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With all due respect: if someone gets butthurt over the truth...well, not a lot I can do on that front, sorry. I believe it's one of those "thanks for proving me right" moments when that happens.

If I may analyze, and I very well may: the fact that you feel compelled to say "careful of who you are talking to" is a very bad sign. Using FESS as an example will no doubt raise hackles, but hey--nobody ever got in trouble for challenging me or Bus with a valid point. :)

Try to calm down alittle. You just seem to be causing alot of trouble...

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Blacken, with all due respect, (Which is none at all) Shut the fuck up. Fox is right, 100%. You don't just take a go at Red Fox like that, and go unchallenged. I am so sick of your shit already. We aren't at FESS. FESS is DEAD, in case you forgot. SF is ALIVE, in case you're too dumb to notice. Follow OUR standards, and OUR rules. You can't recreate FESS here. If you want to do that, go somewhere else, and leave us the fuck alone.

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Welcome newcomers. I must inform both new and old members that please, don't try to make drama over something minor and don't let your egos and angry get the best of you. Also, ignore the ones who are trying to make drama.

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What does it mean to "lead the fire emblem community?" What was it FESS did that affected stuff? What more was it than a big forum?

I'm pretty sure most of the popular Fire Emblem boards branched off of there from some point. I know FEP and FEFF did.

Um, how is this a forum-threatening matter? FESS closed. The members are now here. Big whoop. The only thing I can think of that's even remotly questionable would be the promotions of Lord Glenn and Musashi, both of which I have the utmost confidence in. I think everyone needs to calm down.


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Blacken, with all due respect, (Which is none at all) Shut the fuck up. Fox is right, 100%. You don't just take a go at Red Fox like that, and go unchallenged.
Really? Why? Am I wrong? Have I said anything that is untrue? Or have I just said something you don't like?
I am so sick of your shit already. We aren't at FESS. FESS is DEAD, in case you forgot. SF is ALIVE, in case you're too dumb to notice. Follow OUR standards, and OUR rules. You can't recreate FESS here. If you want to do that, go somewhere else, and leave us the fuck alone.
I'm...not really too worried about you being sick of my shit, sir. And I have no need to recreate FESS. FESS had a boat anchor of a topic keeping it from staying awesome. That's why The Ashtray exists. I'm stuck here pointing out the bleedingly obvious in order to keep you people from tanking as you so eagerly wish to do. (Believe me, it wasn't something I was fond of being stuck with, but somebody had to play Bad Cop.)

To quote a friend of mine: "The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." Try shutting up for a bit, thinking about what I've said, and then posting. I want to make this very clear to you, sir: the thinking part is crucial.

The point is he's an asshole and he doesn't care.

He's said both already.

All that's left is whether or not that validates him.

You, sir, are a smart one.

Listen to this one. He's onto something here.

Edited by Blacken
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I'm...not really too worried about you being sick of my shit, sir. And I have no need to recreate FESS. That's why The Ashtray exists. I'm stuck here pointing out the bleedingly obvious in order to keep you people from tanking as you so eagerly wish to do. (Believe me, it wasn't something I was fond of being stuck with, but somebody had to play Bad Cop.)

To quote a friend of mine: "The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." Try shutting up for a bit, thinking about what I've said, and then posting. The thinking part is crucial.

You, sir, are a smart one.

Listen to this one. He's onto something here.

...Dude be quiet. Your making yourself look...nevermind. Just calm down. You sound as though your really desperate to get attention since your going around causing alot of trouble.

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I'm...not really too worried about you being sick of my shit, sir. And I have no need to recreate FESS. That's why The Ashtray exists. I'm stuck here pointing out the bleedingly obvious in order to keep you people from tanking as you so eagerly wish to do. (Believe me, it wasn't something I was fond of being stuck with, but somebody had to play Bad Cop.)

To quote a friend of mine: "The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." Try shutting up for a bit, thinking about what I've said, and then posting. The thinking part is crucial.

You, sir, are a smart one.

Listen to this one. He's onto something here.

You must read my posts quite frequently, as that "Thinking part is crucial" bit is my line, but changed around... All I need is a patent. Also, stop calling me sir, kid. It isn't like you respect me in the least, and as "sir" is generally a sign of respect, don't fake it. I hate a liar, ya know. You aren't stating the truth either. You are doing EXACTLY what I warned Jyo you would do. You want to change us. We will not change.
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Um, yes, as Blacken said, he's got his own place to go to. Astray. I highly doubt he'll stick once it's up, guys, so don't get so bummed over it. He'll only really get a kick out of it, really. And, as many have said, "please don't take offense to what I've wrote." That also applies to Blacken's post. You've the right the ignore or take his comments as with anyone's else.


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You want to change us. We will not change.

Please do not group all the incoming FESSers' intent based off of one member's actions.

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...Dude be quiet. Your making yourself look...nevermind. Just calm down. You sound as though your really desperate to get attention since your going around causing alot of trouble.
The fact that you question how calm I am illustrates my point very clearly. Because I am not the one getting upset here.

I'm not desperate for your attention. Y'all aren't important enough for me to worry about it.

You must read my posts quite frequently, as that "Thinking part is crucial" bit is my line, but changed around... All I need is a patent. Also, stop calling me sir, kid. It isn't like you respect me in the least, and as "sir" is generally a sign of respect, don't fake it. I hate a liar, ya know. You aren't stating the truth either. You are doing EXACTLY what I warned Jyo you would do. You want to change us. We will not change.
I didn't realize I cared enough to "change" you.
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The fact that you question how calm I am illustrates my point very clearly. Because I am not the one getting upset here.

I'm not desperate for your attention. Y'all aren't important enough for me to worry about it.

Then why bother to reply...

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Please do not group all the incoming FESSers' intent based off of one member's actions.
Don't worry. I don't. Blacken is trying to change us, or at least piss us off. The rest seem like good people.
The fact that you question how calm I am illustrates my point very clearly. Because I am not the one getting upset here.

I'm not desperate for your attention. Y'all aren't important enough for me to worry about it.

I didn't realize I cared enough to "change" you.

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Don't worry. I don't. Blacken is trying to change us, or at least piss us off. The rest seem like good people.


Matt, as much as I'm on your side and not his, I suggest you let it go. He shouldn't be here long, and anyone who uses those kinds of avatars shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. I realized this, and so I didn't make a new reply to him.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Matt, as much as I'm on your side and not his, I suggest you let it go. He shouldn't be here long, and anyone who uses those kinds of avatars shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. I realized this, and so I didn't make a new reply to him.
Hmm...I suppose you're right, as always. Besides, all that will end up this way is me getting pissed and flaming...again. Sorry, I guess I sort of lost control of my oh-so short temper when he made that response to you. *Leaves topic*
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Don't worry. I don't. Blacken is trying to change us, or at least piss us off. The rest seem like good people.


I know he comes off as harsh, but he has no intent on turning this into any kind of FESS 2.0 or whatever. His advice is sound. Ignore his acidic tone, and take a look at what he's really saying.

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For someone who is trying to teach a lesson, you're creating quite a large amount of tension, Blacken.
I said my piece. People jumped on me for...well, being right. The back-and-forth fencing did not start until it was thrust (pun intended) upon me.

So...hey! :)

Matt, as much as I'm on your side and not his, I suggest you let it go. He shouldn't be here long, and anyone who uses those kinds of avatars shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. I realized this, and so I didn't make a new reply to him.
I used imsohappy.gif for years, and Groovitler afterwards. Having a penchant for chuckleworthy avatars doesn't change that I am the one coming bearing the cluebat and the fact that you're very staunchly ignoring sense. :)
I know he comes off as harsh, but he has no intent on turning this into any kind of FESS 2.0 or whatever. His advice is sound. Ignore his acidic tone, and take a look at what he's really saying.
FESS2 was years ago, man.

I was GEOSed there too, as I recall.

Edited by Blacken
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Once again, I doubt this is a forum-threatening matter. Don't take it as one, veteran members. Being afraid of change is absurd.
I don't really qualify as a veteran member, but I have had my fair share of change. Things never change for the better. I want SF to be exactly the way it is now. Not exactly SIZE, but the way we act.
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I said my piece. People jumped on me for...well, being right. The back-and-forth fencing did not start until it was thrust (pun intended) upon me.

All I'm saying is that while acting like yourself may be natural, people are kind of expected to except you.

If you can't make that easy and don't plan on staying, it's just harassment.

Also, I got banned sometime before I joined Grandbell but after it started and I don't know why, so I haven't seen FESS in quite a while.

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