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The "Every SS Weapon" playthrough

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I'm doing a playthrough of RD on Normal, in which I'm going to have a unit for each SS weapon come endgame. Currently, I'm at 1-E. All of the units I was using are promoted (albeit only recently) and I still have all of my stat boosters. My units are Nolan, Micaiah, Aran, Zihark (maybe), Ilyana and Jill. No transfer bonuses. Mickey rammed Level 20 at the swamp map everyone knows they hate.

I think my final team will look like this:

Rexaura - Micaiah. Never had the patience to keep on raising her, so I wanted to see if she's of any use at all. If she isn't, Oliver will get Rexaura, and Micaiah can bomb the enemy with Purge from a safe distance. Why Oliver? Surely I needn't answer that question.

Vague Katti - Mia was my Nr 1 unit on my first (completed) playthrough, and I sorta neglected her on my second. I still brought her to endgame, but she was underleveled. I'm pretty sick of her right now, so I was thinking of Zihark, as I also dropped Edward after a few chapters. Thing is, I wouldn't know how to start. I supported Nolan and Volug (for the 3-6 kickboxing spree), so Zihark is just...bah. I think I'll pick Renning, because he has a lucky stache that makes the RNG love him. Or better yet, Makalov.

Wishblade - Nepheneeeee <3 Used her both times so far, still haven't gotten sick of her.

Urvan - On my first playthrough, I brought both Jill and Haar. They performed somewhat above-average, though Haar died in 4-F-4. I had left Urvan with Nolan earlier and forgot to take it from him when I decided not to use him, so they got a forged lance and axe, respectively. On my second, I brought Haar with Urvan. He performed the same as before, and died in 4-F-4. I think it's time for Chuck to shine. The problem is that none of my units are doing very good, despite being promoted. I've neglected boss abusing so far, so maybe it's because they've only just been promoted. Nolan is no different, though he is the most epic of the bunch as of now.

Alondite - There's no harm in giving the same unit both SS swords, as the Katti is good for dealing increased damage to immobile bosses and Alondite is good for countering attacks during the enemy phase. Either the Duke or the Gambler. Though, it'd mean I can only bless one. Maybe I should bring the Duke AND the Gambler.

Rexflame - Either Miss Vanity or Miss Jailbait. I'm leaning toward Calill because she seems easier to train and she's lol. Tormod likes short shorts, so no.

Rexcalibur - While I only used Soren on my second playthrough (on my first, he died in 3-1 >_>), I'm itching to use Bastian now. I mean, it can't be THAT hard to make him good, right?

Rexbolt - Urk, Ilyana is pissing me off. I know she wasn't supposed to double anything, but she's not making up for that in damage either. I guess Lightning just sucks, but I can't not use it as I need an SS rank for this PT. If only Bastian were thunder type. It'd fit him perfectly.

Balberith - Pelleas was 1337 on my last playthrough, despite some serious skill issues. Can someone tell me what speed Ike needs as not to get doubleraped by the BK on 3-7? I think Lehran would have more than 45% hit chance on Ashera.

Baselard - Screw you Sothe, I'm bringing Volke. With Gamble. Oh yeah.

Double Bow - Shinoooon. Even though I've used him two times straight...Shinooooon.

One problem, though: I haven't not recruited Stefan before. Do you still get the Vague Katti if you don't (seeing as there still appears to be a base convo with Stefan before endgame)? If not, then I'll just recruit him anyway and keep the remaining base convo for another time.

Edited by Thingy Person
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One problem, though: I haven't not recruited Stefan before. Do you still get the Vague Katti if you don't (seeing as there still appears to be a base convo with Stefan before endgame)? If not, then I'll just recruit him anyway and keep the remaining base convo for another time.

Maybe if you have someone else than Micaiah, Lethe or Mordecai to enter Stefan's spot. If that doesn't work, then I have no idea.

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According to this, you have to recruit Stefan if ye want ze Vague Katti.

So in the base convo "Visitor", Stefan "visits" the camp but doesn't even leave his sword? Ass.

So yeah, I cleared 1-E. Nolan, Jill and Ilyana are level 2, Zihark is level 4. I think I abused the BK and Nailah a bit too much... Ah, well. It's not that bad. Swiped everything from the chests, and gave Ily the speedwing.

2-P was fun. Despite having a craptastic piece of jewelry that barely passes for a sword, Elincia stunned/critted three of the dracoknights. I had Nealuchi and Marcia do one-twos with Leanne's help. At the end, Haar weakened Zeffren and I finished him with Marcia (so that the Short Axe may be used by the Royal Knights). Marcia leveled up twice, I think.

Can't wait for Makalove.

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Yeah, I hated getting that convo and sacrificing the Vague Katti. I did a run like this. My team was very similar. Who's getting the Double Bow?

Lol. I didn't know how to recurit Stefan on my first pt, so that's no longer a problem. XD

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Makalov for the Vague Katti? I'd personally choose a SM (in this case, Mia) because the critical chance skyrockets

No Sothe?.... *is sad* You could have him bless Peshkatz I guess...

I'd also use Soren for Rexcaliber. An "A" support with him and Ike is +2 atk and +30 avo... that's not bad

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Makalov for the Vague Katti? I'd personally choose a SM (in this case, Mia) because the critical chance skyrockets

As I said, I'm sick of Mia. Makalov is awesome and fugly. I'm using him =P

I'd also use Soren for Rexcaliber. An "A" support with him and Ike is +2 atk and +30 avo... that's not bad

Actually, I think I'm going to support Ike with Oscar or another earth and support Soren with Mist for weird fanboy purposes. In any case, Bastian will get Rexcalibur. Age before beau-uh, what?

As for the Double Bow, forgot to put that one in, sorry. I've used Shinon two times already...and I'm gonna use him again. He's AWESOME. And a racist boozer. What more could you want?

So, that should give me an endgame team of:






6-Bastian Thundertoes





Which means I'm going to have to sacrify one to bring Shinon. Seeing as Sanaki is forced, and I'm not as tempted to bring Calill as much as Makalov, Renning or Oliver...

If you're wondering why I insist on bringing Mak and Oliver, ask yourself why not. Those reasons are why I'm bringing them.

Edited by Thingy Person
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My bad. I'm guessing Shinon. There's only 4 users anyway and 2 are pretty subpar while the other one just takes a lot of time to level.
One of the two you missed out is actually barely on par. Shinon's the only amazing one of the four double bow users.
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Bastion? He's GREAT. Hell, as long as you're using Pelleas, Bastion and Elincia, you don't need to waste a spot for a dedicated healer, since that should be Micaiah.


I used her in the Dawn Brigade playthrough that made me dump the game.

That gives you a hint of how fun it is to use her.

Oh, but Volke is uber fun.

Edited by Destiny Hero
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Alright, cleared 2-1 and 2-2, almost finished 2-3.

In ye olde rustic village, I saved and visited all the houses, resulting in a 25 turns count. I let Nephs kill Yeardley and Maraj, so she's a level 4-something halberdier.

And now, Makalov. I fed him the bexp I got from previous chapters and got him to level 10. Also gave him a Steel Blade and a Killing Edge next to his standard steel sword. It's a shame I forgot to convoynate some of Lucia's weapons.

Makalov abuse. He can oneround almost everything (though that's not saying much, seeing as Count Luvdeck's army is a bunch of Tier 1 losers) and either dodges attacks or receives 1-3 damage from them. The pile of reinforcements to the left are all dealth with and the left wing catapult thingy is also clear. Makalov's already burned through his steel weapons. He's Level 12.

It's going to be quite hard to squeeze in some Makalov Abuse in 2-F while still killing the boss in time. I want my Tomahawk.

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Alright, so I cleared Geoffrey's Charge neatly and brought Makalov to Level 13. That means he leveled up six times total in one chapter.

I also played through part of 2-E. I put Haar on the stairs since he's the only unit capable of tanking that portion (side from Brom). I've also decided to put in some pre-emptive Calill training in case Makalov ends up useless or something. I let Calill drop her fire on the enemies populating the middle level, while Brom tanked the right hand chokepoint. Right now, Nephs, Brom and Calill/Marcia/Elincia (they work in shifts) are lined up next to eachother. The Royal Knights have arrived, and Makalol dominates the scene.

Glad to hear Bastian is good. He's the Bel-Air of Fayre.

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