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Fuck me over

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And I'll play through Hard Mode with them. :D No Tower or anything, no Boss Abuse, etc. I might use filler units until they show up though.

Also, suggest a route!

Units I will not use:


Units I will use:









Duessell (Eir route prolly)

And that's 11 units, which means I'm pretty much set here. Maybe a couple more suggestions...

That is all so far. :D

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Shittiest units huh? Well for a regular playthrough, it would be the trainees, Knoll, Syrene, Innes, Saleh, Marisa.

Heh. Dunno about Innes and Saleh being their, but I'll try to use all of those. :D

There really should be a rule against swears, especially as topics.

Did I hurt your virgin eyes? :P

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No, I just don't like it when people are throwing around swears for no reason.

Swear words are just regular words. They have no real significance. Their is no power in words, only in the way they are used, and their intentions.

"Fuck." is no different than "Apple."

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Swear words are just regular words. They have no real significance. Their is no power in words, only in the way they are used, and their intentions.

"Fuck." is no different than "Apple."

I must disagree. Some words have power whether you intend them to or not. And I must agree that I would prefer if swear words weren't in topic titles, but it happens too often for me to catch....

As for the topic, the current list is good, but add Rennac and Dozla.

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And I'll play through Hard Mode with them. :D No Tower or anything, no Boss Abuse, etc. I might use filler units until they show up though.

Also, suggest a route!

Units I will not use:


Units I will use:









Duessell (Eir route prolly)

And that's 11 units, which means I'm pretty much set here. Maybe a couple more suggestions...

That is all so far. :D

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Super Trainee Ross really does suck, doesn't it? Are the other super trainees anything special?

Be sure to use Eirika. For a lord, she sucks. IMO, worst lord in the series.

Eireka route then? Eir route also makes Ephraim worse.

Dunno 'bout Super Trainees though. They might suck and all, but they require the game to be beaten twice, and I don't know if I have a convenient save lying around. My cartridge recently suffered severe memory loss. :(

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Worse Duessel = better for this run. By the way, I doubt this will be very hard.

Be sure to not use Tethys or any healers.

It'll be pathetic easy. That's my intention. Prove that SS can be beaten with basically any units.

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Be sure to use Eirika. For a lord, she sucks. IMO, worst lord in the series.

I find this incredibly funny, considering you consider Lyn great and Eirika is the same, except with actual supports and some sort of defense.

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I find this incredibly funny, considering you consider Lyn great and Eirika is the same, except with actual supports and some sort of defense.

I find Bows good and Lyn better for her game. Sue me. I also use FlorinaxLyn A support. The only thing on Eirika's side is that her game is easier.

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Yeah, having a D rank near the end of the game and no direct attack real useful. >__< Also, Eirika is one of the best characters on her route, with pretty good supports (Seth A, Forde B gives +5 Attack and +4 Defense, which really helps) and actual offense due to higher Strength and two Rapiers. Lyn is a hindrance upon joining, while Eirika is not. Eirika also has a reasonable time for promotion without shafting others.

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Lyn can promote as early as chapter 24/26.

And nothing you can say can actually change her ability to promote at chapter 24/26. Of a 33 chapter game. Without counting Gaiden chapters. Which FE7 has more of.

Which means, no, don't post the reasons why Eliwood is promoting sooner. It's not what I asked for, I don't care, and it's not what I want.

Fact of the matter is, if you want to like Lyn over Eirika, you can say that Lyn can promote 78% of the way into the game where as Eirika promotes 80% of the way in the game.

Edited by bunny
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I'm not debating this, SS. By God, do you have to attack every statement I make just because you disagree? I know I'd lose a debate, and I don't care. I said IMO if you didn't notice. I was expecting Revan to attack it, but he didn't, and I much appreciated it. In my bloody honest opinion, Lyn > Eirika.

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