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Dragonforce is god-awful


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So, a friend of mine got Dragonforce tickets for tonight and couldn't go, so he gave them to me. I went with a few buddies.

First band: Powerglove. You guys should check them out. Here's their Myspace if you want to hear a few songs. They take video game songs and turn it into pretty awesome power metal. I highly recommend So Sexy Robotnik and then Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man. The former is Robotniks' theme, the latter is Mortal Kombat's theme cross with Mega Man 2's Metal Man stage.

Second band: Turisas. They are a "battle metal" band from Finland. I thought they rocked. If you look them up, go find a song called Rasputin. (Or I'll save you time with a youtube clip.) It was my favorite of the show.

Lastly: Dragonforce.

I straight up left even though they had another hour on stage. Their songs are completely indistinguishable on the studio recordings, let alone live. They were cussing out the audience (BAD idea in Las Vegas, man. Super bad idea), they aren't nearly as fast as they are on the studio recordings, and the lead singer was just being a dick. Totally not playing the crowd. I think I'm going to avoid them at all costs from now on.

Edited by sandmanccl
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At the moment, I've got my head circling around Coheed and Cambria and The Hoosiers.

But then again, I'm very music tolerant. I heard a Paramore and Linkin Park mash up that was pretty good for what it was. Others would say it sucked without looking at it.

But there are a number of bands that are purely studio. Really, did you think some band with a name like Dragonforce had a first rate lead guitar?

Edit: To be fair, you can't really tell that sort of thing just by the name. But the name in this case does give a decent idea of the genre of music. After listening to one song though, you can hear the effects he's using and tell that he's nothing special.

Edited by bunny
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I'm actually rather musically tolerant myself. I'm not a fan of power metal as a general rule, but the first two bands were pretty awesome and very enjoyable.


No. I'm going to go delete it off my friend's PC so I never have to hear it again. Make it stop, God, make it stop.

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I'm actually rather musically tolerant myself. I'm not a fan of power metal as a general rule, but the first two bands were pretty awesome and very enjoyable.


I love the name, though. :D

Heavy metal has never been in my repertoire, or however the hell you say it. ^^

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Metal in general can get a bit too obnoxious for me to enjoy it often. The Classic stuff was awesome, but I can't say I enjoy as much of the new stuff.

I'll listen to it though.

Doesn't hurt that I'm not huge on sub-genres in music. I know it's needed, but it gets really annoying when there is a sub-genre for each song.

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I know what you mean. Metal is the only broad genre I know what any of the sub-genres are, though. There's a huge difference between power metal and death metal, for example. Power metal is more MEEDLEY MEEDLEY stuff, while death metal is usually more brutal, gutteral.

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I like a few dragonforce songs, though I wouldn't see them live. It sounds like they're terrible performers (and they probably had to try hard as fuck for those studio recordings too). Yeah, the last group I saw live was Aerosmith which was effin awesome.

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