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Rate the Unit, Day 92: Brave Ephraim & Brave Veronica


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  • Elincia: Has a great offensive spread of 34/36, tying for the strongest sword flier in the game, her selling point is her weapon that gives her Brave Sword+, except that it has 11 MT and a -2 Spd penalty, allowing her to have an easier time quad-attacking her enemies if possible, she's definitely one of the best sword fliers along with Legendary Ryoma, only problem with her is, like a lot of fliers, her defenses are a little on the low side, 24/27 is not the best but not the worst and her HP at 35, the lowest on sword fliers, can be a problem if she is attacked or countered if she doesn't finish her opponents, still, if given the correct skills, she can practically two-shot a lot of her enemies as long as she has the buffs for it, 8/10


  • Oscar: He's what Seth never was, 33/34 offensive spread, tying for the second fastest lance cavalier, with a superboon on defense he can take many and I mean MANY hits, especially if given things like Slaying Lance+ or Steady Stance, if left with Sapphire Lance+ and Lancebreaker he's a great counter for reds and lances, his HP while not the best, is certainly not the worst either, unfortunately, even with color advantage, he will be defeated quickly by mages, because of his speed he doesn't need to worry about being doubled, but still, it's best to keep him away from mages and dragons, 7/10
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Whoops, I missed yesterday...oh well.

Elincia: It may be a small category, but she's easily one of if not the best red flier in the game (and is almost definitely the best of those in the general pool). Her prf is fantastic, gaining 3 attack and speed over a regular brave sword, and she has the stats to really make good use of it especially when you add in flier mobility. Depending on her ivs she can run an effective deathblow build or even a quad attack one (or even a mix of both with buffs). She really shines on flier teams between her limited competition for the spot of red flier and the strength of flier buffs, but even on non-emblem teams she's definitely worth considering. She's a bit fragile, but that doesn't matter as much when she hits desperation range or is two shotting her enemies. Rating: 9/10

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Truly the best Sword Flier in the game.

Her growth rates are point for point equal to Tana, but Elincia takes one Level 1 Base HP and Defense point and puts them into Resistance. As such, many of the same offensive principles apply to Elincia. But the game plan with her? Ohohoho.

Amiti is the first Personal Brave Sword, and has the effect of Speed +3 built in, which means it does not slow Elincia down as much as a normal Brave Sword would. Combined with high Speed potential, Elincia is the best candidate for a Quad blow set. Her other skills aren't too shabby either. For a Quad blow set, Ardent Sacrifice helps Elincia get to that amount of HP safely, and Flier Formation places her next to any flying ally to steal the kill from in front of them, though it needs to be replaced with Desperation for Qual Blow. Death Blow is nice (and guarantees that Elincia will appear on at least some skill banners!), but it doesn't make her speed worthy of Quad Blow.

Quad blow is great. Give Elincia Life and Death, Desperation, an offensive Special like Luna, and some flier buffs, and there is NOTHING that will survive her onslaught. Though Amiti isn't your only oppresively potent choice. Elincia is also one of the best users of the Firesweep Sword, having a high enough Base Speed that only minor speed stacking is enough to put her into doubling range against anyone she runs into. She could run most other forgable swords well to, but why bother when you could have the enemy dead before they even get to counterattack?

The bads are that Elincia has no defensive potential. Her statline is similar to Tana, but Elincia's slightly lower defense hurts her ability to take blows all that well, something Tana still struggles with anyways. Being a Flier has its merits, but she is still weak to Bows and isn't able to reach the enemy as fast as a Cavalry unit could. Lastly, Elincia faces competition as a personal Brave Sword user from Reinhardt, who has more potential for raw power since he doesn't worry about Speed, has better bulk, and better reach.

I don't feel any of those are negatives though. Elincia is flat out powerful as a Sword Flier, and I will stand by saying she is the BEST sword flier.

Rating: 9/10 Speed to hit four times with her personal Amiti, powerful enough to not be doing all 0s, and access to a dangerous weapon in the Firesweep Sword, Elincia has a number of factors going for her, and not much is able to stand in her way.




Truly the worst unit to be receiving unnecessary hatred from me.

Oscar isn't bad, contrary to what my many pullings of him would have to say. His pure offensive stats are equal to Peri, but with slightly more Speed. His Defense isn't that great, but it's also better than Peri, letting him take at least one hit with his average HP, and his Resistance is not worth talking about.

His base kit has only one truly interesting part to it: Lancebreaker, and Oscar was the first unit in the summoning pool to have it at 4*. The Sapphire Lance lets him take on Swords even better, while his last two skills boost ally Speed and Defense in their own ways: Rally Spd/Def with Field Buffs, and Spur Spd/Def with Combat buffs.

His base kit is okay on a budget. You know, take no damage from Swords, be able to duel Lances, and die from Axes. But to get the most out of Oscar, get his Speed unnecessarily high and give him something like a Firesweep Lance or Slaying Lance. Slap a Cavalry buff on him, and away he goes.

I don't know much about using him, but his flaws, compared to Peri, are unique. He can't really run with any defensive set, and he can't take hits all that well to begin with. His Resistance being bad is bad on it's own, but let's go back to comparing him to Peri: Oscar cannot run ploys. As such, he may wind up weaker or slower than Peri, depending on the Ploy she runs.

Look, I hate Oscar, but not because he's bad. He's good. I hate him because of how plain he is. I mean, there really isn't anything interesting about his looks or his base kit...

Rating: 7/10 Oscar is very similar to Peri, but without access to Ploys. He is slightly faster than her at base though, and is still good even without ploys. He can also take a physical hit better than Peri, which is a plus in my book. Still hate him tho.

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Elincia. Her stat spread focuses on Atk/Spd while being relatively mediocre everywhere else. Elincia claimed the spot for best sword flier for like 6 months until the release of L!Ryoma and even then she's still an incredible threat. Her prf weapon Amiti is a Brave Sword with higher Mt and Spd+3 built-in which lets Elincia hit harder than her competition while also having an easier time quadding thanks to the lower Spd penalty she takes. She can also work with more generic builds like a Firesweep sword to avoid taking damage during PP but L!Ryoma is better at this thanks to his more min-maxed spread. Still, even though she faces stiff competition now Elincia is still at the top when it comes to quad builds and a 34/36 offensive spread should not be taken lightly. While she's still a few steps below monsters like Karla/Ayra she makes up for this with the benefits of being a flier. Elincia is still a threat and if you don't take her seriously you're in for a very painful lesson.

Rating: 8/10

Oscar. He had the best offensive spread for Lance Cavaliers for a long while with his 33/34 spread slightly outpacing Peri's 33/33. This changed when Summer Cordelia arrived and took the spot for herself just like how Bride Cordelia did for infantry archers. Despite this Oscar has the advantage of availability and easier access to optimal natures which can let him rival his competition. In terms of pure stats he's the best but that can lead to misleading scenarios, his defensive spread is bad and despite being slightly faster than Peri she has access to Ploy skills that let her even out the playing field and even outpace Oscar, he can use Chill skills to emulate her but those can be a bit more unreliable due to their very nature but in terms of sheer stats Oscar pulls off by a very small margin. Oscar is arguably the 2nd best Lance cav in the game and if invested into properly he'll prove to be a very powerful and reliable unit. 

Rating: 7.5/10

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Elincia gets an 8/10

She's the best non-limited red flier and asily uses her base kit+budget fillers to perform.

Oscar gets a 7/10. He's good enough to function and is how they shoulda built seth. If you just want standard lance cavalry as a merge project, he's good to go. Then again, lance cavs don't have much competition so it kinda becomes a "use who you like" sorta thing between all of them.

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BST: 35/34/36/24/27

Like Tana, Elincia has 34/36 offenses. Unlike Tana, Elincia has a Prf that actually matters, a Brave Sword with +3/+3 Atk and Speed.

Similar to Tana, Elincia drops 5 hp from Cordelia's bulk in order to get 2 def and 2 res. Altogether not worth it since an offensive unit would rather have tons of hp---they're only ever going to take 1 hit before getting into desperation range---and she lost 5 hp for 4 defense stats.


Most of what's been said about Tana will apply to Elincia, so just check my review on Tana if you want a more detailed review.

Regarding the unique Brave Sword---it's bloody good.

Ryoma holds the lead by far in terms of general flier offensive sets---more min maxed bulk & 3 more speed, as well as being a legendary hero for blessing buffs---so you should go to him if you need a offensive red Slaying Edge Galeforce or whatever, but Elincia's 3 Atk lead and Speed tie in brave weapon sets means that you should run her for generic brave weapon sets.


All in all, her amazing offensive Prf is not enough to push her into the 9.0 range, even if she's almost strictly better than Tana, so Elincia scores a solid


with the similar caveat as Tana where you should look at Ryoma for non-brave weapon sets if personal preference isn't a factor. (Note: She's 8.5 even outside the Amiti set, so don't worry too much about running her over Ryoma if you like her at all.)



BST: 40/33/34/26/21

Tip top offenses for a horse and bulk that's min-maxed to hell and back (heavily hp favored, and a slight def preference) means you have one of the best offensive lancers in the game.

Refer to Mathilda on why horse units naturally have great support abilities, add that to his solid offenses, and you have a unit that's easily the same level as Brave Roy despite lacking a Prf.

And, despite how it seems, Reinhardt being a blue horse isn't a demerit for Oscar, even though they seem to be competing for the same team slot.

Reinhardt pairs quite well with Cordelia for the simple reason that Cordelia sweeps the high res, low def units Reinhardt could not, and provides Galeforce access to more easily fight the ultra-mobile teams that could actually fight Reinhardt on equal footing.

Ultra-mobile = made of paper, particularly against the level of offenses Cordelia and Oscar can dish out. Generally speaking, the enemy team cares less about losing units than your team, so horse vs. horse is, strangely enough, AI favored. But Galeforce tips that on its head by giving you 5 unit-turns to wipe a team compared to 4, as well as an 'out' in the form of hit once, running 2 squares back, and then getting danced or repositioned out. You very much need a 4cd Galeforce from either Slaying effect or Quickened Pulse and a Heavy Blade effect for this to be reliable, however.

Oscar provides similar offensive complement to Reinhardt as Cordelia, as well as offering---and benefiting---from horse C-slot buffs.

All in all, a solid


Just like Brave Roy.

Edited by DehNutCase
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34/36 offenses with a prf brave sword that only drops Spd by 2. With the right A skill and flier buffs she quads and/or ORKOs most of her targets, notably being one of the few non dragonslayers to one round Myrrh on player phase. 

The downside is her poor bulk making it tricky to activate desperation (if you're running it) and like every other sword, struggling against bulky blues. Still, her sheer player phase strength makes her possibly the best pick for a flier emblem red slot. 9/10


The OG Nephenee pitybreaker. Lance cavalry are in a rather bad spot with only Legendary Ephraim and Summer Cordelia having reasonable performance in the current meta. He lacks a prf but when compared to the aforementioned two, he does have the third best statline and is much more accessible for merges. He does however, depend heavily on horse buffs to keep up. 6.5/10

Why does every other sword cavalier have a prf but only 2 lance cavaliers have unique weapons?

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Elincia - It's no Master Sword or Valentian Falchion, but Amiti is still a great personal weapon. Elincia received another upgrade with the release of the Firesweep Sword. She already possesses an offensive spread on par with the best lance fliers. But being a sword user brings far greater pressure to perform. What would help Elincia a lot would be more stats, ideally in Res so that she can ploy more units. Otherwise it's a very optimized stat spread with her outdated BST. Legendary Ryoma is a great hurdle for her. Not only possessing higher speed but an elemental bonus for allies and far greater build variety. 7.5 out of 10. No longer the best sword flier but still a competitive pick.

Oscar - Great stats. Can't ploy like Peri can. 6 out of 10. Nothing else I can say that I haven't said about previous lance cavs. Now let's never speak of such units again until Legendary Ephraim. 

Past ratings

  1. Alfonse - 3
  2. Marth - 7
  3. Sharena - 3
  4. Jagen - 1
  5. Anna - 4.5
  6. Barst - 3
  7. Cain - 4
  8. Draug - 7.5
  9. Gordin - 5
  10. Jeorge - 5.5
  11. Abel - 5.5
  12. Linde - 9
  13. Minerva - Abstain
  14. Merric - 3.5
  15. Maria - 6
  16. Wrys - 3.5
  17. Ceada - Abstain
  18. Ogma - 4
  19. Catria - 4
  20. Est - 6
  21. Sheena - 6.5
  22. Cecilia - 4
  23. Clarine - 6.5
  24. Matthew - 4
  25. Palla - 2.5
  26. Roy -7
  27. Gwendolyn - 7.5
  28. Shanna - 4.5
  29. Bartre - 7
  30. Fae - 7.5
  31. Serra - 4
  32. Lissa - 2
  33. Y!Tiki - 8
  34. Lilina - 7
  35. Florina - 1.5
  36. M!Robin - 3.5
  37. Hector - 8
  38. Raven - 8.5
  39. Gaius - 4 
  40. Virion - 3.5
  41. Raigh - 1.5
  42. Sophia - 3.5
  43. Sully -2.5
  44. Cordelia -7
  45. Hawkeye - 5.5
  46. Nino - 8
  47. Felicia - 6.5
  48. Jakob - 1
  49. Fir - 4
  50. Eliwood - 5.5
  51. Donnel - 3.5
  52. Nowi - 8.5
  53. Frederick - 6.5
  54. Cherche - 7.5
  55. Saizo - 4
  56. Kagero - 4.5
  57. Lyn - 7
  58. Chrom - 5
  59. F!Corrin - 7
  60. Azura - 6.5
  61. Gunter - 3
  62. Camilla - 5.5
  63. Azama - 6.5
  64. Setsuna - 3.5
  65. Stahl - 2.5
  66. Lonqu - 3
  67. Hinoka - 7.5
  68. Oboro - 2.5
  69. Beruka - 6
  70. Arthur - 2
  71. Takumi - 5.5
  72. Sakura - 3
  73. Olivia - 7
  74. Henry - 2
  75. Subaki - 4.5
  76. Peri - 6.5
  77. Niles - 1.5
  78. Elise - 7.5
  79. Tharja - 5
  80. A!Tiki - 8
  81. Odin - 1 
  82. Effie - 7.5
  83. Lucina - 7
  84. M!Corrin - 6
  85. Ryoma - 5.5
  86. Hinata - 4.5
  87. Hana - 5.5
  88. Laslow - 3
  89. Selena - 2
  90. Leo - 2
  91. Eirika - 5
  92. Seliph - 5.5
  93. Ephraim - 7
  94. Julia - 6
  95. Eldigan - Abstain
  96. Sanaki - 6.5
  97. Reinhardt - 8
  98. Olwen - 5.5
  99. Lachesis - 3
  100. Klein - 4
  101. Karel - 6.5
  102. Ninian - 7
  103. Lucius - 4.5
  104. Rebecca - 2.5
  105. Priscilla - 4
  106. Jaffar - 3.5
  107. Alm - 9
  108. Lukas - 7.5
  109. Clair - 7
  110. Faye - 5.5
  111. Ike - 6
  112. Titania - 3.5
  113. Soren - 4
  114. Mist - 2.5
  115. Celica - 7
  116. Mae - 6.5
  117. Boey - 3.5
  118. Genny - 6
  119. Luke - 3.5
  120. Katarina - 5.5
  121. Athena - 3.5
  122. Roderick - 6
  123. Gray - 5
  124. Saber - 3
  125. Mathilda - 3
  126. Delthea - 6.5
  127. Sonya - 4.5
  128. Leon - 6
  129. Seth - 2
  130. Tana - 7
  131. Amelia -8
  132. Innes - 6
  133. Brave Roy - 6.5
  134. Brave Lucina - Abstain
  135. Brave Ike - 8
  136. Brave Lyn - 8.5
  137. Elincia - 7.5
  138. Osxar - 6

Ratings I would change in retrospect: Gordin would be a 2.5 and Jeorge a 4, Cain would be a 3, Cecilia would be a 3.5. Linde would be 7. And I'd drop Matthew and Saizo to 3.5. Beruka would be a 7. Caeda I'd rate a 5.5 now that I've been using her at 5 star. Leo I'd bump up to a 3. Hector is a 7.5 because he's been powercreeped again


Sounds like we'll know what Nephenee's new weapon will do just in time to rate her tomorrow.

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  • Offense-focused stat line, with good Atk and Spd, passable Res, and low Def.
    • Amiti (Brave effect, Spd-2) is a powerful offensive weapon.
    • Very strong green, strong red matchups with a standard Amiti/Escutcheon set on offense when Hone Fliers is active. Sustainability through Desperation. She must be careful around 4-charge special+Steady Breath foes, as these can break through even Escutcheon. She is a capable Firesweep user as well, with strong green and decent red matchups.
    • Relatively poor defensive matchups due to her lower defensive stat line.
  • As a flier, she can provide flier field/combat buffs to her allies.

Overall, I give her 9 for combat (very strong green, strong red matchups on offense, sustainability bonus), and 1 for support (flier field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8.5/10.


  • Offense-focused stat line, with good Spd, decent Atk, mediocre Def, and low Res.
    • Very strong red, strong blue matchups with a Brave Lance/Escutcheon set on offense when Hone Cavalry is active. Sustainability through Desperation. He can also put a Shell Lance to decent use, but it's a little weaker on both colors. He has Firesweep capability, which which will lower his KO power but prevent foes from counterattacking him.
    • He has some capability with a Slaying Lance+ set on defense, but his defensive stat line is not optimized for the role.
  • As a cavalry unit, he can provide cavalry field/combat buffs to his allies.

Overall, I give him 8.5 for combat (very strong red, strong blue matchups on offense), and 1 for support (cavalry field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

Is CYL 1 a milestone? I'm going to call CYL 1 a milestone. Here's where we are now:



Also, ratings for the permanent pool are projected to be complete in ~3 weeks.

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Elincia: The best sword flyer in the game, in my opinion. She has good offensive capabilities and will work wonders, especially on a flier-based team. Her only downside is how frail she is, she's like wet paper to pretty much every melee attack. She better one-round and there better not be anyone else in the vicinity, otherwise she's gonna take some very bad damage. 9/10

Oscar: He's one of the better lance cavalry units in the game, coming with a good skill in Lancebreaker and a good stat spread, aside from bad resistance. He'll want a change of weapons, most likely, and a couple new skills, but he's a good option for blue horse units. He's also available at lower rarities and is relatively easy to build. 7/10

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Elincia - Amiti is just an awesome unique. Basically you can count her atk and spd as being 3 higher when comparing her. Basically if she and Ryoma both have a brave weapon equiped she sits at 45/34 and Ryoma at 42/34. Ryoma's HP does make him much more physically bulky though. Magically they are about the same. And outside of fliers even Karla only hits 43/35. If you ignore speed Soliel only hits 46 atk. So the highest str sword in the game just beats her by 1 point. Of course running a brave set isn't the only way to score a unit. I just use this to point out that she is STILL the best Brave Sword Flyer, arguably the best brave sword period, even if she isn't the best red flyer all around. Though that does ignore Reinhardt's brave on both phase sword, but defensive brave sword is an odd niche that I am not even prepared to rate at the moment. She is however, very frail. And losing even 2 points in speed makes it that much more likely she'll get doubled. And she can't handle that at all. Not a perfect unit, but I would put her on par with Flying Ryoma. So 9/10 for me since she is top of her class for at least one of her builds. This is mostly due more to her personal weapon than strictly her statline though.


Oscar - Statline wise he is quite nice. But I haven't used him. A bit lower than Tana in my estimation so I'll say 7.5/10. Maybe he should be higher since he does have top tier spread for a lance cavalier, but cavs aren't the only lances and plenty of other lances can out pace him.

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Elincia: 8.54
Oscar: 7.18

We have now arrived in Judgral ... and will reach soon that one banner everybody loved.

Nephenee, Fierce Halbedier



Sigurd, Holy Knight




Edited by The Priest
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Nephenee. Her stat spread focuses on Spd and Def while still having a passable Atk. Nephenee is a relatively balanced unit, she's sort of the middle ground between B!Lucina and Lukas statwise, but her spread isn't in the jack of all trades tier which is a fortune. Her high Def and Spd make her a great tank as very few units will be able to double her and will also have a hard time dealing significant damage to her. Of course this comes with a price, Nephenee has a very low Hp stat and a pathetic Res which makes her an easy prey to Dragons and mages, her Hp alone is enough to hamper her physical tank capabilities as she'll be unable to tank many rounds of combat despite her high Spd/Def. Her Atk is on the lower side but it's still usable. The weapon refinery granted her a new use as an anti-armor unit with Dauntless Lance which deals effective damage against armored units, it also has the Killer effect which lets Nephenee have an easier time proccing high CD skills like Bonfire or to use a 1 CD Moonbow for consistent damage. Nephenee is a very well rounded unit that will work wonders when used correctly, although the lance position is a very competitive one and she's nowhere near the top of the class.

Rating: 7/10

Sigurd. Here we have it folks, the best tank of the red cavalier class. Sigurd has high Atk/Def, relatively below average Spd (although it's very salvageable), average Hp and a non-existant Res. Looking at his stats the first thing that comes to mind is "mage fodder" but this isn't the case thanks to Sigurd's Prf weapon Divine Tyrfing and exclusive skill Crusader's Ward. The former grants Sigurd Res+3 and reduces the first he takes from magical hits by 50% while the latter reduces any consecutive damage by a whopping 80%, this means that nothing short of a max buffed Blárblade+ user is going to kill Sigurd in one round. This opens a ton of options for him, he can use DC to revenge kill squishier mages or go full tank to bait and charge his special. Thanks to his high Def and passable Spd Sigurd will also perform pretty well as a wall for physical units. The only weakness that Sigurd has is that he has no way of dealing with Dragons so keep him away from them at all costs, his Spd has also started to show it's age with all the recent units that have ridiculous bases but it is good enough to tank slow units. And last but not least, he suffers from being a horse unit thanks to trenches, but it isn't as bad for Sigurd thanks to his role as a tank. 

Rating: 8.5/10

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BST: 37/31/35/34/20

Given that Nephenee likes her Slaying Lance to begin with, an extra 2 MT and armor effectiveness is a very welcome addition. (She probably won't go for the unique refine, however, seeing how a regular stat refine would give her 5 hp versus the 3 she gets, and the fact that she can pick Atk or Spd or just go all in on more defense.)

Off-topic, 34 defense means that Aran would need around 40 if/when he ever gets into the game, her defense should've been a little lower.


Very much a mixed-phased lancer due to heavy speed focus on her offensive spread (which lets her avoid doubles while defending) and randomly high defense, Wrath and Killer Effect synergizing in this respect because you counter with a +10 damage special on defense. And then, on player phase, Wrath gives +1 charge so you intiate with a +10 damage special.

Even outside of that, however, 31/35 offenses is quite good for a pure offensive lancer, even if it's not Cordelia level.


Unfortunately, Lance Lucina has both the better combat spread and the more supportive Prf, making her a bit better in terms of how 'wide' their skill-builds are. On the other hand, Nephenee's Prf closes the combat difference as long as she uses it, so the only thing Lance Lucina really beats Neph in is just support.

Altogether, a very a stable


I will say that her starting set is miles above Lucina's. Not quite optimal, but close enough that you can just add an assist an a C-slot and call it a day.



BST: 41/35/32/34/17

Brave Ike on a horse, if Brave Ike happened to have 4 more speed. Divine Tyrfing, Crusader's Ward, and high Def means that, as long as DC isn't in the A-slot, Sigurd will be basically indestructible to 2 range offenses.

Tip top offenses for a horse and the definition of min-maxed defense means that he can run offensive sets just as well as Brave Roy. (Brave Roy has a better offensive Prf, but Sigurd has a better offensive spread and a more min-maxed defensive spread.)


Spd Smoke does have a certain charm to it---Sigurd's not dying to 2 range, so you can try and Spd Smoke the enemy team before you engage---but, practically speaking, the 2 ranged guy moves first to get a free potshot, meaning the rest of the team won't get smoked.


Sigurd's main problem is that his Brave Ike on a horse abilities requires the skill slots that he needs to change out to run an offensive set. (His Prf for Slaying Lance or the like, and his B-slot for Desperation). This means he'll have very little distinguishing him from Brave Roy when running an offensive set, and a Brave Ike set isn't really good enough to compete with Heavy Blade Galeforce.



For more or less the same reason as Brave Roy. His extra utility in the ability to be Brave Ike simply isn't strong enough to bump up his score.

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Sigurd: Despite his low resistance, Sigurd holds the honor of being likely the only red horse (and is still one of maybe two even if you include armors) capable of taking a Thani to the face without Grani's shield and living (believe, me it's infuriating to have your +1 +atk deathblow Micaiah go to attack him for forecasted damage in the 70s and above only for his sword to save him). Divine Tyrfing is a fantastic prf, and his spread makes him a fantastic tank in general and arguably the best red cavalry tank even without distant counter. His speed could be better but it's definitely salvageable. If you need a red cavalry tank (or even just a cavalry tank in general) he's your guy, and is a fantastic choice for the red spot in a cavalry team. Rating: 9/10

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

We have now arrived in Judgral ... and will reach soon that one banner everybody loved.

That awkward moment when you realize you forgot to put Ayra in your spreadsheet because she wasn’t introduced on a regular banner...I probably missed Rhajat too, come to think of it. I’ll get that corrected this afternoon.

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Nephenee gets an 8/10 for me

She comes almost pre-built at base. You could give her like reposition and a good C skill and she'd be fine, Maybe swift sparrow/LnD/fury for her A slot. But she's also easily customizable with ignis builds existing as well.

Sigurd gets a 9/10

He's the best sword dude tank. It's all due to his prf sword and skill in crusaders ward. that do this. While the likes of Xander can function as a physical tank, Sigurd can take a thani to the face and keep on moving.

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Nephenee - Most of the very scary armor units are green, but Nephenee will appreciate the better matchups against Zelgius and Hardin. Her refinement encourages enemy phase and so does everything in typical arena settings so it's fine. Her new weapon may not have shot her up immediately to the top tier but I feel like weapon refinements shouldn't aim to powercreep the have-nots 100% of the time and she's certainly better now than she was yesterday so it's a plus. The only lance infantry with a stat spread quit like hers is Brave Lucina and now they're a bit more diversified. I don't own Nephenee but I think she's a functional unit if a bit all over the place in terms of stats. 7 out of 10.

Sigurd - His base 32 speed has me not sold on his ability to tank physical units. He has tome users on lockdown and archers, but not dragons. With the way people build Sigurd, it seems like he's trying to do everything at once. Sigurd personal skills are very good in a vacuum and make a DC build very enticing for an Arena Defense team. I can understand people being so impressed with the sorts of things he can survive, but I'm more impressed by what Horse!Chrom, Ares, and Reinhardt can bring to the table in the player's hands. 7.5 out of 10.

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Hey it's a good thing we're getting to Nephenee AFTER learning what her new lance does!



A statspread with a focus on Speed and Defense is certainly interesting, and Nephenee has enough of both without skimping on her Attack too much. Her HP isn't great, but it's high enough to help her live through stuff, not so much so to trigger even Infantry Pulse. Her Resistance is... there.

Atk/Spd 2 is a neat skill for Nephenee, and the best stat boosting skill to give to Healer nukes. Moonbow combos well with both her default lances and the Wrath skill, boosting Special Damage by 10 when her HP drops below 75%, even if the drop was in the middle of combat, as well as charging her special by 1 at the beginning of each player phase. With an already lowered cooldown Moonbow, she'll be throwing special triggers around like frisbees.

The Slaying Lance was already a good weapon to keep on Nephenee, but the Dauntless Lance is even better, coming with a small Might bonus in addition to Armor effectiveness. The Special Refine is also notable, as it combines her two most used refines into one enemy-phase special skill (whatever it's going to be called, because we can't use the name Steady Stance...) and can stack with Steady Breath to make Nephenee into a dangerous enemy-phase lance who can't be doubled, take low damage, and can fire off powerful specials faster than a frisbee launcher.

Keeping Nephenee back is both her Resistance and HP being bad enough in tandem that magic hits hurt her a lot, as well as the inevitable comparison to other bulky enemy-phase infantry lances. Simply speaking, Nephenee does NOT compare to Lukas, who pretty much deletes all damage and fires off powerful Bonfires and Ignis's, and Shiro, who has raw power and bulk from both his base stats as well has the Bright Naginata. Both are also slow enough that they can trigger multiple special-charged attacks compared to Nephenee being fast enough to double the enemy, but only have one special trigger (though with Wrath, she may only need the one).

Overall, Nephenee is an interesting take on the enemy-phase lancer, and proves to be good from round 1 thanks to her base kit.

Rating: 7/10 The combination of Speed and Defense on Nephenee makes her fast enough to avoid doubles, and in fact get some doubles herself, as well as avoid most damage. Coming with Wrath, Moonbow, and the Dauntless Lance also fixes her average Attack by triggering Specials often. While she isn't the same as other Infantry Lances in defensive ability, Nephenee proves to be effective under her own terms.




Seliph was an underwhelming bag of meh. I wonder where he got it from, because Sigurd is the polar opposite of bad.

His statspread is overall above average in each category but Attack, which is good, and Resistance, which is horrid. Coming with good Defense works well with Close Defense, and can help to disable a lot of incoming damage. Spd Smoke also works with his average Speed, as he can avoid a number of doubles if he manages to trigger it.

Crusaders Ward and Divine Tyrfing are the two points of interest with this unit. The Resistance +3 effect on Tyrfing is... cute, but the OTHER effect lowers damage taken from Tome users by 50%. Crusaders Ward is a fusion of Deflect Missile and Deflect Magic, lowering the damage taken from all ranged foes by 80% from the second attack onward. Together, Sigurd's low Resistance is fixed up completely. He can even survive QP Moonbow Reinhardt.

His bulk and power together make him a great tank, being able to survive most all melee encounters and negate a lot of damage from mages. But Sigurd has nothing to stop Manaketes from dealing a lot of damage on him, since they target Resistance and aren't affect by any of his damage mods. Sigurd also cancels the effect of Crusaders Ward if he takes Distant Counter. Despite his good defensive ability and Speed, he is still vulnerable to speedy foes who haven't been Spd Smoked or are heavily Spd stacked, and remains weak to Cavalry-effective weapons.

But Sigurd's mixed goodie bag offers a number of interesting points in his favor, and pulling him should be counted as a blessing.

Rating: 7.5/10 Above-average stats in most categories as well as skills that help to emphasize each stat's strong points help to make Sigurd into a powerful-bulky unit with the power to shut down a Magic foes assault, especially one in particular. But he does little to tank Manaketes, and nothing can stop Sigurd from being scared of Cavalry effective weaponry, which has become a lot more common in recent times.

Edited by Xenomata
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7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Nephenee. Her stat spread focuses on Spd and Def while still having a passable Atk. Nephenee is a relatively balanced unit, she's sort of the middle ground between B!Lucina and Lukas statwise, but her spread isn't in the jack of all trades tier which is a fortune. Her high Def and Spd make her a great tank as very few units will be able to double her and will also have a hard time dealing significant damage to her. Of course this comes with a price, Nephenee has a very low Hp stat and a pathetic Res which makes her an easy prey to Dragons and mages, her Hp alone is enough to hamper her physical tank capabilities as she'll be unable to tank many rounds of combat despite her high Spd/Def. Her Atk is on the lower side but it's still usable. The weapon refinery granted her a new use as an anti-armor unit with Dauntless Lance which deals effective damage against armored units, it also has the Killer effect which lets Nephenee have an easier time proccing high CD skills like Bonfire or to use a 1 CD Moonbow for consistent damage. Nephenee is a very well rounded unit that will work wonders when used correctly, although the lance position is a very competitive one and she's nowhere near the top of the class.

Rating: 7/10

Sigurd. Here we have it folks, the best tank of the red cavalier class. Sigurd has high Atk/Def, relatively below average Spd (although it's very salvageable), average Hp and a non-existant Res. Looking at his stats the first thing that comes to mind is "mage fodder" but this isn't the case thanks to Sigurd's Prf weapon Divine Tyrfing and exclusive skill Crusader's Ward. The former grants Sigurd Res+3 and reduces the first he takes from magical hits by 50% while the latter reduces any consecutive damage by a whopping 80%, this means that nothing short of a max buffed Blárblade+ user is going to kill Sigurd in one round. This opens a ton of options for him, he can use DC to revenge kill squishier mages or go full tank to bait and charge his special. Thanks to his high Def and passable Spd Sigurd will also perform pretty well as a wall for physical units. The only weakness that Sigurd has is that he has no way of dealing with Dragons so keep him away from them at all costs, his Spd has also started to show it's age with all the recent units that have ridiculous bases but it is good enough to tank slow units. And last but not least, he suffers from being a horse unit thanks to trenches, but it isn't as bad for Sigurd thanks to his role as a tank. 

Rating: 8.5/10

These are my thoughts on both Nephenee and Sigurd. I'd rate Nephenee an 8/10 and Sigurd an 8.5/10

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  • Fairly balanced stat line featuring good Spd and Def, decent Atk, and low Res.
    • Dauntless Lance (Accelerates Special trigger, effective against armored foes) is a handy mixed phase personal weapon that grants her a good combat niche. Its effect refinement (Spd/Def+4 when attacked) makes it a handy defensively-focused tool.
    • Very strong red and strong blue offense matchups with a standard Atk-stacking offense set using Dauntless Lance (Spd)/Moonbow/Life and Death/Wrath. Matchups hold (and actually improve slightly) when below 75% HP and starting with a Moonbow cooldown of 0 (auto-charged with Wrath). Before entering Wrath range, she can be hindered by fast or Def-stacked foes (including common Ayra variants and heavy Def-stacking Tikis). After entering Wrath range, only very physically defensive foes (very heavily Def-stacked reds with buffs, and blues with high physical bulk) will survive.
    • She can take Distant Counter on her standard offense set (instead of Life and Death), resulting in very strong red and passable blue matchups for one-round, and setting up a Wrath/Moonbow combo for future turns. She can also use Dauntless Lance (Eff) on a Bonfire/Steady Breath set, with very strong red and blue one-range matchups.
  • She cannot provide much team support beyond the standard field/combat buff.

Overall, I give her 9 for combat (very strong red, strong blue offense matchups, sustainability & useful combat niche bonuses), and .5 for support (basic field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8.5/10.


  • Fairly balanced stat line featuring good Atk and Def, ok Spd, and low Res.
    • Divine Tyrfing (Res+3, mitigates 1st hit received from a tome by 50%) is a powerful defensive tool.
    • Strong green, mediocre red offense matchups with a basic offense set using Divine Tyrfing with Hone Cavalry active.
    • Very strong green, strong red defense matchups with a basic Defense set using Divine Tyrfing/DC with full cav buffs.
  • As a cavalry unit, he can provide a cavalry field/combat buff for his allies.

Overall, I give him 8 for combat (very strong green, strong red buff-dependent defense matchups), and 1 for support (cavalry field/combat buff), for a total rating of 7.5/10.


Scoring method:


 Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Nepheenee - 0/10, she locked Ishtar out of Wrath.  The nerve.


Stat-wise, she has the second-lowest Atk out of all infantry lancers - only Fjorm is lower. . .really.  Her raw offense is completely beaten out by Brave Lucina.  If Charlotte is +Spd, she's Nepheenee with FIVE more Atk.  Looks bad, right?

Her entire existence is saved by two factors:

1. 34 defense coupled with 35 speed means that she can safely bait, which leads to. . .
2. Wrath is a damn good skill.

So slap Fury on her, have her bait something, and laugh as your special goes off as soon as you think about moving, with +10 Just Because.  She's powerful, but needs to set herself up to blow things up.  If she can't do that, she'll still make Zelgius/Tharja regret everything.  7/10 (which is what I gave Athena)


Sigurd - 35 Atk on a horse is only beaten by Ares/Chrom, 32 speed is middling, 34 defense is decently tanky, and Diving Tyrfing takes care of magic attacks.  This guy is a wall that hits back.  Miracle just makes him all the harder to kill.  Brave weapons?  Meet Crusader's Ward.

But then dragons became a thing, and they're only constrained by Close Def.  And THEN staves were refineable, and suddenly he became a little less invincible.  He'll still survive a lot of nonsense that he shouldn't, but he's not as much of an immovable wall as before.  7.5/10

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Nephenee - If being the only source of a premium skill would up your rating Nephenee would be competing with the Ikes and Hectors. Possibly higher since she is not only the only with Wrath, but the only one with ATK/SPD +2 and Slaying Lance. She also has Moonbow which is one of the more desired specials for many. So yeah if this were a fodder rating thread she would be a queen. Sadly, this is general unit rating thread. And her statline isn't exactly super impressive. Now 35 speed is excellent and one of the speedier lances. The Brave Princess beats her by 1. So amoung the lances she is in the top ten for speed and the top 10 for defense.  But 37 HP is rather unimpressive for a defensive unit, even a speed tank. This creates a bit of a conundrum. Her atk is a bit on the low side to be an offensive queen and a her hp is a bit low to let her tank like a boss. However, her dauntless lance is coming to the rescue. +2 mt and armor effectiveness is quite a boon over the slaying lance. But it is a good thing she keeps the -1 to cooldown. Armor effectiveness is really just a cherry on top, she wouldn't want it at the cost of her cooldown. Her special effect is actually really nice if you know you are only going to use her on the defense, but one of the advantages of her statline is that she can play on either phase without too much trouble. So the simple SPD refine may actually be preferable to the special effect. Still the 2 extra mt helps her a lot so I think I can safely give her an 8.5/10. I kinda want to try her with Dauntless(EFF)/Ignis/Steady Breath/Wrath/Quickened Pulse. Someone might be walking a bit funny after that. Anyways it was a debate on whether I should put her over my score for Tana or not. Possibly the extra .5 is purely 'Shiny new toy' syndrome, but never the less that is what I went with. I prefer enemy phase units to player phase so I can see it standing the test of time for me.


Sigurd- Mr. I am the red sword that will make Reinhardt run Sword Breaker. Yeah. Who says you need Res to tank mages? An Amateur that's who. Sigurd is kinda nuts with his default kit. While he has fallen a bit with the march of power creeping, he is still one of those people you'll want to double check your numbers against. While his statline is not super impossibly great, it is rather well minmaxed given his uniques. Of the high defense red swords he is one of the only ones who can soak mages of all kinds. Where he falls flat on his face is the fact that there are better options on offense and better options on defense for counter killers. So he is kinda stuck in an awkward middle ground. Still he can force people to use more unit turns then they would like and as such can be quite an asset in Defense teams. All in all I'll give him a 7.5/10. Time hasn't been kind to him. Once upon a time he may have been a full point higher. Maybe even a point and a half.

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3 hours ago, Usana said:

If being the only source of a premium skill would up your rating Nephenee would be competing with the Ikes and Hectors. Possibly higher since she is not only the only with Wrath, but the only one with ATK/SPD +2 and Slaying Lance.

Karla has Wrath. Noire has Atk/Spd 2.

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Nephenee: 7.56
Sigurd: 8.10

Tailtiu, Thunder Noble


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Rally Spd/Res
( - )

( - )
Drive Spd

Deirdre, Lady of the Forest


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Divine Naga ( Effective against dragon foes. Neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat )
Ardent Sacrifice
( - )

( - )
Quick Riposte
Spd Ploy


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