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Good question...medicine commercials are stupid anyway. "Take this drug! The side effects might be worse than your condition but take it anyway!" Smh.

If a vegan becomes a zombie, do they eat GRRAIIINNNSS instead?

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Because Elsa should have Articuno as a pet.

How did the final memory prism end up being guarded by a creature sealed in a workshop that was supposed to be closed for eternity and was never opened since it was closed?

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Because Duma didn't want anyone seeing his human form, and he was going insane, so he decided to put the memory prism in an extremely random location. Giving credit where credit is due, the person who put the memory prism there must have been a having one heck of rouge-like run in order to get that far.

Or it's because the developers wanted a nice reward for beating Thabes Labyrinth, and intentionally kept the logic behind Memory Prisms broad so no one asks questions.

Why is Star Wars: The Clone Wars considered a kids show, again?

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Getting Crap Past The Radar. I thought you were a troper, @Hawkwing, because you should've known by now.

Why are there so many Chinese tourists in California? Well, I'm a Chinese dude from the Philippines, but during my time here, I've heard so many tourists speak only Mandarin Chinese, which is not the dialect we Chinese-Filipinos use (Hokkien); it's the dialect of those from the mainland or maybe even Taiwan. (The more you know...)

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California is one of the more well known states in America for pretty obvious reasons (Hollywood) and since California is on the West Coast, the Chinese can easily reach California by boat.

Why don't people understand that a morally grey character undergoing character development to become better person, like Prince Zuko from The Last Airbender and Endeavor from My Hero Academia?

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Happens everyday. Doesn't make the news because they'd rather harp on Trump.

4 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Getting Crap Past The Radar. I thought you were a troper, @Hawkwing, because you should've known by now.

Damn that trope. It dirtied my mind.

Well, Family-Unfriendly Death and Family-Unfriendly Violence are two methods of getting crap past the radar...

Hilariously enough (from a certain point of view) you can actually do nearly every action in those videos in The Force Unleashed.


As for the question:

How can a website have a hard drive failure? (Serious if you know, funny otherwise)

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Because the server crashes. Or the monkeys that they employ screw up. Or the monkeys purposely put bananas in the computers the servers are on and the owners of the site realize they shouldn't be employing monkeys.

Why do I always use too much honey mustard for the amount of chicken strips I have?

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You obviously must not be eating enough chicken strips at a time.

Why is Florina from FE7 characterized as a spineless pussy, yet she can competently impale strong men with a spear WHILE riding a fucking flying horse?

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She's attacking out of fear. After all, a spear is a long and easy to wield weapon, and combined with a flying horse, she can keep some distance away from the enemy, meaning that she doesn't have many opportunities to improve her courage.

Why doesn't Kellam get an alternative ending if he becomes the MVP of a playthrough?

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Haven’t you ever seen a wizard from the olden days? They wore caps like that.

How did Innes from SS get so full of pride and self confidence? His skill with the bow is apparently legendary (at least storyline wise) so it makes sense, but still...

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I heard about it, but I haven't played it. It's that one puzzle platformer with the weird robot thingie, right?

Where are all those fanservice-loving people that IntSys so desperately panders to with Heroes?

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Because God doesn’t like you. If he did like you, wouldn’t he make Pokémon themselves real?

Am I a pedofile because I think child Tiki is cuter than the adult version in Awakening?

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1 minute ago, Purple Mage said:


-Is the kind of court Mario Tennis newbs play on.

1 minute ago, SMEDIA said:

Am I a pedofile because I think child Tiki is cuter than the adult version in Awakening?

Define "cute". Cute as in the innocent cute, or the cute with a sexually attracted touch to it? And don't tell me the answer, tell these nice people from the FBI.


Why are three ninjas standing behind you?

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2 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:


Am I a pedofile because I think child Tiki is cuter than the adult version in Awakening?

You are definitely not one of these:

Image result for foot filer

But you might be one of these:
Image result for weeaboo

And I realize I was just ninjad while finding those images. Next person answer the above question.

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