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What's TearRing Saga and does it have anything to do with tears?

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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Because they secretly work for ISIS and hate America.

Why is it okay to put naked statues outside in public but it's not okay to be outside in public naked?

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Anything over 50 years old is considered public domain, and several of those statues are old enough to fit that category. However, humans cannot be considered property, no matter their age, so they must follow the laws of decency.

Why is North Africa one of the best places in the world to build an XCOM base?

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He's too awesome to live.

Why was a spider making its web in a urine in the men's bathroom at my workplace?

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Because it's a frat boy spider that likes rolling in piss? Or the stink attracts flies and it figured that would be a good spot to hunt.

Why do people watch Keeping up with the Kardashians?

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You're expecting the worst to avoid surprises. Don't. Take the attitude too far, and you'll blind yourself to the positive aspects of the people around you.

Why did eating beef for the first time in my life (outside of hamburgers) cause me to puke erratically for five hours?

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Because pigs are disgusting animals that like to lie down in their own piss and shit.

Why is Scientology considered a legitimate religion when the founder, L Ron Hubbard, was quoted once saying that the easiest way to become a millionaire was to create a religion?

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55 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:

Why is Scientology considered a legitimate religion when the founder, L Ron Hubbard, was quoted once saying that the easiest way to become a millionaire was to create a religion?

Enough people took it seriously that they decided to say it was a "legitimate religion" to avoid trouble.

1 hour ago, Dragoncat said:

Food poisoning? (Dude are you okay? Holy crap!)

Long story short, I went to an event that lasted until midnight, and it was the first time eating beef. I thought it tasted bad, but it was apparently well-made going off of others comments. My stomach was upset when I got home, and for five hours, I couldn't go to sleep, and had to puke almost every hour. I'm fine now, if tired and half awake due to only getting three hours of sleep.


Is that...a bat? You just lodged a chunk of Kryptonite... into a stick?

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1 hour ago, SMEDIA said:

Because pigs are disgusting animals that like to lie down in their own piss and shit.

Actually pigs will refuse to sleep or eat where they pee and poop. They are the only farm animals that do this. At least that's what I've heard.

Current question: Why not make a bat that you can kill Superman with? Sounds epic.

If a million monkeys type on a million computers, how long will it take them to rewrite all the works of Shakespeare?

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