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Cuz he sucks, I guess.

Whether or not that's the case is irrelevant. He's been dealt with, so let's leave that issue alone.

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*le sigh*

I was hoping that against all matters, you all would prove me wrong about my initial thoughts about SF: unwelcoming.

So much for that.

With this much negativity, one would expect an attack on any such FESSer post in perhaps a good hour or two. Ah well. I joined FESS because I saw (a certain type of) potential, and frankly, while I don't see it here, I was willing to see if it could be done. The attitude in this topic is making me turn around. I would basically be exiting where I entered.

Being lax as a forum shouldn't equate to hidden and antiquated seriousness when changes happen. And yet, there's that underlying concept that isn't proven a falsity here...

Of course, since you have to have a big name to have your post read, I'm just letting you know that I'm giving this forum one chance.

There's a reason for everything.

Mr. Sirius out, waiting for a few more days so I can "go nuts" on the SWEEP topic in FEP with data.

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I guess my opinion comes in right now...

Let's see....

I welcome the new members, as we've been needing some new members for a LONG time. But Serenes Forest isn't your average forum. Here, nearly EVERYONE knows each other, and we've been like a dysfunctional (yet loving) family for as long as I can remember. We don't invite people in willingly but that doesn't mean we are completely hateful towards everyone. We would love to have new members come in, but we like to actually see them.

What someone would see as a "whiner" is totally wrong, no one here whines. None of us are six.

Also, this is a great forum to come on, I'll admit we are a bit negative but our excuse is: We are just coming out of a relatively large argument between the normal members here. We are a little on edge is all. I'll say it again, we really do want new members but we just don't want to kill what we have now.

One thing I dislike is the amount of activity in Far From the Forest, some members (including me, but I'm trying to change) only post in that one spam forum, or rarely post in the "Fire Emblem" forums. So we've have had a habit of spamming more than needed. (Once again, this includes me) This isn't true for ALL members just to clarify that point.

I'll end on a positive...or at least try.

Like Mr. Sirius said, give us a chance. We are good people.

Any other SF original member, prove me wrong. -Not a challenge.

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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I guess my opinion comes in right now...

Let's see....

I welcome the new members, as we've been needing some new members for a LONG time. But Serenes Forest isn't your average forum. Here, nearly EVERYONE knows each other, and we've been like a dysfunctional (yet loving) family for as long as I can remember. We don't invite people in willingly but that doesn't mean we are completely hateful towards everyone. We would love to have new members come in, but we like to actually see them.

What someone would see as a "whiner" is totally wrong, no one here whines. None of us are six.

Also, this is a great forum to come on, I'll admit we are a bit negative but our excuse is: We are just coming out of a relatively large argument between the normal members here. We are a little on edge is all. I'll say it again, we really do want new members but we just don't want to kill what we have now.

One thing I dislike is the amount of activity in Far From the Forest, some members (including me, but I'm trying to change) only post in that one spam forum, or rarely post in the "Fire Emblem" forums. So we've have had a habit of spamming more than needed. (Once again, this includes me) This isn't true for ALL members just to clarify that point.

I'll end on a positive...or at least try.

Like Mr. Sirius said, give us a chance. We are good people.

Any other SF original member, prove me wrong.

Besides matt (locke cole) I think everyone here has posted in the FE boards. And even if not there they're at least in the Other games boards or creative writing stories. I dont think there is a single person here who ONLY goes to FFtF (its just the best part of the forest)

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Actually, I think Ocelot said it all. Well done.

One last thing Mr. Sirius; if you're hardly willing to give us a chance, how can we possibly give you a chance?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Besides matt (locke cole) I think everyone here has posted in the FE boards. And even if not there they're at least in the Other games boards or creative writing stories. I dont think there is a single person here who ONLY goes to FFtF (its just the best part of the forest)

Sorry if that sounded like a taunt or a "challenge" because I don't want it to be.

I'm editing it now.

-Thanks Red Fox. :D

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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Actually, I think Ocelot said it all. Well done.

One last thing Mr. Sirius; if you're hardly willing to give us a chance, how can we possibly give you a chance?

Because I believe more in hard work talking than myself, because I know I don't socialize very well.

But I work pretty crazy hard. Anything that I put my mind to, it gets worked on so much that I don't eat and pay money to help it out.

My hard work talks for me. Or at least, I'd like to think so.

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Because I believe more in hard work talking than myself, because I know I don't socialize very well.

But I work pretty crazy hard. Anything that I put my mind to, it gets worked on so much that I don't eat and pay money to help it out.

My hard work talks for me. Or at least, I'd like to think so.

I can accept that, but I don't see how it answers my question.

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Lol, you guys. I love you so much. All of you.

And to be honest, I'm actually excited about this migration. Something about it feels good to me! A hearty welcome from me to all of you FESSugees (credit to whoever it was that coined this term).

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Well, treat it as a "don't listen to my words, listen to my work" sort of thing.

I'm not a good talker anyways.

you seem fine at talkin to me on chat XP

Yeah i've gotten aquainted with a few FESSugees myself and so far they are a pretty cool lot. So I have less doubts than I did before (if any at this point) They all seem like nice unhostile ppl

Edited by Ol' Raven
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Besides matt (locke cole) I think everyone here has posted in the FE boards. And even if not there they're at least in the Other games boards or creative writing stories. I dont think there is a single person here who ONLY goes to FFtF (its just the best part of the forest)
...Wtf? I post in the FE boards like...all the time.
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Lol, hi Mr. Sirius, I'm pretty sure we know who each other are :P.

Anyway, as I'm pretty sure I've said. New members are always a good thing for a striving community. If it's the same members, it gets boring and might as well be a chatroom. So the SF - FESS Merger (sorta) was a good thing for the community really. The site isn't too big or too small, and people still get to know each other pretty well. as long as this site never becomes big like smashboards with so many arrogant nubs -_-;

Edited by Rei
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I'm not sure how to feel about all this. (again.)

I just hope that the new members don't have some sort of superiority complex to them. Even if we are merged in some way, the fact remains, that this IS Serenes Forest. This was a place that we, the whole group of us, made into what it is today.

Let me use a real life example. Let's say that Serenes Forest is a house. (A very BIG house.) Of course, all the members are living there, but Vincent and Jyosua own the building, pay all the bills and such, and we all pay the rent. Now, all of a sudden Jyo and Vincent tell us that there are a bunch of new people coming in, without telling us to far in advance, and that we all better make room for them, even though they are all a really cool bunch.

Now, I'd like to take Jyo and Vincent's word, but still. These are a bunch of new people we don't really know. And even though we all trust Jyo and Vincent, we're still not sure about these new guys.

So I'll be honest. I welcome all the new members, as I would any new member. But I'll hold my judgement of your character until I get to know you. Again, as I would any member.

One thing I don't want, is for Serenes to lose it's free spirit. The idea that you can post crazy and out of control topics about nothing. I don't know how things worked at FESS, but here, we're all like a family. We argue from time to time, but no one ever really hates another person. And if the FESS people somehow change that, I'm not sure how long I will be able to stay.

Of course, I'm also open to the possibility that the FESS people will be well respected people, and we'll all get along great. But you have to remember, that no matter what your standing at FESS was, to us Serenes Veterans, you're still at the bottom of the food change. You have to work for our respect. And you will get it, just as if you would lose it if you were a honking jerkoff in the first few words of your time here. (No one in particular, but I'm sure we all can think of more than one example.)

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I'll second Jyosua with the WTF. Except I was sleeping.

I don't have time, yet, to read everything, but it just looks to me as if some people from both sides are jumping to conclusions too quickly. I think Rei pretty much said that, but better, somewhere in this topic.

Anyway, there are a few key things that I'd like to make clear.

This stuff really only applies to people who've been at SF for a while. If you've only just come here, don't worry if some stuff doesn't make sense ^^;;;

I can understand the worry, but as Jyosua and I have said time and time again, the way that Serenes Forest runs won't be radically changing. Nobody's changing this. Not even Superbus who made the decision to move FESSers here- in fact, he welcomed us to keep things running the same. We might change our minds about some things, but this won't be changing anytime soon. So nobody really needs to worry about this. Otherwise, I think you need to have more faith in our decisions.

Next, I don't know how this will go down, but I have to say it anyway. I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed at what some people view Serenes Forest as being. What do I mean by that? A while ago, there was an argument between FE debators and non-debators. In the reconciliation thread, I posed a question: "What is Serenes Forest?"

Most people gave the answer that I wanted and I'll quote one of them:

A Fire Emblem community where every member should be able to feel at home, no matter what he or she likes and dislikes, and no matter what he or she does and does not (as long as he/she follows the general SF rules).

However, I've seen a couple of members who seem to contradict this statement, in different and often subtle ways.

Case 1:

Of course, I'm also open to the possibility that the FESS people will be well respected people, and we'll all get along great. But you have to remember, that no matter what your standing at FESS was, to us Serenes Veterans, you're still at the bottom of the food change. You have to work for our respect. And you will get it, just as if you would lose it if you were a honking jerkoff in the first few words of your time here. (No one in particular, but I'm sure we all can think of more than one example.)

No, everybody's equal. In a sense, you're all at the bottom of the food chain and above you are the admin/mods : D

Yes, it's nice if you've been around on the forums for a long time and have contributed much. I greatly welcome that. But that's not a reason to stand tall above the newer people. Think of it this way: Everyone was new once. It's highly possible that these new people will be the "veterans" of tomorrow. Only if they stay around for long enough that is...

Case 2:

I don't really qualify as a veteran member, but I have had my fair share of change. Things never change for the better. I want SF to be exactly the way it is now. Not exactly SIZE, but the way we act.
You want to change us. We will not change.

The second is possibly taken out of context, but I couldn't help but be amused by it (apologies to Locke Cole). Do you know, one reason why some people think FESS (and Goldoa lol) died (I'm not saying I agree or disagree) is that FESS wouldn't change. If you seriously think like this, SF might as well become FESS 2.0.

The main point is that even though we've stated that SF isn't changing multiple times, I'm still surprised to see people getting worried about change. Alright, for many, it's natural to be afraid by change. However, the possibility of SF growing larger and larger is all but inevitable. We've promised SF isn't going to change, but actually you never know how things are going to turn out *is shot*. Of course, we'd like to keep things approximately the way they are.

Ah... the more I write, the less I know where I'm going. So... let's end it here for now.

So, if nobody has anything extra to add or any objections, I'll be closing this soon. Especially since things have gone really off-topic. If anybody has any pressing comments to add, please PM me or another admin/mod. Otherwise, get hurrying up XD

Edited by VincentASM
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It's like immigrating to another country... they bring their ideals and all that good stuff here, and we act like jerks and not truly accept them as equals. But we CAN get along... All it takes is people from both sides reaching out to each other. I think that's already starting to happen.

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No, everybody's equal. In a sense, you're all at the bottom of the food chain and above you are the admin/mods : D

Yes, it's nice if you've been around on the forums for a long time and have contributed much. I greatly welcome that. But that's not a reason to stand tall above the newer people. Think of it this way: Everyone was new once. It's highly possible that these new people will be the "veterans" of tomorrow. Only if they stay around for long enough that is...

Well, perhaps my wording was wrong, but I don't really want the people from FESS to think they stand tall over us as well. I'm not sure if they'll do that, but I'm not sure what they'll do. I don't know them. They could be the greatest group of people in the world, but the fact remains that I don't really know them too well, and like with any person, place, or thing, I automatically assume that the worst could happen, so I prepare for that.

All I'm really saying is that you have to earn your respect. It doesn't magically appear. All the veteran members earned the respect that other members give them. So these new guys may very well be the next veteran members. But they still need to prove that. Just like all the rest of us did. You can't just show up and automatically command respect of all things around you. That's all I'm worried about. And it probably won't happen like that at all. But that's just my worry.

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I can't believe people are actually complaining about getting new members! (hordes of them might I add)

It's absolutely ridiculous. You all should feel blessed that it's your community getting the major boost. Especially if you helped make that community into what it is, you should feel proud to have it essentially become #1.

The FESSers aren't going to ruin the community. If they were that bad their community would've died a LONG time ago.

Edited by Arch
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Well, they're probably more worried about the effects than the actual members. Although, I guess what you're saying means the same thing.

All I'm really saying is that you have to earn your respect. It doesn't magically appear. All the veteran members earned the respect that other members give them. So these new guys may very well be the next veteran members. But they still need to prove that. Just like all the rest of us did. You can't just show up and automatically command respect of all things around you. That's all I'm worried about. And it probably won't happen like that at all. But that's just my worry.

Isn't that common sense? I really wouldn't worry about it ^^;;;

Anyway, I think I gave enough time, so...

Just to repeat, if anybody has any pressing comments to add, please PM me or another admin/mod.

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