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From which games would you like to have new heroes?


From which games would you like to have new heroes?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. From which games would you like to have new heroes?

    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War / Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade / Blazing Sword
    • Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn
    • Awakening
    • Fates
    • Echoes

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Lots of characters are in the game, but a lot more out there who are not added to the heroes pool yet. From which game would you like to see new heroes in the future?

OK, personally I feel like we have plenty of characters from Awakening and Fates. I'd be more interested to see more characters from Binding Blade / Blazing Sword or Genealogy of the Holy War / Thracia 776 games. I played most on the GBA titles, and there's so many characters that could be a nice addition from it, there are a couple of fan favorites from them that hasn't been added(I believe Marcus, Rutger, Idunn, Pent, Oswin, Miledy, Sain). Whenever I look at the Catalog of Heroes, I feel like we don't have many heroes from these games. Since I started to like Genealogy of the Holy War due to it's storyline, I also wouldn't getting more heroes from there. Lewyn, Larcei, Lex, Quan could be popular picks, and this game is loaded with characters that are not in Heroes yet. 

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I stand by my comment that Tellius is still the one with the biggest, most glaring hole in its representation. If you can split Genealogy, Awakening, and Fates into two groups of characters (first gen and second gen), then you can do the same with Tellius (Beorc and Laguz). I realize we don't have any beast units in the game right now and that Binding Blade hasn't had a single proper banner so far, but that doesn't mean Tellius doesn't feel underrepresented and missing a core part of its cast. 

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All of them. I want all of them. All of the 800+ CYL-participants without exception… maybe without like Amy and Muston.

But Binding Blade first because it’s only got ONE single new addition over a year and a half. And Genealogy because it’s my favourite and I’m hella biased.

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I'd like more heroes from FE Blazing Blade, because it's my favourite fire emblem game ever and there are some really good characters missing. I also find it funny how a lot of characters from this game who did well in the voting are absent while a lot of heroes from other games who are near the bottom of the list are in the game. They should honestly add:

-Pent and Louise








-Wil (no bias ofc)


And as GHB:




-Brendan Reed


-Fargus (Defense mission where you can't kill him)

Edited by Kubson
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It's nice that Jugdral hasn't been completely cucked like in most other games of this nature, but it could still stand to have a lot more of its important characters included. Levin, Emperor Alvis, Shannon, Evyel and Sety to name but a few. I would like to see every Holy Weapon appear in the game, but I find it doubtful we'll ever get Langbolt or Brian. Claude also seems unlikely, more from how Valkyrie works than his own level of importance.

Edited by Jotari
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Tellius or Binding Blade would be best. I'd definitely roll for Lethe or Melady if and when they show up.

23 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

All of them. I want all of them. All of the 800+ CYL-participants without exception…


Thank you, kind sir. Brigand Boss needs more love in this community.

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My most wanted are all the Laguz and shifters, Priam, jill, Haar, Zihark, Cormag, Glen, Grerik, Nils, Elphin, Geese and Idunn.  I want Binding blade first though since it has yet to have its own banner and should have one next.

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Binding is the game that needs representation the most going by when they had dedicated banners, which is never.

After that, well Tellius obviously if you couldn't tell my personal preferences, which isn't helped by about one-third of its cast being Laguz. As long as it isn't Ilyana + Oliver & Mia alts, I'd probably jump in for them all whoever they are.

Genealogy has an issue of much of the 2nd Gen being shells due to the sub issue, but the fixed 2nd Gen and 1st Gen has a number of good characters. Thracia really needs more as well, and while much of the cast is hollow, there are some good ones still not in.

Marth's Archanea has had a lone dedicated banner long ago, but suffers from soulless shells for a fair chunk of the cast. At least FE6 had supports. Even so, there are some characters who stand a decent chance, like Lena, Kris, and Sirius.


The games which presently aren't in such need of new additions are, in rough order:

Fates, Awakening (Gen 1 in particular for this and Fates), Blazing, SoV, and SS.

SoV has a small PC roster, many of whom, including all but two of the females, are in. SS has a small roster as well, albeit without so many in, and it'll risk running out if it comes in too fast, albeit at not the same rate as SoV. Rekka no Ken has as somebody else pointed out, had a blazingly fast addition rate to FEH, it has nearly half its possible non-alt additions in the game. Fates and Awakening haven't had much in the way of non-Seasonal expansion since FEH's release, but their base numbers were very big, Fates has over half its crew in despite the game not being even halfway through its lifespan.

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I'm still in favor of an FE6 banner when the only new additions from that game are some Roy and Lilina alts and Klein - who was added so early I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't finished on release and just held back a month.

Beyond that I want non-alt reps from all games equally. As many characters as they can get away with making before FEH becomes no longer profitable.

Edited by Glennstavos
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Definitely wanna see more Binding Blade. Most wanted would be Lugh, and I'd also love to see Igrene, Hugh and Niime to complete some of the families in game added at some point. Would expect Rutger, Dieck, Idunn to be added, maybe before anyone I'd want. Would also love to see some more unlikely characters like Brunja, Gonzales, andJuno and Jerrot.

From Blazing would love to see Pent, Louise and Nils, again for family reasons. Would also be cool to see Athos, Nergal, or a morph antagonist or two.

Wouldn't mind seeing some more Tellius, as I've just started playing FE9 for the first time.

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Genealogy has an issue of much of the 2nd Gen being shells due to the sub issue, but the fixed 2nd Gen and 1st Gen has a number of good characters. Thracia really needs more as well, and while much of the cast is hollow, there are some good ones still not in.

I doubt we'll ever see any Gen 2 subs in Heroes, but among the canon children (for want of a better word) there's still some potential. Nanna and Tailtyu are in already, which makes sense, I reckon they're among the more popular 2nd Gen characters (Lene's in too, not sure if that's because she's memorable or due to being a dancer. Always found her mother to be the more impressionable of the two). As I said in a previous post, Sety (wielding Forseti of course) as a lot of potential (and could appear in a Thracia or Holy War banner). Both Arya's children seem like they could work, if only to see some more Regnal Astra thrown around. Among the fixed characters, I think Altenna's the most deserving, giving her large plot role and access to a Holy Weapon. Shannon as previously mentioned is another good contender for similar reasons.

8 minutes ago, Etheus said:

The lack of axes is kind of baffling, isn't it? I get that there aren't as many axe units as sword or lance units, but each game does still have several untapped axe units to offer.

Per this, one or both of the axe brothers seems reasonable. They, in particular, I'd like to see get some real characterization beyond horny for myrmidons.


Edited by Jotari
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32 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Thank you, kind sir. Brigand Boss needs more love in this community.

They could invert the common FE story where the early fights are with bandits, only to be replaced with an empire or something. Instead, make Brigand Boss the real villain of the plot.


6 minutes ago, Etheus said:

The lack of axes is kind of baffling, isn't it? I get that there aren't as many axe units as sword or lance units, but each game does still have several untapped axe units to offer.

To rerun ye olde listte:

  1. Bord
  2. Cord
  3. Darros
    1. Possibly Astram (nah give him Mercurius I say)
    2. Possibly Samson
  4. Ymir
  5. Dice
  6. FE3 Jake
  7. Lex
  8. Iuchar
  9. Iucharba
  10. Dagdar
  11. Osian
  12. Halvan
  13. Marty
  14. Dalsin
  15. Hicks
    1. Possibly Machua 
    2. Possibly Ralph
    3. Possibly Galzus (doubt it since Major Odr screams Sword to me)
    4. Possibly Xavier
    5. Possibly FE6 Marcus
    6. Possibly Alen
    7. Possibly Lance
    8. Possibly Zelot
    9. Possibly Noah
    10. Possibly Trec
    11. Possibly Perceval
    12. Possibly Bors
    13. Possibly Barthe
    14. Possibly Douglas
    15. Possibly Dieck
    16. Possibly Ogier
    17. Possibly Echidna
  16. Wade
  17. Lot
  18. Geese
  19. Gonzales
  20. Garret
  21. The other version of Bartre
    1. Possibly FE7 Marcus
    2. Possibly Kent
    3. Possibly Sain
    4. Possibly Lowen
    5. Possibly Isadora
    6. Possibly Harken
    7. Possibly Wall Ace
    8. Possibly OsW1N
  22. Dart
  23. Geitz
  24. Garcia
  25. Ross
  26. Dozla
  27. Duessel
    1. Possibly Gerik
    2. Possibly Franz
    3. Possibly Kyle
    4. Possibly Forde
    5. Possibly Caellach
    6. Possibly Gilliam
  28. Boyd
  29. Kieran
  30. Largo
  31. Nolan
    1. Possibly Jill
    2. Possibly Haar
    3. Possibly Brom
  32. Vaike
  33. Basilio
    1. Possibly Flavia
    2. Possibly Inigo
    3. Possibly Severa
    4. Possibly Gregor
  34. Rinkah
    1. Possibly Sophie
  35. Percy
  36. Scarlet
  37. Charlotte
    1. Possibly Fuga
    2. Possibly Benny
    3. Possibly Mozu

Some of the definite 37 have issues of being boring to many, like Bord, Garcia, and Halvan, but there are others here like Charlotte, Ross, Haar, and Lex who have popularity.

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Archanea! They need new life breathing into them. Elice, Julian, Lena, Xane, Bantu, so on, so forth!

Valentia comes next, with some of my favourites such as Silque, Python and Kliff.

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Binding Blade, Thracia 776 and Radiant Dawn are in the most dire need, although Tellius has a focal issue in that beast units haven't had proper representation at all.

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48 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Tellius or Binding Blade would be best. I'd definitely roll for Lethe or Melady if and when they show up.


Thank you, kind sir. Brigand Boss needs more love in this community.

I wonder why Lekain isn't on the poll but Brigand Boss is. 

OT: Binding Blade is the only game without a banner so it'd be interesting to see which characters will be added. PoR is also in dire need of a banner since the last one happened in October. RD's banner is more recent but it is by far the least represented game so I'd say it's the third most deserving. 

More importantly, I hope the banners have 4 new characters because new unit banners happen every month, which is too infrequent if only 2 new characters are being added. 

My individual preference goes like this: FE10>FE9>FE6>FE8>FE7 (I like FE7's cast the most of the GBA games but it has enough representation for now)

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2 hours ago, Thane said:

I stand by my comment that Tellius is still the one with the biggest, most glaring hole in its representation. If you can split Genealogy, Awakening, and Fates into two groups of characters (first gen and second gen), then you can do the same with Tellius (Beorc and Laguz). I realize we don't have any beast units in the game right now and that Binding Blade hasn't had a single proper banner so far, but that doesn't mean Tellius doesn't feel underrepresented and missing a core part of its cast. 

I always think of the Path of Radiance characters as a Gen 1 and the Radiant Dawn characters as a Gen 2.

Anyway, I'd personally like to see a Binding Blade banner next.  Getting my boy Gonzalez into Heroes with artwork by Soeda Ippei would be glorious.

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Tellius Saga for sure.

Nasela and Tibarn 4 Flier Emblem.

I'd love to see (blue) Gatrie, (green) Boyd,  (red) Shinon, and (colorless) Rhys on a new Griel mercs banner. (haven't had a red archer yet)

Sephiran or Ashnard would be really cool picks for GHB bosses.

Kurthnaga for Dargon Emblem.

...still really wanna see them implement laguz in this game...


Edited by Shoblongoo
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