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SF Academy Info


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I know it might not garner any attention, but to those who do get interested in this, here is a little info on it.

The plan is simple, as the name suggests. I am trying to build A SF Academy of some sorts. An academy(place) where members can test their knowledge on FE and whatnot.

Look at is a fun place where you will learn if you dont know, where you will teach other fools that dont know.

The package includes:

--Fun Duh!! :D

--Contests For those who like competing with others. These contests will range from simple mug creation, siggy making, sprite making, etc to story writing and Academy participation. The more you go to the academy and stay active, the more you will gain stuff, like rank, titles, honors, badges, etc.

If you enroll at SF Academy, you will begin as a simple student. But as you grow in level and popularity, you will become a better known academic fellow/gal Can you become the very best of all?

I will be Academy director, and I will need a few of you to become sorta like mods, though not really, more like Academy personnel.

Oh yeah, and these other things: :lol:

--Fun Duh!!

--Fun Duh!!

--Fun Duh!!

--Fun Duh!!


You have questions, doubts, etc, just post here.

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can i be the straight A student who excels in all areas?


Well that depends on how well you do, sugarplum ^^

Another thing: I will build the academy in FE General. There will be rules and what not, so obey or suffer Vincent's wrath.^^

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Drumming up interest is always problematic.

With things like this, usually more people get interested as things progress.

Yes, that is true. Ok, guess I might as well give it a shot. I dont lose nothing by trying, and win alot if it works. ^^

Could we have like a music program at the school?

What do you mean? Explain yourself, nao!!! XD

1337 gaming skills Class plz?

And this?

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Glad somebody else posted, I hate to dp and I had more info to say.

Anyway, Here is the plan, then.

First of all, let it be known that the Academy will be set in a single topic called Fire Emblem Academy in the General FE forum.

And so since its not a spam forum, I expect that we all follow the main site rules and a few that will be said there whenever I post the FE Academy topic.

Aside from the rules and regulations, once you think you wanna actually enter the academy, you will simply take a test that will consist of ten questions. You will copy this test and send it answered to me via pm. This first test is to determine with which group you will be in. There will be several, and I am gonna mention the names of the teams at the first post of FE academy. However, once you are in a group, you cannot defer to another one, so choose your answers carefully.

Once you are placed in a team, those team members will be like your best friends or family, for together you will take on team challenges, and when you are on your own, you will also represent your team.

Popularity and rank will be awarded with every win, and badges, trophies, awards, etc, will be given to you if you win contests, etc. These trophies will be posted in another thread called FE Academy Hall of Fame. Think of that as a trophy case. There, members will go in and see which members have more trophies, have won contests, have the most attendance, etc.

For Popularity, this is to see which teams are more popular. It is easy to understand that a team that does not win regularly, or attend the academy, will not be popular. ^^

Now, for contests: There will be a variety of contests for just about anyone. If you dont know how to mug, you will probably learn here easily, as Mugging is one of the contests. Spriting could be one as well, quizzes definitely, siggys, as well as group stories and FE rps. There will also be Art contests, where you can draw something that will be posted and hand it in. The best art, of course, wins, but the losers also get a little something.

If only we had more space, we could like have team rooms, where just team members could enter and discuss strategies and stuff, but we dont, so I guess that is out.

More on teams: Each team will be led by a captain. The captain will be whoever has the more rank among the team. If a member surpasses the current captain, he/she takes over as captain.

Why being captain is important: Aside from being the lead dawg, the captain will have the privilege to determine which members of the team does what when competing. They will also receive contests personally from me and the rest of my staff, if I get one that is. (Volunteers are welcomed)

Anyway, it seems that several of you seemed interested. I say this again, if you want to support us, post here and let us know. :P

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Intriguing,sounds fun,although unfortunately I would be unable to participate in quite a few competitions T-T.Although I would like to join anyway if you'd still have me anyway.

Of course. ANd, this is open to everyone.

with 1337 gaming mad skillz Class, i mean that there would be tutorials of the ways of teh 1337: The mastery of videogames

I'm not sure what 1337 means, but sure, if you know what you are doing. ^^

If you're going to try it anyway, I'd be glad to actually help it survive.

You can count me in on this project ;)

Oh cool, thanks. Perhaps you can be a teacher or somn, you know? So you can help with the games from FE nintendo and FE 10 and up. I only know about FE7-9 and a little about FE6.

now, on track.

it actually sounds complicated, but fun as well.

so, who's the principal of this academy?

Complicated? Not really, fun? Yes.

Principal would be fun and learning I guess, and at the same time helping others. But look at this as a fun way to express your FE interests. ^^

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WEll, I see that this thing actually sparked some interest. :D

Anyway, I have to prepare for study, so I will come later at night and prolly start the project.

Remember folks, FE academy will be posted in FE general, so dont get confused looking for it in FFTF or any other forum, its gonna be built in FE general.

I will also add a link of it in my siggy, just in case you people cant find it. :lol:

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I can teach about pretty much any game, although I haven't played FE10 and FEDS yet, so I'll have to study those a bit myself as well.

But I'd be glad to be a "teacher".

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I can teach about pretty much any game, although I haven't played FE10 and FEDS yet, so I'll have to study those a bit myself as well.

But I'd be glad to be a "teacher".

Glad to hear it, then I shall pm you what I have in mind for you.

Ok, sorry about being a lagging dragon. Ima get my big butt to work on the academy. Last night I was too tired and it will be a little long to do. So Ima get to doing the first test, which is the sorting test, but I've changed my mind, its not gonna be 10 questions as I presumed, its gonna be 20.

And yes, Tino, thanks for bumping this. :D This thing need more attention. ^^

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Ok, but first I am working on the test, and sorry, its just gonna be ten questions. Haha, I know I change my mind often, but its necessary, since I dont know how many peeps will actually go for it. Ten questions for sorting out the members into their groups.

These are the groups you can land in.


Wyvern Lords



I know we can use other classes, but we dont know how many people are really interested, so those four for now.

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