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Which of these would you rather do?


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...Considering that any dream that falls into that category is a nightmare that I awake immediately from, both choices would provide the same result; waking up and applying excessive amounts of brain bleach. Thank goodness those are rare.

WYR be the person to let the cat out of the bag, or be the one to put the cat into the bag?

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*Looks it up*

Despite not being the biggest fan of vegetables, definitely okra. No contest.

11 hours ago, The_antithesis said:

Let the cat out of the bag. "What has Ada got herself into this time?"

Out of sheer curiosity which killed the cat, where is that character from?


WYR own a Pegasus or a wyvern?

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10 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Out of sheer curiosity which killed the cat, where is that character from?

Ada's actually my cat IRL. She has got people to queue to pet her on multiple occasions, and practically lives in the supermarket next to my home.


Warp powder. Better to have great experiences than material wealth!

WYR live with Nowi or Maribelle as a roomate?

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People who are apathetic. Means I can leave anytime, and no one would care.

WYR join a band of pirates or a thieves guild?

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Cyborg, I'd be able to say does not compute human too stupid a lot more

WYR Fight a monster made of live somehow fully formed molten butter, or lose all feeling (sensory not emotional) and taste

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Loyal allies, no question. You should be with people who build you up, not tear you down.

WYR live in a world with cartoon physics or one filled with Bethesda’s bugs and glitches?

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Cancel a game I worked hard on. I can use the experience I earned in the future, both in making videogames and other projects. I can also reuse several ideas, assets, lines of codes, etc. in the future, as technically the game wasn't released, so those aren't copyrighted or trademarked or anything like that yet.

WYR live in the Greek or the Roman empire?

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Greek, but I'd be an Amazon warrior woman. Down to that male dominated society! 

WYR be the guy who was masturbating in Pompeii when the volcano erupted and got preserved in ash in that pose (look it up I'm serious), or be one of the people killed in the Holocaust?

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On 7/23/2018 at 9:12 PM, Hawkwing said:

Would you rather be in an alien invasion or a zombie outbreak?

On 7/23/2018 at 10:42 PM, Dragoncat said:

Zombie outbreak, they're stupider than aliens and I could surround my house with treadmills running in reverse and shoot at them from the window.

9 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

WYR fight zombies or aliens?

Close enough.

Hmm... Probably zombie outbreak. Because in reality, humanity has been taught from all the movies, video games, books, etc. over the years as how to best combat the threat, so it would be contained pretty easily, and with few casualties. That, and as long as they aren't the fast zombies, you can get creative with killing them.

Meanwhile, with aliens... as much as I want XCOM to be formed in real life, every single game has massive military and civilian casualties. Not to mention how alien technology will affect the future of mankind after the war is over...


WYR buy/own a bounce house or a trampoline?

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2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Close enough.

Yeah maybe I should have spent more than like 5 seconds coming up with a question.

Current question: TRAMPOLINE. I had one growing up and it was awesome.

WYR go to bed at 5 pm or stay up all night?

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