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Wha? Noooo! Did I confuse you? Let me know if something doesn't make sense; this really didn't take all that long to write up and I'd be happy to clarify. XD

Confused?! Absolutely not! I'm very new to Photoshop, I just have to get used to some terminology is all. Leave that guide of yours as-is, it's perfect.

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Confused?! Absolutely not! I'm very new to Photoshop, I just have to get used to some terminology is all. Leave that guide of yours as-is, it's perfect.

I think I just assumed you were pretty familiar with Photoshop because those EVE Online images you posted look so masterful. :P Just keep playing around and you'll get the hang of it. You'll also end up with a handle on the terminology too, as it comes with territory. :3

This is some seriously amazing stuff.

Hey! Thanks! Feel free to pop in whenever you like. :lol:

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I was also curious as to how you got your outlines so smooth. Did you use some kind of tool for that, or was it literally as simple as using the Paintbrush tool?

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I was also curious as to how you got your outlines so smooth. Did you use some kind of tool for that, or was it literally as simple as using the Paintbrush tool?

Well, there are a handful of ways to soften and smooth lines, but in this case, I simply used the Airbrush/Paintbrush tool at 100% opacity and I wanna say around... 60% flow? (Flow is hard to explain, but it's sort of like opacity. It softens the brush strokes a bit. Play around with it. ;D )

You can also use the pen-tool, which will give you smooth lines 100% of the time and only requires a mouse. (Good if you don't have a steady hand.) The only catch is that you need to get yourself acquainted with it enough that your lines won't turn out looking blocky or too pointed. (The pen-tool as more technical; it uses anchor points and tangent lines to make flawless curves of any size and ruler-straight lines.) Check out this tutorial if you're interested--it looks dorky but it really helped me get a grasp on what the pen-tool entails.

Do you have a tablet? A problem you will most likely face is pressure-sensitivity. A mouse is not pressure-sensitive; a tablet is, and Photoshop will automatically pick up on that, which will make lines look more weighted and natural. Something you can do though is "tapper" the lines yourself. (Even with a tablet, I did this a lot when I created the lineart for Miki.) Zoom in close to the end of the line, or wherever you want it tapered, and "shave off" some of the thickness with the eraser tool. When you zoom out, it'll look more natural and, well, tapered. XD

There's also the Gaussian Blur Trick, which you can use when you're completely done with everything, or just on the lineart, or wherever you see fit. It just makes everything look a lot smoother, more refined and dramatic. Goofy tutorial lives here. (<-- She says to use overlay, but you can use Soft Light or any of the other options too. They all give you different effects.)

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Nice tutorial~

Oh, how I adore the dodge and burn tool. XD However, I no longer color this way anymore, though. D: I color as if I'm painting things and...urrrrr...still learning. ~_~;;; BUT IT'S LOOKING GOOD SO YOU BETTER SHOW THE END RESULTS. D: <

Also, Popo, I don't know how you can stand using the pen tool. ;___;

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Nice tutorial~

Oh, how I adore the dodge and burn tool. XD However, I no longer color this way anymore, though. D: I color as if I'm painting things and...urrrrr...still learning. ~_~;;; BUT IT'S LOOKING GOOD SO YOU BETTER SHOW THE END RESULTS. D: <

Also, Popo, I don't know how you can stand using the pen tool. ;___;

Haha...! I dunno... Maybe it has to do with me being a technical person in general? :lol: I don't think it's that hard once you get the hang of it. Frustrating at times, but if you can finish one piece of lineart with the pen-tool, then you've mastered it.

Oh! Fox! Heads up--please don't substitute Dodge/Burn for actual shading and highlighting. (It'll make you look like a newbie in a heartbeat. XD ) Make sure that you only use it for shiny things, like hair or metal or plastic or something similar, and make sure you use it sparingly. (Don't use it for cloth, or other soft objects. Use it occasionally on the skin.) Like I said before, it's all about being subtle; if it looks like you blatantly used Dodge/Burn, you've gone too far. ;3

This is an example of poor usage: Sorry, Lethe. XD

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Oh! Fox! Heads up--please don't substitute Dodge/Burn for actual shading and highlighting. (It'll make you look like a newbie in a heartbeat. XD ) Make sure that you only use it for shiny things, like hair or metal or plastic or something similar, and make sure you use it sparingly. (Don't use it for cloth, or other soft objects. Use it occasionally on the skin.) Like I said before, it's all about being subtle; if it looks like you blatantly used Dodge/Burn, you've gone too far. ;3

Heh heh, yeah, I figured that out a little late last night.

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Wow, all you use is the burn and dodge tool on the base color of the hair? I used to do that...but became bored with it X'D so I just throw different colors in there now, and it seems to make it more lively too.

Damn popo your skin coloring is so impressive @_@ do you just use smudge a lot on it or do you just lower capacity of the colors when coloring? Or both? D: it looks great! for some reason I can't work with PS's smudge tool since I've used painter's

And about the apollo sketch: it's too cute! X3 I love the sparkling eyes and his messsy hair, other than that it's still too sketchy to really get much out of his position, I'll wait for updates :)

edit: I just read your reply to Fox, thank goodness you think that way about burn and dodge, I was getting a bit worried XD

edit 2: Holy hell Popo! How many layers do you use? ....*uses one or two for coloring, one for the bg and one for the line-art* o_o; it's the morning, I just woke up, this post was destined to be editted at least 5 times

Edited by Tirinity
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Wow, all you use is the burn and dodge tool on the base color of the hair? I used to do that...but became bored with it X'D so I just throw different colors in there now, and it seems to make it more lively too.

Damn popo your skin coloring is so impressive @_@ do you just use smudge a lot on it or do you just lower capacity of the colors when coloring? Or both? D: it looks great! for some reason I can't work with PS's smudge tool since I've used painter's

And about the apollo sketch: it's too cute! X3 I love the sparkling eyes and his messsy hair, other than that it's still too sketchy to really get much out of his position, I'll wait for updates :)

edit: I just read your reply to Fox, thank goodness you think that way about burn and dodge, I was getting a bit worried XD

edit 2: Holy hell Popo! How many layers do you use? ....*uses one or two for coloring, one for the bg and one for the line-art* o_o; it's the morning, I just woke up, this post was destined to be editted at least 5 times

Wha? Oh, no. XD I used colors from the palette for the hair also. It wasn't entirely done with dodge and burn--just the highlights, and a few of the shadows. :3

I used a combination of the smudge tool and various levels of opacity to build up the skin. What's the difference between the smudge tool in Photoshop and the smudge tool in Painter? It's been a while since I've used Painter... I wasn't much of a fan. XP Is it a texture issue? I remember there being smudge tools for basically every medium. XD

Heh, including the lineart, Miki currently has 81 layers. I'm... a big fan of layers, as you can tell. XD I think the maximum number of layers I've ever used at one time is close to 200--it was for the Phoenix Wright Meme though, so it doesn't exactly count. ^^;

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The Edna Pontellier portrait is beautiful, i can't help but love that one! <3

Sketch Dump was interesting! pretty awesome combination of random images!

....but i must say that my favorite of all of your drawings is the Peach sketch! XD something about that drawing makes me love it to death!

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Wha? Oh, no. XD I used colors from the palette for the hair also. It wasn't entirely done with dodge and burn--just the highlights, and a few of the shadows. :3

I used a combination of the smudge tool and various levels of opacity to build up the skin. What's the difference between the smudge tool in Photoshop and the smudge tool in Painter? It's been a while since I've used Painter... I wasn't much of a fan. XP Is it a texture issue? I remember there being smudge tools for basically every medium. XD

Heh, including the lineart, Miki currently has 81 layers. I'm... a big fan of layers, as you can tell. XD I think the maximum number of layers I've ever used at one time is close to 200--it was for the Phoenix Wright Meme though, so it doesn't exactly count. ^^;

:3 oooh I see! Good~

XD aaah when drawing in photoshop recently I don't use smudge aaat all XD. The difference between Painter and PS is that Painter's smudge ('just add water') tool leaves a very nice texture and mixes the colors pretty damn well :).

The difference is that I hate drawing in painter and love drawing in photoshop, so I usually import a picture that I've been drawing in photoshop to Painter and then it goes back and forth until it's done. (this happens with the combo SAI+PS+Painter too now and then).

o_o .....................................your ammount of layers scare me XD. I use thrreeeee/foooouur XD omg. Well I guess its preferences :D. Oooooh ooooh I know that meme of yours >:3 it was very well colored and drawn and adorable and everything <3

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that is so cool!

i'm really impressed! the coloring came out amazing!


can't wait for your next update!

Thanks! I probably won't come out with anything new for a while though. XD

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It turned out might lovely, Popo. *w* My only issue is that with the details in his hair...the lack of crease details on his clothes leaves me feeling slightly unsatisfied. D: Otherwise, good job! I always love the way you set up your composition!

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It turned out might lovely, Popo. *w* My only issue is that with the details in his hair...the lack of crease details on his clothes leaves me feeling slightly unsatisfied. D: Otherwise, good job! I always love the way you set up your composition!

I think I might fix that when I have a spare moment. I'm home from school right now, so I can take the time to actually go back and do stuff like that. XD Thanks, RoyLover!

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Wow, that is really great! The coloring is done very well. How long did the whole piece take to make?

Thanks! :lol: From start to finish, it took about three weeks to do, working on and off. I probably spent four or five hours a week working on it so... twelve to fifteen hours, if you want a more exact estimate. :)

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I can't express how much I like your gallery. So many different style and coloring skills. And your hair tutorial is totally awesome. I suck at hair coloring so it's so helpful! ^_^

I'm going to add you in my watchlist.

Wow, 200 layers for a pic? I don't think my computer can handle it :blink:

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I can't express how much I like your gallery. So many different style and coloring skills. And your hair tutorial is totally awesome. I suck at hair coloring so it's so helpful! ^_^

I'm going to add you in my watchlist.

Wow, 200 layers for a pic? I don't think my computer can handle it :blink:

I'm glad the hair tutorial is useful to you, or at the very least, interesting. And thanks for adding me! ((Also, you'd be really surprised at just how much Photoshop/your computer can handle! I myself have been amazed on several occasions. :lol:))

Okay! So--I don't think I've mentioned this before, and it's not very apparent when looking at my dA gallery, but along with traditional art, I'm also interested in photography. It's just something I do on the side really, but I want to share my photos with you all anyway. :3





^And this is just a silly picture of me that a friend of mine took. :P

Maybe I'll post a few more later on...? :D

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