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Skyward Sword and Berwick Saga are my two favorites- Skyward sword has best everything, Berwick Saga has second-best everything.

What are your two favorite Mario/Mapno games?


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Three houses and fe7 (the only other two I’ve played are echoes and fates)

Two least favorite games?

7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

What are yours?

Three houses (very hot take I know 😂) and... I’ll go with Majora’s Mask.

7 minutes ago, Benice said:

Skyward Sword and Berwick Saga are my two favorites- Skyward sword has best everything, Berwick Saga has second-best everything.

What’s wrong with Berwick Saga?

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Skyward Sword and Sacred Stones-Skyward Sword because it was the first game I ever played, and Sacred Stones because it was my first FE game and a really good time.

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Your two favorite FE games?

Binding Blade and Sacred Stones, personally. RD is certainly up there too.

2 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

What’s wrong with Berwick Saga?

Oh, nothing, aside from the fact that nobody's played it I love almost everything about Berwick-The gameplay, the music, the aesthetics, the character design, the story, the worldbuilding, the characters, etc. I just happen to love Skyward Sword more in all of those things-The music is amazing, the gameplay is the most fun I've ever had in any game, the plot is very good for a Zelda game, the temple design is superb, the aesthetics are great, and it's so creative!

2 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

Two least favorite games?

First two that come to mind are Path of Radiance and...Um... a bit of a draw between Genealogy and NiGHTS: Journey of dreams. I've certainly played worse games than both, though. It's just that anything WORSE than PoR is hilarious, and anything better has some merit-I find that PoR managed to just hit that spot between "good" and, "laughable" as did its difficulty-I don't mind easy FE games, as Sacred Stones is a personal favorite, but I find PoR is too slow in that way. Hmm...Maybe I would enjoy a remake if the animations didn't make me shave in between round of combat.

Oh, and NiGHTS: Journey of dreams is bad. It was kinda funny, though.

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Sunshine and Odyssey

Dangit, I have to go play those now...

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Spirit Tracks

What's wrong with Spirit tracks? I've never played it, but it looks pretty good.

Two FE games you want to try but haven't yet?

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4 hours ago, Benice said:

What's wrong with Spirit tracks? I've never played it, but it looks pretty good.

Stylus controls and overly simplistic game design built around them.


Thracia 776 and Sacred Stones

Your two hardest FE games?

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Stylus controls and overly simplistic game design built around them.

Ah, I see.

Assuming that it's that I've played, Berwick and FE6. (HM) If we're considering only the standard difficulty, then definitely RD rather than FE6.

Favorite two "Bad" classes in FE?

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Myrmidons/Swordmasters all the way, even though they're bad in basically every single FE game except for FE6! And I guess FE4, but no horse=bad.

Favorite kind of magic in FE?

EDIT: Dragoninja'd!

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Dark/black. Tactical nuke Lysi ftw!

Wait, ain't Black magic basically anima? That might be a gaiden thing...

I feel really old now...

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Though my love of lances only came in recently.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Best meme is Kaga did it first!

Favorite! unit archetype in FE?


I like Adel and Leon, myself. Adel is so much fun to use.

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5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Edgy myrmidon


Dang, you would like Berwick. The second or third best unit in the game is an edgy myrmidon...

Uh... oddly specific, but I like characters with simple backstories but still have conflicts, such as Wade and Lot. Otherwise, bumbling oafs and "Do my best!" type characters are also ones I can relate to.

Favorite character from your least favorite FE?

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Edgy Swordlords. And they're always insanely good units.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Least favorite character from your favorite FE?

I mean, Merlinus is the only actual choice given that it's FE6, right?

Favorite lord?

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Oof. That's a difficult one. How about top three?

1. Dimitri

2. Edelgard (yes, even though I haven't played CF yet, her supports and her objective of fighting against the nobility are things that make me sympathize with her quite a bit; I look forward to playing that route in the future)

3. Marth


Favorite underrated FE character?

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Lot. He's a good character, and I liked how he didn't need 12,000 lines per support to get character development.

Worst units in Three houses? (I need a list so I can use 'em all! Unless Felix counts, I refuse to use edgy swordlords.)

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Ashe, maybe? Archers are better, but still are the weakest class.

Flayn as well. As a healer she's sorely lacking where characters like Marianne and Mercedes excel. And reclassing into a Peg Knight when she joins makes her so weak you'll never do any meaningful damage with her.

Can't speak for the other houses, since I usually recruited characters that happened to be quite good like Marianne and Lysithea.


Best units in 3H?

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I usually recruited characters that happened to be quite good like Marianne and Lysithea.

Then I must make both of them into awful units! Warrior Lysithea, Assassin Marianne!

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Archers are better, but still are the weakest class.

Don't they have, like, 1-7 range in this game? (And I think Hunter's Volley too.)

Byleth is god, aren't they? Sure, Byleth best unit.

Why do I get the feeling that I'll ruin three houses by making everybody bad on purpose?

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