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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I found an idea for an entry! I was originally contemplating doing the Greil death scene in PoR from Black Knight/Zelgius's point of view, but I didn't feel like I could provide enough meat in it beyond what the game already presents in the scene. I later decided to do a different, much later PoR scene from another antagonist's point of view instead, and it's one antagonist that unfortunately got less love than the others. I was able to do more emotional and feelsy stuff with this one!

Title: Regrets of a General
Fandom: Fire Emblem (Path of Radiance)
Words: 3432

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Regrets of a General
The plague of bloodshed was upon the vast entry courtyard to Castle Crimea. Weapons had begun to clash, the clanging echoing off the walls, while blood was streaked across the dirt, foliage, and stone. One side of the battle was comprised of many soldiers clad in ebony armor. They all wielded swords, axes, lances, bows, and magical tomes, some mounted upon horses while others soared the sky upon wyverns. The only exceptions were a few warriors that had been stationed near the gates. They were tall dragons standing upon two legs, their minds unfortunately warped beyond repair and forced to fight against their will. The army they fought against was valiantly comprised of many different types of soldiers. Some were like those from their opponents, but clad mainly in bright silvery armor. Others were able to transform into cats, birds, and even more dragons. Several nations of the continent of Tellius had come together to aid Crimea in its time of most need against the invading army of Daein.
One Daein general looked on from the main passage through the courtyard. He stood about halfway between the gates and the castle doors. The Crimean Liberation Army was closing in, and he had but little time to think. And yet, he had much to think about. Too much, he knew, to completely dwell on before it became his time to join the bloodshed. Part of Bryce didn't actually want to fight. He would have liked to bring peace without violence and return to his country. To return to the people he had to fight for. But that was just it: he had to fight. For those people, and for Daein. He was a general that had been serving his kingdom since the age of fifteen.
And even right before this battle had begun, Bryce learned some of the most horrific information he'd heard in a very long time. He had vowed to protect his king, Ashnard, since he was all that was left of the royal line. And yet, the very reason for that was Ashnard himself.
"The thing that killed my father was not a plague. It was me. Oh, but it doesn't end there. There was my stepmother, too. And every brother who stood to be a legitimate heir... All of them died by my hand."
The king's words still rang in Bryce's head. How this act sickened him inside, and yet for the sake of his country, he was compelled to fight. Somehow, the love for his country was overriding his moral side. And he couldn't stop it, no matter how hard he tried.
Yet, that wasn't even the worst of it. No, Ashnard had said one more devastating sentence just before Bryce had gone to take his station on the battlefield.
"By the way... Perhaps you should know something else. This makes no difference to my plans or yours anyway, I assume, seeing as you wish to protect me no matter what. I recently was told that your son perished in Nados Castle with the Black Knight. Heh heh, how unfortunate. Your boy could've really gone somewhere in my ideal world... But as it goes, only the strong survive. Heh..."
As soon as these words had left Ashnard's lips, Bryce found himself frozen where he stood as he had been about to go to his assigned post. His gaze just stared as his eyes grew glassy. He almost didn't realize when he did begin walking towards his post. And it was a miracle that no one seemed to notice a few tears trail down his cheeks as he'd made his way through the courtyard. His son, his only son, had not made it out of Nados Castle alive. And now it was like Bryce's entire world shattered to millions of tiny pieces.
"Jerec... My son..." he uttered in a near whisper, vainly holding back more tears. Not even the shapeshifting laguz's sharper hearing might have heard it.
Jerec was all Bryce had for the longest time, not counting his closest allies in the Daein army. General Gawain had been a noble friend, as had fellow General Tauroneo. However, Jerec was the one thing that kept Bryce going in the darkest of times. Particularly after the boy's mother had died giving birth to him.
"Susan... My love..."
Bryce tried to keep a grimace off of his face, but was unable to before a nearby soldier seemed to notice and ask if the general was okay.
"I-I am fine. Focus on the battle, not me," he ordered. The soldier obliged.
However, Bryce felt hypocritical saying this. He was not finding it easy to focus on the battle at hand himself. This battle that would decide the fate of Daein...and perhaps what would happen to Jerec's body. Would someone else learn of his death and search for the remains? Was it ever possible for him to get a proper burial? Bryce could not prevent remembering the last conversation he had with his son, which they had at Nados Castle during the journey through Crimea.
"Jerec. I am sorry, but I need you to remain here with the Black Knight. I will be going with His Majesty to Castle Crimea," Bryce had told the young man, who was still fairly ripe as a captain in the army.
"...What?! Dad, why? I'd rather fight in Melior alongside you than stay here with that coward hiding under a helmet! I'm not sure why Ashnard even trusts him, we don't know who he is!"
"In fact, why are we even fighting this war?" Jerec wondered. "Crimea is a pain in the ass, and the dirty sub-humans...I don't know what the hell is up with them, especially those crazy Feral Ones, but what could've possibly warranted a conflict of this magnitude? What does Ashnard really gain from it all? I just...I don't understand."
At this, Bryce looked down and closed his eyes for a moment before responding.
"He...has his beliefs and goals. Even if they are unusual...and perhaps insane. That is all I can say there. But if our country is to survive and not fall into a dark fate, we must fight. Even if we don't like the reason why. Your mother wanted us to protect our people and serve them to the best of our abilities. We are doing just that."
"But would she have wanted to follow Ashnard or wanted all this bloodshed? I can't imagine that."
Bryce had paused at this. He was not entirely sure how to answer. Susan would not have been proud of the war or Ashnard's ideals at all. And yet, Bryce could not lie to his own son.
"...No. I would think not. But even she would have also had no choice...His Majesty...would have made sure of it in some way. I am sorry."
"...Jerec, fight for what you believe is right. Do not worry about Ashnard. I and your mother only wish for you to be the best man you can be. To help and protect the weak, as I have taught you. Even if it seems like...the fight you're forced into is a horrible one."
"...Well, you're right about that. I will not let you down, Dad."
"I am glad to hear it. The Crimean Liberation Army is not far away. Their general will surely come by here, as Sir Black Knight appears to be eagerly awaiting his arrival. I have heard this general is strong. Be prepared."
"Yes, Sir. As ordered."
Bryce began to walk away, but then came to a stop before he opened the door of the room the two were in. He did not turn to face Jerec, however.
"And Jerec...if something shall happen to me and I don't return to you..." he began, "I wish to name you a Daein Rider in my place. You do not have to accept the title right away, but in time, my son, you will have earned it. I am certain."
"But... Dad..."
Bryce had departed after that, and never saw Jerec again. Who would have guessed that that "Farewell" was going to mean so much more in the end?
And yet, Jerec was not all Bryce had to think about. There was more plaguing his mind, more than even Jerec himself had known. And one of the things that ate at Bryce most was the fact that he never told these things to his own son. It hurt him like a blade to the gut to have had to keep any secrets from Jerec. Susan's death had always weighed heavily upon him. So heavy, that he might have one day taken his own life if not for the fact that his son needed him. ...And later, his daughter.
"Oh, Jerec... Please, forgive me... Rosemary...Susan...I am so sorry..."
Jerec had not known that he had a half-sister, and now, he would never get to meet her. He would never know a real family or more love than whatever a father that periodically drank his sorrows away could offer, if any of it was real enough.
"I only wanted to protect all of you..." Bryce uttered some more.
He didn't seem to be able to protect anyone now. He could not save the frail and sickly Susan from her illnesses, even with the help of her younger sister, a former priestess of Palmeni Temple. He couldn't protect his own son. He had to do what he could to provide for Rosemary and her mother, Amanda, in secret, lest Ashnard find out and possibly endanger them, and while they were safe, it was still a struggle. He felt as if he had betrayed his love for Susan by bedding another woman, especially when it happened after he had gone too far with his alcohol. And now, Bryce wasn't sure how he expected to protect Ashnard or Daein either.
But he had to try. It was all he could do. It was all he had to live for. Otherwise, why not plunge his Wishblade lance into his own gut right now? At least...he would see his wife and son again. But he served Daein, and he had Rosemary and Amanda to think of. The least Bryce could do for Susan and Jerec was to protect who remained of his loved ones as well as his country.
"Father... Please, don't go! You don't have to fight! You can stay here, right? Ashnard doesn't have to know!" young Rosemary had begged before the Daein army began the march to Crimea while leaving other soldiers to defend Nevassa.
"I'm sorry, my dear... But with my rank and strength, I am needed to ensure that we...that you and your mother, have a future," Bryce replied.
"But... I'll really miss you... You're away so much already..."
"I know... I really am sorry... But I promise you, you will be taken care of. Nothing shall happen to either of you."
It didn't seem long at all before Bryce sensed a familiar presence nearby and was snapped out of his trance. He soon spied one of his old friends, General Tauroneo himself. Bryce recognized the man's bright silvery white armor anywhere since it was an unusual sight among Daein soldiers. ...And yet, Tauroneo wasn't fighting anyone from the Crimean army. He was fighting his own countrymen. Bryce's gaze strayed to the path below him as he closed his eyes for a moment. Oh, my old friend. I never expected that we would meet like this.
Tauroneo had finished cutting down a Crimean swordsman when he noticed Bryce as well, and spoke up.
"Bryce," he said. "How unfortunate we should cross paths this way."
"Ah, Tauroneo... I see that you have found another path to follow. Perhaps you were inspired by my old friend Gawain," Bryce replied.
"Tell me, Bryce. Beyond mountains of corpses, what do you see Ashnard bringing to the future of this place?" Tauroneo inquired, clearly in no mood for idle chit-chat.
"...I see nothing, save for a land of absolute darkness and terror."
Tauroneo seemed to sense that Bryce meant those words in more ways than one.
"Then why fight by his side?" he wondered.
"Some men can change, Tauroneo," Bryce answered rather abruptly. "Others cannot... I am of the latter type. There is no other reason."
"I see... May your soul find peace."
Bryce thought Tauroneo was about to raise his weapon against him, even though he could not blame him at all if he did. A moment later, however, a younger man sporting unkempt blue hair and storm blue eyes approached, a long green headband cascading from the back of his head. He was wielding a large, golden blade Bryce had previously known the Black Knight to be in possession of. How this man had gotten his hands on it, Bryce was not sure. He could only assume he had taken it at Nados Castle. This young man, however, who looked no more than eighteen years of age, clearly had to be the opposing general. He had the look and stance of one, without a doubt, surprising for one so young.
The young man spoke softly to Tauroneo for a few moments. Bryce couldn't make out what they were saying, but he could sense that the man was asking him of another task on the battlefield, as Tauroneo nodded to his new superior and walked off after that. The young man then turned to face Bryce, though he did not yet raise his sword.
"You're a commander, but you do not look like you truly wish to fight this battle," the general said. "I can allow you to surrender now before you end up throwing your life away."
"Thank you, but my answer is no. I will fight for Daein until my last breath," Bryce declined. "It is my duty and my only choice."
"...Very well then. I guess any further attempt to convince you will do nothing."
"Indeed. So you're the enemy general, eh?" Bryce continued. "You're much younger than I had imagined."
"My age matters not," the young general replied. "The palace will be ours this day."
"We will not relinquish it so easily," Bryce warned. "But allow me to introduce myself as befits a warrior. I am Bryce of Daein."
"And I am Ike of the Greil Mercenaries," the general added. "Now... Let us begin!"
With that, Bryce brandished his Wishblade and Ike raised his spectacular sword. The young man's stance was somehow...familiar. However, Bryce had no time to ponder it and clashed with the man's blade as quickly as he could despite his heavy armor. He knew he had a slight advantage. Lances typically had the edge over swords in one on one combat. He was unsure why Ike would come at him with a sword when he surely had capable axe wielding soldiers who could have taken him on instead. Perhaps this Ike thought he stood the best chance. Or perhaps when he'd seen Tauroneo conversing with Bryce, he decided to avoid having the old Daein general be forced to face off against someone he had called friend.
Whatever the case was, Bryce had to take as much advantage of it as he could. The Wishblade outreached even the length of Ike's massive sword, and finding openings was not difficult. However, as Bryce expected, Ike proved to be far from a pushover. He easily side-stepped most blows, with the only hits he was taking being scrapes and bumps from the Wishblade occasionally barely scratching him. At one point, Ike leaped backward and then jumped forward into the air. He came down with a swing so hard that Bryce ended up a hair away from being placed on the ground upon his back.
He managed to keep his footing, however, and repeatedly block as many of the young man's sword strikes as he could. Yet, Ike was not only strong, he was also fast. He far out-sped the slow, heavily armored Bryce, and so the Daein general needed to stand his ground as best he could. And occasionally, while Ike still took a few gashes and bruises from Bryce's own blows, Bryce himself was met with chips in his armor and a gash or two in the few areas that were left uncovered by his suit.
This boy's entire style...why is it so familiar? Bryce asked himself as he shielded yet another blow. He had a theory, but could not know for certain if it was true. And anyway, he had a battle to finish.
Unfortunately, Bryce may have been distracted long enough by his pondering for one more strong blow from Ike to force him to stumble a little. Before the Daein general could regain his balance, the young man side stepped behind him and tossed his great blade into the air. He leaped up to grab it and came down with a long slice to Bryce's back side, creating the biggest gash in his armor and skin that anyone could have ever seen. And that wasn't the end of it. Ike then went into a backward flip to go into a second upward strike which made the gash even wider and slightly deeper.
"AAAAAUUGH!" Bryce bellowed almost loud enough for the entire courtyard to hear. Yet, neither of these blows were fatal despite having weakened him. He could still go on. He had to, for the sake of his remaining loved ones. For the sake of his wife and son.
Bryce whirled around despite the pain to raise the Wishblade once more to Ike. He tried to strike, only to then find the gold of the young general's blade at the lower left of his torso...and protruding out of the other side.
The Daein general's mouth gaped and his eyes bulged as Ike then yanked his sword out of his flesh a moment later. The Wishblade fell out of Bryce's trembling hand as he fell to his knees, grasping his severely bleeding wound. This was the end for him. The wound was bleeding out too fast for a healer to reach him in time. He had lost...even though he gave all he could for his loved ones. ...And yet ironically, he it also felt as if his long time pain was finally beginning to heal. He weakly raised his gaze to Ike again, the young general seemingly not too fazed by his own injuries. ...Though that might have been because strangely, it looked as if some of them had...healed. There were not many sword techniques capable of such a feat.
"Your name was Bryce, was it not?" Ike recalled. "You fought...a good fight."
"As...did you...Ike," Bryce uttered between heavy pained breaths. "I...commend you... Your style of fencing...is unique... Who was your teacher?"
"My father. Greil."
"I thought...I recognized that style. You truly are Gawain's... I see it...now... The resemblance...is strong..."
"Farewell, knight," was all Ike said in response as Bryce became too weak to stay upright any longer. He collapsed to the ground in front of him.
Yet, before Bryce exhaled his final breath, a whisper too soft for even Ike to hear left his lips.
"Forgive me... everyone..."
In the next moment, Bryce's corpse was still and lifeless. Before Ike would continue further towards Ashnard, whom waited at the top of the stairs that led to the castle doors, he took a moment to ponder as he looked at the body lying before him. The nearby Daein soldiers either had become frozen with fear and shock that their general had fallen, or were preoccupied with Ike's allies.
"It's unfortunate that an honorable man such as yourself had to fight for a tyrant like Ashnard," Ike said. "I will ask Tauroneo if you can be given a proper burial in Daein."
With that, the young man turned around to place his focus upon the remainder of his enemies.
By this point, Bryce had already begun to feel his spirit move to the afterlife. A strange feeling of peace further began to envelop him, and somehow, he saw and heard what Ike had just said. And yet, what appeared to be the glowing form of Susan also shimmered into existence before him.
In the next moment, Ike could swear he felt a sudden, but momentary light breeze through his unruly hair and cape. It vanished just as quickly as it had come. He merely brushed it off as nothing but the heat of battle possibly beginning to get to him a little. The spirit of General Bryce, however, knew it was something more.
"Thank you... My nephew..."


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A few points to note:

- I did take some dialogue from within the game. I kinda had no choice there. But I also added some new bits!

- If you didn't already guess, yes, I decided to make Bryce Ike's uncle by marriage. Susan's sister is Elena.

- If you also didn't already pick this up, the fact that only Susan appeared before Bryce as his spirit departed and Jerec did not implies that Jerec is actually alive. However, whether or not Ashnard really thought he was dead or was just lying to be a prick to Bryce is up to your imagination. :P

- Bryce having served the Daein royalty since he was 15 is probably the only bit of backstory here that's actually canon. He mentions this to Ashnard just before the Endgame battle starts.


Ok, so slight spoiler for my thing here...


Mine will also borrow dialogue from an FE.

As for the story...


From someone who had not even touched a Tellius game, I felt this was a nice use of the prompt. I feel Fire Emblem is rife with moments like this. And the story itself has made me like Bryce a lot, at least as much as a fan work can. He was already good in the game he starred (I basically know all endgame spoilers for each FE, but I still wanna play them all).

So yeah, good improvement over the last one.


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10 minutes ago, Azure in a Roundabout said:

Ok, so slight spoiler for my thing here...

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Mine will also borrow dialogue from an FE.

As for the story...

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From someone who had not even touched a Tellius game, I felt this was a nice use of the prompt. I feel Fire Emblem is rife with moments like this. And the story itself has made me like Bryce a lot, at least as much as a fan work can. He was already good in the game he starred (I basically know all endgame spoilers for each FE, but I still wanna play them all).

So yeah, good improvement over the last one.


Oh yay, thank you! ^^ Glad I did a good job this time! I'm also glad that even someone who never played Tellius could understand and enjoy it well enough. :) Bryce struck me as a tragic guy, possibly one of the most tragic Camus-type guys in the series. So a tragic history he got here.


Edited by Anacybele
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Ugh I’m so conflicted with this piece I’m writing right now. Like I don’t know how to write it in a way that’s not gonna piss off whoever reads it

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2 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Ugh I’m so conflicted with this piece I’m writing right now. Like I don’t know how to write it in a way that’s not gonna piss off whoever reads it

I mean the worst that can happen is we tell you why we don't like it.

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6 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I mean the worst that can happen is we tell you why we don't like it.

True and I apologize if I sounded pretentious with that statement. The problem I keep running into is trying to make unlikable characters likable. Oh well I’ll figure something out

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Well since I'm not known for my patience, here's my entry:

Title: A Dragon's Question

Words: 1,622


There are few backstories as...hmm I wouldn't say tragic...violent perhaps, or dangerous...or as...now what was the word my Summoner used again?


Ugh.  It matters little.  There are few stories matching mine I would like to think.  What would a worm like her know about me? And why is she so determined to help me?  Does she not know the danger she courts with each moment she decides to pester me?


I am the literal Fell Dragon Grima.


So why…?


Why should a worm like her spend so much time around...me?  I wonder if the whispers I've heard are right and the Summoner is truly so unsound of mind that she dares to court such danger as me...


Surely it can't be because I am who I am, even if those other foolish worms occasionally mistake me for the vessel- they still know to avoid me and to my relief don't pester me too much.  I am fine without their company, especially those wretched Children of Naga. I only tolerate the one who calls herself “Marth” since my Summoner doesn't force me to be near that wretched Child of Naga more than necessary, though her position has since been taken up by a Morgan to my relief.  Perhaps that was the summoner's doing.


That worm is a true enigma in all sense of the word and perhaps crazy isn't even close to describing the summoner.  She was...delighted to have summoned me here. Yet I cannot figure out her motives. What is it that her heart truly desires?  I have asked her and she said, "Peace for Askr and an end to the conflict." yet I was certain that was false. No human is that selfless.


I am confused.


Why does she look at me with understanding and not pity I see from most other summoners?  And why is she so determined to ‘help’ me? And why must she pester me so?  What is it about me that fascinates her so much?  I asked her before and she waved it off and said, "I just wanted to give you some company.  It must be lonely being by yourself all of time, I of all people should know that." as if I could ever get lonely.


The nerve!


I am the Wings of Despair, the Breath of Ruin!


I am not some common worm that needs or wants company!


Yet my Summoner insists on it.  I suppose I can humour her. Anything to spare me her pestering me like she seems to do- I barely get to be alone.  Almost as she feels that closeness of her will change me. Yet most confusing of all is that she says little. Perhaps she seeks my company to escape the other worms.  They don't dare come near her whenever she is near me...


I do not have answers to my questions and I fear she is no different than other summoners and all of these worms that surround me.


She apologised again today.  My summoner was bouncing from foot to foot and blaming herself for my current state of injury.  A mere worm fretting over me is...not something I am used to, certainly unlike most I have seen.  Most I am able to tell she said some gibberish about wrong placement as if somehow she was to blame.  I am sure she shouldn't be so horrifically pained by the mere thought of her units getting harmed. What else are we but tools to use as she sees fit?  Is that not our purpose in this world?


Yet she confuses me.  She hates seeing those who she summoned getting hurt.  I know...should know. How many worthless apologies has she stammered out to me blaming her own shortcomings rather than letting me point out the pure numbers?  How many meaningless...or are they more meaningful than I first assumed? Does my Summoner really…?


I must watch this...summoning process.  I will hopefully figure it out what it is she is doing.


So many copies of “heroes” I've already seen before.  She asks them to go to a waiting area for a time. Her hope consistently crushed, it would be delicious if not for how she simply uses more orbs and stubbornly holds to hope.  Sometimes surprise hits her face. Sometimes sadness.


Yet the same tone- monotone- asks them to head through the doors to the left.  Two others like me are asked to go there, and I seize my chance,

“What are you planing Summoner?” I demanded,

“Merges.” She replied, “It will make you stronger.”

I snorted, as she lead the way.  A strange book in her hands that she handled with care.  I had not seen this place before and she placed the book on a table.


“Now what?” I asked her.  She grinned, “Summoner?”

“A moment please Grima, you'll see~!”


I watched her and saw what she had planned.  What was this… ‘merge allies’ she was getting up to?  I didn't have long to wait, "This power surpasses the gods, I will bring destruction."

She chuckles, "Only eight more to go." She said and I raised an eyebrow,

"Until what?" I asked her,

"Until you're even stronger." She declared with a grin, "Oh and while we're at it...here, a combat manuel." She informed me brightly, "There's some skills that might help you in battle."


I frowned.  Why was she investing in me?




I was surprised by the device I'd managed to get a look at over her shoulder.  A list of units she wanted to ten plus stared at me. Interesting. I watched as she recorded each of the heroes she wanted to...enhance I think she said.  I was surprised to see that she was making notes on how best to 'enhance' me. I frowned and tried to see what it said on the screen and couldn't make sense of the strange letters and numbers.  I guessed it said something about me having...aether but that was impossible...unless…


"Oh and while we're at it- here a combat manual.  There's some skills that might help you in battle."


Did that book have something to do with it…?


I spoke, "I demand counsel this instant!" She jolted and turned to face me.  Dark rimmed glasses askew until she pushed them up her nose, her apparent surprise short lived.  I couldn't help but wonder how she could be so calm, even if my tone was less than...pleasant.

"Something the matter Grimmy?" She put her device down and I swore she seemed to be surprised that I was choosing to break the supposed silence between us both.  And she used that name again.  Gods I hated it when she was...so...so...

"Explain how I managed to get aether." I said sharply and I swore I saw a soft smile on her face,

"The combat manual I gave you had it there." She explained, "And I was looking into some of the other summoners' builds.  One of them said aether was good for arena and helps you regain health allowing a healer to be a little less needed."

She made sense.  I supposed. "And this...build-"

"Oh we're not quite done yet.  We need an attack smoke manual and reposition or swap." She grinned, "Giving you flexibility and making nice debuffs as well."

I had to admit she was fairly smart...sometimes.  Now if she could stop calling me 'Grimmy'...


She wasn't the worst summoner I suppose.  She seemed to be investing in me for her own reasons.  I wasn't sure why but it seemed she had a point. I blinked as she scooped up the device and tapped the screen twice.  I frowned at the label.


Fallen Robin M.


I tried to ignore it as she started talking about different set ups and skills.  The way she talked...it was more tactician than she gave herself credit for. Still I couldn't help but wonder how she could switch like that.  Yet the label troubled me.


I wasn't Robin.  I am Grima!


"Earth to Grimmy- you in there." Her voice was gentle and I frowned, "Seriously I still don't get why they didn't bother putting the right name down.  It's almost as bad as when people misspell mine." She rolled her eyes and I blinked,

"Who?" I asked and she said with about as much venom as a fly,

"Eye Ess." I frowned, and she shrugged, "The same idiots that made the Seven Deadly Camillas." I snorted.  I think I was at least understanding her humour. She wasn't as crazy as the others claimed her to be it seemed.


Maybe this was what humans called friendship?  Hard to tell as she seemed to pull the nickname from somewhere and as I thought on that she pat my head.










Does she not know what she is dealing with?!


Yet...I noticed she seemed content.  I surely could not…


I suppose I can tolerate it.  After all she doesn't seem to pull on the contract and I suppose being relatively free to do my own thing isn't that bad.  Especially if it's stomping worms. And I suppose the combat manuals she gives me are somewhat useful…


Bah.  I guess I'll figure out later how I feel.



I dared to ask her why she chose to invest so much into me.  Her words confuse me, even though they are sincere,

“You have potential to rise beyond what you think you should be and be someone you are instead of someone you're not.”

I don't understand...is she truly as crazy as the others think she is?  Or is there more to the Summoner than I can follow?

I wonder how predictable this is...

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Title: Destiny Awakes

Fandom: Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild)

Words: 1864


Any time now...any time...


A grizzled elderly man poked at the campfire in front of him, his long pointed ears flicking slightly toward the small cave up the hill.




The man used his metal skewer to retrieve a freshly baked apple from the fire. From the cave, a small, brief flash of light...


...It is time.


He rose to his feet. A lone figure appeared at the mouth of the cave. The old man smiled at the sight. The figure ran toward the cliff right outside the cave, stopped at the edge, and turned around and started heading down the hill. The old man sat back down.


It wasn't long before the figure, a skinny, lean muscled young man wearing threadbare clothing; reached the bottom of the hill and the old man's campfire. His long ears twitched and he looked at the old man with confusion in his blue eyes, and then he saw the baked apple and grabbed it.


"Oh! I beg your pardon, but that is my baked apple!" The old man scolded. The young man flinched and attempted to give the apple back, which only caused the elder to chuckle. "I couldn't resist pulling your leg. You are welcome to it."


The youngster blinked and began devouring the apple. The old man smiled. Of course he would be hungry.


"So." The old man spoke after the apple was eaten. "Who are you? What brings a bright eyed young buck like you to a place like this?"


The young man stared blankly. "I...just woke up in a pool of water." His voice creaked slightly, like he hadn't spoken in years, but the hoarseness subsided the more he spoke. "Completely naked, but I found these clothes beside me. I also found...this." He held up a small, rectangular device with glowing rune markings on it. "A woman's voice called to me. She called me Link, so I guess that's my name..."


The elder nodded slowly. "Where am I?" Link continued.


"This is the Great Plateau."


"Do you know how I got here? Who are you?"


"I am nothing but an old hermit." He has lost his memories...I wonder if that was supposed to happen... The elder kept a blank expression, although he wanted to smile. "Let me see that device."


Link placed the device in the outstretched, wrinkled hand. The elder tapped it. A beacon of light rose in the distance. Link jolted, his ears pointing upward in surprise.


"This device is called a sheikah slate, do not lose it, keep it with you at all times." The old man paused. "It is a device...that I know quite a bit about. It will guide you. I see you noticed the light. Head there." The old man handed the sheikah slate back.


Link stared at the sheikah slate, then the old man's face. "What will I find there?"


"Answers. Not all of the ones you seek, but answers nevertheless." The elder pointed at a nearby tree stump. "Take that axe for protection against the bokoblins that live here. They are not too much of a threat, but they will still attack if they see you."


Link's face was saying "I'm confused", but he took the axe anyway and began heading toward the light. The elder smiled. He's still got the proper spirit...the spirit of the hero...




The rumble of the tower, rising from the earth in a spray of dust and pebbles, seemed to shake the Great Plateau.


"Ahoy, youngster!" The old man called from above, descending from the sky with a paraglider. Link's eyes were a couple of blue saucers. The old man noticed that he had found a rusty sword and swiped a wooden shield from a bokoblin.


"There was a...thing with a slot in it. Fit this...sheikah slate perfectly. I put it in there, and that tower came up right under my feet! Managed to get back down..."


"You activated the Great Plateau Tower. And, by doing so, you now have a map of the area." The elder said. "Did you notice anything peculiar up there?"


"Other than that woman's voice again? She told me to turn around. I saw stormclouds, and what looks like a castle. Looked very far away."


"That is no mere cluster of stormclouds, boy. That vile entity is Calamity Ganon." The old man scanned Link's face. For a moment the young man's eyes seemed to flash. Oh ho! There's the spark I'm looking for...


"Calamity Ganon." The elder repeated. "The scourge of the world as we know it. It has been held at bay by that very Hyrule Castle, but sooner or later, it will break free. I am old now. Too old to help the people fight against it. You, on the other hand, are young and strong. Tell me, will you lend your strength to a good cause? If Calamity Ganon is not dealt with...there will be unspeakable horrors."


Link paused for a second before nodding.


The old man's eyes twinkled. “You cannot get off this plateau without a paraglider. It is too high above the mainland.” There was a brief, awkward silence, and then the old man pointed at a small glowing stone structure. If you go in that shrine, there should be some treasure in it. I would be willing to trade you for my paraglider.”


As Link was in the shrine, the old man took some time to reflect. There were so many things...so many things he had yet to reveal to the young man. So many things that had happened...so many things that would only confuse Link at the moment. He would tell him. But when, and only when, he felt he was ready.


The sun was setting in the west when Link returned. He jolted slightly. Clearly he hadn’t expected the old man to be right outside the shrine waiting for him. “There was no treasure in there. But I guess this thing can become a magnet and let me move giant metal objects.” He held out the sheikah slate, his ears lowering in a puzzled look. “I had to do that to get to the end. And then a weird old monk warped me back out.” The sheikah slate beeped, and three glowing dots appeared on the map screen.


“I will give you the paraglider if you clear the other three shrines on the Great Plateau, the ones that just showed up on your map.”


Link made an annoyed half grunt, half whine sound.


“Think of it as a fun adventure.”


“You lied to me.”


The old man chuckled. “Yes, you got me there. If you want to sleep, you may make camp here.”


“Go after the rest of the shrines in the morning, then.”


“Atta boy.” The old man smiled and patted Link’s shoulder.




The remaining three shrines also added to the sheikah slate. The first added summonable explosives that could be detonated from a distance. The second added the ability to make sturdy ice blocks in water. And the third added the ability to temporarily stop large moving objects. The old man told Link to meet him at the crumbled temple at the center of the Great Plateau for his reward.


“If you give me your paraglider…” Link tilted his head, almost like a confused puppy. “Won’t you be trapped here? Can the people on the mainland come get us instead?”


Before the old man could respond, a moblin and two bokoblins came charging up the hill. Moblins were bigger and stronger than bokoblins. The tribal monsters all wielded primitive stone or wooden weapons. Moblins often had the better ones because they were the leaders. This one had a large club with spikes.


Link jumped in front of the old man and drew his sword. The moblin raised its club and swatted him aside. He rolled halfway down the hill before catching his footing, ran back up, and got there just in time to see one of the bokoblins let out a bloodthirsty chatter and thrust a spear into the old man’s belly. The spear went completely through to the other side, but there was no blood and the elder didn’t even flinch. And then he did something completely unexpected: he teleported and appeared on the roof of the temple.


Something was telling Link stranger things had happened. And there was no time to figure it out now. All three monsters were charging toward him.


Bokoblins were stupid creatures, and easily dealt with. All it took was some quick blows to the head or chest. The moblin, although also stupid, was bigger than Link and thus more dangerous. He darted around it, dodging its swipes and slashing at it, getting back up when knocked down. But he was tiring. Eventually the moblin had him cornered against some pillars. With a wicked gleam in its eyes, it raised its club for a crushing blow...and then the pillar behind it toppled and landed on it. The moblin gargled and screamed, then died.


“Impressive, but you can’t let those things corner you like that.”


“Old man!” Link staggered to his feet and yelled. “What was that? What did you do just now?”


“Come up here and I will tell you.”


Awkward silence.


“Oh. Yes, it would be unwise to climb with fresh wounds.” The old man teleported again, standing in his previous spot.


“You have realized I am not a mere old hermit.” The patched rags the old man was wearing transformed into regal robes. A crown appeared on his head. Even his beard, which had been scruffy and dirty, became clean and well combed.


“My name is King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule.” Even his voice had changed, no longer quiet and raspy, but deep and very kingly. “One hundred years ago...the land of Hyrule fell. I was killed. My daughter...Princess Zelda...as we speak, she is still holding on in Hyrule Castle. She has always been very good with the divine magic that comes with her royal blood. She has not aged nor died. But she cannot leave the castle. She must remain there, or else Calamity Ganon will break free from the seal she made.”


Link’s jaw dropped. “However!” The king continued. “Even she cannot hold this seal for much longer. Also one hundred years ago, her loyal champion was gravely wounded. He was placed in suspended healing...far from the chaos, with the most basic things he would need when the healing was over right beside him. That champion...he is you. The voice you heard? That was her.”


The paraglider hovered in front of Link’s face. King Rhoam smiled. “You have earned this. Fly to the mainland once you rest for a day and heal your wounds. Once you are there, make your way to Kakariko Village. You will find a woman named Impa there. She will tell you your next goal, your next step on the way to reuniting with Zelda and ridding the world of Calamity Ganon once and for all.”


A shining wisp rose into the sky above the Great Plateau. Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule had passed into the afterlife.


Edited by Dragoncat
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21 hours ago, Ottservia said:

True and I apologize if I sounded pretentious with that statement. The problem I keep running into is trying to make unlikable characters likable. Oh well I’ll figure something out

Nah it's fine. It would be in certain contexts, but given that we're supposed to put things in a different light than normal, we are inherently going against the grain and therefore acceptability.

Don't worry too much about the likability part, just make the characters interesting or effective at getting your point across. We don't have to root for them, just read about them.

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If anyone's interested, I put The First Time on my DA, though after having cut some of it out as some critique I got suggested. I still kept some of the lore though. I just didn't have the heart to remove anymore of the piece. :P If some of you don't remember, this is a contest entry from the first round Rapier hosted.

My DA is here: https://www.deviantart.com/great-aether/

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

Title: Destiny Awakes

Fandom: Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild)

Words: 1864

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Any time now...any time...


A grizzled elderly man poked at the campfire in front of him, his long pointed ears flicking slightly toward the small cave up the hill.




The man used his metal skewer to retrieve a freshly baked apple from the fire. From the cave, a small, brief flash of light...


...It is time.


He rose to his feet. A lone figure appeared at the mouth of the cave. The old man smiled at the sight. The figure ran toward the cliff right outside the cave, stopped at the edge, and turned around and started heading down the hill. The old man sat back down.


It wasn't long before the figure, a skinny, lean muscled young man wearing threadbare clothing; reached the bottom of the hill and the old man's campfire. His long ears twitched and he looked at the old man with confusion in his blue eyes, and then he saw the baked apple and grabbed it.


"Oh! I beg your pardon, but that is my baked apple!" The old man scolded. The young man flinched and attempted to give the apple back, which only caused the elder to chuckle. "I couldn't resist pulling your leg. You are welcome to it."


The youngster blinked and began devouring the apple. The old man smiled. Of course he would be hungry.


"So." The old man spoke after the apple was eaten. "Who are you? What brings a bright eyed young buck like you to a place like this?"


The young man stared blankly. "I...just woke up in a pool of water." His voice creaked slightly, like he hadn't spoken in years, but the hoarseness subsided the more he spoke. "Completely naked, but I found these clothes beside me. I also found...this." He held up a small, rectangular device with glowing rune markings on it. "A woman's voice called to me. She called me Link, so I guess that's my name..."


The elder nodded slowly. "Where am I?" Link continued.


"This is the Great Plateau."


"Do you know how I got here? Who are you?"


"I am nothing but an old hermit." He has lost his memories...I wonder if that was supposed to happen... The elder kept a blank expression, although he wanted to smile. "Let me see that device."


Link placed the device in the outstretched, wrinkled hand. The elder tapped it. A beacon of light rose in the distance. Link jolted, his ears pointing upward in surprise.


"This device is called a sheikah slate, do not lose it, keep it with you at all times." The old man paused. "It is a device...that I know quite a bit about. It will guide you. I see you noticed the light. Head there." The old man handed the sheikah slate back.


Link stared at the sheikah slate, then the old man's face. "What will I find there?"


"Answers. Not all of the ones you seek, but answers nevertheless." The elder pointed at a nearby tree stump. "Take that axe for protection against the bokoblins that live here. They are not too much of a threat, but they will still attack if they see you."


Link's face was saying "I'm confused", but he took the axe anyway and began heading toward the light. The elder smiled. He's still got the proper spirit...the spirit of the hero...




The rumble of the tower, rising from the earth in a spray of dust and pebbles, seemed to shake the Great Plateau.


"Ahoy, youngster!" The old man called from above, descending from the sky with a paraglider. Link's eyes were a couple of blue saucers. The old man noticed that he had found a rusty sword and swiped a wooden shield from a bokoblin.


"There was a...thing with a slot in it. Fit this...sheikah slate perfectly. I put it in there, and that tower came up right under my feet! Managed to get back down..."


"You activated the Great Plateau Tower. And, by doing so, you now have a map of the area." The elder said. "Did you notice anything peculiar up there?"


"Other than that woman's voice again? She told me to turn around. I saw stormclouds, and what looks like a castle. Looked very far away."


"That is no mere cluster of stormclouds, boy. That vile entity is Calamity Ganon." The old man scanned Link's face. For a moment the young man's eyes seemed to flash. Oh ho! There's the spark I'm looking for...


"Calamity Ganon." The elder repeated. "The scourge of the world as we know it. It has been held at bay by that very Hyrule Castle, but sooner or later, it will break free. I am old now. Too old to help the people fight against it. You, on the other hand, are young and strong. Tell me, will you lend your strength to a good cause? If Calamity Ganon is not dealt with...there will be unspeakable horrors."


Link paused for a second before nodding.


The old man's eyes twinkled. “You cannot get off this plateau without a paraglider. It is too high above the mainland.” There was a brief, awkward silence, and then the old man pointed at a small glowing stone structure. If you go in that shrine, there should be some treasure in it. I would be willing to trade you for my paraglider.”


As Link was in the shrine, the old man took some time to reflect. There were so many things...so many things he had yet to reveal to the young man. So many things that had happened...so many things that would only confuse Link at the moment. He would tell him. But when, and only when, he felt he was ready.


The sun was setting in the west when Link returned. He jolted slightly. Clearly he hadn’t expected the old man to be right outside the shrine waiting for him. “There was no treasure in there. But I guess this thing can become a magnet and let me move giant metal objects.” He held out the sheikah slate, his ears lowering in a puzzled look. “I had to do that to get to the end. And then a weird old monk warped me back out.” The sheikah slate beeped, and three glowing dots appeared on the map screen.


“I will give you the paraglider if you clear the other three shrines on the Great Plateau, the ones that just showed up on your map.”


Link made an annoyed half grunt, half whine sound.


“Think of it as a fun adventure.”


“You lied to me.”


The old man chuckled. “Yes, you got me there. If you want to sleep, you may make camp here.”


“Go after the rest of the shrines in the morning, then.”


“Atta boy.” The old man smiled and patted Link’s shoulder.




The remaining three shrines also added to the sheikah slate. The first added summonable explosives that could be detonated from a distance. The second added the ability to make sturdy ice blocks in water. And the third added the ability to temporarily stop large moving objects. The old man told Link to meet him at the crumbled temple at the center of the Great Plateau for his reward.


“If you give me your paraglider…” Link tilted his head, almost like a confused puppy. “Won’t you be trapped here? Can the people on the mainland come get us instead?”


Before the old man could respond, a moblin and two bokoblins came charging up the hill. Moblins were bigger and stronger than bokoblins. The tribal monsters all wielded primitive stone or wooden weapons. Moblins often had the better ones because they were the leaders. This one had a large club with spikes.


Link jumped in front of the old man and drew his sword. The moblin raised its club and swatted him aside. He rolled halfway down the hill before catching his footing, ran back up, and got there just in time to see one of the bokoblins let out a bloodthirsty chatter and thrust a spear into the old man’s belly. The spear went completely through to the other side, but there was no blood and the elder didn’t even flinch. And then he did something completely unexpected: he teleported and appeared on the roof of the temple.


Something was telling Link stranger things had happened. And there was no time to figure it out now. All three monsters were charging toward him.


Bokoblins were stupid creatures, and easily dealt with. All it took was some quick blows to the head or chest. The moblin, although also stupid, was bigger than Link and thus more dangerous. He darted around it, dodging its swipes and slashing at it, getting back up when knocked down. But he was tiring. Eventually the moblin had him cornered against some pillars. With a wicked gleam in its eyes, it raised its club for a crushing blow...and then the pillar behind it toppled and landed on it. The moblin gargled and screamed, then died.


“Impressive, but you can’t let those things corner you like that.”


“Old man!” Link staggered to his feet and yelled. “What was that? What did you do just now?”


“Come up here and I will tell you.”


Awkward silence.


“Oh. Yes, it would be unwise to climb with fresh wounds.” The old man teleported again, standing in his previous spot.


“You have realized I am not a mere old hermit.” The patched rags the old man was wearing transformed into regal robes. A crown appeared on his head. Even his beard, which had been scruffy and dirty, became clean and well combed.


“My name is King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule.” Even his voice had changed, no longer quiet and raspy, but deep and very kingly. “One hundred years ago...the land of Hyrule fell. I was killed. My daughter...Princess Zelda...as we speak, she is still holding on in Hyrule Castle. She has always been very good with the divine magic that comes with her royal blood. She has not aged nor died. But she cannot leave the castle. She must remain there, or else Calamity Ganon will break free from the seal she made.”


Link’s jaw dropped. “However!” The king continued. “Even she cannot hold this seal for much longer. Also one hundred years ago, her loyal champion was gravely wounded. He was placed in suspended healing...far from the chaos, with the most basic things he would need when the healing was over right beside him. That champion...he is you. The voice you heard? That was her.”


The paraglider hovered in front of Link’s face. King Rhoam smiled. “You have earned this. Fly to the mainland once you rest for a day and heal your wounds. Once you are there, make your way to Kakariko Village. You will find a woman named Impa there. She will tell you your next goal, your next step on the way to reuniting with Zelda and ridding the world of Calamity Ganon once and for all.”


A shining wisp rose into the sky above the Great Plateau. Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule had passed into the afterlife.


It’s a nice story. My only problem was that I do not think the moblin’s death was not really explained. Real good, still.

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10 minutes ago, Azure in a Roundabout said:

It’s a nice story. My only problem was that I do not think the moblin’s death was not really explained. Real good, still.

I aimed to imply the Old Man made that pillar fall, but yeah, didn't really work.

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Title: The One I Love The Most

Fandom: Radiant Dawn

Wordcount: ~1500 words


       The late spring snow fell slowly, piling up on the walls of the ramparts. Why had the ancient kings of Daein built their capital so far away, high up in the mountains? The answer was obvious of course, for defense. Preparation for war. The eternal concern for the rulers of the world.
       Before, when she’d lived in the streets as a member of the Dawn Brigade, the city had brought such warmth and comfort to her. Ever since she’d started living in the keep however, she felt the true isolation of Nevassa in its mountainous home.
       “Micaiah? What are you doing out here?” Though they were high up, the wind seemed almost non-existent. Sothe’s voice broke the silence of the night.
       “I just need to think,” Micaiah told him.
       “It’s cold out. You should come inside.” Sothe was standing in an open doorway, while Miaciah was standing by the castle wall.
       “It’s okay.” Micaiah let out a slight shiver. “The cold…it’s sobering.”
       Sothe sighed. “What’s on your mind?”
       “I haven’t gotten any visions, since Yune left. I’m not sure what the future holds for us.”
       “That’s alright,” Sothe said. “We’re not rebels on the run or fighting for the safety of the world anymore. Everything is peaceful. We don’t need your visions. We’re safe now. Maybe for the first time in our entire lives.”
       “It’s not our safety that I’m worried about. There’s something that I need to decide and I’m not sure what to do.”
       Sothe strolled over to the rampart and leaned on the wall beside Miaciah. “What is it?”
       “I’m not sure I can talk to you about it.”
       “Micaiah, I’ve told you in the past, you can talk to me about anything. I don’t like you keeping secrets.”
       “It’s Pelleas. He…he said he’s unfit to be king. That the people would rather me as their leader. He’s afraid that it’ll come out that he’s not really Ashnard’s son, that it might start a civil war.”
       “I don’t think that would happen. I’ve seen the way Pelleas is lately, he’s lost all confidence. I think he’d give you the crown at the first sign of trouble.”
       “He proposed something else.”
       Silence fell as Micaiah waited for Sothe to process the information. “It makes sense,” he said at last. 
       “Is that all you can say?” Micaiah asked, with some slight outrage.
       “The throne would be secure, and the people would love it. He needs to start thinking about fathering an heir anyway. Really there’s no better choice than you.”
       “That’s not what I mean Sothe. I mean what about me? What about us?”
       “Us? Micaiah I’m not your boyfriend. If you want to marry Pelleas, you don’t need my permission.”
       “But I don’t know if I want to marry him.”
       “A king is as fine as suitor as you’re likely to get. The only one of any higher status would be General Ike.”
       “I don’t care about status, Sothe, you know that. I always thought if I were to marry, it’d be for love.”
       “Well, do you love Pelleas?”
       “He’s dear to me, of course. Like Edward or Leo, but…”
       “But you don’t love him?”
       “No. That’s not it. In fact I think I do love him. I could imagine us living happily together. It’s just…I love you more.”
       Micaiah had expected Sothe to respond with a revulsion or disbelief in some way, but instead his expression didn’t change as he said, “so do you want to marry me?”
       She looked away from him. “Don’t joke,” she said, although it was obvious he was serious.
       “I’m not joking, Micaiah. Do you want to marry me?”
       “I don’t know. Do you want to marry me?”
       “I don’t know,” he said, echoing her words. “I’ve never really thought about it before. Have you?”
       “No. Not until Pelleas proposed to me. Thinking on it now, what do you want?”
       “What I want more than anything else is for us to leave the capital and continue our lives like we always have.”
        “But I-”
       “I know,” Sothe cut in. “You want to stay here. You want to be there for the people. I get that.” Micaiah caught something in Sothe’s eyes she hadn’t noticed before.
       “You were thinking of leaving without me, weren’t you?”
       “I was,” he admitted.
       “No, you weren’t just thinking about it, you’ve already decided, haven’t you?”
       He frowned, regretfully, and nodded. “I made my decision the moment you told me Pelleas proposed.”
       Micaiah shook her head. “I don’t want you to go.”
       “You don’t need a protector anymore.”
       “Is that all you think you are to me, my protector?” Her voice was rising, ever so slightly.
       “I don’t know, Micaiah. What am I? Am I your brother? Do you think of me as your son?”
       “You’re the most important person to me in the world. Do we need to label it beyond that?”
       Sothe turned and looked down at the city below. “I think if we’re to move forward, then yes. We both have lives to live. We can’t remain…like this. Attached, yet unattached. It worked, when I was a kid, and when we had something to fight for, but now it’s just…interfering.”
       “What do you mean?”
       “I’ve thought about going down into the streets, of finding a girl for myself like the other men my age, but I never did, because I always worried about how it’d make you feel.”
       “I wouldn’t be jealous,” Micaiah assured him.
       Sothe shook his head. “Maybe you wouldn’t be, but my mind still goes to you first. It’s the same reason you don’t know what to say to Pelleas.”
       “So that’s it, that’s your answer? We either need to get married or part ways forever?”
       Sothe hesitated. “Not forever. Just…not like before.”
       Although Micaiah was glad and proud of all they had achieved, part of her wished nothing had changed. Wished they were still on the run from Begnion, living the life they had before. There was always peril and risk in everything they did, but at least she knew where she stood. Knew what her goal was. This, struggling with her own emotions, wasn’t something she had to deal with before. She always knew what to do, where to go, even when she was suffering. If only Yune were here.
       “Kiss me,” she whispered.
       “What?” Sothe said, unsure if he’d heard her right.
       “Kiss me. Show me what it’s like.”
       Sothe paused before grabbing her in a rough embrace, his arm cradling her back, holding her in position. His fingers threaded through her long silver hair. She looked up into his amber eyes. Although it was dark, she could see a dozen snowflakes nestled between his hair, slowly starting to melt from the warmth of his body. He leaned forth and pressed his lips against hers, briefly, and gently. “How was that?” he asked, slightly nervous, slightly embarrassed.
       “Awkward, strange and devoid of passion.”
       “Are you able to read minds now on top of everything else?” he asked.
       She smiled and rested her head against his chest. He changed the position of his arms into a more comforting hold. “Sothe?” she said after a long time.
       “I don’t want to be your wife. But I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Even if you leave me forever, I don’t think I’ll ever stop thinking about you. About what you’d say. What you’d approve or disapprove of.”
       “You can read minds,” he whispered.
       “So where does that leave us?”
       “I guess we have no choice. We’re going to have to get married.” He slid down on one knee and took her hand. He was looking up at her, though only barely. He’d grown so much big, he was almost the same height as her when kneeling. It reminded her so much of when he had first taken her hand. He’d matured so much this past decade, but now he looked at her with those same eyes he had on the first meeting, filled with worry and fear. “Micaiah, will you marry me?”
       She laughed. “I don’t know.” She pulled him to his feet and into her arms. “But let’s go forth, not knowing together.”
       He smiled and kissed her again, on the cheek this time. There was still no passion, and it was still a little strange, but there was no awkwardness anymore. She knew how she felt now, and even though she couldn’t see the future anymore, she knew everything would work out.



So I know this one falls heavily into the trap of "You need to have played the game to get it," territory, which is unfortunate, but sort of unavoidable given the nature of the story I wanted to tell. I'm also not sure it fits the prompt as I'm not quite sure how people view Micaiah and Sothe as a couple. I don't really frequent Fire Emblem fancfiction (or any fanfiction for that matter), but I assume they're generally viewed as a normal couple, where's here I've tried to depict the beginning of a romantic unromantic (yet still deeply loving) relationship.


Edited by Jotari
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Eh, Sothe and Micaiah were always a weird couple to me. Mainly due to how they literally call one another family/siblings and Micaiah kinda raised Sothe as well since she took him in when he was a little boy and she already looked like a teenager at the time. I would've preferred Pelleas x Micaiah in the same vein that I do Ike x Elincia over Geoffrey x Elincia. One couple already called one another siblings/family and that is non-biological incest to me.

Because I grew up with stepsiblings of my own, whom I called my siblings even before my mom officially adopted them, I will just always view romances like Sothe and Micaiah and Geoffrey and Elincia as disturbing and very improper. Sothe and Micaiah being the bigger offenders of the two since the familial thing is even more blatant with them.

I have the same problems with Corrin being able to marry any of the Fates royals, including Azura. ESPECIALLY Azura.

But I admit I kinda like what you wrote here, Jotari. I'd have added a little more description to balance out all that dialogue, but other than that, good job!

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

including Azura. ESPECIALLY Azura.

Apparently the new Fates artbook- Pellucid Crystal- states that Mikoto and Arete aren't actually blood sisters, they only act like siblings, despite both having First Blood. This may be a blatant retcon to account for fan backlash though.


I haven't made much progress, going into original territory is a bit of a slow, cautious, and overthought process for me. I have still have a week though, so maybe I'll have a product to offer.

Nonetheless, even if I don't finish something for once, I'm going to dump this all as background exposition. It's mostly embellishment of stuff already known, which sets the stage. It's not worth judging on its own. Be warned, reading whilst under the effects of medication may drive you into a coma.:


It was in the year 650 Begnion Imperial Count that the Serenes Forest was returned to the Heron royal family, who then, whilst maintaining symbolic rule of the forest, declared Tibarn King of the Bird Tribe now united to rule alongside them at its high altar. This was nothing new per se, the Kingdom of Serenes had been de jure independent from 478-625, when the Serenes Massacre left the kingdom an ashen husk devoid of a people. And de facto independence and autonomy of the Forest stretched back even further. Considering this was genocide and that Begnion had scarcely touched the forest in the twenty-five years of its reclamation, partly from the scar of the tragedy, much more from its worthless state for twenty of them, the return of Serenes was the right thing to be done, and affected Begnion little.

Though this was the case, the loss of Serenes marked the beginnings of a new phase in the gradual end to the Begnion Empire. Through most of them, the loss of Begnion’s territories were justified, the Senate and even the Apostle-Empress at times were marked far less by a genuine desire to have a peaceful, prosperous union of all of Tellius’s peoples, and more by want for power and pecuniary benefit. 

Had only the intentions been noble ones! For the loss of Empire, the demise of Begnion’s hegemony over all other powers on the continent, removed a check on newfound chaos. Now no longer able to bring great chaos by itself, Begnion when it needed to could no longer stop it either. It was only by the grace of the Goddess returned that the continent was spared deepest sorrows.


As the above wording implies, this was not the first time which Begnion had ceded power. At the outset the formation of the Kingdom of Begnion in -155 BIC under the Three Heroes of Ashera and Her servant Lehran, all of Tellius was, however briefly, one realm. This Kingdom was what the Empire should have always dreamed to be, that which it founders had wanted it to be, and that a goddess would with a gentle smile declare their sacred realm. Although it would be one hundred and fifty-five years until Begnion until the Apostle and Her Senate’s reign became an Empire, the origins of its claims and desires for continental mastery go back to the Kingdom, when the ideal of a single country embracing the entirety of the Telliusian continent was at its purest. 

Yet Dheginsea was always conscious of the perilous mix of incredible power and long lives his kind held, and its fragility due to glacial birthrates compared to other species and a population of less than five thousand. The Dragon Tribe could destroy and enslave all others until the Goddess’s return, but that in that time it could be itself be destroyed by the all others. So it was that whilst Dragons in these early years interacted with all others in Begnion, Dheginsea with the consent of his three comrades had begun relocating the bulk of his people to somewhere where he hoped they could remain aloof, for their sake, for others’. 

As Laguz-Beorc tensions began to flare up in the Kingdom with the passing of the founding generation, the Kingdom moved towards civil war, Dheginsea recalled all of his people to join him. So it was that the Dragon Laguz withdrew entirely from the hoped for Begnion of splendid peace with diversity. However was not until three years into the conversion of the Kingdom to the Empire of Begnion that Goldoa declared official independence, for the sake of keeping the facade of continental unity. Formal independence was a measure taken to ensure the Empire, forged through victory in war against primarily Laguz, did not seek to force his people under its rule. Dheginsea had fortunately ensured Goldoa would be never be a target of the Empire. Its chosen location, on desert land and far away from the center of Telliusian civilization, was never coveted by Begnion, even under its most ambitious leaders. 

The Begnion Empire which had led to formal Goldoa separation, emerged from a significant rise in the Beorc population in Begnion, the result of a higher birth rate and a population that fared much worse that the Laguz from the Great Flood and subsequent chaos ending in Yune’s capture. This accompanied by the majority of the rulers of Begnion being Laguz, despite structural attempts to correct it. In the end, a primarily Beorc faction of the Apostle and Her Senate triumphed over a primarily Laguz Ruler faction in support of the Kingdom’s present form. The Apostle and Senate radically reshaped Begnion society and government, and in doing so, auspiciously renamed it an Empire. The dreams of racial harmony endured in this Empire spanning all but Goldoa, even if the rights of the Laguz were now experiencing a perceptible and worrisome decline, though the worst of slavery did not emerge right away. There was a hopeful hope that a humane system of relations could be made in this empire even if it seemed demeaning at first, but greed and prejudice dashed these wishes.

Later, as a result of Laguz slavery, the Beast Tribe and Bird Tribe fled Begnion respectively for the dark green forests to become Gallia, and the harrowing yet fertile islands in the Gazaleah Sea to become Phoenicis. In response to Begnion’s frustrated military efforts to hold onto Gallia and Phoenicis, the puritanical Senator Caradock chose with some likeminded pro-Laguz Senators and  opportunists betting on material betterment, chose to break from Sienne on the remote Crimean Plain. It was with these that the Begnion Empire found itself forced to cede its dominance of all the lands of Tellius save the sands of Goldoa, for the very first time.

The impact this first round of secessions would have on Begnion was uncertain at first. Caradock had removed a great number of Laguz sympathizers from the Senate, Begnion now acknowledged its defeat in Gallia and Phoenicis, which infuriated the anti-Laguz Begnionites and provided a formalized paradise for slaves to try fleeing to. A more racist Empire did not follow, the failure of the Gallian Wars was successfully snatched on by pro-Laguz Senators and they managed to turn Caradock’s departure, a move not all Laguz sympathizers found wise, into a way to convert more to their views. 

Begnion these hundreds of years after the Kingdom’s founding, remained centered in the Tower of Guidance’s shadows. Control of the wild peripheries and the lightly populated Crimean Plain, had long been weak, little wealth flowed along the long and unworn road to Sienne. In ceding these territories, little had been lost it was realized, still having Serenes, there was no need for Gallian timber, and the Sestohl Plain was as or more fertile than Crimea. The two Laguz countries it was argued had released the “surplus” Laguz population, allowing slavery to Begnion to be more humane now and reducing the likelihood of internal racial tensions. Crimea too was thought of providing a safety valve for “surplus” Beorc in want for land. Crimea’s independence meant the region saw an increase in development and productivity from its new, and now local political elite, resulting in an increase in Begnion’s take from the Crimean Plain through trade than had ever been during its time as a province of the Empire.

Such it was that it seemed the decline of the Empire of Begnion was a good thing, relations between Beorc and Laguz were on a slim, it should not be overstated how much thing improved in this period, yet extant trend towards the ideal of peaceful coexistence. Alas, Caradock the firebrand had provided Hengist, a believer in fewer and more cutting words, with the gambit he copied without qualms for the sake of antithetical ideas. Carving Daein from what remained of the Empire, Hengist created a kingdom for Beorc alone, where Laguz were worth less than slaves. 

Daein had much worse terrain and climate than Crimea, which meant that though it was closer on a map to Sienne than Crimea, Begnion control of the region was not necessarily stronger for every inch or meter prior to its declaration of independence. And yet through its mines primarily Daein bore a stronger connection to the imperial center than Crimea had had. Furthermore, that parchment map and its appearances of greater proximity mattered to Senators who spent little time beyond Sienne and for some their estates, if they were not by choice absentee landlords.

Hengist’s imitation secession shifted the winds within Begnion itself, though not as it had with Caradock. Crimean declaration of independence had struck a vulnerable anti-Laguz ruling faction which the pro-Laguz remaining in Begnion capitalized on. Prior to the Daein secession, the pro-Laguz ruling faction had not been vulnerable, this was their newfound crisis, which they floundered upon, hesitating to use force yet refusing to officially acknowledge Daein. The anti-Laguz counter-faction failed to reclaim control despite this, for they lacked momentum beforehand and could not create it now. Paralysis gripped Begnion politics, the pro-Laguz enfeebled yet still at the reigns, the anti-Laguz taking a counteroffensive but unable to triumph over them.

Neither racism nor toleration would lead Begnion for the next several decades, the matter of race relations became irrelevant. Daein’s secession, inspired by the Crimean and in disgust to the Phoenician and Gallian, led to the rise of a new domineering issue in Begnion politics- the preservation of the Empire. Although support for imperial preservation could be from either set of views on the races, in practice it always leaned towards the anti-Laguz. Here, the ideal of the empire and old kingdom, of the prosperous unity of the races and lands of Tellius, was perverted and twisted into a desire to assert prestige and power.

Assimilating pro- and anti- Laguz members, the rise of the new anti-secessionist faction in Begnion came quickly, and with the support from more than just the Daein breakaway. The Ravens, falling into political dispute with the Hawks in Phoenicis, formed their own country out of a few smaller island in the Gazaleah Sea- Kilvas. Kilvas played into anti-Laguz bigotry, that the mongrels without a strong Beorc guiding hand would themselves splinter endlessly into chaos. 

There were mere rumors the Cats and Lions and Tigers of Gallia would soon rend each other to shreds, but Hengist’s offer a about decade prior, which would have stopped this by eradicating the Beasts altogether, was not seriously heeded by Begnion. Benefitting from slavery, Begnion did not wish for outright eradication of the Laguz. Begnion took a paternalistic view of Laguz, immature children to serve wise Beorc parents, in one country with them- a deformed yet enduring vision of the old kingdom’s wanted unity. To see the Laguz annihilated would have angered the Goddess when she awoke, so Begnion though bigoted in this instance believed in a lesser evil, rejecting a greater found in Daein. 

With the rejection of his request to be able to move through Begnion to Gallia, an act taken by the still in-control pro-Laguz faction, Hengist chose to petition Crimea for the same. For the Crown in Crimea was resolutely for improved Beorc-Laguz relations, despite a generally apathetic political elite that simply gave toasts and cheers to Gallia when the throne asked for it, Hengist had his request denied. Dying in old age, Hengist’s son and heir then made one last plea to both countries for travel, and denied, turned Daein’s spears on fellow Beorc by invading Crimea. The result was a fifteen year war, and it was ten into it that the Ravens did officially break from the Hawks.

Here was the jolt that brought the anti-secessionists to power, anti-Laguz and pro-Laguz Beorc, members of the intelligent race, beheading each other. Leaving the lesser members of the race factions disillusioned with their focus on the topic, and the ardent members sidelined as they continue to rail against their opposites, the third major faction in the Senate achieved the majority it craved. It bestowed upon itself the name “Pleroma”, meaning the divine totality, that it was Begnion’s destiny alone sanctioned by the Goddess to control the continent of Tellius. Without Begnion and its leadership, even fellow Beorc stood to commit wanton and sanguine folly.

The Apostle of the time sanctified the Pleroma, whoever divine it was that spoke to her from time to time, bid her to stop the warring and divide, to bring peace to Tellius. How that was to be, the voice of the Goddess did not say, that was left to her to interpret, for the Goddess never made a dialogue, her messages were brief and she appeared not to listen back. So it was the Apostle and several subsequent ones openly gave favor to the Pleroma.

The Pleroma was almost successful in its initial goals for the reunification of Tellius- the reconquests of Daein and Kilvas, both initiated in 425 Begnion Imperial Count. Kilvas surrendered in three years, with only weak resistance enduring, and Daein was rapidly driven back to Nevassa, Begnion’s forces were but a day’s good ride from the capital. Miraculously, Nevassa endured four years of siege before Crimea chose to join on its side to stop the restoration of the total empire of Begnion. 

Crimea’s break from Begnion had been relatively quick and peaceful. Caradock accepted without many qualms being but a King to the Apostle-Empress, who he never saw again once he left Sienne permanently in frustration during the Second Gallian War, but nonetheless he adored. His willingness to accept Begnion as Crimea’s nominal suzerain partly derived from a letter the Apostle had written granting him the right to his kingship and praising him for his moral righteousness, Caradock liked flattery, and it was accompanied by an unparalleled gift of a lock of her divine hair. The, at times tenacious, control of Begnion politics by pro-Laguz Senators for about three decades was a more serious and less symbolic and romantic reason why Crimea remained fine with the Empire. 

The news of war between Daein and Begnion came to Crimea mere months after it concluded its own war with Daein. Hence, sentiments in Crimea laid firmly on Begnion’s side, and the reabsorption of Daein into Begnion was looked on as proper given how unruly and murderous it had just been. Yet relations between Crimea and the Pleroma, which started under the assumption that the good relations of greater and lesser equals from the pro-Laguz administration would continue to endure, soon began to show cracks. The Pleroma showed itself condescending towards Crimea, and love was lost from implicit threats of reconquest unless it performed more in state ritual towards the Apostle and Senate, and or gave more in materiel or even military support for Begnion’s war in Daein. This provided tinder which a daring Daeinophile prince and brother to the Crimean king, lit into a torch lighting the way to Daein salvation and Begnion’s defeat.

The Tellius Continental War, lasting from 432 to 478 had now officially begun. The Gallians declared war on Begnion as well, though barring an early faux pas as an ally of Crimea in the Crimean theater of war, Gallians remained in Gallia. The only real war Gallia saw for these decades were several failed Begnion attempts to cross the Ersatz Mountains and subjugate the Beasts. The results were as demoralizing and futile as those from the Gallian Wars, but all the worse for Begnion knowing they would end in misery. Phoenicis came to the aid of the Kilvas resistance and fought on high seas, ships, and a little land another Begnion force.

By virtue of several ceasefires and truces during the Continental War lasting for years and Dheginsea’s refusal to enter the fray, Lehran’s Medallion glowed, but remained bound. The Herons at this time abandoned any residual their notions of being “the Dragons in Begnion”, for during their time in the Empire, they were never subject to slavery, having a higher status than the other Laguz, with special officials and even several Senators within the government. Heron communities did focus around Serenes Forest, but existed elsewhere in Begnion in semi-autonomy from the rest. 

The Herons’ adherence to the Begnion Kingdom’s ideal was held out of a love for order and stability, and it was because of this they turned a blind eye to slavery of other Laguz, who they came to accept as more chaotic than they and in need of this being drained of them. The Herons had always displayed a distaste for secession over singularity, but Begnion’s unending use of violence to stop secession now superseded their preference for oneness. 

Eight years after the proclaimed secession of the Kingdom of Serenes, the 478 BIC Treaty of Sarasa had Begnion officially recognize Kilvas, Daein, and Serenes. The independence of Crimea, Gallia, and Phoenicis was likewise reaffirmed. With the exception of the brief 648 “Second Tellius Continental War” when the Senate gambled on the reconquest of the continent yet again and to simultaneously supplant the Apostle-Empress in Begnion. The Empire of Begnion with this document forever abandoned its claims to physical and formal empire across the entire continent of Tellius. 

The Begnion Empire still lived on in more than just name however. The Sarasa Treaty acknowledged the Laguz countries as being in all ways independent of Begnion, but the Beorc realms of Crimea and Daein continued to see Begnion as the mother country and superior. There was no tribute to be given, nor was yearly ritual on behalf of the Apostle and Senate called for, and while the wording did not heap praise on the theocracy, it as clear as day it indicated Begnion was predominant in Beorc affairs. Crimea and Daein were in no position to question this, Daein was scarred for generations to come by sixty-eight years of almost nonstop conflict, and Crimea though better off had still suffered and simply wanted an end to the war. Neither country had the strong hand to demand more of Begnion. 

Though it too became internally fatigued, and thought it had fought alone against five enemies (albeit disunited save for Crimea-Daein on the Daein front), Begnion was never in danger of being crushed. Daein never could invade beyond through southern boundaries, which it only regained in full in the half decade of the war. Crimea had tried conquering westernmost Begnion, the distant frontier lands of Flaguerre and Mugill beyond the Serenes Forest which it had a feasible claim to. Once Begnion in a couple years’ time had mustered an army to reclaim them, it did with only a little genius and Crimea was forced to defend its native soil. Begnion alone could effectively invade other nations, it alone could survive alone. 

Indirect control of the whole of Tellius (barring Goldoa) through a tacit military hegemony, and residual political and cultural influence in Crimea and Daein, became the new, more functional Begnion Empire. Though Daein remained bigoted wishing for the eradication of the Laguz, yet fear of Begnion striking again and inflicting incredible agony upon Daein, limited Hengist and his son’s dreamed of campaign to invade Gallia to formal rhetoric, a utopian ideal not to be achieved in the now. Daeinian military energies shifted towards the security of the southern border and if possible taking the disputable spat of land here and there along the border. 

Crimea remained desiring of Begnion’s westernmost territory, particularly now that Serenes as a separate country shrank its land connection to the rest of Begnion. Though as tempting as it was, Crimea wished to avoid the wrath of Begnion once again. Daein never invaded Crimea and in a separate treaty agreed to the demilitarization of the Oribes Bridge connecting the two countries as a buffer zone, something hitherto inconceivable. With Daein afloat but holding remote fears of Begnion, Crimea itself could slash its military for the time being and spend lavishly on culture.

The Laguz countries for their part turned inwards again with war ended, seeking to avoid having to deal with Beorc again, and having thoroughly persuaded Begnion of the meaninglessness of invading their realms, which it did not. The Herons developed a mixed reputation in Begnion, their denial of the Apostle was blasphemy, but their devotion to peace earned them the love of a peasantry which had come to loathe decades of warfare.

In Begnion itself, the Pleroma had struggled successfully to keep control of Begnion through the decades of war, but at its end, it was finally dissolved with the approval of the reigning Apostle. The peace faction which took control of Begnion before and during the Treaty of Sarasa, within three years after was dissolved and Begnion entered a fractious time in its politics. As the Pleroma was dead and the anti- and pro- Laguz factions were long dead, it took a while for the Senate to find new issues around which factions could congeal. 

What remained steady however was the hand of the Apostle, which then guided the relief from war fatigue in what was a time of a stronger Apostle relative to the Senate. Her support more than at other times in the country’s history became what made and broke the leadership of the factions. The Apostles had a distaste for dirtying their hands with the minutiae of war, they would approve or deny it, but not make daily military policy, the voice of Ashera Goddess of Balance did not behave so brutishly like a general or common soldier. 

Even after a new set of stronger factions formed in Begnion and the Senate regained some power, the “Peace of Hegemony” continued. Each country in Tellius, with Begnion supreme but unwilling to violently assert it, was free to focus on internal affairs. Almost two centuries of peace occurred, during which proud cultures developed, with histories eulogizing and condemning each and every action deemed meaningful in the turbulent era of Tellius from the Gallian Wars to Sarasa. This was a glorious empire in the indirect for Begnion, ruined by the Senate’s renewed interest in the physical conquest of the continent a foolish endeavor.

Now we arrive at 650 again, where this had started. This was the year, and it took a year from the end of 648 due to the sudden and hard to explain to the masses loss of the Prime Minister, the Vice Minister, three other prominent Senators, a great Earl and military commander, from the supernatural events that had unfolded. After Begnion under Empress Sanaki had reformed a new Senate with its surviving corrupt members punished and new meritocratic members added, she immediately pushed through a new Treaty signed in Serenes itself returning the forest to the Herons.

The Treaty of Serenes did more than just return a independent kingdom to the Bird Tribe, it changed the definition of the Begnion Empire from what had been outlined in the Treaty of Sarasa nearly two centuries prior. 

At Serenes was not only Empress Sanaki, Lorazieh and his two sons and daughter, Tibarn and Naesala, so was Queen Elincia of Crimea with Lucia and beside her and Bastian back in Crimea to push for the court’s ratification of the treaty according to how Elincia proposed that push be carried out. So there was Caineghis of Gallia and his soon to be successor Skirmir, his aid Ranulf. Nailah Queen of Hatari, who sought to officially define her migrating peoples’ place in Tellius. So there was Micaiah, now Queen of Daein, Pelleas having shown himself to be a failure even when he tried, and having discovered he was not of the Hengistian lineage Ashnard had kept alive, decided the bloodline was no longer relevant to Daein. Instead he begged Micaiah as the most beloved and talented figure Daein had, to establish a new dynasty. Kurthnaga, the young Black Dragon King of Goldoa, was there to show a renewed Goldoan interest in the world and vow he would uphold this Treaty and see to its reform as may be needed through his very long life.

Enough with the recitation of Tellius names. All the continent leaders attending this Treaty resolved as a formality to end the 648 Second Tellius Continental War which had already been well over since the winter of that year. A more serious matter was ending the suzerain status of Begnion in the Beorc countries, Sanaki had promised this to Queen Elincia in Crimea when she had turned to Crimean and Laguz aid in helping her reclaimed her imperial birthright. Micaiah, having been a victim of the Empire’s desperate refusal to yield suzerainty, and Naesala speaking for Kilvas the same, concurred with Elincia. Skrimir and Tibarn had their own reasons for wishing the legal arrogance of Begnion gone, and Kurthnaga found that with the ancient covenant no more, his father’s grounds for abiding by it had ceased to exist.

Thus, the Treaty of Serenes abolished the pedestal upon which Begnion had long stood, in favor of absolute equality of all nations. From its opening statement: “The leaders of the nine countries of Tellius, chosen by their peoples, alike in mind, body and soul; have gathered to create a new order upon the continent.”, the Treaty expressed this belief. This was the Diplomatic Revolution of 650, creating a world without superiors.

The “nine countries” were soon reduced to six, for Phoenicis and Kilvas were reunified and enjoined to Serenes, becoming Serenes and Gazaleah, with the islands providing freedom from the ardent pacifism of the Serenes Forest for the rowdier Hawks and Ravens. Nailah chose to settle within Gallia alongside the other Beasts, whilst maintaining a measure of autonomy for the Hatari nation, being as it was quite distinct, the Ancient Tongue still alive and happily Beorc and Branded being included amongst its members.


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Apparently the new Fates artbook- Pellucid Crystal- states that Mikoto and Arete aren't actually blood sisters, they only act like siblings, despite both having First Blood. This may be a blatant retcon to account for fan backlash though.

Wow, that figures. :/ Sounds about as half-assed as their attempt to justify Corrin being able to marry the Hoshido royals.

We have three Tellius entries now? Geez, I can't seem to be original anymore here unless I write Zelda stuff or something. I wrote an Awakening entry for a round that had three of those, and now this. >_< Not blaming anybody here of course. It's just a kind of disappointing coincidence.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Title: The One I Love The Most

Fandom: Radiant Dawn

Wordcount: ~1500 words

  Reveal hidden contents

       The late spring snow fell slowly, piling up on the walls of the ramparts. Why had the ancient kings of Daein built their capital so far away, high up in the mountains? The answer was obvious of course, for defense. Preparation for war. The eternal concern for the rulers of the world.
       Before, when she’d lived in the streets as a member of the Dawn Brigade, the city had brought such warmth and comfort to her. Ever since she’d started living in the keep however, she felt the true isolation of Nevassa in its mountainous home.
       “Micaiah? What are you doing out here?” Though they were high up, the wind seemed almost non-existent. Sothe’s voice broke the silence of the night.
       “I just need to think,” Micaiah told him.
       “It’s cold out. You should come inside.” Sothe was standing in an open doorway, while Miaciah was standing by the castle wall.
       “It’s okay.” Micaiah let out a slight shiver. “The cold…it’s sobering.”
       Sothe sighed. “What’s on your mind?”
       “I haven’t gotten any visions, since Yune left. I’m not sure what the future holds for us.”
       “That’s alright,” Sothe said. “We’re not rebels on the run or fighting for the safety of the world anymore. Everything is peaceful. We don’t need your visions. We’re safe now. Maybe for the first time in our entire lives.”
       “It’s not our safety that I’m worried about. There’s something that I need to decide and I’m not sure what to do.”
       Sothe strolled over to the rampart and leaned on the wall beside Miaciah. “What is it?”
       “I’m not sure I can talk to you about it.”
       “Micaiah, I’ve told you in the past, you can talk to me about anything. I don’t like you keeping secrets.”
       “It’s Pelleas. He…he said he’s unfit to be king. That the people would rather me as their leader. He’s afraid that it’ll come out that he’s not really Ashnard’s son, that it might start a civil war.”
       “I don’t think that would happen. I’ve seen the way Pelleas is lately, he’s lost all confidence. I think he’d give you the crown at the first sign of trouble.”
       “He proposed something else.”
       Silence fell as Micaiah waited for Sothe to process the information. “It makes sense,” he said at last. 
       “Is that all you can say?” Micaiah asked, with some slight outrage.
       “The throne would be secure, and the people would love it. He needs to start thinking about fathering an heir anyway. Really there’s no better choice than you.”
       “That’s not what I mean Sothe. I mean what about me? What about us?”
       “Us? Micaiah I’m not your boyfriend. If you want to marry Pelleas, you don’t need my permission.”
       “But I don’t know if I want to marry him.”
       “A king is as fine as suitor as you’re likely to get. The only one of any higher status would be General Ike.”
       “I don’t care about status, Sothe, you know that. I always thought if I were to marry, it’d be for love.”
       “Well, do you love Pelleas?”
       “He’s dear to me, of course. Like Edward or Leo, but…”
       “But you don’t love him?”
       “No. That’s not it. In fact I think I do love him. I could imagine us living happily together. It’s just…I love you more.”
       Micaiah had expected Sothe to respond with a revulsion or disbelief in some way, but instead his expression didn’t change as he said, “so do you want to marry me?”
       She looked away from him. “Don’t joke,” she said, although it was obvious he was serious.
       “I’m not joking, Micaiah. Do you want to marry me?”
       “I don’t know. Do you want to marry me?”
       “I don’t know,” he said, echoing her words. “I’ve never really thought about it before. Have you?”
       “No. Not until Pelleas proposed to me. Thinking on it now, what do you want?”
       “What I want more than anything else is for us to leave the capital and continue our lives like we always have.”
        “But I-”
       “I know,” Sothe cut in. “You want to stay here. You want to be there for the people. I get that.” Micaiah caught something in Sothe’s eyes she hadn’t noticed before.
       “You were thinking of leaving without me, weren’t you?”
       “I was,” he admitted.
       “No, you weren’t just thinking about it, you’ve already decided, haven’t you?”
       He frowned, regretfully, and nodded. “I made my decision the moment you told me Pelleas proposed.”
       Micaiah shook her head. “I don’t want you to go.”
       “You don’t need a protector anymore.”
       “Is that all you think you are to me, my protector?” Her voice was rising, ever so slightly.
       “I don’t know, Micaiah. What am I? Am I your brother? Do you think of me as your son?”
       “You’re the most important person to me in the world. Do we need to label it beyond that?”
       Sothe turned and looked down at the city below. “I think if we’re to move forward, then yes. We both have lives to live. We can’t remain…like this. Attached, yet unattached. It worked, when I was a kid, and when we had something to fight for, but now it’s just…interfering.”
       “What do you mean?”
       “I’ve thought about going down into the streets, of finding a girl for myself like the other men my age, but I never did, because I always worried about how it’d make you feel.”
       “I wouldn’t be jealous,” Micaiah assured him.
       Sothe shook his head. “Maybe you wouldn’t be, but my mind still goes to you first. It’s the same reason you don’t know what to say to Pelleas.”
       “So that’s it, that’s your answer? We either need to get married or part ways forever?”
       Sothe hesitated. “Not forever. Just…not like before.”
       Although Micaiah was glad and proud of all they had achieved, part of her wished nothing had changed. Wished they were still on the run from Begnion, living the life they had before. There was always peril and risk in everything they did, but at least she knew where she stood. Knew what her goal was. This, struggling with her own emotions, wasn’t something she had to deal with before. She always knew what to do, where to go, even when she was suffering. If only Yune were here.
       “Kiss me,” she whispered.
       “What?” Sothe said, unsure if he’d heard her right.
       “Kiss me. Show me what it’s like.”
       Sothe paused before grabbing her in a rough embrace, his arm cradling her back, holding her in position. His fingers threaded through her long silver hair. She looked up into his amber eyes. Although it was dark, she could see a dozen snowflakes nestled between his hair, slowly starting to melt from the warmth of his body. He leaned forth and pressed his lips against hers, briefly, and gently. “How was that?” he asked, slightly nervous, slightly embarrassed.
       “Awkward, strange and devoid of passion.”
       “Are you able to read minds now on top of everything else?” he asked.
       She smiled and rested her head against his chest. He changed the position of his arms into a more comforting hold. “Sothe?” she said after a long time.
       “I don’t want to be your wife. But I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. Even if you leave me forever, I don’t think I’ll ever stop thinking about you. About what you’d say. What you’d approve or disapprove of.”
       “You can read minds,” he whispered.
       “So where does that leave us?”
       “I guess we have no choice. We’re going to have to get married.” He slid down on one knee and took her hand. He was looking up at her, though only barely. He’d grown so much big, he was almost the same height as her when kneeling. It reminded her so much of when he had first taken her hand. He’d matured so much this past decade, but now he looked at her with those same eyes he had on the first meeting, filled with worry and fear. “Micaiah, will you marry me?”
       She laughed. “I don’t know.” She pulled him to his feet and into her arms. “But let’s go forth, not knowing together.”
       He smiled and kissed her again, on the cheek this time. There was still no passion, and it was still a little strange, but there was no awkwardness anymore. She knew how she felt now, and even though she couldn’t see the future anymore, she knew everything would work out.


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So I know this one falls heavily into the trap of "You need to have played the game to get it," territory, which is unfortunate, but sort of unavoidable given the nature of the story I wanted to tell. I'm also not sure it fits the prompt as I'm not quite sure how people view Micaiah and Sothe as a couple. I don't really frequent Fire Emblem fancfiction (or any fanfiction for that matter), but I assume they're generally viewed as a normal couple, where's here I've tried to depict the beginning of a romantic unromantic (yet still deeply loving) relationship.


Well, I do not get how this is a story from another point of view, but I have yet to play RD, so...

Otherwise, it is good. I feel this dialogue is realistic enough for their situation.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

We have three Tellius entries now? Geez, I can't seem to be original anymore here unless I write Zelda stuff or something. I wrote an Awakening entry for a round that had three of those, and now this. >_< Not blaming anybody here of course. It's just a kind of disappointing coincidence.

Well, consider what Shob told me once regarding a Xenoblade entry. Having not played it, he didn't know Colonel Vangarre is totally the type to ignore the signs of a stroke and refuse medical tests, and thus end up having a stroke that proves fatal. So it looked like bad or lazy writing, having a character suddenly drop dead. Because the characterization I gave was all he had to work with.

Having multiple people write for the same setting can be a blessing or a curse. On one hand, you know the setting and characters are well known and can be judged accurately. On the other hand, it's kind of fierce competition.

Edited by Dragoncat
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10 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Well, consider what Shob told me once regarding a Xenoblade entry. Having not played it, he didn't know Colonel Vangarre is totally the type to ignore the signs of a stroke and refuse medical tests, and thus end up having a stroke that proves fatal. So it looked like bad or lazy writing, having a character suddenly drop dead. Because the characterization I gave was all he had to work with.

Having multiple people write for the same setting can be a blessing or a curse. On one hand, you know the setting and characters are well known and can be judged accurately. On the other hand, it's kind of fierce competition.

Yeah, I totally get what you're saying, but I always like being different, that's all I can say. :P

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Eh, Sothe and Micaiah were always a weird couple to me. Mainly due to how they literally call one another family/siblings and Micaiah kinda raised Sothe as well since she took him in when he was a little boy and she already looked like a teenager at the time. I would've preferred Pelleas x Micaiah in the same vein that I do Ike x Elincia over Geoffrey x Elincia. One couple already called one another siblings/family and that is non-biological incest to me.

Because I grew up with stepsiblings of my own, whom I called my siblings even before my mom officially adopted them, I will just always view romances like Sothe and Micaiah and Geoffrey and Elincia as disturbing and very improper. Sothe and Micaiah being the bigger offenders of the two since the familial thing is even more blatant with them.

I have the same problems with Corrin being able to marry any of the Fates royals, including Azura. ESPECIALLY Azura.

But I admit I kinda like what you wrote here, Jotari. I'd have added a little more description to balance out all that dialogue, but other than that, good job!

I agree. That's why I tried to depict their marriage as less of a romance and more of a continuation of the relationship they already have. Sex and babies might end up happening, but it's not really the main goal or desire for either of them.

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51 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I agree. That's why I tried to depict their marriage as less of a romance and more of a continuation of the relationship they already have. Sex and babies might end up happening, but it's not really the main goal or desire for either of them.

Yeah, that's why I liked what you wrote, because you depicted it that way. It feels more realistic.

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3 hours ago, Jotari said:

I agree. That's why I tried to depict their marriage as less of a romance and more of a continuation of the relationship they already have. Sex and babies might end up happening, but it's not really the main goal or desire for either of them.

How would people even do that, though? I mean, I am not used to something like this (marriage without romance, at least not with Fire Emblem). It’s interesting.

Still don’t know if I would ship, will have to play RD first. I know that their paired ending like this is the only one they have, but still.

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8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

We have three Tellius entries now? Geez, I can't seem to be original anymore here unless I write Zelda stuff or something. I wrote an Awakening entry for a round that had three of those, and now this. >_< Not blaming anybody here of course. It's just a kind of disappointing coincidence.

I think I have some flexibility to change things over, I've had this one Baten Kaitos x Xenoblade Chronicles 2 idea floating around which I've never actually fleshed out. Admittedly I forget the characters both somewhat, and I'm not quite sure whether it'd be best used here, but I could try adapting it. 

And thinking on that, although I don't love them, listening to "So Nah, So Fern" makes me think I've an Xenoblade Chronicles X scenario I could expand on.

Or I could go in a different direction within FE and pick another continent. I was considering Archanea or Valentia, but there isn't so much for the former for me to work with, and I don't know Valentia so well.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think I have some flexibility to change things over, I've had this one Baten Kaitos x Xenoblade Chronicles 2 idea floating around which I've never actually fleshed out. Admittedly I forget the characters both somewhat, and I'm not quite sure whether it'd be best used here, but I could try adapting it. 

And thinking on that, although I don't love them, listening to "So Nah, So Fern" makes me think I've an Xenoblade Chronicles X scenario I could expand on.

Or I could go in a different direction within FE and pick another continent. I was considering Archanea or Valentia, but there isn't so much for the former for me to work with, and I don't know Valentia so well.

Oh okay, I see. That Xenoblade 2 thing might be neat for me, I play that game and it's the one Xeno game I've actually touched.

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46 minutes ago, Azure in a Roundabout said:

How would people even do that, though? I mean, I am not used to something like this (marriage without romance, at least not with Fire Emblem). It’s interesting.

It's more common than you think. Also, don't think of it as marriage without romance. Marriage doesn't inherently mean there's sex involved. Think of an average old couple, they're married, so it's basically just an advanced relationship. Granted, those old people might've done some hanky-panky beforehand, but the idea can be applied to relationships at an earlier age. Love can be expressed in many different ways, and if it's just two people getting married for some reason outside of sex, like tax benefits, then so be it. Also I'm positive there are marriages without romance somewhere in FE. It's not in any modern FE, but in the older FEs, like Radiant Dawn with Ike's paired endings with Soren/Ranulf, or some of the paired GBA endings where it's only stated that the pair aids each other where necessary. But I do agree that it's very interesting, mainly since it's a relationship type not normally expressed in media, so seeing more interpretations of it will always be fascinating. 

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