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Which of these would you rather do?


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Be unable to have kids, because I don't plan on having any anyway.

WYR be the protagonist in a point-and-click adventure game with illogical and wacky puzzles but no way to die or an adventure game with straightforward and logical puzzles but a multitude of ways to meet your end?

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A point and click game, because I'm so out of shape I'd die right away otherwise.

WYR only be able to get jobs cleaning bathrooms or only be able to get jobs being a mascot in a costume?

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One of the Deadlords. I'd rather be undead with a cool weapon than alive with cool weapons and abilities that came from harvesting powerful dragons with crazy relatives.

WYR derail a conversation with non sequiturs or by focusing on the minute details?

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Non sequiturs are way more fun.
Nothing beats interrupting your grandparents having a fight over literally nothing by yelling random, completely unrelated crap out loud (example, pointing out how elephants' noses are on average way longer than humans').

WYR be turned into a flea or a mosquito?

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They're technically the same thing.

WYR play a Pokemon game all the way through without evolving your starter or play a FE game all the way through with only iron weapons?

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Depends on the game, but Fire Emblem with only iron weapons, since I more or less do that already.

Also, I was reminded of this Awkward Zombie comic:


Link: https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/rank

I am extremely guilty of this.


WYR watch a western with sci-fi elements or a science fiction movie/show with tropes from the wild west genre?

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A sci fi show with western tropes.

WYR suddenly speak only Mandarin Chinese for a week or everybody else suddenly speaks Mandarin Chinese for a week?

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Fire Emblem and Zelda Crossover. There are enough similarities that the two series would work together seamlessly, yet enough distinctions that a crossover could get extremely creative.

WYR have robotic arms or legs?

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