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Which of these would you rather do?


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A big city. At least those people are honest. The best part is that I can be rude back and nobody would care. I think.

WYR discover a brand new species but accidentally kill it's last member or bring back the dinosaurs. All of them.

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On 7/22/2018 at 7:30 PM, Hawkwing said:

Would you rather go skydiving or scuba diving?

On 7/22/2018 at 7:55 PM, Purple Mage said:

Scuba, it seems less scary.

3 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

WYR go sky diving or scuba diving?

Interestingly enough, this is on the exact same page where I mentioned the zombie outbreak vs alien invasion question.

Scuba diving, but not by choice. Skydiving is one of two things I am prohibited from doing due to my back surgery.

WYR be a hero with a villainous voice and laugh, or a villain that sounds like a hamster on helium?

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Newest Smash Bros.

WYR be in a relationship with your true love, but have awful, awful sex, or be in a relationship with someone you hate, but have amazing sex with?

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Werewolf. I'd rather deal with the inconvenience of turning into a giant beast a few times a month than have to drink blood and stay indoors all the time. It helps that the lunar cycle is predictable, so I can plan and prepare for the days I'll turn (and on a completely unrelated note, the Don't Escape web games are extremely good and I suggest you check them out).

WYR loose an eye or a hand?

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Eye. The one i'm blind in. If it has to be the good one then hand.

Would you rather lose both legs below the knee or the entirety of one leg (including the thigh)?


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A Disney character. I'd get a lot more lines to say, which means I'd have to spend more time recording my lines, which means I earn more money. That, and Disney is more high profile than Fire Emblem.

WYR have to sing everything you say, or have your every movement be a dance move?

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Free cake. I'm not the biggest fan of watermelon.

WYR have the final boss music be a remix of the main theme, or have its own unique track?

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