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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

Okay maybe I can finish a draft I couldn’t get to work before that I had for a different prompt. Interesting. Or maybe I could dust off Silver’s little story again

Maybe it's just because of that animation I posted about, but my first thought was Silver the Hedgehog. I'm assuming that isn't who you're talking about, right?

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1 minute ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Maybe it's just because of that animation I posted about, but my first thought was Silver the Hedgehog. I'm assuming that isn't who you're talking about, right?

No, I’m talking about Silver from a story I posted from two prompts ago. The one where we had to write a story from ad medies res. I believe that was also one of your prompts.

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9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

No, I’m talking about Silver from a story I posted from two prompts ago. The one where we had to write a story from ad medies res. I believe that was also one of your prompts.

Ah, yes, I remember that story now, thank you for reminding me. Go ahead, there's nothing wrong with having a hero who's a returning character.

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Since complaints were made here.

Title: Removal

Fandom: N/A

Word Count: 1, 347



The man yelled, eyes narrowed with the pistol at his side drawn, finger hovering over the trigger as rain started to really pour down with thick droplets of water pounding the pavement below him.  The figure he'd pointed his gun at didn't even seem to either hear or care, making their way forwards. The man had barely a moment to process that he was in danger before the world suddenly went black as his blood joined the rain…




“That's the fifth body this week!” Yelled a young detective, “What the hell are we supposed to do?!”

“Calm down Maseiki San...we have a solution to this problem.”

“What you want to call those fu-”

“Yes.  They're the only ones capable of getting to the bottom of this.  I will ring Mahad and ask him to send us a Flier. Perhaps we'll be able to make sense of these bodies once we have one on hand.”

“This is bull and you know it!  Those things are as bad as...stuff!” The affore named Maseiki yelled remembering not to swear on the job though he was close to it, “And anyway don't they usually work in pairs or something?”

“We'll ask.  That all we can do.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this…” Masen groaned, “Yamato San…”




The call was late at night.  Mahad was aware of the situation and he sighed, “Yet another major vampire clan has been awoken...why am I not surprised.  Kachiri, have you word on-”

“There are three pairs available, Desher Pair, Yuganna and Marik, Shesep Pair, Setonara and Miria, and lastly, Desher Pair Yugiatemu and Galatea.  We also have Desher Pair Yamara and Râtân on standby.”

“Ah is that so.  Perhaps we should send them all as a team.  That might just be enough to sort out the problem.  Though…” Mahad sighed heavily, “Great One give us wisdom to the best outcome to this problem.”




“So what's the mission, Yami?” Yuganna asked as she casually swung the training blade, known as a Cherick, she had thought herself to never have needed it again but...unfortunately sometimes one still needed to stay in tip top condition.  Her long blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail and she kept impatiently brushing her fringe out of her eyes, “And why us?”

An almost identical woman, the young flier's Yami, or Mother chuckled, “Mine dearest one,” She said speaking warmly, “It be a requirement to those who are Shamen to taketh part in missions.  E'en I. For as the dragons doth fly so must we and the vampires are e'er the churls that we shalt deny a foothold in the mortal realm as dideth mine Yame, Atem.”

Yuganna sighed and turned to where a young man with almost white hair was sat watching the pair.  He was her soul mate, Marik. He was the reason she could take on her dragon form and maintain her sanity.  She then spotted her cousin, who didn't even know he was a flier for the longest time.  “Yugiatemu!” Yuganna cried and he jolted,

“Ahh...konichiwa Yuganna chan!” He hastened to bow, “Genki desu?”

Yuganna huffed, “Oh come on!  Use English for the love of the Great One!  And don't call me Yuganna chan!” she snarled viciously.

Yugiatemu looked down, “Gomenasai…”

Yuganna huffed, “Let me guess you don't know how to speak in English or Arabic at least.” She said and he shuffled the dirt of the arena with his foot,

“Little…” He replied and Yuganna rolled her eyes,

“Great this is going to work amazingly.” She said sarcastically, “I don't see why they allowed you to promote from a Sharika if you can't even speak more than one language properly!”

The older woman sighed.  She wasn't surprised by the behaviour from both.  Yamara saw her other nephew Setonara arrive, “He's skilled enough with a blade it's not that important.” the white winged dragon said calmly, “We're apparently leaving come dawn.  Master Mahad said it's likely a more serious kind of vampire that needs us to take it out.”

Yugiatemu shuddered, and Yuganna sheathed the Cherick, “That serious huh?” She said suddenly, “How many…?” she asked softly and Setonara sighed,

“A few.  This one seems to be bottomless in its appetite.”

Yuganna frowned and Yamara looked uneasy, “Bottomless sayeth thee?  Hast Master Mahad said what it be that we doth be dealing with?”

Setonara looked at Yuganna and the small Flier frowned, “He's been avoiding it Yami.” Yuganna said, “Gathering some of the most powerful of our kind for this mission...well it must be a strong one that we're dealing with.  You, Setonara, Yugiatemu and I...we are...some of the most powerful fliers that there are. This has to be serious.”

Setonara nodded.  It wasn't long before a couple of almost ethereal women appeared, one whose eyes were completely destroyed, the other a massive x shaped scar on her face dangerously close to her left eye.  The former, Galatea had destroyed her eyes to enhance her second sight, the latter Miria had tried to rebel against her former masters and failed. Miria’s silver eyes were narrowed, “Is it normal for hunting parties to be so large for so simple a target?” Miria asked and Yuganna smiled softly,

“We're a lot different from what you are used to.  Mostly more powerful vampires have at least three or more Sharman to one Shamen.  The more experienced you are the easier a task will be after all and the less likely we are to lose someone out in the field.”

Miria hummed softly and tugged at her long ponytail, her hair refused to fully stay in said ponytail. “Then we're as ready as we can be I suppose.”

“Aye.” Yamara said, “We shalt speaketh with the humans upon our arrival.  They wilt helpeth us methinks enough to gather our hunting ground.”




The red haired woman, if she could be called that let out a low laugh.  So predictable. She'd grown bored of the little worms what she had to devour to keep herself functioning and now, they seemed to be on the alert, not that it mattered.  She stood before the mirror and smirked widely, “So we shall fight once more...Yamara, my sister. Too bad you wasted your time with those pathetic creatures while I gained our true power.  Destroying you will make for an interesting game, heh, heh, heh.”

The woman's black wings moved as she inspected them.  She would bring about the destruction of the one Flier that could stop her.  The Great One a farce told to little hybrids to keep them quiet, what had he given her but torture and pain?  The woman closed her eyes and looked to the small creatures she'd gone and taken for snacks. They were so weak and pathetic.  She wasn't hungry yet, so she would let them keep a little longer.  She stepped out into the dark night as she felt the need to unsettle her once sister.  Make Yamara see how weak she'd become. The woman let out an evil chuckle, the kind of wickedness few would indulge in and she grinned.  She would love to have a crack at her own sister. What were familiar bonds anyway? They mattered little and quite frankly she didn't care.


She made her way forwards and followed her senses.  Tonight she would rid herself of the last thing that stopped her achieving full power.




Yuganna froze.  She cast her eyes to Setonara and her Yami.  Both were frowning as a red haired woman appeared from nowhere, her eyes bloodshot and her body marred beyond recognition.

“W-who is that?!” Yuganna cried gaping at the woman as she frowned,

“What's this?  A little hatchling?  Oh Great One don't make me laugh.  As if children like you could hope to defeat me.”

Yamara gripped her blade, and a sigh escaped her, “I shouldeth known...Nami.”  Yuganna frowned,

“Yami?” She asked

“Ne'er didest I thinketh thou wouldest be behind this.  I wit nay yield sister.”

“How rich.  I'll end you where you stand.”


Edited by TheSilentChloey
Because complaints win everything
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Oi--I don't think I'm gonna make it this time.

At this rate I'm first going to be getting around to reviewing last round at the time I would normally be writing for the present one.

I did have a really cool idea for a Tellius prompt where Tellius is a planet set in the 40k-verse. Ashera is an (minor) Eldar God--ancient eldar, before the fall, back when the Eldar actually knew how to create and control their own gods--created to function as a sort of living anti-chaos ward and seal-off an open warp rift on the planet.

Said warp rift was opened on the lost continent that Ashera "sunk" 800 years ago; the whole continent had been corrupted by chaotic energies pouring out of the rift. The sinking was in fact part of the sealing away of the corruption. Yune was created by Ashera casting off the piece of herself that had to reach out and touch the chaos taint in order to seal it.

Relevance to the Prompt???

After the events of Fe10: Ashera's dead. The seal is broken. The lost continent rises, the rift is open, and the entities she sealed away are free to murderfuck their merry little way across the globe.

And now our intrepid heroes for the first time--bless their hearts, they thought they were dealing with a Chaos God when they met Yune--they get violated in ways that would have me struggling to keep this story rated T "introduced" to a Greater Demon of Slaanesh:

Related image


There's no way I'm getting this done on deadline.  I have too much work IRL and this wouldn't just be a little 2,000 word one-shot: it would be a full project.

Maybe for a future round.

I do wanna start doing Fire Emblem/40k Crossovers at some point. 

Edited by Shoblongoo
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On 4/3/2019 at 6:51 PM, Shoblongoo said:

And now our intrepid heroes for the first time--bless their hearts, they thought they were dealing with a Chaos God when they met Yune--they get violated in ways that would have me struggling to keep this story rated T "introduced" to a Greater Demon of Slaanesh:

I do wanna start doing Fire Emblem/40k Crossovers at some point. 

Now Shob, is that any way for a new father to be thinking?

That sounds like a weird crossover, and therefore I feel inclined to support it. From what little I understand of Warhammer, it wouldn't be out of the question for pirates and beast Laguz to be hanging around.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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3 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

That is correct. I apologize if I was not sufficiently clear in expressing that.

Ah, glad I remembered right then, Chloey might have been told of her mistake too late otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Chloey, I think you were supposed to create a completely new villain, not use an existing one. Am I right, @AnonymousSpeed?

Oh so NOW you point that out :/

1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

That is correct. I apologize if I was not sufficiently clear in expressing that.

Yeah, that would be a sage idea.  Not that it matters much anyway.

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26 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Oh so NOW you point that out :/

Well sorry, I didn't know it was my job to point out your error. :/

26 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yeah, that would be a sage idea.  Not that it matters much anyway.

He pretty much already did though. I understood he wanted us to make a new villain. Not sure how it wasn't clear to you.

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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Well sorry, I didn't know it was my job to point out your error. :/

He pretty much already did though. I understood he wanted us to make a new villain. Not sure how it wasn't clear to you.

Because clearly you can't pick up sarcasm...:rolleyes:

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9 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Because clearly you can't pick up sarcasm...:rolleyes:

Because clearly you weren't very good at being sarcastic. It's also specially hard for someone with autism like me to pick it up over the internet which is just text.

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9 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Because clearly you weren't very good at being sarcastic. It's also specially hard for someone with autism like me to pick it up over the internet which is just text.

I second this, can confirm.

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Enrty updated.  Took far too long with it and debated on how dark to make it to stay within PG because you know RULES state as such.  Not happy with it but don't really care, it was awful to work with.

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Okay for a little bit of fun/shits and giggles, I ran some Declawed excerpts through Gizoogle. Declawed is my favorite entry of mine so far so yeah. First one in quote, second in spoiler because second is longer and so you guys can see what Gizoogle does at a glance.


Da two entia looked at each other, then back at Farran. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. "I was up in one of tha lookout towers." Kaizel explained. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "I was up in charge of lookin fo' anythang suspicious comin from tha air. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. We all thought our securitizzle system would never let anythang git all up in though, so we pretty much just holla'd at jokes n' wack stories over tha radio, until Lord Kallian tuned up in one time when we'd had all dem dranks n' tha conversation got...wild n' raunchy-"

"Yo ass was poppin' off bout nopon screwin up in light bulbs n' then Jarack from tha ether plant chimed up in wit tha filthiest damn joke I've eva heard up in mah game." Jaylen butted in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. "Made mah jaw drop when I heard dat shit. Yo ass could tell dat joke up in a funky-ass bar n' git holla'd at 'woah, dawg, peep it, there be a mechanics here.' I straight-up just bout puked, dat shiznit was DISGUSTING."

Kaizel shrugged. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "And Lord Kallian yelled at all of our asses n' holla'd we weren't allowed ta do dat no mo' fo' realz. And what tha fuck da perved-out muthafucka say goes yo. Dude banned cliff divin fo' soldiers cuz some lady hit a rock n' cracked her head open. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So...we don't straight-up do anythang too wild-ass fo' funk no mo'."

"Lord Kallian, tha empress' brother?" Farran asked.

Kaizel nodded. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Yes fo' realz. Anyway, afta tha comedy club was banned, I was bugged out outta mah mind, n' one dizzle I saw tha securitizzle drones movin fasta than normal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack fo' realz. A closer look, n' they was chasin somethang fo' realz. A big-ass black mechon wit massive claws. I immediately hit tha crisis alarm button."

"And then tha whole hood was up in lockdown n' tha fighta airships came out." Jaylen added. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Somehow, Emperor Sorean gots outta tha hood n' made his way ta Prison Island, where da thug was capped by dat big-ass black mechon dat we now know as Metal Face."



"...Yo ass is Mumkhar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. My fuckin astrological father."

"And yo' adopted muthafathas named you Farran. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Decent name I guess. I wouldn't have known WHAT ta name you, biatch...if I even knew you existed yo, but I'd just let yo' mutha name you, I guess. But then I'd be required ta bust her lil pimp support payments."

Farran just stared. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "But why now, biatch? Why afta all these muthafuckin years have you just now decided ta acknowledge me son, biatch? Surely you figured up bout me before now, nahmeean?"

Mumkhar shrugged. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Honestly, biatch? I was holla'd at by tha rulaz of tha dead I could git mah way outta hell if I repented enough, n' part of dat was poppin' off ta you, biatch."

"I guess I understand."

"Thatz a phat boy." For a second, Mumkhar straight-up looked, n' sounded, like a proper daddy n' shit. "I gotta git away from Egil fo' realz. All da ruffneck do is boss me round n' pick on mah dirty ass. 'Metal Face, brang me another one of dem oil drops, mah armz stiff.' 'Metal Face, clean up yo' smelly disgustin mess muthafucka! I just stepped up in dat shiznit son!' For his crazy-ass muthafuckin shiznit dat was TAR! Dude straight-up be thinkin I can still take a thugged-out dump up in tha afterlife, n' dat I'd do it up in tha middle of tha floor, biatch? What is I ta him, a animal, biatch? Sheesh!"

Farran cringed slightly. "From what tha fuck I heard of him, da thug was a major racist tyrant, so he probably do be thinkin homs is muthafuckas."
Mumkhar blinked. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Probably. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Slippery lil hustla of a funky-ass biiiatch anyway...he straight-up gots heaven fo' like fifteen minutes muthafucka! Silver tongued tha gatekeepers, holla'd at dem he fought fo' justice n' ta save tha machina displaced by tha titan fight eons ago. But then they dug tha fuck into his wild lil' file, or record, or whatever itz called, n' saw dat he'd committed genocizzle n' war crimes yo. Dude had da most thugged-out pissed off look on his wild lil' grill when he entered hell.. n' you KNOWS dat shiznit was just cuz he'd died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Judgin from experience. I was impaled by a giant spike up in Sword Valley n' plummeted ta mah doom, gots crushed by mah own metal shell fo' realz. And I figured Egil had took a dirt nap somehow like dis shiznit fo' realz. And dat would piss mah playas off. But nope, da thug was pissed cuz he gots kicked outta heaven. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude was there long enough ta peep suttin' bangin-ass though cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. Therez dis tree up there dat grows thangs called spirit nuggets, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. They can taste like whatever you want dem ta taste like, even if tha dead don't need chicken n' you know I be eatin up dat shizzle all muthafuckin day, biatch. I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! And they use dem fo' currency up in poker tournaments fo' realz. And Big Wings be a major sore weak-ass muthafucka, n' his schmoooove ass curls up in a funky-ass bizzle of feathers n' don't rap ta anybody fo' minutes when he loses!" Mumkhar let up a gruff snortin laugh. "I gotta peep that!"

"Big Wings?"

"Emperor Sorey-suttin' or other."

"Da entia you murdered."

"Dude was up in mah way!" Mumkhar threw his thugged-out arms up in a "who cares" gesture.
"...Why. Why did you do all dat you did, biatch? What was tha meanin of all that?" Farran was rappin up in a thugged-out demandin tone.

"Son, yo' grandparents treated mah crazy ass like shiznit growin up. Yo crazy-ass grandfather would come home faded as a skunk n' beat tha crap outta me as soon as look all up in mah face. Yo crazy-ass grandmutha was no help fo' realz. And they was both no help when tha other lil playas also treated mah crazy ass like shit."

"Yo ass was bullied as a kid so you became a funky-ass bully yo ass cuz dat was all you knew."

"Thatz da most thugged-out simple way ta put it, yes."

"Yo ass was obsessed wit juice so you would stop at not a god damn thang ta git dat shit."


"Which ended up bein yo' downfall."

"All right already dawwwwg! Stop!" Mumkhar snapped. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Why is you so smart, dammit?!" Brief, awkward pause. "I be goin ta return you ta tha ghetto of tha livin now, nahmeean, biatch? But first...I know you worried you gonna end up like mah dirty ass. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I had some time ta think, straight-up think, n' I can now rap  dat sometimes blood don't gotta be thicker than gin n juice n' shit. Yo ass is free ta follow yo' own path. I won't bother you, biatch. Yo ass live yo' game how tha fuck you want to."

Farranz eyes widened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Fatherly wisdom...from tha psychotic playa whoz ass was only his wild lil' daddy up in termz of DNA, biatch? "...Thanks, biatch? I guess?"

"Yo ass is welcome. I guess."

Mumkhar's kinda gangsta anyway? Give him his bitches and hoes xD

If anyone else does this with some of their entries, show it to me.

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According to weird people on the internet, two males cannot be just friends, and any males that act friendly toward each other are homosexual.


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29 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Eh, I believe it's a friendly joke.

You'd be hoping it's a friendly joke and not anything else.

26 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

According to the French humanist Michel de Montaigne, it is only possible for friendship to exist between two men.

That's bullshit. (Inset countless counter arguments here).

21 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

According to weird people on the internet, two males cannot be just friends, and any males that act friendly toward each other are homosexual.


That's even more sexist lol.

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