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Which of these would you rather do?


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Poked in my bad eye > break a bone > poked in my good eye

Would you rather vote for someone who might beat two horrible options but that you don't quite agree with, or someone that you almost entirely agree with but has no chance of winning?

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Someone who might beat two horrible options. I did the latter in the 2016 election and...yeah.

WYR have the stomach flu for a month or the really bad cold flu for a month?

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The chicken suit, of course, I LOVEEEE BIRBS!!!

WYR get caught cheating on a huge test (MCAT, SAT, etc.) or get caught cheating on your significant other? 

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The huge test. I want my man to be a one lady stud, so I'm gonna be a one man...she stud?

WYR have your child born with hair all over his/her body or born missing a limb?

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I don't see why hair would be bad, but logically I'd go with that. I'm into prosthetics and the science behind them so the WEIRD side of me would want the baby with a missing limb so I can raise him/her to be a badass kid who came over their handicap.

WYR forget someone's name everytime you met them or forget how they looked?

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2 minutes ago, Slade said:

I don't see why hair would be bad, but logically I'd go with that

Because it's all over the body and not just on the head, picture a baby that looks like a gorilla baby.

3 minutes ago, Slade said:

WYR forget someone's name everytime you met them or forget how they looked?

Name I guess. I already forget where I know people from when they come up and start talking to me and I'm like "who are you again?"

WYR ride on a roller coaster after drinking a gallon of milk or ride on a roller coaster in the car right next to somebody who just drank a gallon of milk?

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Is there an option not ride the roller coaster at all? If not, I'll take the plunge and choose the first option.
For real, though, you couldn't get me on one of these if my life depended on it. *shudder*

WYR play volley ball in the snow or baseball in the desert?

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Naked pictures leaked. I could then use the EU's good legal infrastructure and right to be forgotten to (literally) cover my arse.

WYR live in a world where sex is almost completely banned by tradition, or one where sex is so casual that people do it almost every day?

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The latter. The former would suffer from a plummeting population real quick and plus...the latter is pretty much how it is in some places...

WYR live in a dystopian society where nobody can have more than one kid and if they have a second baby he/she is killed, or live in a dystopian society where you have to get the government's permission to reproduce in the first place?

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Didn't China go by the one-child policy? I think they're laxer on it now; I would hit the government up cause I'd prove myself that I can have a large family as opposed to only having one kid.


train Amelia in combat

WYR have a powerful ability that is difficult to summon or a more natural ability to wield but weaker?

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29 minutes ago, Slade said:

Didn't China go by the one-child policy? I think they're laxer on it now; I would hit the government up cause I'd prove myself that I can have a large family as opposed to only having one kid.

I meant even stricter. I don't think they killed second kids.

29 minutes ago, Slade said:

WYR have a powerful ability that is difficult to summon or a more natural ability to wield but weaker?

The more natural ability, that way I could probably use it multiple times in a row if needed.

WYR live somewhere where it rains all the time or somewhere where it's always windy?

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I'm honestly thinking that united world is a trick answer. Besides, political discourse can sometimes not suck, so I'll pick the former.

WYR listen to the discography of Blur or Oasis?

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