

DAMMIT FOILED AGAIN. How do you keep track of which questions have been asked and which ones havent?

I've been here since the beginning (in a sense, anyway. Took a few pages before I said something. I was ninja'd in my first post, by the way), I have an odd memory, I reread this thread from time to time for fun, and I get creative with search engines.

5 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Current question: I'd assume so, either that or they want you to buy the games now.

Except they were free web games, and thus not for sale...

8 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

How does the Cookie Monster stay healthy and not get diabetes if all he eats is cookies?

Bizarre monster biology is probably the best answer. That, or he never truly eats those cookies; He just puts them in his mouth and crushes them without digesting them.


Which is harder: 2D or 3D animation?

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Either one would strike me as hard. I have the artistic aptitude of a doormat.

Besides playing pool, has anyone been able to figure out a use for geometry?

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Yeah, construction, painting a room, laying carpet etc. Now algebra? Different story...

Who the hell goes to the store and buys 20 watermelons and 50 cantaloupes?

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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

So, let me get this straight. You're using one of the least endangered species (for the most part. Some bats are actually endangered) in the world, covering them in a extremely hazardous substance, and hope that they can fly covered in that stuff? All while they're still alive?

...I can't tell whether that's morbidly creative or just plain disturbing.

I didn't actually invent this idea, or any of those. The visual and audio quality is awful, and you can't get rid of the foreign subtitles, and its parceled into five smaller pieces despite being one episode, but start from 9:10 on this video, I saw this History Channel documentary back when I was naive and thought it actually taught history.

To summarize it, WWII desperation drove all of those ideas in the US, except for the Soviet dog bombs. The nuclear landmine chickens and Operation Acoustic Kitty were Cold War ideas the US had, unfortunately the Acoustic Kitty got ran over on its first mission. They also tested how far mosquitos would spread in case of biological warfare by dropping bombs with disease-free ones on a half-acre of Georgia populated by innocent civilians. 

I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt's dentist who came up with the incendiary bats idea. Bats like going under the eaves of buildings- release hordes of them to burn Tokyo, built mostly of wood, to the ground. Though why not just use regular incendiary bombs? Those actually did destroy Tokyo, and is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked- Tokyo was already nonexistent. Apparently, the fire bats accidentally ignited themselves in their US storehouse, thus dooming the experiment. Oh well. Off to the history books like the Medieval Chinese fire pheasants back when gunpowder was first born and imperfected and used more for a burn than a bang.


1 minute ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

Yes, but I wouldn't want a rose that commits suicide after I mistakenly commit suicide after we've only known each other personally for maybe a week. Sorry Juliet!


Why do people always ask for the Macarena when there is a party with a DJ?

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