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Corrupt a wish: FE edition


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Granted, but Walhart's armor now looks like a porcupine, so people compare Ryoma to that instead.

I wish people would cease granting wishes.

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Granted, an admin closes this thread. You can no longer post here to grant wishes. Why don't you just unfollow this thread?

I wish I could bEcOMe tHE SpEcTRal vOiCE In rYoMA's HEaD tHAt cAN... AnD WILL... R҉I͡Ṕ̷̧ O͜͡UT H̶͞Í̕͟S ̨Ş̷̛O̶U̴L!̸!͏!͟͠
*Gods, I had fun writing that...*

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You are, but then you're subjected to his deepest thoughts and desires, none of which are pretty unless you're into incest and lolis. Also swords, I guess.

I wish I could wish of funnier Fire Emblem-related things to wish for.

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21 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

You are, but then you're subjected to his deepest thoughts and desires, none of which are pretty unless you're into incest and lolis. Also swords, I guess.

The Voice is emotionless, and uses those thoughts to its own advantage. He who performs psychological torment must be able to handle that which he is using.
The Voice will feast on those thoughts and use them against him.

21 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I wish I could wish of funnier Fire Emblem-related things to wish for.

Granted, I inspire you to wish to be able to torment people. For example, you get the idea that you wanna psychologically torture Takumi, which doesn't quite end well.


I wish there was more psychological torment (in-universe) in Fire Emblem and weapons that work by attacking the target's mind.

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The game gets an instant rating M due to the torment including some very adult themes, and the weapons can cause the victim to commit some very graphic and very disturbing suicides. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

I wish that there was a Toy Story and Fire Emblem Crossover.

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The Fire Emblem characters are now wind-up toys, it is an action game instead of a regular SRPG, the battle screen is so busy with flashing numbers and special effects that people with epilepsy might want to stay the hell away from the game if they value their lives (everyone else might want to have a bucket to barf into just in case), and the graphics, especially the characters, look like garbage no matter what standard you hold them to.
I'm totally not referencing Pokémon Rumble here. Nope.

Since it is an action game more than anything else (and a bad one, at that), the game doesn't have a story, meaning none of the character and charm of both Toy Story and Fire Emblem characters are in the game. The game mechanics are needlessly convoluted and fail to incorporate strategic elements into the fast paced action - imagine the botched implementation of the giant monsters in Hyrule Warriors, and then it is worse than that still.

I wish the introduction of the two new villains(?) for Three Houses was actually a joke.

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11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Granted. She has a giant boob window instead. ... Wait.

I already KNEW about that...

11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I wish the next Fire Emblem game had an Atelier-style crafting system with which you could forge your own weapons.

Granted, but you need resources to be able to forge the weapons, and they are only found in a similar manner to Fire Emblem Fates, except the arena doesn't help you this time.

I wish female characters could get the male versions of their class outfits and vice-versa (where applicable).

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IS doesn't change the costumes, meaning that there are underwear shots of male characters (with the privates showing, meaning that the game gets an AO rating) and female characters are either partially nude or whine about how their chests are crushed.

I wish that boomerangs were a weapon type.

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They're just another variation of the knife/shuriken, but still weaker and they can't double attack by default. Also, the class associated with the weapon type, which only slightly resembles actual Australian natives, will be seen as offensive in Australia, thus the game will be banned there.
The class will also not be getting a mount of any kind, even through promotion, so "pro" players will hate it regardless.

I wish discussions about "is a unit good/bad?" would actually begin and end with "does this class have a horse?". It'd be way more peaceful that way.

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Granted, that means that really powerful, but unmounted units, like Ryoma, Takumi, Marth, Chrom, Robin, etc. are seen as absolute shit just because their classes don't have horses.
That also means that decent classes like Blacksmith, Swordmaster/Trueblade, Berserkers, Snipers, Heroes, etc. are dismissed as bad classes just because they don't have a horse.
The minority that don't follow this rule pack all their beastslayers, mountslayers, Freeze staffs and take to terrain that has heavy Movement penalties on horse units. And Ryoma (or whichever badass non-mounted unit that game has) will take the lead, killing all the horse-mounted units with one or two blows, much to the shock of the fandom.

I wish I could psychologically torment Ryoma (but he can't fight back because I'm a spectral, non-tangible being of pure chaos).

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Vhalior hears that there is a being of pure chaos on the planes, thus gaining an immense boost of power, and one-shots you.

I wish that the "Taguel on Trampoline" picture I have would actually work as an avatar.

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9 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Vhalior hears that there is a being of pure chaos on the planes, thus gaining an immense boost of power, and one-shots you.

I meant chaos as in insanity and mental illness. But oh well.

Granted, but to do that, you had to make the picture into a GIF, which takes a lot of effort, but the resulting GIF is slow on the SF servers...

I wish there would be more Fire Emblem on Drawception.

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Granted, but soon the website takes a dark turn and eventually makes *Insert infamous art website* look pure.

On 6/16/2019 at 2:44 AM, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

I meant chaos as in insanity and mental illness. But oh well.

Vhalior probably wouldn't care.

On 6/16/2019 at 2:44 AM, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Granted, but to do that, you had to make the picture into a GIF, which takes a lot of effort, but the resulting GIF is slow on the SF servers...


I wish I knew how to make a gif of a taguel jumping on a trampoline.

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You do, but it ends up looking like something else entirely. Something that might not be suited for minors.

On 6/12/2019 at 8:48 AM, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

The minority that don't follow this rule pack all their beastslayers, mountslayers, Freeze staffs and take to terrain that has heavy Movement penalties on horse units. And Ryoma (or whichever badass non-mounted unit that game has) will take the lead, killing all the horse-mounted units with one or two blows, much to the shock of the fandom.

I thought this was a corruption not a fulfillment?

I wish Three Houses didn't put people into the awkward position of having to admit that "I'm dating my (former) student(s)!"

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I thought this was a corruption not a fulfillment?

On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 8:00 PM, DragonFlames said:

It'd be way more peaceful that way.

It did not end peacefully, as the powerful units like Ryoma were seen as absolute weak trash, only to equip their horse-killing weapons and beat the absolute shit out of the fandom weebs, which begins an all-out war between the dank fans and sane gamers.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I wish Three Houses didn't put people into the awkward position of having to admit that "I'm dating my (former) student(s)!"

Granted, it makes the admissions less awkward because the students are actually old enough to be in relationships with their former teachers, a bit like the relationship between Anakin and Padme, so it kinda makes things more blatant. Regardless of this, people go berserk, comparing the situation to irl cases of teachers having inappropriate relationships with underage students, causing the game to be heavily censored and banned just because of the petty misunderstandings of leftist people who don't know the difference between a kid dating and adult and a kid (who is now grown-up) dating an adult.

I wish there were less wishes in this thread that related to fanservice, relationships, etc. etc. etc. etc.

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There are, but now they're all about other stupid stuff like 'I wish discussions about "is a unit good/bad?" would actually begin and end with "does this class have a horse?". It'd be way more peaceful that way.'

4 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Granted, it makes the admissions less awkward because the students are actually old enough to be in relationships with their former teachers, a bit like the relationship between Anakin and Padme, so it kinda makes things more blatant. Regardless of this, people go berserk, comparing the situation to irl cases of teachers having inappropriate relationships with underage students, causing the game to be heavily censored and banned just because of the petty misunderstandings of leftist people who don't know the difference between a kid dating and adult and a kid (who is now grown-up) dating an adult.

Into my arms, brother!
To make something clear, I have nothing against romance in the game. Far from it (Heck, if it's well written, I'd even support a romance with Sothis). It's just that a close friend of mine got coerced into a relationship with our teacher back in school and... it didn't end well, hence my initial distaste.
The wish was supposed to be in good fun, not to be taken seriously. Not saying you did, but I wanted to explain myself regardless.

I wish the Fire Emblem community could joke around with each other and be peaceful even outside of Serenes Forest.

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18 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I wish the Fire Emblem community could joke around with each other and be peaceful even outside of Serenes Forest.

But unfortunately, it STILL has to be corrupted...
Granted, but this means that a whole bunch of stupid memes are discarded. However, some good, decent memes are taken out as well.

I wish there was a Fire Emblem related creepy kill screen.

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There is, but it's too creepy, so people are traumatized by it, thus causing FE games to get rated 18+ just for that kill screen, even if the game as a whole is very family friendly otherwise. After that, the creators say 'screw it' and make a straight up hentai game with FE characters, going all out on otherwise taboo stuff.
Whether or not this last one is a corruption depends entirely on the person reading it. I for one wouldn't care if they made one.

I wish there was a Fire Emblem adaptation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel.

Edited by DragonFlames
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Granted. Unfortunately, you’re a “medium-rare” type person, so you just have to make do. Also, no lamb sauce. So that sucks.

Wait, you meant as in, writing wise? Uh...

Granted. The romance actually makes you feel the relationship between the characters akin to some of the best romance stories out there. Unfortunately, people become too invested in this relationship, and at the end of Gen 1, many people are too heartbroken to continue playing, resulting in negative reviews online that tank the games sales and reduce its reputation to, “that game where the only people who play it are soulless, heartless, incestuous monsters.”. This leaves Fire Emblem as a whole in an even worse position than it was during the Shadow Dragon era, financially, and the entire series and fandom crumbles as a result.

I wish that in future instalments, armour knights get good resistance as well as defence, to make them an actual tanky class.

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Granted, but they utterly break the game, so people still hate them... just for the opposite reason.

5 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Granted. Three Houses. That's the closest you're getting.

Good lord, now I can't unsee Dimitri as Cao Cao (Wei), Edelgard as Sun Quan (Wu), and Claude as Liu Bei (Shu)... Now who is going to be the Sima clan (Jin) in this situation...?

I wish Fire Emblem had peaceful stories where nothing bad ever happens, where the worst thing that can happen to a character is that they stub their toe or something.

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