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They thought that more stuff they had, the happier they would be.

Why does Nintendo rely so much on nostalgia with the Star Fox series?

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There is yet another troll on wikipedia. (I actually searched the image up. Apparently, it's official artwork of a Mario and Pokemon collaboration.)

Where can you buy the DC Animated Movies?

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Because you made a very long post that was noticeable from the "All Activity" screen, and the content was excessive for the topic in question.

On a serious note, dude, don't be near a computer when you're emotional and angry. You'll easily say things that you'll regret later. And that advice counts for anyone and everyone.

Why did someone decide to to put every word in Star Wars: A New Hope in alphabetical order?

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2 minutes ago, Purple Mage said:

Thanks dude.

How'd you find out, though?

Discord. I have enough time to read through the parts I missed.

The previous question is still in effect.

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They control enough territories that no matter what time of the day it is, the suns rays will always shine on something they own.

In Shadows of Valentia, why is the mire spell a giant bubble?

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No; I recommend starting a gofundme; you might just get your soda money.

If it was possible to summon animalistic gods from another world/dimension, would it be difficult to find women to voluntarily have sex with those gods?

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Out into the woods, living free and in the wild, and learning to become a tough little dog.

Are animals more active at the zoo when it's colder (but not freezing) and cloudy outside?

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'Cause they're weirdos.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If they're zombies, then doesn't Panic work on them (or is that what they inflict), or a Head Bind? If you have it, immerse them in miasma first.

I don't have a Harbinger, but I do have a Pugilist that can head bind. The most infuriating thing about this situation is that I blinded it and it killed two of my party members in one hit!

Who decided to name SCP-4960 "Why the Foundation Funded a Hentai to Awaken a Sumerian Love Goddess (OR: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kedesh-Nanaya)"?

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Not sure, but I think I heard he took a big chance at the high school dance with a missy that was ready to play? She told him to walk this way, the way I heard it at least.


Who won the great American baking show?

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