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Which FE plot would you like to see most as a musical?


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This was something entirely random I thought of. What game would you like to see most adapted as a musical, and maybe why? Whatever your ironic or unironic reasons may be, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks.

I'll likely add a poll later.

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None of them because they are all to long. Unless you want to take your audience hostage for 10 hours you have to radically cut the story to fit it into a musical format. 

But certain aspects of the plot could work. I heard there actually already is a musical about Elincia's RD story somewhere and both its length and its self contained nature are ideally suited for it. Camus freeing Nyna from the palace could also work. 

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Well, this is certainly an unusual idea. In a good way, though. 

I suppose one could possibly cut down the story of Echoes enough to fit it into a couple of hours? If you did just the barebones narrative, only the big/important boss fights and a handful of the characters, it might be able to work. The game's only five chapters long, after all, and a good chunk of the game does feel like it's been expanded, such as the dungeon explorations, sidequests and Memory Prisms. Couldn't be that hard to streamline enough for a musical.

Also, I'm saying Echoes and not Gaiden because I've only played the former.


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What kind of musical though? I may be biased, but Genealogy may translate the best because the plot is character-focused (because of their bloodlines) and the drama is personal.

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Fates, I want to see a big number of Corrin and everyone else convincing her of which side to join. As well as hear Camilla sing.

You know Camilla would do more than sing, she'd strip lol.

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4 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

I started working on a Genealogy Musical, but after making a few songs I kinda ran into a wall called life and didn't have the time to write more songs.

2 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

What kind of musical though? I may be biased, but Genealogy may translate the best because the plot is character-focused (because of their bloodlines) and the drama is personal.

I want Ribald Tales of the Faith War too. I have not played the game before, but I got Lene in Fire Emblem Heroes and some of her quotes are quite dark. I also got Silvia and she has a very ribald quote that the localization team censored.

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Genealogy is to me better than being condemned to a musical, that filthy casual mockery of the true vocalized drama, the opera.

Now Gen 1 could work I guess all in one opera, with some cuts. Opera prologue is FE1's prologue, the Verdanian invasion and the gifting to Sigurd of the Silver Sword and title Holy Knight. Act 1- Sigurd et Deidre: the invasion of Verdane, Sigurd falls in love,, flips through this to Chapter 2 and Seliph's birth- bliss for Sigurd. Act 2 focuses on Arvis, with Sigurd off in the background doing more battle, and Deirdre being kidnapped and presented to Arvis. Act 3 refocuses primarily on Sigurd now in Chapter 5 (but Arvis gets some attention and Aida a soliloquy), the ending is his immolation.

Did I have to cut a lot to achieve that? Why yes, I did. Could still tell a cohesive story? Certainly. One simply has to focus in on what they want to emphasize.

An Arvis-centric opera that starts immediately after his immolation of Sigurd, and then tells the story of his life from thereon out to his death by Seliph. It begins with dark tragedy and a hint of regret, but then turns to the years of bliss, before the day comes when Loptyr at last has a new host, and embraces his human mother. Then it is tragedy, followed by the old blissful order that remains being gradually eroded away. Arvis now regrets and regrets his actions, and finds his future abilities to act more and more restrained. In his death, he attempts to find the absurdity of redemption.


I'm sorry, but when I think American musicals, I just think sentimentally sad or overly happy and silly singsong. And I accidentally got enough of a dosage of them to know I don't like them, Les Miserables signature piece is les miserable, Wicked is ick-ed. 

This said, I could see side material being made into a musical, or something based on an FE. L'Arachel's adventures with Dozla and Rennac, or the story of Caesar and his unnamed and unseen beloved, or Zihark and his, or Navarre's mystery past, or whatever Owain was doing before joining up up with Chrom and co. in Awakening. Or the little tales of the Thracia 776 characters after the game ends. Many possibilities.


I too need an FE ballet, the topic- Macedon's hero Iote, I could use another Spartacus. But Anri's tale shall work too, Artemis's Curse is perfect. Classic ballet must end tragically after all.

Act 1- It enters with happy times in Pales, where the young Anri is a lowly knight at court. He is in love with the beautiful Princess Artemis, and she is with him. But this cannot last, the tyranny of Medeus arises, his henchmen overwhelm the stage and Anri is unable to protect her, he is too weak. But lo, the light of Cartas emerges, and saves Artemis, with whom he is taken. Anri having shown himself weak cannot contest Cartas's affections, and Artemis knows this is true. Her heart does not belong to Cartas, but she will give him, the stronger one, the Fire Emblem, the symbol of hope. Anri pleads otherwise, but Artemis for her sake does not want to hear it, and enacts her curse.

Act 2- They end their love. Anri departs to become stronger, undergoing Anri's Way and receiving Falchion. Cartas and Artemis are in the meanwhile almost defeated by Medeus himself, but  Anri slays the Shadow Dragon with all his might. Cartas commends him, and Artemis touches him once with her scepter, but Anri cannot hold her hand as he did once before. Anri departs for Altea, alone in his castle, he attends not Artemis's wedding to Cartas. As she dances lovelessly with Cartas, Anri visualizes the occasion, and begins to dance himself. The ballerina playing Artemis shifting back and forth from Pales to Altea, from the real Artemis with Cartas to the imagined one of Anri. She ends back in Pales, turning her back with sad thoughts of Anri, and Anri, ending his dance, collapses, dead of a broken heart.

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On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 7:25 PM, XRay said:

I want Ribald Tales of the Faith War too. I have not played the game before, but I got Lene in Fire Emblem Heroes and some of her quotes are quite dark. I also got Silvia and she has a very ribald quote that the localization team censored.

A lot of Silvia's ribald quotes definitely got reworded for Heroes. It's quite amusing, but probably for the best, since she was 14-16 when she said those things IIRC.

On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 9:45 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Genealogy is to me better than being condemned to a musical, that filthy casual mockery of the true vocalized drama, the opera.

Now Gen 1 could work I guess all in one opera, with some cuts. Opera prologue is FE1's prologue, the Verdanian invasion and the gifting to Sigurd of the Silver Sword and title Holy Knight. Act 1- Sigurd et Deidre: the invasion of Verdane, Sigurd falls in love,, flips through this to Chapter 2 and Seliph's birth- bliss for Sigurd. Act 2 focuses on Arvis, with Sigurd off in the background doing more battle, and Deirdre being kidnapped and presented to Arvis. Act 3 refocuses primarily on Sigurd now in Chapter 5 (but Arvis gets some attention and Aida a soliloquy), the ending is his immolation.

Did I have to cut a lot to achieve that? Why yes, I did. Could still tell a cohesive story? Certainly. One simply has to focus in on what they want to emphasize.

An Arvis-centric opera that starts immediately after his immolation of Sigurd, and then tells the story of his life from thereon out to his death by Seliph. It begins with dark tragedy and a hint of regret, but then turns to the years of bliss, before the day comes when Loptyr at last has a new host, and embraces his human mother. Then it is tragedy, followed by the old blissful order that remains being gradually eroded away. Arvis now regrets and regrets his actions, and finds his future abilities to act more and more restrained. In his death, he attempts to find the absurdity of redemption.


I'm sorry, but when I think American musicals, I just think sentimentally sad or overly happy and silly singsong. And I accidentally got enough of a dosage of them to know I don't like them, Les Miserables signature piece is les miserable, Wicked is ick-ed. 

This said, I could see side material being made into a musical, or something based on an FE. L'Arachel's adventures with Dozla and Rennac, or the story of Caesar and his unnamed and unseen beloved, or Zihark and his, or Navarre's mystery past, or whatever Owain was doing before joining up up with Chrom and co. in Awakening. Or the little tales of the Thracia 776 characters after the game ends. Many possibilities.

Tbh I'd love it as an opera. It's more fitting for a story like Genealogy.

And I like the side story idea. L'arachel ragtag group of justice avengers may make for a nice satire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agree with shadow dragon, it wouldn't take eternity.  Gaiden/Shadows could also be done fairly well. I think that Genealogy could also be done, but it'd be hard - it does have a very easy intermission though so you wouldn't have to plan for that at all.

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