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Rate the Unit, Day 92: Brave Ephraim & Brave Veronica


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Lad - Haven't really used him much. But Statline wise he is up there with the other good red tomes. Bad news for him though is that he doesn't really stand out either.  In addition, the niche he cornered? He doesn't really have the stat line to abuse it.  Interesting character, but Tharja is just as good. Like Alexmender said he should score like Tharja. I would probably dump Tharja at 7.5/10 these days, all for being a rather standard infantry blade mage.

Lass - Got her fairly recently. Not to impressed, but that is because Summer Corrin is my main blue flyer. Statline is min maxed fairly well for what she wants to do. Her statline mirrors that of Saias and Mae and even L'Arachel could probably be compared. Lute also has a similar statline, but has an excellent tome. I think I would normally put Lass between L'Arachel and Lute. So that means 7.5 or 8 since we go in .5 increments. It is a debate, but I think being a flyer is enough to put her over L'Arachel. Most of those extra stats went into hp and res(4more HP 2 more res), but that is a real nice bonus for someone who wants to mage tank. Add in the superior mobility and yes, I think I can give her an 8/10.

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Morgan: 7.06
Morgan: 7.81

Just copying @eclipse here regarding which Morgan is which (though it should be obvious enough).

Now for the second coming of the Red Comet Thunder

Leif, Prince of Leonster


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Light Brand
( - )
Rising Light

Steady Blow
S Drink
Drive Atk

Reinhardt, Thunder's Sword


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

( - )

Death Blow
Spur Atk/Def


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Leif. He has one focus and that's Spd. Average Atk/Hp, above average Def and low Res. Leif is a very straightfoward unit, he wants to double and deals tons of damage on his first round of combat. His Prf weapon, Light Brand, grants him +7 damage if the enemy has 5 more Def than Res which is a common trait for melee units (take note that the 7 Dmg isn't reduced by the Def stat so Leif will always be able to deal at least 7 points of damage as long as Light Brand's condition is met). His exclusive skill S-Drink reduces his CD by 1 at the start of the match, it also completely heals him but that's only useful in modes like TT and CC so it isn't a factor in arena. Leif is a strong unit but being an infantry sword puts him in a bad spot as he has to compete with monsters like Karla/Ayra who totally stomp on every other infantry sword. It doesn't help that, while good, his weapon is very gimmicky and will be just a glorified Silver Sword when the enemy has balanced defenses which is a common sight in defense teams. All in all, Leif is a good unit but nowhere near enough to make a dent in the meta.

Rating: 7.5/10

I'll abstain from rating Swordhardt. I'm not familiar with the way he plays so any kind of rating I'd give him would be very misleading.

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And now for the Thracia characters, for real

  • Leif: Highest speed among Sword Lords but overall third highest, surprisingly high physical bulk that makes him on par with Ike once he equips his weapon, which also follows a trend that is already being released: +7 damage based on a certain calculation, allowing Leif in this case to deal +7 damage if his opponent has more def than res, his B Skill is mostly for Chain Challenge and TT's but it's very useful in healing and getting the special ready, because of his speed, it will be extremely hard to double him unless they have a brave weapon or Swordbreaker, and because of his defense, only magical attacks will hurt him more than anything, so he's a a speedy physical tank with decent attack and HP but poor resistance, that's what's good about Leif, 8/10


  • Swordhart: If you thought he was evil with a tome, wait until you see this one, same as Reinhardt, this guy has a high attack stat, good mixed bulk so he can take both magical and physical hits, a pretty good HP stat, pathetic speed which goes lower when he equips Meisterschwert (literally Master Sword), but here's this: Death Blow right off the bat but can be changed for Brazen Atk/Def, Vantage, Quick Riposte seal. horse buffs and change his special from a defensive for an offensive special like Moonbow or Bonfire, you've got yourself a monster since his weapon not only allows to double opponents (quad if he's faster or breaker skill), but his weapon is unique as he can actually attack twice if he's attacked, meaning he's the only unit capable of quad attacking on both phases if given the correct skills, so yeah, you had Za Rainharuto, now you have Za Swodoharuto, 10/10
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Leif - I'm glad they gave this kid his iconic weapon rather than his "ultimate" weapon. Save the Blag sword for the Legendary alt. Smart thinking. Oh also Leif is excellent in this game. 38 base speed is part of the highest speed tier and stands above those boring 37 speed losers. I'm told Light Brand's bonus damage is added after calculations, like the Wo Dao effect. If my math is right, it activates on about 110 unique units in the game before we account for the dominant -Res natures. That's less than I expected, but most holdouts are typically 2 range units that will only survive Leif's player phase on the basis of whether they can avoid a double from him. His Drink skill makes him a PvE God regarding consecutive map modes. But I assume most people seriously using this skill in PvP are just hoping for a bit more arena score to go with the Quickened Pulse effect. Try giving him Wrath. He's got the defenses and speed to survive a round of combat, and the Light Brand plus skill proc can help him blast units that will survive him. Dragons, mostly. 8 out of 10.

Reinhardt - Zweinhardt is competitive in terms of player phase and enemy phase sword cavs. Meisterschwert opens up so many build possibilities that he's put a lot of his competitors out of business. And his mixed bulk can feasibly keep him alive against a lot of opponents if he engages them on a phase where they can't charge a skill proc, but this is rare to impossible in the highest echelons of Arena. 8.5 out of 10. Can't wait for his Legendary Alt. He's my favorite Lord.

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All the Thracia characters are an automatic 0/10 for not showing up on their banner

Leif - He's already beaten offensively by Mia and arguably Ayra and Soleil (Karla came later).  His B skill is great for TT, and a glorified Quickened Pulse in the arena.  Normally, I'd rank him lower, but the Flashing Blade seal does a lot of good for him. . .and I mean a LOT.  With his default Steady Blow, he'll have 42 speed on initiation before buffs.  I'm not fully sold on Light Brand's effect, but I guess it's great for the likes of Boey?  Regardless, Flashing Blade + Luna means that he'll double and proc it, which should help his damage output considerably.  8/10

Reinhardt - It's like he promoted and gained everything except for speed.  Which he doesn't mind, since his beatstick doubles when he's attacked.  If he's +Def or +Res/-Spd, he can run a really funny DC build to bait and kill most mages (but he needs HP+5 in the S slot).  Otherwise, he can be run like any other Brave weapon user - and 35 base attack is pretty good.  If he swaps swords to Safeguard, he'll be able to take a surprising amount of flak - only Cordelia and Mathilda can kill him on initiation (assuming +Def, Def refine, Close Def, and HP +5).  He's pretty versatile, but he's stuck with builds that don't capitalize on speed.  8/10

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Leif: With good attack, speed, HP, AND defense, with a defensive boost from his sword and the chance to deal +7 damage, Leif is already a great unit right from the start. His B skill will need replacing, though, unless you're doing something super specific like TT. He has competition from characters like Ayra and Karla, but he's a great option to have, and Flashing Blade does good work for him. 8.5/10

Reinhardt: Honestly, Reinhardt's sword version feels like kind of a downgrade? It feels like he doesn't have the nuking power of his original variant. He's got some good stats, a good weapon, and he starts off with good skills, but somehow he feels more vulnerable and more prone to damage. He's definitely very good, but...I dunno. Something about him feels a little off. 8/10

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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  • Offense-focused stat line, with very good Spd, decent Atk and Def, and low Res.
    • Light Brand (Def+3, deals +7 damage if foe's Def is 5 or more higher than his/her Res) is a good damage-dealing weapon, providing up to +14 damage against affected enemies.
    • S Drink (Restores 99 HP, and decreases Special cooldown count by 1 at the start of turn 1) is mostly useful for chain modes, but the Special cooldown reduction can help his first round of combat.
    • Very strong green, decent red matchups with a Light Brand/Desperation set on offense, with sustainability through Desperation. Note that he gets stopped short by Spd-stacked foes and Myrrh. He can pull off first-round special activations using varying combinations of Wo Dao+, Slaying Edge+, S Drink, and Quickened Pulse, but these sets are not sustainable.
    • Very strong green, decent red one-range matchups on defense with a standard Steady Breath set. He'll take a lot of damage from reds in general, however.
  • He can provide basic field/combat buff support for his teammates.

Overall, I give him 8 for combat (very strong green, decent red matchups on offense, sustainability bonus), and .5 for support (basic field/combat buff), for a total rating of 7.5/10.


  • Physically focused stat line, with good Atk, decent Def, ok Res, and poor Spd.
    • Meisterschert (Spd-5. Unit attacks twice.) is a solid combat weapon, providing two consecutive strikes on both offense and defense.
    • Very strong green, strong red matchups on offense with a mixed phase set (Meisterschwert/Distant Counter/Vantage) when Hone Cavalry is active.
    • Very strong green, strong red matchups on defense with the same mixed phase set when Hone Cavalry is active.
  • As a cavalry unit, he can provide cavalry field/combat buffs for his allies.

Overall, I give him 9 for combat (very strong green, strong red matchups on both phases with a DC/Vantage set), and 1 for support (cavalry field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8.5/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Ugh... I never look forward to talking about Reinhardt... at least a unit is coming up who I have plenty to say about...



Leif comes with an interesting skillset, but not that unique of a statline. I remember saying that Ayra became the new standard for Sword Infantry, and it really shows here. Average Attack, high Speed, average Defense and HP, and Resistance that would get you laughed out of the Mages Convention. With fireballs.

Light Brand boosts Leif's average HP to average but better, while also coming with a notable effect: If the foe's Resistance is at least 5 points lower than their Defense, Leif will get +7 damage free of charge. That wouldn't be that great if units were a little more forgiving with their Resistance, but a very large portion of the cast foregoes their Resistance heavily, so Leif will almost certainly get the +7 damage boost every time, if his target isn't one who goes for averaged out bulk or foregoing Defense for everything else.

His other skills... meh. Blazing Light doesn't really have a great targeting shape and would be better replaced with Blazing Wind. Steady Blow is good for taking on physical Melee units while letting Leif remain fast, but the defense boost really doesn't have much of an impact unless Leif is +Def. Drive Atk remains somewhat rare and is worth keeping. S Drink is interesting as a Passive B skill, fully healing Leif at the beginning of a map and also charging his special slightly. It's Quickened Pulse for Arena battles, and what makes Leif one of the highest sustain units for Tempest Trials and Chain Challenges.

Leif is able to target those units who forego their Resistance for their Defense quite well, and can usually ignore how high their Defense becomes as a result, but Light Brand can be replaced with a different weapon both to bring up Leif's Speed even more and for a more guaranteed effect, such as Slaying Edge or Wo Dao. S Drink is decent, but more offensive passives like Desperation bring more oomph to a battle than one charge of his Special. Swift Sparrow would be better than Steady Strike for an offensive unit like Leif. As for Specials, anything Leif can have ready for his first round of combat, such as Luna, would be great.

The bads. Leif himself falls victim to what he targets, and has Res that doesn't let him survive long against magic, even if his Speed lets him avoid some doubles. S Drink is also not an offensive Special, so keeping it for Arena Scoring will hurt Leif's combat overall. At the end of the day, he is an Infantry Sword among many, and doesn't necessarily have much to stand out among them.

Still, Leif can be a powerful ally. Take advantage of his speed and unique effect on Light Brand, and you have power behind every step.

Rating: 7.5/10 Leif overall doesn't really stand out among Sword Infantry, but he does have the unique effects of S Drink and Light Brand to back his game up. Doing +7 damage to someone who has foregone their Resistance can really hurt.


Meister Reinhardt


And so we have take 2 on a unit who got way more than prior popularity should ever have gotten him...

Reinhardt has a similar spread to his base version, but with boosts to everything but Speed thanks to being a Melee unit with growth point boosts. This works with what he wants to do, which is exploit the raw power of his personal sword, Meistershwert. 11 might Brave Sword that works on both Player and Enemy Phase, making trying to combat him carelessly a deadly business. His base kit also helps out. Death Blow makes player phase attacking a deadly business, Vantage lets Reinhardt get in his two hits before the enemy can hit once, and Pavise will let Rein take a sizable melee hit without worry. Spur Atk/Def is just a nice Spur skill to have.

There's three ways to play with Reinhardt. Player Phase will let Reinhardt play as a standard Brave unit, and keeps most of his base kit. A B passive to consider would be Chill Defense, to bring the pain even worse, and the standard Moonbow + Quickened Pulse combo on normal Rein works here to, though Heavy Blade works to. Enemy Phase keeps Vantage and adds Fierce Stance to make it almost impossible to get a hit on Rein before he just decimates you. Finally, similar to the Enemy Phase build, but with Distant Counter instead, making it deadly to attack him with most mages.

The bads are that Reinhardt is slow, so the two hits he has need to count. Even with his good defensive spread, he can't take many Blue hits, and he has to take two of them most of the time. If Rein doesn't have Distant Counter, he is vulnerable to all ranged attackers. If he removes Vantage, he can't afford to take damage or else he will just be killed later on. Really, you need to dedicate to a build on Reinhardt and work around those weaknesses.

While Reinhardt is good, you do need to know what you want to do with him.

Rating: 8/10 Reinhardt has deadly mixed phase potential, all because Meistershwert can trigger the Brave effect on either phase. Boost his Attack a little and you will be good to go. But his speed being as horrid as it is means his good defensive spread won't last long with the wrong matchup.

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Skip Leif, I'm not sure how well his light brand measures against other swords.


Because we totally needed a Reinhardt alt. He comes with the only brave weapon that works on both phases, giving him incredible damage output on both phases and great synergy with vantage. The only dilemma here is choosing between deathblow and DC, depending on whether you want a PP or EP powerhouse.

He outclasses any other sword cavalry attempting to run brave sword and is surprisingly versatile for a sword cavalry, being able to run mixed phase sets easily. However I will note that due to his garbage speed, his enemy phase sets rely on vantage killing, otherwise he will get doubled and probably die.

He's arguably the best sword cavalry, or at least tied with Ares, and gets an 8.5/10.

Funnily enough, I didn't bring him up in Chrom's review because I actually forgot he existed lol.

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Leif - Like many others I have rated he has crap boon/bane for me, so I might be a bit biased here.  32/38 offenses aren't as good as Mia's 32/40. He is effectively outclassed as a speed lord. And as a defense lord he is also outclassed. Statistically he is close to Ayra, but he lacks Regnal Astra which makes Ayra such a threat. That said if you dump his kit you can make him into a mini-Ayra I guess. Personally I lean towards Mia being the better. But he does have options she does not. In the end I can't really give him less than her, but I also don't feel like he deserves to overwhelm her. So 8/10.

Swordhardt - Going to pass. I haven't gotten to play with dual phase brave so I can't really give a good judgement. I'd be tempted to put it really high since dual phase brave+vantage just sounds bonkers.

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Leif: 7.88; Reinhardt: 8.5

Day 83

Olwen, Righteous Knight


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

( - )
Blazing Wind

Swift Sparrow 2
Renewal 3
G Tome Exp. 3

Nanna, Nordion Princess


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Heavenly Light

Spd/Res 2
( - )
Drive Def 2


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Olwen. Her japanese title says it all. Green Olwen is extremely straightfoward. Her prf tome is a Gronnblade without the special CD penalty and 1 more Mt at base. Her good Spd makes her Glass cannon job easier. Put her in a Horse Emblem team and watch her tear through her opponents. Now, her arena use is limited thanks to her low BST, bad bulk, trenches and the increase in bulk thanks to the weapon refinery, not to mention the rare case of units having skills/weapons that ignore Hone/Fortify buffs which render Green Olwen moot. Despite having the advantages of a horse, Olwen is just slightly better than Nino due to her ability to run higher CD specials instead of only Moonbow/Glimmer without the need of the Heavy/Flashing Blade seals.

Rating: 7.5/10

Nanna. She has above average Spd...and nothing else. Nanna is like a Clarine 2.0 with higher Atk and Spd in exchange for slightly lower bulk. Her good Spd puts her in a good spot as it'll allow her to have an easier time surviving 1 round of combat in case she needs to tank a hit. Her Atk is low which means she doesn't get a lot of use out of Wrathful Staff so she should focus on using Dazzling Pain+ to deal damage, although it can be usable if one decides to use a +Atk nature, just keep in mind that Nanna really wants +Spd in order to be more bulky. That's pretty much it, Nanna is a decent troubadour but still nowhere near close to Elise (and Maribelle) in terms of being an offensive support which is what matters more in arena.

Rating: 5.5/10 

Edited by Alexmender
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Now this is an interesting pair:

  • Olwen: Unlike Blue Olwen, this Olwen sacrifices a few points in both defensive stats to gain more points on her offensive stats, 30/35 is good having the third highest speed among Green Mages, especially for a blade tome set and guess what: HER PERSONAL WEAPON IS A BLADE TOME WITHOUT THE -1 SPECIAL PENALTY!!!! And she also already comes with Swift Sparrow, so you just need to give her the typical Blade Tome set, change her special and you've got a nuke on a horse without the need to SI Gronnblade, sure she lacks the resistance that Blue Olwen has and her defenses suck at 53/61 that a few physical and some magical units can take her out, but when you've got a Blade tome on a horse, what else can you expect? 7/10


  • Nanna: Fastest healer along with Maria and Lyn, being the fastest troubadour as well, defenses are so bad so she won't do any physical or even magical encounters, Razzle-Dazzle is there and unless Maribelle gets demoted, she won't be getting Dazzling Staff soon, her attack stat is also not the best one out there either, she's mostly a support unit like most healers out there, that's all there is to it about Nanna, 5/10
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Olwen - Thunderhead is only 1MT higher than green blade but it lacks the penalty on special charge and has higher arena score. Her blade performance falls under LA!Lilina, Gunnthra, and even Cecilia if we're focusing on one hit kills. But the speed stat is appreciated for keeping her alive when the target lacks QR, and DC, which is like nobody in high arena tiers. Her Ploy potential is notably less than normal Olwen. Probably a very overrated green mage and for the same reason as Nino - players don't have to fodder off a gronnblade+ to use her. 6.5 out of 10.

Nanna - Clarine but gives up three points of res for one more point of speed and two points of attack she doesn't need. I care about speed a great deal on healers, but that's usually predicated on the notion they have good Res stats to survive a mage if they were in a pinch and couldn't be repositioned out. Nanna's stat distribution is just poor and you need to take a suboptimal Res superboon to make her have the same BST tier as the other cav healers. 4.5 out of 10.

Past Ratings

  1. Alfonse - 3
  2. Marth - 7
  3. Sharena - 3
  4. Jagen - 1
  5. Anna - 4.5
  6. Barst - 3
  7. Cain - 4
  8. Draug - 7.5
  9. Gordin - 5
  10. Jeorge - 5.5
  11. Abel - 5.5
  12. Linde - 9
  13. Minerva - Abstain
  14. Merric - 3.5
  15. Maria - 6
  16. Wrys - 3.5
  17. Ceada - Abstain
  18. Ogma - 4
  19. Catria - 4
  20. Est - 6
  21. Sheena - 6.5
  22. Cecilia - 4
  23. Clarine - 6.5
  24. Matthew - 4
  25. Palla - 2.5
  26. Roy -7
  27. Gwendolyn - 7.5
  28. Shanna - 4.5
  29. Bartre - 7
  30. Fae - 7.5
  31. Serra - 4
  32. Lissa - 2
  33. Y!Tiki - 8
  34. Lilina - 7
  35. Florina - 1.5
  36. M!Robin - 3.5
  37. Hector - 8
  38. Raven - 8.5
  39. Gaius - 4 
  40. Virion - 3.5
  41. Raigh - 1.5
  42. Sophia - 3.5
  43. Sully -2.5
  44. Cordelia -7
  45. Hawkeye - 5.5
  46. Nino - 8
  47. Felicia - 6.5
  48. Jakob - 1
  49. Fir - 4
  50. Eliwood - 5.5
  51. Donnel - 3.5
  52. Nowi - 8.5
  53. Frederick - 6.5
  54. Cherche - 7.5
  55. Saizo - 4
  56. Kagero - 4.5
  57. Lyn - 7
  58. Chrom - 5
  59. F!Corrin - 7
  60. Azura - 6.5
  61. Gunter - 3
  62. Camilla - 5.5
  63. Azama - 6.5
  64. Setsuna - 3.5
  65. Stahl - 2.5
  66. Lonqu - 3
  67. Hinoka - 7.5
  68. Oboro - 2.5
  69. Beruka - 6
  70. Arthur - 2
  71. Takumi - 5.5
  72. Sakura - 3
  73. Olivia - 7
  74. Henry - 2
  75. Subaki - 4.5
  76. Peri - 6.5
  77. Niles - 1.5
  78. Elise - 7.5
  79. Tharja - 5
  80. A!Tiki - 8
  81. Odin - 1 
  82. Effie - 7.5
  83. Lucina - 7
  84. M!Corrin - 6
  85. Ryoma - 5.5
  86. Hinata - 4.5
  87. Hana - 5.5
  88. Laslow - 3
  89. Selena - 2
  90. Leo - 2
  91. Eirika - 5
  92. Seliph - 5.5
  93. Ephraim - 7
  94. Julia - 6
  95. Eldigan - Abstain
  96. Sanaki - 6.5
  97. Reinhardt - 8
  98. Olwen - 5.5
  99. Lachesis - 3
  100. Klein - 4
  101. Karel - 6.5
  102. Ninian - 7
  103. Lucius - 4.5
  104. Rebecca - 2.5
  105. Priscilla - 4
  106. Jaffar - 3.5
  107. Alm - 9
  108. Lukas - 7.5
  109. Clair - 7
  110. Faye - 5.5
  111. Ike - 6
  112. Titania - 3.5
  113. Soren - 4
  114. Mist - 2.5
  115. Celica - 7
  116. Mae - 6.5
  117. Boey - 3.5
  118. Genny - 6
  119. Luke - 3.5
  120. Katarina - 5.5
  121. Athena - 3.5
  122. Roderick - 6
  123. Gray - 5
  124. Saber - 3
  125. Mathilda - 3
  126. Delthea - 6.5
  127. Sonya - 4.5
  128. Leon - 6
  129. Seth - 2
  130. Tana - 7
  131. Amelia -8
  132. Innes - 6
  133. Brave Roy - 6.5
  134. Brave Lucina - Abstain
  135. Brave Ike - 8
  136. Brave Lyn - 8.5
  137. Elincia - 7.5
  138. Osxar - 6
  139. Nephenee - 7
  140. Sigurd - 7.5
  141. Tailtiu - 4.5
  142. Deirdre - 6
  143. Ayra - 9
  144. Mia - 8
  145. Lute - 7.5
  146. Dorcas -8
  147. Siegbert - 7.5
  148. Soleil - 7
  149. Shiro - 6.5
  150. Rhajat - 7
  151. Zelgius - 9.5
  152. Micaiah - 8
  153. Sothe - 4.5
  154. NotCanon!Eirika - 5.5
  155. L'Arachel - 6
  156. Myrrh - 9
  157. Celica - 8.5
  158. Hardin - 9.5
  159. M!Grima - 9.5
  160. Horse!Chrom - 7.5
  161. M!Morgan - 6
  162. F!Morgan - 8
  163. Leif - 8
  164. Sword!Reinhardt - 8.5
  165. Green!Olwen - 6
  166. Nanna - 

Ratings I would change in retrospect: Gordin would be a 2.5 and Jeorge a 4, Cain would be a 3, Cecilia would be a 3.5. Linde would be 7. And I'd drop Matthew and Saizo to 3.5. Beruka would be a 7. Clarine is a 5.5. Caeda I'd rate a 5.5 now that I've been using her at 5 star. Leo I'd bump up to a 3. Nino should be a 6. Hector is a 7.5. Hardin should be a 9.


Edited by Glennstavos
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Olwen - She became a bit better offensively, but slightly less tanky.  Her tome is basically a better -blade, which is good for a cavalry mage.  Outside of that, she's not particularly versatile, due to her 30 base Atk, which is THE lowest out of all green horse mages.  She can sort-of bait mages, I guess?  Panic ruins her day (well. . .it ruins a lot of days, but it hits -blade users especially hard).  At least she'll double on offense.  Usually.  If her speed is buffed like it should be.  6.5/10

Nanna - Still the fastest horse staffbot, even if her base Atk is a bit low (but that's what Pain is for).  Restore is somewhat situational, but it's perfect for -blade mages, since Panic really messes with them.  I guess her speed means that she's less likely to be doubled.  She excels at utility, but isn't that what every other horse staffbot can do?  5.5/10

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49 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Her blade performance falls under LA!Lilina, Gunnthra, and even Cecilia if we're focusing on one hit kills.

She has the same performance as Gunnthra (who shouldn't bother with -blade tomes in the first place) and only loses out a single point to Cecilia who suffers the extra cooldown from regular -blade tomes. All the while she is noticeably faster than any of them, meaning she will double quite reliably once she receives Hone Cavalier buffs.
Only Lilina makes a noticeable difference with her 5 Atk lead (which becomes 4 if you account for Thunderhead's Legendary status).

Also, you gave Nino a 8. Olwen only loses out 3 Atk and 1 Spd in exchange for being a Cavalier and having a personal -blade tome. How is that -2 points again?

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20 minutes ago, The Priest said:

Also, you gave Nino a 8. Olwen only loses out 3 Atk and 1 Spd in exchange for being a Cavalier and having a personal -blade tome. How is that -2 points again?

I overrated Nino back then, she has a retroactive 6. But yeah I fudged the comparison a bit on this class. Adjusting.

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I forgot to mention it, but if I could rate units by appearance, I'd give Reinhardt and Olwen a -1/10 for not even looking like an alt. The untrained eye could easily mistake Rein and Olwen for their normal counterparts, they just look like their normal forms got hand crap while waking through a breeze.

Righteous Olwen


A little bit of BST and GP reallocation has brought Olwen up from being a low Atk and average BMC to being an average Atk and Spd GMC. She has lost a little bit of defensive potency in the transfer from blue to green, for better or worse.

It is clear what Olwen wants to be doing. Thunderhead is Gronnblade but with slightly more Atk and no Special Cooldown penalty, letting Olwen trigger dangerous specials more often than, say, Nino and SF!Nino. Blazing Wind is a good power-based AoE special to pack, though balancing between it and Growing Wind is up to preference. Swift Sparrow means Olwen will usually be getting doubles with decent power on player phase, while Renewal is... well, it's there. Green Tome EXP is useless.

There's not a reason to replace Thunderhead with Gronnblade, but the rest of Olwens kit can use a little touching up. If you want more Specials more often, Glimmer can trigger deadly special triggers for the occasions where you need a lot of burst damage sooner, while Draconic Aura is notable for taking the Atk boost of Bladetomes into account in its calculations, leading to deadly triggers of such, especially on someone who can be boosted with Cavalry buffs. Olwen doesn't have the Res to really work with Ploys, so you can drop Swift Sparrow for Life and Death if you really wish to. Desperation is a standard for Bladetomes.

Olwen's defensive ability is a little lacking, and these days Lances will be more than willing to make it impossible to kill them in one hit. Any form of Panic or Dull Buffs will hurt Olwen badly, and she doesn't have the same Ploy potential as her Dire Thunder counterpart. Lastly, Olwen just doesn't stand out, even with Thunderhead. Sure having a better Gronnblade is notable, but that's about where Olwen stops and lingers: You either want Olwen to be using Thunderhead or you don't want Olwen at all. And if you can't work around getting buffs on Olwen, then there's no point to using her.

In the end, Olwen can still be good, don't understand me incorrectly.

Rating: 7/10 Olwen has a better Gronnblade at her disposal called Thunderhead, and with it she can get specials more often than other Bladetomes. Her statspread fortunately works well for a Bladetome user, though her defensive ability is lacking.




Finally, someone I'm ready to say good things about!

Nanna is, in all essence, a mounted Maria, though with slightly better Defense and much worse Resistance. This also means below-average HP, below-average Attack, and pretty decent Speed. Her base kit starts with just one skill, that being Restore+. Heals an ally for 50% of the users Attack, and also removes all negative effects on the target, such as Panic or Dazzling Staff. This is a neat effect to have around, and is enough to even consider keeping Nanna around just for, but that's not all to her kit.

Absorb+ is not a good staff to have on someone with low Atk like Nanna does. Heavenly Light isn't exactly the most notable Healer Special, but it and Imbue are there. Spd/Res 2 tries to fix a problem that doesn't really require fixing while boosting her Spd a bit. Nanna is the only summoning pool source of Drive Defense at 4*, which is worth noting if you need the skill.

Being a mounted Maria isn't exactly a bad thing. While Nanna does not have the statspread of Elise or Maribelle, she is still one of the faster Staff units available. Give her Atk/Spd 2 for the boost to Attack and Speed needed, one of the two offesnsive Staff B passives to enable nuking potential, and one of the offensive staves. Gravity halts the progression of the enemy frontlines, Pain hurts the enemy a lot (with Pain, give her Savage Blow and the Savage Blow SS), and Candlelight cancels affected enemy counterattacks, enabling your team to swoop in and land the kill without worry of death. Refine the chosen weapon with the Staff B Passive you didn't put in her B slot, and you are good to nuke.

That said, she does have her bad spots. Her defensive ability is lacking, and taking points out of her potential Resistance to keep her Defense above 20 doesn't do any favors for anyone. Nanna's overall offensive spread is weaker than Elise and Maribelle, and she doesn't come with any of the tools she needs to become a nuke: Like I said earlier, she starts with just Restore+, and that's about the only part of her kit you'll be keeping on her, maybe besides Drive Def.

I shouldn't need to mention it, but she still suffers from typical healer problems: Staves have a -50% damage modifier that means she has to pack Wrathful Staff, Staves can't use offensive special, many of the better A passives, and can only really use a few B passives if they aren't using Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff. Nanna fortunately is mounted, so she can still get powerful buffs from Cavalry and have a monstrous range of reach, so long as she gets around forests and trenches though.

I stand by saying that Nanna is one of the better Staff units we could have gotten when we haven't gotten a new staff user since Bride Lyn, especially after the changes made to Staves. Seeing as how she is more accessible than Elise and (inevitably) Maribelle while being better than Clarine and Priscilla, this puts her in a better spot of accessibility to.

Rating: 7.5/10 Nanna comes with the offensive spread necessary to nuke most enemies. While she starts with none of the tools to become a nuke, once she has them, watch out world. She also comes with Restore+, which itself is enough reason to have Nanna around, for it gets rid of pesky debuffs like Panic and Gravity. Lacking in the defensive department may not even matter when you can't be counterattacked in the first place, so just take care to not leave Nanna near the enemy by the time it's their turn to attack.

Edited by Xenomata
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  • Offense-focused stat line, with good Spd, ok Atk and Res, and low Def.
    • Thunderhead (Adds sum of field buffs to Atk) is a powerful offensive tool.
    • Very strong blue, strong green matchups when Hone Cavalry is active. Buff dependent with sustainability through Desperation.
    • Lackluster defensive matchups, as her defensive stat line is not meant for the role.
  • As a cavalry unit, she can provide cavalry field/combat buffs for her allies.

Overall, I give her 8.5 for combat (very strong blue, strong green matchups on offense), and 1 for support (cavalry field/combat buffs), for a total rating of 8/10.


  • Somewhat balanced stat line, with good Spd, ok Res, and low Atk and Def.
    • She has some KO power over low Spd & Res foes when Hone Cavalry is active, and cannot be counterattacked on the player phase. She does not have much enemy phase presence.
  • She can provide cavalry field/combat buffs, heal support, and status staff support.

Overall, I give her 4.5 for combat (some KO power over low Spd & Res foes), and 3 for support (cavalry field/combat buff, heal support, status staff support), for a total rating of 5/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Abstain from Olwen, I haven't summoned her.


5 hours ago, eclipse said:

Nanna - Still the fastest horse staffbot, even if her base Atk is a bit low (but that's what Pain is for).  Restore is somewhat situational, but it's perfect for -blade mages, since Panic really messes with them.  I guess her speed means that she's less likely to be doubled.  She excels at utility, but isn't that what every other horse staffbot can do?


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Olwen: 7.08
Nanna: 5.57

Shigure, Uplifting Artist


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Harmonic Lance+
( - )

Darting Stance
( - )
Ward Fliers

Kana, Dragon Princess


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Water Breath+
( - )
Draconic Aura

Fierce Stance
( - )
Goad Dragons


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Shigure. His stat spread focuses on Spd while having good Atk and mediocre bulk. As a lance flier he faces direct competition from Cordelia/Tana but thanks to his good stat spread (being the fastest flier at base Spd) he can stand toe to toe with them. The lack of a Prf weapon hurts him a bit due to how arena works but outside of that he's one of the best fliers in the game. Thanks to his great Spd he can make great use of the Firesweep Lance+, his default Harmonic Lance+ or a Slaying Lance+. His main weakness is that his bulk will let him tank only 1 hit and that's it, making him quite frail but that's not a big concern for a PP unit. 

Rating: 8/10

F!Kana. She has a semi balanced spread with a focus on Spd. If you wanted a green F!Corrin look no further than F!Kana as she's a +Atk ++Res version with slightly Hp/Def. Being a dragon makes her a good unit as she can use the Lightning Breath+Warding/Steady Breath+QR combo and due to her high Spd she can also go for more PP builds with Dark Breath and Windsweep. Now then, her stats don't put her above Fae in any sort of way and both of them suffer from competition from M!Grima/Myrrh who have more defiend niches. Fae has better availability which further hinders F!Kana (although this shouldn't be taken into account at full performance). In any case, F!Kana should be able to perform at the same level as Fae and they share similar weaknesses so there's no reason to rate them differently.

Rating: 8/10

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  • Offense-focused stat line, featuring very good Spd, good Atk, and mediocre Def and Res.
    • Very strong red, strong blue matchups with any of the prominent offensive lances (Shell, Harmonic, Brave) on the player phase when Hone Fliers is active. Sustainability through Desperation.
    • His defensive stat line is not very well suited for an EP role.
  • As a flier, he can provide flier field/combat buffs for his teammates.

Overall, I give him 9 for combat (very strong red, strong blue offense matchups, sustainability bonus), and 1 for support (flier field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8.5/10.


  • Fast, physically defensive stat line, featuring good Spd and Def, and mediocre Atk and Res.
    • Very strong blue, passable green matchups on offense with a Flametongue+ set. Sustainability through Desperation. She is also capable of pulling off a Dark Breath+/Windsweep debuff set.
    • Very strong blue, decent green matchups on defense with a standard Steady Breath set.
  • As a dragon, she can provide dragon field/combat buffs for her teammates.

Overall, I give her 8 for combat (matchups on either phase will achieve this score), and 1 for support (dragon field/combat buff), for a total rating of 7.5/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Shigure- 8/10

He's good. Can run any PP flier set, but does really good with FS+, SL+, and his base weapon. Slap moonbow on him, LnD/DB3/etc., a breaker skill, a flier buff, and something like the Att+3 seal and he's good to go.

Low investment and just want cheap SI. Can function well with budget kits if pulled at 5*.

Kana F- 8/10

used her in VG. 8/10 it's a fast and bulky green dragon. fuuuuuuck fighting these.

She's pretty good as all dragons are. .

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