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I don't think so, because their shape doesn't lend itself too well to water traversal when you strap several of them together to make a boat. Of course, if you had a single giant banana, that would be a different story entirely.

On that note: Have you ever thought about why bananas are typically curved?

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12 hours ago, Purple Mage said:


@IfIHadToPickADude, have you read the rest yet?

I'm working on it!

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

On that note: Have you ever thought about why bananas are typically curved?

It's because they grow away from the pull of gravity and towards the sun!

Why are pegasus knights one of my favorite class trees?

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Because they like giving me ideas for Halloween. (I would not actually suggest dressing up as the Mad Gasser and going around surprise spraying people, even if it is just water vapor, unless you like the cops coming for you.) I still need to work on that Mara in a chariot pulled by Girimehkala parade float, with generous hydraulics for Mara movement.

More serious answer, urban legends are modern mythology, not quite as fancy, but it still counts. Hence SMT draws from it, just like they have Mothman. They have been doing this since SMTI with its various zombies.


Why did an Incubus of all things run away in fear and say they were going to call the cops when I said that I'd help them meet lady demons?

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'Cause you can't think of anything else to do.

Why does Awkward zombie have very few moments where Fox (or Wolf) are in a good position to make for a potential avatar, free from clutter?

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Because the universe is mad at you.

(Download Paint.net or Gimp and you should be able to lasso tool them out)

Why is there a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell?

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I don't know, coffee is supposed to make you poop, it's not an aphrodisiac...go to the doctor.

Why is horseradish called horseradish? Is it a radish that horses eat?

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24 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I don't know, coffee is supposed to make you poop, it's not an aphrodisiac...go to the doctor.

Why is horseradish called horseradish? Is it a radish that horses eat?

No, it means  a radish you can ride on.

In regards to coffee, it is an aphrodisiac. In fact, anything with caffeine is an aphrodisiac.

Did I get lucky that I spent $15 on a coffee maker that still works great despite being almost a year old?

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as long as it keeps on working for you! (my roommates got a nice one for free recently, more lucky ?, but not lucky for me since i hate coffee)

speaking of - is luck a legitimate concept, or a product of statistics?


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Been wondering that myself, actually. It falls into the same category as coincidences, I think, since you can't exactly prove either to be 100% legitimate.

Did you know that there is a type of spider that jumps?

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Because you realized Vegas is a glitzy, overrated gambling den with trite music performances and food to compensate for the main attraction being none that appealing. That and you've realized Macau is closer and is now the real gambling capital of the world, so out with the aging and antiquated American way and in with the new and rising Chinese!





















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A one eyed one horned flying purple people eater. (took me a bit to read that lol)

11 hours ago, SMEDIA said:

In regards to coffee, it is an aphrodisiac. In fact, anything with caffeine is an aphrodisiac.

Really? Is there a research article on that somewhere? 

Why did the guy go through that whole desert without naming that poor horse?

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He wanted to save his breath, so he named it mentally.

15 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

(Download Paint.net or Gimp and you should be able to lasso tool them out)


Is there any practical purpose for the "spin" part of spin kicking?

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